Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch237- Birthday

Ch237- Birthday

As the morning went on, Harry's friends began to arrive. The first to step through the door were Neville and his grandmother, Augusta Longbottom. Alongside them were Neville’s Uncle Arthur, Aunt Helen, and their children, Mark and Lily. Augusta handed Harry a neatly wrapped gift.

"Happy birthday, Harry," Augusta said, her tone formal yet affectionate.

Neville grinned and added, "Can’t wait to catch up, Harry."

"Thank you, Mrs. Longbottom. It’s great to see you all," Harry replied, shaking hands with Uncle Arthur and exchanging pleasantries with Aunt Helen and their kids.

Next came Daphne and Tracey, his closest friends. Astoria, tagged along, clutching a beautifully wrapped present. Grenngrasses and Davises were following right behind, shook Harry's hand or hugged, and went into mingle with other parents.

“Happy birthday, Harry,” Daphne said with a warm smile. Tracey nodded in agreement, adding, “We’ve got something special for you.”

“Thanks, Daphne, Tracey,” Harry replied, giving them each a quick hug. He ruffled Astoria’s hair, making her giggle. “I’m glad you all could make it.”

Susan and Hannah entered together, their cheerful energy filling the room. They carried a basket of homemade treats.

“Harry! Happy birthday!” Susan exclaimed, hugging him tightly. Hannah followed suit, offering a warm smile. “We brought some goodies. Hope you like them.”

“Thanks, Susan, Hannah. These look delicious,” Harry said, peeking into the basket.

Next came Hermione, arriving with her parents. Her father, Mark Granger, gave Harry a hearty clap on the shoulder. "You're growing up fast," he remarked with a smile. Leaning in, he added in a playful whisper, "We brought some pastries, but don't eat too many. They're bad for your teeth."

Hermione's mother, Catelyn, rolled her eyes. "They're magical, dear. I'm sure a few cavities can be healed with a woosh."

Hermione huffed in mild exasperation. "It's not a woosh, Mom; it's a spell."

Harry laughed, welcoming them warmly. "Thanks for coming, Mr. and Mrs. Granger. The pastries sound great."

Following the Grangers, the Weasleys arrived. Molly Weasley led the group, holding Ginny's hand, while the twins, Fred and George, followed with mischievous glints in their eyes. Ron trailed behind them with Arthur Weasley.

"Happy birthday, Harry!" Molly exclaimed, pulling him into a tight hug.

"Thanks, Mrs. Weasley," Harry said, smiling as he greeted the rest of the family.

The twins exchanged sly looks. "Got any plans for today, Harry?" Fred asked.

"Anything we can help with?" George added, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

Harry chuckled, knowing their reputation. "Just try to keep the pranks to a minimum, alright?"

Ron approached with a casual wave. "Happy birthday, mate."

"Thanks, Ron," Harry replied, giving him a friendly pat on the back.

As the Weasleys settled in, Harry's other friends began to arrive, filling the house with a lively, buzzing atmosphere. Luna Lovegood, with her usual serenity and quirky attire, was next to arrive with her equally eccentric father. She handed Harry a peculiar-looking plant.

"Happy birthday, Harry. It's a Wrackspurt Repellent. Very useful," she explained in her usual drifty tone.

"Thanks, Luna," Harry said, accepting the gift with a smile.

Luna pointed to the man next to her and introduced him, "This is my father, Xenophilius Lovegood, the great editor of The Quibbler." To prove her point, she gestured towards the stacks of magazines he carried. "Here, I brought you the best copies of The Quibbler. You'll catch up in no time."

Harry laughed awkwardly, taking the magazines. "Thanks, sir."

Xenophilius beamed. "It's always good to have more readers. Enjoy!"

Harry invited them all in where Petunia made her way through the room, greeting the guests with a warm smile, Harry couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. She had truly embraced her role in his life and had made an effort to make this day special for him. The house was filled with laughter and conversation as everyone mingled, creating a lively and welcoming atmosphere.

Harry noticed Pansy Parkinson arriving with her mother, who carried herself with an air of nobility and haughtiness. Pansy smirked as she approached Harry, her usual teasing demeanor evident. "Happy birthday, Potter. Managed to survive another summer, I see."

Harry smirked back, enjoying their usual banter. "Barely, Parkinson. Thanks for coming."

The next guests to arrive were Padma and Parvati Patil, along with Lavender Brown, accompanied by Lavender's parents. The Patil twins, having returned from a visit to India, carried a touch of their heritage in their attire, which added a unique charm to the gathering. "Happy birthday, Harry!" they chorused, handing him a beautifully wrapped gift.

