Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch243- Oh, No!

Ch243- Oh, No!

Astoria glanced at Daphne and Harry, skepticism evident in her eyes. She found it hard to believe. Her father had often said that hierarchy was important at Hogwarts and that younger students usually followed the directives of older ones. Cyrus was right, but he assumed it was typically older students who became influential. Harry had gained the title of the Serpent of the Crown in his first year and was practically the king of Slytherin.

Astoria sighed, still unsure but slightly reassured by their words. Harry continued, "Besides, you have all of us. If anyone tries anything, we’ll handle it."

The train ride was lively, with students chatting and laughing about their plans for the new school year. Harry enjoyed the company of his friends, the excitement palpable in the air. Suddenly, the train jerked to a halt, plunging into darkness. Harry's instincts kicked in, and he immediately stood up, opening the compartment door. The corridors were filled with worried students, their voices blending into a cacophony of concern. Prefects were doing their best to maintain order, but the anxiety was growing.

"Harry, any idea what's happening?" Penelope Clearwater, the new Head Girl, approached him with Percy Weasley by her side. Harry shook his head, but he felt a cold creeping in, a chill that tugged at his Occlumency barrier. His eyes widened in realization. "Dementors," he whispered.

Penelope's face paled as she heard the word. "Everyone, back to your compartments and stay inside!" she instructed, turning to Harry. "What should we do?"

Harry took a deep breath. "We need to protect the students inside. I'll handle the Dementors."

Percy, holding his wand, looked skeptical. "You're not the Head Boy, Potter. Leave this to us. Dementors aren't something a third-year can handle."

Harry's gaze turned steely. "Go help the students, Percy. I can deal with this."

Penelope stepped between them, her voice firm. "Remember last year in the Duelling Club, Weasley. Harry knows what he's doing."

Percy hesitated, then nodded reluctantly. "Alright, but be careful," he said before moving to guide students back into their compartments.

Harry forcefully opened the door and climbed onto the top of the train. The cold dark air rushed past him as he balanced himself, eyes narrowing at the approaching figures cloaked in darkness. They glided towards the train, their faces obscured but exuding an aura of greed and malice. Harry could sense their intent as they closed in.

With a swift motion, Harry drew his wand and cast, "Expecto Patronum!" A radiant stag and a graceful doe materialized from the tip of his wand, illuminating the darkness of the stormy air. The doe began to circle the train, creating a protective barrier. The Dementors screeched in frustration, repelled by the corporeal Patronuses. Their eerie, rasping breaths filled the air as they halted their advance.

"What the hell do you want?" Harry demanded, his voice steady despite the tension.

The lead Dementor, its voice grating like nails on a chalkboard, responded, "We seek prisoners."

Harry understood the gravity of the situation immediately but maintained his defiant stance. "You can't just approach a train full of students and demand a search. That's not how it works."

The Dementor seemed to grow angrier, its shadowy form trembling with rage. It appeared ready to lash out, but the stag, standing protectively beside Harry, stared down the creature, daring it to make a move.

Inside the train, the atmosphere was thick with fear and confusion. Prefects were attempting to calm the younger students, their efforts only partially successful. Hermione and the others stayed alert, their wands ready, knowing Harry was handling the situation outside.

On top of the train, Harry held his wand firm, the glowing Patronuses casting an otherworldly light around him. "If you wish to challenge my light with your darkness, go ahead." The doe and stag grew even brighter as Harry silently added the Unicorn-tongue Patronus spell, making his Patronuses shine with a more intense, almost sacred light. The Dementors recoiled, feeling the threat of the holy light.

"You have no right to stop us," the lead Dementor rasped.

"And you have no right to search this train. Now, get lost," Harry replied, his voice unwavering.

The Dementors hissed in frustration but began to retreat, the intense light of the Patronuses proving too much for them. As they vanished into the darkness, Harry lowered his wand slightly, keeping the Patronuses active to ensure they were truly gone. He climbed back down into the train, feeling the warmth return as darkness receded.

Penelope and Percy found him, their faces still pale from the recent encounter. "Are they gone?" Penelope asked, her voice tinged with anxiety.

Harry nodded, then reached into his bag and pulled out a pouch, upending it to reveal a cascade of chocolate bars. "Distribute these to the students. Chocolate helps with the effects of the Dementors. It will make them feel better."

Penelope smiled gratefully and immediately set to work, handing out the chocolate to the frightened students. Percy lingered for a moment, watching Harry with a mixture of awe and curiosity. "Did you really cast a corporeal Patronus, Harry?" he asked, his voice almost reverent.

Harry saw no reason to hide the truth and nodded. While the students had only seen the doe circling the train, the stag had been up in the air, unseen by anyone. "Yes, I did."

Percy looked both impressed and hopeful. "C-can you teach me how to do it too?" he asked, his usual bravado replaced with earnestness.

Harry smiled and nodded. "Sure. Once we’re back at school, I'll do my best to help you."

Percy beamed with gratitude, then took some chocolates and went to assist the other students.

Returning to his compartment, Harry handed out chocolate to his friends. He ruffled Astoria's hair gently. "Unlucky you, encountering those cursed creatures on your first ride to Hogwarts."

Astoria looked up at him with wide eyes, still shaken. "I... I didn't know what was happening. It was so cold."

Harry's expression softened slightly. "Dementors are foul beings. They feed on fear and despair. But you're safe now, alright?"

Astoria nodded, trying to muster a brave smile. The chocolate seemed to help, bringing some color back to her cheeks. The rest of the journey was filled with quieter, more subdued conversation, everyone still feeling the aftermath of the Dementor attack.

When the train finally pulled into Hogsmeade Station, the students disembarked, eagerly looking for familiar faces among the crowd. The carriages, pulled by Thestrals visible only to those who had seen death, awaited to take them to the castle. As Harry helped Astoria to settle in one of the boats, and the others into one of the carriages, he couldn’t help but notice the extra security around the station. Aurors, their wands at the ready, scanned the area for any signs of trouble.

As they made their way up to the castle, Harry couldn’t shake the sense of foreboding that lingered. The escape of such dangerous wizards from Azkaban was not something to be taken lightly. He knew that this year would be challenging and that vigilance was necessary.

Upon their arrival at the castle, Harry was quickly approached by Professor McGonagall. Typically responsible for guiding first-year students, her tone was both proud and stern as she called, "Mr. Potter, come with me."

Harry sighed, already anticipating the topic of their conversation. He knew it was about his Patronus. As they walked, McGonagall led the way with determined strides. Just before opening the entrance to the Headmaster’s office, she turned and whispered, "What you did was brave and I am proud of you, Mr. Potter. Whatever others might say." A rare, small smile graced her usually stern face.

Harry returned her smile. "Thank you, Professor."

With a nod, McGonagall said the password and they ascended the stairs. Inside, Harry found three people and a phoenix. Fawkes looked agitated, clearly disturbed by something or someone. In the dim light, Snape's expression was more severe than usual. Dumbledore, seated behind his desk, rubbed his temples wearily while an amphibian-like woman lectured him.

"Oh, no!"


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