Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch238- Grim News

Ch238- Grim News

As he joined his friends, he could hear the faint sounds of the continued polite conversation between Petunia and Elisabetta. He knew his aunt was holding her ground, but Elisabetta was no easy opponent.

Joining his friends for a game, Harry didn't join the game as a seeker but a beater. At this point, it was practically bullying if he played as a seeker, and everyone was aware of it. Instead, he grabbed a bat and took to the skies with a grin. The air was filled with laughter and the occasional whoosh of a broomstick as his friends and family watched from below.

As the game got underway, Harry found himself in a different kind of fun. Being a beater required a different set of skills—timing, precision, and a keen eye for the bludger's path. He swung the bat with controlled force, sending the bludger spiraling towards Draco, who dodged it with a smirk. Harry responded with a playful wink.

Neville, who was playing chaser, cheered when he managed to score a goal against Ginny, who was acting as the keeper. The friendly competition brought out the best in everyone, and even those who weren’t playing were thoroughly entertained.

"Nice hit, Harry!" Ron called out from his position as the other beater. Harry flashed him a thumbs up before redirecting another bludger. His reflexes were sharp, and he enjoyed the physicality of the role.

After a particularly intense rally, Harry flew down to take a break. He handed the bat to Fred, who eagerly took over. Sitting on the grass, Harry watched as the game continued with the same level of enthusiasm.

As the game wound down, everyone gathered for a picnic lunch in the garden. Plates were filled with a variety of delicious food, and the chatter was light and cheerful. Harry found himself seated between Hermione and Daphne, enjoying the camaraderie and the rare moment of peace.

"So, Harry," Hermione began, her eyes twinkling with curiosity, "did you manage to learn any new spells during your travels?"

Harry nodded, a grin spreading across his face. "I did, actually. Learned some pretty ancient magic in Nigeria. It's fascinating how different cultures approach magic."

Daphne leaned in, interested. "Like what? Any new tricks we should know about?"

Harry chuckled. "Well, I can't reveal all my secrets just yet. But let's just say I have a few new ideas for our Duelling Club."

This piqued the interest of everyone within earshot. The Duelling Club had become quite popular, and Harry's reputation for innovative strategies and spellwork made him a respected leader.

"Speaking of which," Blaise interjected, "we need to plan our next meeting. I have a few new techniques I picked up as well."

The conversation among Harry's friends shifted to planning and strategizing for the upcoming activities of the Duelling Club. They discussed new spells, techniques, and possible scenarios to practice, ensuring everyone was well-prepared for the upcoming term. Amidst the lively discussions, Draco approached Harry when the others were deep in conversation.

"My father accepted your proposal. Dobby will be freed, although I don't know how you convinced him. But thank you, Harry. I never liked how they were treating him," Draco said quietly, showing a rare moment of vulnerability.

Harry sighed, relieved that his plan had worked. "Make sure the next elf doesn't suffer," he said firmly.

Draco looked at Harry seriously, then nodded. "I'll make sure of it," he promised before walking away to rejoin the others.

After the picnic, Harry approached the adults to discuss business matters. Having proven himself in the wizarding business world, he was already in business with the Greengrasses and Longbottoms. Their potion shop, Long Green Pot, had become the most famous potioneer in all of Britain, expanding its influence throughout Europe. As Harry approached, he saw Arthur Longbottom talking with Arthur Weasley about incorporating Muggle technology into their magical gardens. Seeing Harry, Arthur Longbottom smiled warmly.

"Harry, we're opening three shops in Spain next week. Master Valencia was a great help," Arthur said, clearly pleased with their progress.

Harry smiled back, grateful for the connections he had made. "I should thank Mrs. Zabini for introducing me to Mercado Mágico. I made valuable contacts thanks to her."

Hearing her name, Elisabetta Zabini gave a charming smile. "Always here if you need me, Harry, dear," she said smoothly.

Petunia looked at her but remained silent, the tension between them palpable. Harry decided to steer the conversation towards more neutral topics, discussing future plans for the business and potential collaborations. The adults were impressed with Harry's foresight and maturity, recognizing the potential he had for future ventures.

Throughout the afternoon, Harry mingled with the guests, ensuring everyone was having a good time. He played a few more rounds of Quidditch, shared stories of his travels, and even performed a few magic tricks for the younger children, much to their delight. The garden buzzed with laughter and chatter, the celebration a resounding success.

The day ended as Harry's friends enthusiastically shared their business ideas. The adults present gauged the possibilities, provided feedback, and encouraged them. The ideas from last year were about to come to fruition, and next year, these adults would sponsor them with Harry to bring the new ideas to life. The newly joined students were excited and all pitched their best ideas.

As the discussions wrapped up, guests began to leave one by one. The last to remain was Mrs. Zabini. She gave Harry a kiss on the cheek while looking provocatively at Petunia and left with a laugh. "Still waiting for you to grow up and marry me, Harry," she said, winking.

Petunia gnawed her teeth but managed a smile for Harry. "I can't wait to see what the future holds for you, Harry. You've got so much potential."

