Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch221- Challenging for Crown

Ch221- Challenging for Crown

As he entered the common room, every Slytherin student was already present. They turned to him and greeted in unison, "Serpent."

A year ago, Harry had cleverly tricked all the students into taking the title "The Serpent of the Crown," and now, with another year ended, the students had the right to challenge him for the title. Last year, he had dreaded this day, knowing the older students were eager to test themselves. But over the past year, he had meticulously prepared for this moment. Smiling confidently, he walked to the center of the room.

The room responded to his presence, lifting him slightly and creating a throne with a serpent coiling around it. Sitting down, he looked at the gathered students. "Another year has ended, and some of us are graduating," he began, his voice steady and commanding.

The students watched him with a mix of respect and anticipation. Harry continued, "Our house has once again claimed the House Cup. We've dominated in Quidditch, excelled in academics, and shown the other houses what true ambition and cunning can achieve."

His eyes scanned the room, meeting the gaze of each student. "I know that some of you are eager to challenge me for the title of Serpent. And that's good. It's important to test our skills and prove ourselves."

He paused, letting his words sink in. "But remember, being the Serpent of the Crown is not just about strength or magical prowess. It's about leadership, strategy, and protecting our house. It's about ensuring that Slytherin remains strong and united."

The older students, who had been looking eager to challenge Harry, now seemed to consider his words more carefully. He could see the gears turning in their minds, weighing their chances against him.

Harry smiled, a hint of challenge in his eyes. "So, who will be the first to test themselves?"

A murmur ran through the room as students exchanged glances. Finally, a tall sixth year stepped forward. His name was Damian Blackwood, a well-built student known for his dueling skills and strategic mind. "You're not bad, Potter. You lead the house with your charisma and fame, but without power, fame and charisma are useless. Last year, you took the title with cunning, and we respected that because it's a quality of a good Slytherin. But next year, we won't allow you to continue without proving your strength."

Harry nodded calmly, his demeanor one of natural authority without arrogance. "Thank you for your honesty, Blackwood. Challenges are welcome in Slytherin, as they keep us sharp and strong. Step forward, and let’s see who deserves to hold the title. Make an opening."

The students made an opening in the room, forming a circle around the two. Harry stood and gestured with his wand, creating a shimmering barrier that surrounded them, ensuring the duel would be contained.

Damian, a well-built boy with a strong presence, seemed to radiate confidence. As they faced each other, Harry quickly recalled his details from the Magical Book all students had in the Dueling Club. One of the reasons Harry had gone to such lengths to create detailed books was to gather information on his potential opponents for the title. He knew that Damian was particularly skilled with defensive spells and counterattacks.

"Ready?" Harry asked, his wand at the ready.

Damian nodded, his expression serious. "Ready."

"Begin!" Harry announced, and the duel started immediately.

Damian was the first to start, casting a swift Expelliarmus. Harry deflected it with ease, his wand moving in a fluid, practiced motion. Without missing a beat, Harry countered with a Stupefy, which Damian barely dodged.

Damian's eyes narrowed, clearly surprised by Harry's quick response, his forte defense was proving useless. He fired off a series of rapid spells, trying to catch Harry off guard. But Harry anticipated each one, deflecting or dodging with an almost effortless grace.

As the duel continued, it became clear that Harry was not only matching Damian’s skill but surpassing it. Harry's movements were precise, his spells powerful and accurate. Damian struggled to keep up, his initial confidence waning with each passing moment.

Finally, Harry saw his opening. He cast a perfectly timed Petrificus Totalus, catching Damian off guard. The spell hit its mark, and Damian's body stiffened, falling to the ground with a thud. Harry walked over and gently lifted the spell, helping Damian to his feet.

"Well dueled," Harry said calmly, offering a hand. "You’ve got great skills, but remember, it's not just about power. It's about strategy and timing."

Damian, now free from the spell, nodded in acknowledgment, though frustration was evident in his eyes. "You’re right, Potter. Well dueled."

The students around them murmured in awe, clearly impressed by Harry's performance. But Harry noticed a few skeptical looks among the sixth years. They seemed unconvinced that Damian's defeat meant Harry was unbeatable.

