Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch218- Goblet of Hedwig! (Kinda on Fire)

Ch218- Goblet of Hedwig! (Kinda on Fire)

Hello you all,

My Naruto fic is about to end, and I am happily announcing that my next fanfiction will be set in the Marvel universe. I had already published the pilot chapter before in previous fic Creati Hero: All-Father, if you can't find it, let me know.

Now that I announce this happy occasion, it is time for a question. At the moment, Marvel chapters are longer than my regular chapters, ranging from around 2.5k words to more than 4k words. I plan to publish 3 to 4 chapters a week, or would you prefer daily chapters with 1.3k to 1.5k words?

Please let me know.




Harry watched as the simulation unfolded. Jacob, now fully under Riddle's influence, began experiencing vivid dreams and visions orchestrated by the Horcrux. The diary's hold on him tightened, controlling Jacob, who was in the Chamber of Secrets, where the shadow of a giant monster awaited for final order. However, as Jacob's memories surfaced, revealing his parents' roles as war heroes, the diary's tone shifted, growing more malevolent and threatening.

Riddle's voice echoed from the pages, dripping with malice. "Your parents caused my downfall. They must pay. And you, their son, will be my instrument of revenge."

Jacob's heart pounded in his chest, fear mingling with a spark of defiance. "What are you talking about? Who are you?"

Riddle's laugh was cold and cruel. "I am the one your parents feared most. I am Lord Voldemort."

The revelation sent a shockwave through Jacob. The realization of who he was dealing with gave him the strength to fight back. "No! You can't be. Your name is Tom Marvolo Riddle."

Tom's image appeared out of nowhere, snatching Jacob's wand, and fiery letters spelling out his name flared in the sky. "This name, given by my Muggle father, cannot be accepted," Tom declared, his voice dripping with disdain.

Jacob stood frozen, his mind reeling from the revelation. "Who are you really?" he managed to ask, his voice trembling with a mix of fear and anger.

Tom sneered, his eyes glinting with dark amusement. "I am no longer the boy named Tom Riddle. I have shed that name and the weakness of my past. I am now known as Voldemort," he announced, the letters in the sky rearranging themselves to form the words "I Am Lord Voldemort."

Jacob's eyes widened as the letters shifted, revealing the anagram. "You... you're Voldemort?" he whispered, his voice barely audible. The weight of the revelation crashed down on him, filling him with dread.

"Indeed," Voldemort replied, his tone chilling. "And now, you will serve me or perish."

Jacob's mind raced as he grappled with the implications. The boy who had once been a brilliant student at Hogwarts had transformed into the most feared Dark Lord in history. "Why are you doing this?" he demanded, his voice stronger now. "Why did you turn into this monster?"

Voldemort's eyes narrowed, and he stepped closer to Jacob, his presence overwhelming. "Because power is the only truth, and I have embraced it fully," he hissed. "Those who seek to control me, who seek to bind me to their petty morals, will be destroyed."

Jacob took a step back, his face pale with fear, as he realized the gravity of his discovery. "It was you," he said, his voice shaking. "You were the one who opened the Chamber of Secrets fifty years ago. You released the monster and caused a student's death. It was always you."

Tom Riddle's expression twisted into a sinister grin. "Indeed," he said, his voice dripping with malevolence. "I opened the Chamber of Secrets. I commanded the monster. It was my will that brought fear and chaos to Hogwarts."

Jacob's hands trembled as he struggled to comprehend the extent of Riddle's evil. "Why? Why would you do that?"

Riddle's eyes gleamed with a cold, dark light. "Power, Jacob. Power and control. By unleashing the monster, I demonstrated my dominance over the school, over the so-called 'purebloods'. It was a message to all who opposed me. No bloodline can be purer than mine!"

Jacob's mind raced, the weight of Riddle's words settling heavily on him. "You killed an innocent student... all for power?"

Riddle stepped closer, his presence overwhelming. "Yes, and I would do it again without hesitation. Power is the only truth in this world, Jacob. Those who seek to control it must be willing to do whatever it takes."

