Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch222- End of the Second Year!

Ch222- End of the Second Year!

Seeing no one else stepping forward, Harry addressed the gathered students, his voice firm and clear. "Enjoy your summer and uphold our principles. We of Slytherin are ambitious and cunning, not backstabbers and thieves. Ambition and cunning are not qualities of evil; you can possess them and still represent fairness."

He paused, letting his words sink in. The students listened intently, some nodding in agreement. "To those who are graduating, I congratulate you in advance. Remember, we are always a family, and if you ever need assistance, you can always send me an owl."

The students cheered, the atmosphere buzzing with excitement and respect.

Harry's confident leadership had solidified his position as the Serpent of the Crown once again. His friends, Daphne and Tracey, stood by his side, their pride evident.

Nigel’s voice echoed in Harry’s mind. “Master Harry, your reign continues. Perhaps you should consider a crown.”

Harry chuckled internally. "I am the Serpent of that Crown, Nigel. It's a metaphor, but I believe it represents the spirit of the title quite adequately."

"Touché, Master Harry. Shall we return to our quarters for a well-deserved rest?" Nigel quipped.

Harry nodded to himself, feeling a mix of relief and satisfaction. He bid farewell to his friends and fellow Slytherins. He then gestured for them to settle down. "Now, let’s all enjoy the rest of our evening. We've earned it."

As the gathering dispersed, Daphne and Tracey approached Harry. Daphne grinned, her eyes sparkling with pride. "Well done, Harry. You handled those challenges brilliantly."

Tracey nodded in agreement. "Yeah, you showed them why you're the Serpent of the Crown."

"No need to exaggerate, girls. But appreciate the vote of confidence." Harry thanked them with a smile. "Goodnight, everyone," he called out as the common room began to empty. His fellow students echoed his farewell, their respect for him evident in their expressions. Reaching his room, Harry changed into his night clothes.

Settling into bed, Harry allowed himself to relax. His room was dimly lit by the soft glow of the moon through the window, which was barely above the Great Lake. With that, he drifted off to sleep, the events of the day fading into the background as he slipped into a restful slumber. The next morning, Harry awoke feeling refreshed. The sun was just beginning to rise, casting a warm glow over his room. He stretched, feeling ready for the day ahead. Today was the day they would leave Hogwarts and return home for the summer.

Harry quickly got dressed and made his way to the Great Hall for breakfast. The hall was buzzing with the usual end-of-term excitement. Students chatted animatedly, making plans for the summer and saying their goodbyes. Harry found his usual spot at the Slytherin table, joining Daphne, Tracey, and the rest of his friends.

Susan and Hannah were already at the Slytherin table, chatting animatedly and waiting for Harry. When they spotted him, they waved him over with bright smiles. Harry made his way to them, noticing Neville and Ginny entering the hall. They saw Harry and quickly joined the group, their faces reflecting the excitement of the last day of term.

Hermione arrived shortly after, looking more relaxed than she had all year now that the exams were over. She was flanked by the Weasley twins, who were animatedly discussing their latest prank ideas. They all found seats around Harry, the usual house boundaries completely ignored as the friends from different houses gathered together.

Luna gently tugged Cho Chang along, leading her to the Slytherin table. The two Ravenclaws settled in, adding to the lively mix of students.

As Harry sat down with his friends, Pansy settled near him, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Golden boy Harry," she sneered, "what adventures are waiting for you this summer? Last year, it was dragon taming, then you disappeared to France. Should I assume you were scared of dragons and ran to another country?"

Harry rolled his eyes but couldn't suppress a grin. "Scared? Hardly, Pansy. I just needed a change of scenery after taming those dragons. France was more of a well deserved vacation, you know."

Pansy smirked, clearly enjoying Harry's answer. "Vacation, right. I bet you spent your days sipping butterbeer by the pool, away from dragons."

Harry laughed. "Not quite, Pansy. It was more about learning new spells and practicing my French."

Tracey, seated nearby, couldn't help but chime in. "You just wish you were having as much fun as Harry, Pansy. Admit it."

Pansy rolled her eyes. "Fun isn't the word I'd use. More like trouble. What sort of trouble are you planning this year, Potter?"

Harry shrugged nonchalantly. "Nothing too extravagant, just the usual. Maybe a bit of exploring, maybe some studying."