"Thank you, Padma, Parvati," Harry replied, smiling at their coordinated greeting. "I'm glad you could make it."

Lavender's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Brown, were equally warm. "Our daughter speaks so highly of you, Harry. We're pleased to finally meet you," Mrs. Brown said, shaking his hand.

"Thank you, Mrs. Brown. It's great to have you here," Harry responded politely.

Next, Cho Chang entered with an apologetic smile, mentioning that Penelope Clearwater couldn't attend but sent her best wishes. "Happy birthday, Harry! Penelope wishes she could be here, but she's tied up with some family matters," Cho explained.

"Thank you, Cho. I will make sure to thank Penelope," Harry said, appreciating her effort to relay the message.

Draco Malfoy and Theodore Nott arrived together, both looking a bit apprehensive. "Happy birthday, Harry," Draco said, handing over a gift. His parents"politely" refused to attend, as they would rather rot in hell then be in the same room as Weasleys.

"Thanks, Draco," Harry replied, welcomed them in.

Theodore looked slightly embarrassed. "Sorry my father couldn't come," he mumbled. Harry knew Nott's father was a Death Eater, and the boy's discomfort was evident.

"It's fine, Theo. I'm glad you could make it," Harry said reassuringly.

Finally, Blaise Zabini arrived with his mother, Elisabetta Zabini. As always, she exuded elegance and sophistication. "Happy birthday, Harry," she said, pulling him into a hug and pressing his head to her bosom. Harry, blushing, stepped back quickly.

"Thank you, Mrs. Zabini," he said, trying to compose himself.

Petunia, who had been observing the scene, narrowed her eyes slightly, a hint of hostility in her gaze. She quickly masked it with a polite smile as she approached Harry, pulling him to her side, her arm wrapped around him, pressing his head gently to her chest. "Very nice to meet you. I've heard a lot about from Harry, but I didn't know you looked so young despite your age. Harry never mentioned."

Elisabetta, unfazed by the veiled insult, returned the smile warmly. "Oh, thank you. I've always believed in taking care of oneself. It's a pleasure to finally meet you too, Mrs. Evans. Harry has spoken highly of you. It must be a lot of work maintaining such a lovely home all on your own. It's evident how much effort you put into managing this house; you carry it with grace."

Petunia’s smile tightened, realizing Elisabetta was subtly implying she looked tired and worn out. "I do my best to ensure he has a proper home, of course. It's so important for young boys to have stability, don't you think?"

Elisabetta's eyes twinkled with amusement, knowing Petunia had heard about her seven husbands. "Absolutely, stability is crucial. It's wonderful that Harry has found such a nurturing environment here. He's quite lucky to have you, especially when not everyone is cut out for the demands of parenting a magical child."

Petunia's grip on Harry's shoulder tightened slightly; as the remark touched a nerve regarding her status as a Muggle, but what most didn't know was she was a Squib. "Yes, we're very close. Almost like mother and son."

Elisabetta nodded, her smile unwavering. "That's lovely to hear. It's so important for children to have strong role models in their lives. Harry has certainly grown into a fine young man."

Petunia's eyes narrowed slightly, but she maintained her polite demeanor. "Thank you, Mrs. Zabini. I take great pride in his upbringing. It's not always easy, but it's rewarding."

Elisabetta leaned in slightly, her tone conspiratorial. "I can imagine. Raising a child with such potential must come with its own set of challenges. But you seem to handle it with such poise."

"Poise, yes. It's all about maintaining a certain standard," Petunia replied, her voice tight.

Harry, sensing the tension, decided to intervene. "Aunt Petunia, Mrs. Zabini, why don't we head to the garden? The other guests are enjoying the fresh air, and I believe some are starting a game of Quidditch."

Petunia released her grip on Harry and nodded. "That sounds like a splendid idea, Harry."

Elisabetta smiled graciously. "Lead the way, Harry."

As they walked towards the garden, Harry couldn't help but think about the subtle battle of words between his aunt and Elisabetta. He knew Petunia was protective and sometimes overly concerned about his associations, but this seemed personal.

The garden was buzzing with activity. Neville and Ginny were setting up a makeshift Quidditch pitch, while Hermione and Luna were deep in conversation about magical creatures. The twins were already up to their usual mischief, plotting their next prank.

Harry guided Elisabetta and Petunia to a spot where they could sit and watch the activities. "Please, make yourselves comfortable," he said, gesturing to a pair of garden chairs.

Petunia settled into her chair, her eyes still watching Elisabetta closely. "Harry, dear, why don't you join the others in the game? I'll be fine here."

Harry hesitated for a moment but nodded. "Alright, Aunt Petunia. Enjoy the garden."


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