Jacob's heart pounded in his chest. He knew he had to do something to stop Riddle, to prevent him from causing any more harm. "You're a monster," he said, his voice filled with a mixture of fear and determination.

Riddle's laughter echoed through the chamber, chilling Jacob to the bone. "Perhaps, but I am a monster with a purpose. And now, you will serve me or perish."

Jacob's resolve hardened. He couldn't let Riddle continue his reign of terror. "I'll never serve you," he said, his voice steady despite his fear. "I'll fight you with everything I have."

Riddle's expression darkened, and the air around them seemed to grow colder. "Very well," he said, his voice low and menacing. "Prepare to face the consequences of defying me."

Jacob grimaced, "You exist because of me," he declared, then used a spell to end his life heroically. Riddle screamed, "No!" But it was too late. His form flickered, as his soul lost the anchor that kept it tethered to life. When the vision ended in the Virtual Room, Nigel asked, "Why go to such lengths, Master Harry?"

Harry sat on the ground and leaned back against the wall, "I will send this memory to the Headmaster, Madam Bones, and the Ministry. They will know it was Voldemort all along."

Nigel hummed, "This will bring more trouble than solutions."

Harry nodded, "I know. It is full of holes. How did Voldemort appear? Where is the Chamber of Secrets? What happened to Voldemort? Who is Jacob? No matter how I fake it, one look at the registry, and they will know that there is no such student. But I cannot impersonate another person either. They will question the authenticity of this memory, but I believe it will give Hagrid a fair trial in the end."

Nigel shook his virtual head, "A long shot."

Harry leaned back, exhaling deeply. "I know it’s a gamble, but it’s the best chance we’ve got to clear Hagrid’s name. He’s been unfairly punished for too long."

Nigel’s tone turned thoughtful, "Master Harry, you realize this might prompt the Ministry to launch a full-scale investigation into Hogwarts, don’t you?"

Harry’s eyes darkened. "Let them investigate. It’s about time the truth comes out, even if it stirs up some chaos. At least this way, we can set the record straight and prevent further injustices."

Nigel chuckled, "You are not a  Gryffindor, Master Harry. Bold and brash, with a touch of recklessness shouldn't be your calling. Let’s proceed with caution and be cunning."

Harry smiled slightly. "I’ll prepare the memory now. We need to ensure every detail is meticulously arranged."

Hours later, Harry carefully reviewed the fabricated memory one last time. It depicted Jacob’s struggle, Riddle’s malevolence, and the tragic end that severed the Horcrux’s grip. The scene was heart-wrenching, designed to evoke empathy and outrage against Voldemort.

With a deep breath, Harry placed the memory into three separate bottles. He couldn't send owls, as there could be a trace back. He would later use another method to send them secretly. "Let's hope this will suffice."

Harry corked each vial carefully, ensuring they were sealed tightly. The memory swirled inside, a vivid depiction of the events he had fabricated. He knew this plan was risky, but it was the best chance he had to exonerate Hagrid and reveal the truth about Voldemort's involvement.

Leaving his room, Harry walked briskly towards his Transfiguration class, the final one before the exams. His thoughts were already racing ahead to his next steps. He would call Misty to discreetly send the memory vials through Muggle post to the Ministry and Madam Bones. For the Headmaster, a simpler method would suffice.

As Harry entered the classroom, he was greeted by Professor McGonagall’s stern yet welcoming gaze. "Good morning, Mr. Potter," she said, nodding slightly.

"Good morning, Professor," Harry replied, taking his seat between Daphne and Tracey. Pansy sat behind him, while Draco, Zabini, and Nott were in front.

"Today, we will once again work on the Reparifarge spell," Professor McGonagall began, her voice firm and clear. "First, I would like you all to summon your familiars and then turn them into goblets using Vera Verto. Following that, you will use Reparifarge to turn them back."

Harry focused his mind, sending a silent call to Hedwig. Within moments, she swooped down gracefully through an open window, landing lightly on his desk. He stroked her feathers gently before turning to the task at hand.