Nigel's voice echoed in Harry's mind, laced with its usual dry humor. "It appears you have a few more admirers ready to test their mettle, Master Harry. How delightful."

Sure enough, another sixth-year student stepped forward. This was Ethan Graves, known for his expertise in hexes and jinxes. "I'll give it a go," Ethan said, a determined look in his eyes.

Harry nodded, stepping back into the dueling circle. "Whenever you're ready, Ethan."

Ethan wasted no time, launching a series of hexes at Harry with impressive speed. Harry parried them deftly, his wand a blur of motion. He quickly analyzed Ethan’s technique, noting the patterns and anticipating his next moves.

Harry responded with a powerful Protego, creating a shimmering shield that absorbed Ethan's attacks. He followed up with a well-aimed Incarcerous, conjuring ropes that wrapped around Ethan, immobilizing him.

Ethan struggled for a moment before realizing he was thoroughly outmatched. Harry lifted the spell and helped Ethan to his feet. "Good try, Ethan. Your hexes are strong, but you need to work on your defense."

Ethan nodded, a bit breathless. "Yeah, I’ll work on that. Good duel, Potter."

The murmurs grew louder, and Harry noticed two more sixth years exchanging glances. One was Kevin Goldbrew, known for his brute strength and raw magical power. The other was Lydia Green, whose specialty was in advanced transfiguration spells.

Nigel's voice cut through the noise in Harry's mind. "Well, well, Master Harry, it seems they are now lining up. Shall we entertain them?"

Kevin was the first to step forward. His reputation for brute force was well known, and his large frame made him an imposing opponent. "Let's see how you handle raw power, Potter," he said with a smirk.

Harry simply nodded, his expression calm and confident. "Let's begin."

Kevin started with a powerful Incendio, sending a blast of fiery energy toward Harry. Harry countered with a quick Aguamenti, dousing the flames and creating a cloud of steam. Using the cover, Harry moved swiftly, casting a silent Expelliarmus that caught Kevin off guard. Kevin's wand flew from his hand, clattering to the ground.

Before Kevin could react, Harry followed up with a non-verbal Stupefy, sending Kevin sprawling backward, stunned. The duel was over almost as quickly as it began. Harry stepped forward, helping Kevin to his feet.

"You have incredible power, Kevin," Harry said evenly. "But power without control can be a disadvantage."

Kevin rubbed his jaw, still a bit dazed. "Yeah, I see that now. Good duel, Potter."

The room buzzed with excitement and whispers. Harry turned his gaze to Lydia, the last of the sixth-year challengers. She stepped forward, her wand held with a delicate grace. "Shall we?" she asked, her voice steady.

Harry nodded, taking his place once more. Lydia was known for her finesse and creativity with transfiguration spells, and Harry knew this duel would require a different approach.

Lydia began with a series of intricate transfiguration spells, turning the floor beneath Harry's feet into a slippery surface and conjuring obstacles around him. Harry adapted quickly, using a combination of Levitation and Shield Charms to navigate and protect himself.

He countered with a well-timed Rictusempra, aiming to catch Lydia off balance. She deflected it skillfully, but Harry was already moving, casting a silent Finite Incantatem to neutralize her transfigurations.

Lydia attempted to transfigure a nearby chair into a swarm of birds to distract Harry, but he anticipated the move. With a swift flick of his wand, he cast a powerful Depulso, sending the chair—and Lydia's spell—flying harmlessly away.

Seizing the opportunity, Harry cast a non-verbal Incarcerous, binding Lydia with conjured ropes. She struggled briefly before acknowledging her defeat. Harry released her from the bindings and offered his hand.

"Your transfiguration skills are impressive, Lydia," Harry said sincerely. "But sometimes, simplicity and directness can be just as effective."

Lydia smiled, accepting his hand. "Well dueled, Harry. I’ll remember that."

As the final duel concluded, the room erupted in applause. Harry stood at the center. His gaze landed on a few students who looked undecided, but upon meeting his intense green eyes, they looked down, unwilling to challenge him further.


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