Pansy scoffed. "Exploring? What, your backyard? How thrilling."

Nigel's voice rang in Harry's mind. "Master Harry, your life is practically a holiday brochure for the wizarding world. Perhaps you should charge admission."

Harry chuckled inwardly. "I’ll consider it, Nigel."

Daphne, who had been listening with amusement, interjected. "Leave him alone, Pansy. We all know Harry’s summer will be more exciting than anything we could dream up."

Pansy leaned back, crossing her arms. "Fine, fine. Just make sure you come back in one piece. We need our you know what after all."

Susan, who had been quietly eating her breakfast, spoke up. "Do you have any plans to visit anyone over the summer, Harry?"

Harry nodded. "I’ll be visiting Sirius. I think he could use some company, and it'll be nice to catch up."

Hermione, who had just joined the conversation, looked thoughtful. "I read about some amazing magical sites in France. Did you get a chance to visit any of them last year?"

Harry smiled, knowing what Hermione really wanted to know. "Yes, I did. The Palace of Beauxbatons was particularly impressive. Their library is massive, filled with ancient texts and artifacts."

As the conversation continued, Harry felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned to see Luna, her usual serene smile in place. "Harry, did you see any Crumple-Horned Snorkacks in France?"

Harry grinned. "Not this time, Luna. But I did keep an eye out for them."

Luna nodded, satisfied with his answer. "Well, maybe next time. They are quite elusive, you know.

Fred and George couldn't resist joining in. "Hey, Harry, maybe you can teach us some of those French spells. We could add a little 'je ne sais quoi' (a certain something) to our pranks," Fred suggested with a wink.

Harry laughed at their jest. "How about I teach you 'Fous-moi le feu'?" (Blow my arse)

Fred and George whistled. "Sounds strong, what does it do?"

Harry grinned. "It blows fireworks that make you impossible to sit."

George leaned in, grinning. "Come on, Harry, give us a taste. We promise to use them responsibly... most of the time."

Harry shook his head, smiling. "Alright, I'll show you a couple. But only if you promise not to blow anything up. Well, a couple of spots are exception."

Fred and George exchanged mischievous glances. "We make no such promises," they said in unison, causing the whole table to burst into laughter.

Hermione chimed in. "Harry, maybe you should teach them something harmless. We don't want any accidents."

Harry nodded thoughtfully. "Good idea, Hermione. How about a charm that makes twins appreciate a cup of tea in silence? That would make our lives more peaceful."

Fred and George pretended to look offended, their eyes wide with mock horror. "Silence?" Fred gasped dramatically. "Us?"

"Never!" George added, shaking his head vigorously.

The table erupted in laughter. Harry joined in, enjoying the light-hearted banter. "All right, all right. Maybe not silence. How about a charm that ensures your pranks don't explode in your faces?"

Fred grinned. "Now that, we can get behind."

Harry chuckled, "Or they can get behind you."

Fred tilted his head, "What now?"

Harry smiled harmlessly, "Just mumbling."

George nodded eagerly. "Deal, Harry. But you have to show us a really cool spell."

Harry pretended to consider it seriously. "Hmm, let me think. Maybe something that makes your jokes even more hilarious."

The twins exchanged a look, clearly intrigued. "We're listening," Fred said, leaning forward.

"How about a charm that makes the victim hear a hilarious joke in their head whenever they try to speak?" Harry suggested.

Fred's eyes lit up. "Brilliant! Imagine trying to tell Professor Snape something serious, and he bursts out laughing instead."

George chuckled. "Oh, we'd pay to see that."

Hermione sighed, shaking her head. "You two are incorrigible. But at least it's not dangerous."

Ginny laughed. "We all know they won't stick to harmless pranks for long. It's in their nature."

Harry grinned. "That's true. But we can always hope."

Hannah, who had been listening quietly, finally spoke up, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "I can't help but picture Professor Snape laughing uncontrollably in the middle of a serious lecture. That would be priceless! We need to learn this spell."

Harry shook his head, chuckling. "Let's not go that far. Imagine if he couldn't stop laughing—he'd be completely useless in class."

The conversation drifted to more harmless topics, and the group continued their lively breakfast, sharing jokes and making plans for the summer. The Great Hall buzzed with the end-of-term excitement, students eagerly discussing their holiday plans and saying their goodbyes.


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