Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch220- Questioning

Ch220- Questioning

After the feast, Harry made his way to Professor Lupin's room. The professor hadn't joined the festivities, and Harry wanted to bid him goodbye. The corridors were quieter than usual, with most students still in the Great Hall celebrating. Harry's footsteps echoed softly as he approached Lupin's door, his heart heavy with mixed emotions.

Harry knocked gently, and after a moment, the door creaked open. Lupin stood there, looking tired but offering a warm smile. "Harry, come in," he said, stepping aside to let Harry enter.

"Professor," Harry began, "I just wanted to say goodbye and thank you for everything this year."

Lupin's smile widened slightly. "Thank you, Harry. It's been a pleasure teaching you. You have a natural talent for Defense Against the Dark Arts."

Harry smiled at him softly, "It was an honor learning from you, Professor. You've taught us so much, and I wish you could stay."

Lupin's eyes softened, and he placed a reassuring hand on Harry's shoulder. "I appreciate that, Harry. But sometimes, circumstances beyond our control force us to make difficult decisions."

Harry nodded, understanding the unspoken truth. Lupin sighed, looking around the room as if taking in the memories of his time at Hogwarts. "It is not fair, but I know life rarely is fair. But we can only do our best with the time we have."

Harry shifted uncomfortably, glancing at the packed bags in the corner of the room. "Where will you go now?"

Lupin shrugged, his expression contemplative. "I'm not entirely sure yet. There are a few places I can go, people I can visit. But I'll always carry the memories of my time here with me."

Harry then suggested, "I think it would be good for you to live with Sirius. He needs someone who reminds him of better times and can help him deal with being locked up for so long."

Lupin's smile turned wistful. "Your parents were remarkable people, Harry. It's been an honor to teach you and see the same courage and strength in you that they had. I'll think about your offer, and see if it is feasible after all that happened."

Harry nodded, understanding Lupin's feelings. Whatever happened, Lupin had never visited or believed Sirius's innocence. And now, he felt guilty, but Harry still added, "Sirius could use the support, and you’d be good for each other."

Lupin considered this. "You're right, Harry. I'll seriously consider it. Thank you."

Harry felt relieved knowing that Lupin might find some purpose with Sirius. "Good luck, Professor."

Lupin placed a hand on Harry's shoulder. "Take care, Harry. You've got a bright future ahead. Stay strong."

With a nod, Harry left Lupin's room. As he walked through the quiet corridors back to the Slytherin common room, Nigel’s voice cut through his thoughts. "A practical suggestion, Master Harry. Lupin and Sirius could indeed help each other. Though, it seems to me you don't see yourself in that life."

"Thanks, Nigel," Harry replied mentally and ignored the second part of Nigel's question. "I hope it works out for them."

Entering his room then to the briefcase, Harry took the Diary from its hiding place and stared at it intently. "I've dealt with the Chamber of Secrets," he murmured, feeling a lingering unease. "But this Diary, this Horcrux of Voldemort, needs to be destroyed." A frown forming on his face. "Still, it might hold valuable information. Maybe I should study it first."

Nigel’s voice chimed in, his tone dripping with irony. “Master Harry, keeping a piece of Voldemort’s soul for light reading? How delightfully morbid.”

Harry chuckled despite himself. “I know, Nigel. It sounds risky, but there could be a lot to learn from it. Secrets about Voldemort, about his plans and weaknesses.”

Nigel sighed. “And here I thought we were done with dark and dangerous artifacts. But I suppose if anyone can handle it, it’s you.”

Harry nodded, determination settling in. “I’ll be careful. But we can’t pass up this opportunity. We need every advantage we can get.”

Placing the Diary back in its hiding spot, Harry decided to clear his mind and focus on the rest of his tasks. He had to ensure the memory he created would be sent off properly. “Misty,” he called softly.

With a pop, the small house-elf appeared, looking up at him with wide, expectant eyes. “Yes, Master Harry?”