Around the classroom, other students were summoning their familiars with varying degrees of success. Some struggled, their familiars hesitating or arriving with a bit of confusion. Ron, sitting at the side and looking rather sullen, was using a school owl. It had been recently revealed that his pet rat, Scabbers, was actually a man in disguise, which left Ron without a familiar of his own.

"Vera Verto," Harry incanted, his wand movements precise. Hedwig transformed into a shimmering silver goblet, adorned with intricate motifs of Hedwig in flight, Hogwarts’ towers, and Harry's initials intertwined with runes. The goblet stood elegantly on the desk, its surface reflecting the warm glow of the classroom lights.

Seeing the transformation, Professor McGonagall couldn’t help but praise, “Once again, excellent job, Mr. Potter.” Her eyes briefly scanned the detailed designs on the goblet, clearly impressed by the level of skill and creativity.

Harry smiled modestly and nodded. "Thank you, Professor."

Around him, the other students were at various stages of their transformations. Daphne had turned her owl into a beautifully ornate goblet with swirling patterns resembling the Hogwarts crest. Tracey's was more daring. A beautiful owl carrying a girl in her claws. Pansy behind, was still struggling to get the form just right, her goblet wobbly and uneven.

McGonagall moved through the rows, offering guidance and corrections. “Focus on the incantation, Miss Parkinson. Remember, it’s all in the wrist movement and intent.”

Harry leaned over to Pansy and whispered, “Try visualizing the goblet in your mind first, then cast the spell.”

Pansy nodded, taking a deep breath before trying again. “Vera Verto.” This time, her owl transformed into a steadier goblet, though still lacking the finesse of Harry’s.

After transforming their familiars back to their original forms, McGonagall moved on to the next part of the lesson. “Now, we will use the Reparifarge spell to return our familiars to their original state. This requires precision and concentration. Watch carefully.”

She demonstrated the spell, her wand movement smooth and confident. “Reparifarge.” The familiar of a student, a tabby cat, transformed back from the goblet into its original form, purring contentedly.

Harry expertly transformed Hedwig back into her original form, and she immediately started to nibble at his ear. "That was uncomfortable," she hooted softly.

Harry chuckled, stroking her feathers gently. "Sorry, girl. Won't happen again," he promised, scratching her favorite spot behind her ears.

Tracey, who had been watching intently, leaned over and remarked, "It's almost like you can understand her."

Harry grinned but didn't answer, letting the comment hang in the air as he focused on the next task. Nearby, Daphne was attempting the spell, her concentration evident as she muttered the incantation under her breath.

The classroom buzzed with activity as students practiced their spells. The faint hum of magic filled the air, interspersed with the occasional spark or puff of smoke from a miscast spell. Professor McGonagall moved through the rows, offering guidance and correcting mistakes with her usual precision.

"Well done, Mr. Malfoy," she commented as Draco successfully transformed his owl back from a goblet. "Consistency is key."

Harry glanced over at his friends. Daphne had managed to revert her owl back smoothly, and Tracey, after a few more attempts, finally succeeded as well. "Nice job, Tracey," Harry encouraged, giving her a thumbs-up.

Tracey beamed, clearly pleased with herself. "Thanks, Harry. I was worried I’d never get it right."

Pansy, sitting behind them, sighed in frustration as she struggled with her transformation. Harry turned to offer some advice. "This time, try visualizing the original form more clearly in your mind before casting the spell," he suggested.

Pansy nodded, taking a deep breath and focusing. "Reparifarge," she intoned, her wand movements deliberate. This time, her owl transformed back successfully, albeit with a bit of a wobble.

"Excellent, Miss Parkinson," Professor McGonagall praised. "Remember, practice makes perfect."

The lesson continued with students refining their techniques, each becoming more confident in their abilities. Harry felt a sense of accomplishment, not just for himself but for his friends as well. They were all improving together, each spell a step forward in their magical education.

As the class drew to a close, Professor McGonagall addressed the students. "For your homework, I want you to write a detailed analysis of the Reparifarge spell, including its origins and practical applications. Be thorough and concise."

The students nodded, packing up their things and heading out of the classroom. Harry lingered for a moment, gathering his books and giving Hedwig one last affectionate pat before she flew off.


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