Harry, feeling a mix of amusement and awkwardness from Mrs. Zabini's bold comment, hugged his aunt. "Thanks, Aunt Petunia. Today was really special."

Petunia nodded, a hint of pride in her eyes. "You've grown so much, Harry. Not just in your magic, but in how you manage everything. I'm very proud of you."

Harry felt a warmth spread through him at her words. "Thanks, Aunt Petunia. I couldn't have done any of this without your support."

They started to clean up after the party, although Misty did most of the work with magic, moving around swiftly and efficiently. Harry and Petunia assisted where they could, but it was clear that Misty had everything under control. The house quickly returned to its neat and tidy state, thanks to her efforts.

Once the cleaning was done, they decided to relax and unwind inside. Petunia suggested watching a movie, and Harry agreed enthusiastically. They chose "Jurassic Park," a film that had recently came out. As the movie began, they settled into the comfortable living room, the lights dimmed to create a cozy atmosphere.

The excitement of the dinosaurs quickly captured their attention. Misty, however, was quite easily affected by such movies. As the tension built, she became increasingly nervous, her large eyes darting around the room. Recognizing her discomfort, Harry gently suggested she go to her room to rest. Misty nodded gratefully and quietly left the room, disappearing with a soft pop.

Meanwhile, Crookshanks was out with Hedwig, likely engaged in a nocturnal hunt. The house felt peaceful, the occasional rustle of leaves outside adding to the quiet ambiance. As they watched the movie, Harry found himself completely absorbed by the thrilling scenes, the special effects bringing the prehistoric creatures to life in a way that was both mesmerizing and terrifying.

Petunia, sitting beside him, seemed equally captivated. They shared a few comments and reactions throughout the film, their bond growing stronger with each passing moment. Despite the intensity of the movie, Harry felt a sense of calm and contentment. It was these simple moments that he cherished the most—spending time with his aunt, enjoying a good movie, and feeling a sense of normalcy in his otherwise extraordinary life.

After the movie ended, they discussed their favorite scenes and characters. Petunia was particularly impressed by the ingenuity and bravery of the characters, while Harry marveled at the realistic depiction of the dinosaurs. Their conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter and shared insights.

As Harry got up to stretch, he suddenly sensed the wards around the house going wild. Misty appeared with a worried expression, and at that moment, Crookshanks entered with Hedwig. The cat meowed, "A lot of people," while Hedwig hooted in agreement, "They are strong." Harry quickly drew his wand and moved towards the door just as a knock sounded.

"Harry, it's me, Dumbledore. Please open the door," came the familiar voice of the Headmaster. Harry glanced at Crookshanks, who had the ability to sense suspicious or untrustworthy people. The cat meowed again, "He is real." Taking a deep breath, Harry opened the door and found Dumbledore standing there with a few Aurors.

"What's wrong, Headmaster?" Harry asked, letting them in. He had already sent Aunt Petunia away with Misty, just in case, leaving the house empty except for him, a cat, and an owl.

Dumbledore looked around the house, then spoke gravely. "Sadly, Peter Pettigrew, Bellatrix Lestrange, and Augustus Rookwood have escaped from Azkaban. We believe their target is you."

Harry was taken aback, "How could they escape from Azkaban?"

Dumbledore shook his head, a grave expression on his face. "Sadly, my boy, I have no idea. The Ministry is pursuing them, but they’ve yet to capture the fugitives."

Harry frowned, considering the implications. "And now?"

Dumbledore looked around the room, his gaze serious. "We are here to take you somewhere safe, Harry."

Harry shook his head, standing firm. "This house is protected by strong wards. There's no need to worry about me."

Dumbledore's eyes narrowed with concern. "I must insist, Harry. Your safety is paramount. This place may not be secure for the time being."

Harry remained resolute. "I appreciate your concern, Headmaster, but I will stay with my family."

Dumbledore, still unconvinced, offered another solution. "They can come with us as well."

After a moment's thought, Harry shook his head again. "That won’t be necessary, Headmaster. I assure you, we are well protected here."

Just then, as if to emphasize Harry's point, several experienced wizards appeared around them. The Aurors flanking Dumbledore immediately raised their wands, tension crackling in the air. Augusta Longbottom stepped forward, her presence commanding.

"What is going on, Harry? I thought the party was over," Augusta said, her tone a mix of curiosity and concern.

Harry turned to her, offering a calm smile. "It was, Lady Longbottom. But it seems we have some unexpected visitors."

Dumbledore addressed Augusta, his voice steady but urgent. "We must move Harry to a safer location. There have been some developments."

Augusta raised an eyebrow, her gaze shifting between Harry and Dumbledore. "I understand your concern, Albus, but Harry is quite capable of taking care of himself. Besides, we have ensured that this place is secure."

Harry appreciated Augusta's support. "Thank you, Lady Longbottom. As I've mentioned, the wards around this house are strong. We can handle any threats that come our way."

Dumbledore sighed, realizing that Harry and his allies were resolute. "Very well, Harry. But please, remain vigilant. The situation is precarious."

Harry nodded, appreciating Dumbledore's concern despite their differing opinions. "I will, Headmaster. Thank you for your concern."


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