“I need you to send these,” Harry said, handing her the vials containing the fabricated memory. “Make sure they reach the Ministry and Madam Bones discreetly.”

Misty nodded vigorously. “Misty will do as Master Harry asks.” With another pop, she disappeared, leaving Harry alone with his thoughts.

The day before the students were to leave for the summer holidays, a meeting was held in Dumbledore’s office. Harry was summoned, and as he entered, he saw Professor McGonagall, Minister Fudge, Madam Bones, and Dumbledore himself, all looking grave.

“Ah, Harry,” Dumbledore greeted him with a nod. “Welcome, my boy. Come and sit.”

Harry took a seat, his eyes scanning the faces around the room. "Professors, Minister Fudge, and Madam Bones," he greeted politely, his tone steady despite the tension in the air.

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled behind his half-moon spectacles. "Thank you for coming, Harry. We have a matter of some importance to discuss."

Harry nodded, keeping his expression neutral. "Of course, Professor. What is it?"

Madam Bones was the first to speak, her voice firm yet gentle. "Harry, do you know anyone named Jacob in school?"

Harry took a moment to think. "Yes, two actually," he said. Madam Bones looked hopeful while Dumbledore's eyes narrowed slightly in thought.

"Who are they?" Madam Bones asked, leaning forward a bit.

"Jacob Smith, a Ravenclaw Fifth Year, and David Jacob Kennedy, a Gryffindor Seventh Year," Harry replied. He could see the wheels turning in their minds as they processed this information.

Dumbledore shook his head. He knew about those two Jacobs, but neither matched the boy in the memory. "Anyone else?" Minister Fudge pressed, his eyes narrowing slightly as he scrutinized Harry.

Harry shook his head, maintaining a calm demeanor. "I don't know all the students, but I'm certain I know about ninety percent by name. If there's another Jacob, I'm not aware of him."

Madam Bones leaned forward, her gaze intense but not unfriendly. "Harry, have you noticed anything unusual lately? Anything at all?"

Harry furrowed his brow, as if deep in thought. "Well, there are always rumors and odd happenings at Hogwarts, but nothing specific comes to mind right now."

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled behind his spectacles. "We appreciate your honesty, Harry. It's important that we gather as much information as possible."

Harry nodded, sensing the underlying tension in the room. "Of course, Professor. If I come across anything unusual, I'll let you know."

Minister Fudge cleared his throat, his tone more serious. "Harry, there have been... disturbing reports lately. We need to ensure the safety of all students."

Harry met the Minister's gaze steadily. "I understand, Minister. I'll keep my eyes and ears open."

Madam Bones exchanged a look with Dumbledore, then turned back to Harry. "Thank you, Harry. That's all we ask."

Harry excused himself and left the office, his mind racing. Nigel's voice echoed in his thoughts. "Well done, Master Harry. They suspect something, but you've managed to keep them off your trail."

Harry's lips twitched in a small smile. "Thanks, Nigel. I knew they'd be fishing for information. I just hope they don't dig too deep."

Harry could see that Dumbledore suspected him, but the headmaster had no proof. He also doubted that Dumbledore shared his suspicions with Madam Bones or Minister Fudge. Harry was close with both, and he knew Dumbledore would be careful. Harry had been meticulous; the only thing connecting him to the Chamber was the Diary, which was safely hidden. He had also omitted any mention of the Basilisk in the memory he created. They would only know it was Tom Riddle who opened the Chamber fifty years ago. That Tom Riddle was Voldemort, and that Hagrid was innocent. The location of the Chamber, the monster guardian, and the Horcrux were all omitted. No one would be wiser.

“Master Harry,” Nigel’s voice cut through his thoughts as he made his way to Slytherin Common Room, “your performance in there was nothing short of masterful. Truly, a politician in the making.”

Harry chuckled, "A politician? In another life, Nigel. Oh wait, I think next life was reserved for public speaker. Or was it a Professor? I lost track of it. Nigel, list my next life occupations." 


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