Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch244- The New DADA Professor!

Ch244- The New DADA Professor!

"Hm. Hm. A student of yours interfered with the Dementors' search, which was sanctioned by the Ministry. This complicates our already tenuous relationship with them. This requires punishment," she said.

Harry glared at the most despised woman he had ever met. "They let prisoners escape, and now you act as if it's our fault and we owe them something."

Dolores Umbridge turned her beady eyes on him, her voice dripping with disdain. "Hm. Disrespectful and meddlesome. You will not speak to a Professor like this."

Harry’s face hardened into a scowl. He looked to McGonagall, Dumbledore, and finally Snape, who gave a reluctant nod, his expression ugly with frustration. It seemed to suggest they had no choice but to endure this.

Harry thought angrily, 'I certainly won't be dealing with any curses this year.' He said aloud, "I don’t believe I was disrespectful. The Death Eaters escaped under their watch. We don’t owe them any explanations. They can’t just board a train full of students unsupervised and do whatever they want."

Umbridge's eyes narrowed further. "Hm. Your defiance only serves to highlight your lack of discipline, Mr. Potter. This will not be tolerated."

Dumbledore intervened, his tone calm but firm. "Harry's actions, though bold, were aimed at protecting his fellow students. Perhaps a more measured approach is necessary here."

Umbridge sniffed disdainfully. "Protecting students is one thing, but undermining Ministry authority is another. However, I want the real culprit. Hm." She turned her beady eyes on the others. "I know Mr. Potter was the ringleader, but who cast the Patronus?"

Harry's smirk widened as he looked directly at the frog-like woman. "That would be me, Professor."

Umbridge's face twisted in disbelief as she regarded him like a fool. "That is not even funny. Lying to a professor is both foolish and boundless in its unruliness."

Harry's smirk transformed into a cold, unyielding glare. "Expecto Patronum," he said clearly, and a shimmering silver doe materialized from his wand, gliding gracefully in the air towards Umbridge.

The sight of the Patronus caused Umbridge to step back in fear, her eyes wide with shock. "I-impossible," she stammered, visibly shaken.

Snape's eyes widened as he took in the sight of the doe, while both Dumbledore and McGonagall exchanged looks of astonishment. They were witnessing something extraordinary—a third-year student producing a corporeal Patronus.

Dumbledore, regaining his composure, looked at Harry with a mixture of pride and curiosity. "Remarkable, Harry. Truly remarkable."

McGonagall nodded, her stern expression softening slightly. "Indeed. This level of skill is unheard of at your age."

Umbridge, visibly shaken, struggled to regain her composure. "This... this does not change the fact that the Ministry's authority must be respected. I am the Undersecretary to the Minister, and his voice in this school." Harry glanced at Dumbledore, who responded calmly, "You may return to your dormitory, Harry. Minerva, please continue with the sorting. I will handle Minister Fudge. It appears we are at an impasse. Thank you, Harry, for protecting your fellow students. Twenty points to Slytherin."

Umbridge's face turned red as she glared at all of them. She demanded a punishment, while the Headmaster rewarded with points. Unacceptable! McGonagall ignored the puffing frog and led the way. Snape was more than happy to escape and followed them. Fawkes chirped, begging Harry to take it with him. Harry looked at Dumbledore, "Headmaster, can I take Fawkes to the feast? It has been a long time since we saw each other."

Dumbledore, with a look of playful betrayal towards his phoenix, nodded. "Please do so, Harry."

With Fawkes perched on his shoulder, Harry exited the office, feeling the warmth and comfort of the phoenix's presence. As they walked, McGonagall addressed him, her tone softening. "That was very impressive, Mr. Potter. Few can produce a corporeal Patronus, let alone under such pressure."

"Thank you, Professor," Harry replied, keeping his expression neutral. "I've had a lot of practice."

As they reached the Great Hall, the chatter of excited students filled the air. Harry found his usual seat at the Slytherin table, Fawkes settling comfortably beside him. The sight of the majestic phoenix drew curious and admiring glances from students across all houses.

The Sorting Hat began its song, and the new students were sorted into their respective houses. Harry watched with mild interest, occasionally glancing at Fawkes, who seemed to enjoy the attention.

As the feast began, Harry's friends peppered him with questions about what had happened with the Dementors. He gave them a brief recount, omitting any sensitive details. "They were looking for the escaped Death Eaters," he said simply. "But they won't find anything here."

Fawkes let out a soft trill, and Astoria, who sat next to Harry, smiled. "He's beautiful."

Harry smiled, "I said you were unlucky earlier, as you encountered Dementors on your first train ride, but you can consider yourself lucky to be so close to a Phoenix on your first day at school." Astoria nodded excitedly, watching the proud bird, who only ate from Harry's hand no matter how much others tried.

Harry observed the fascinated look on Astoria's face as Fawkes perched serenely on his shoulder. The Phoenix's fiery feathers gleamed in the dim light of the Great Hall, casting a warm glow that seemed to soothe the tension still lingering from the train ride.

Astoria's eyes sparkled with wonder. "I've read about Phoenixes, but seeing one up close is incredible."

Harry chuckled softly. "Maybe I should bring him out every other week. He is always sitting in that dark office."

Astoria nodded, unable to take her eyes off the majestic bird. "Why does he only eat from your hand, Harry?"

Harry shrugged with a smile. "We've formed a bit of a bond over time. Phoenixes are very particular about who they trust. It's not just about feeding; it's about the connection."

The other students at the Slytherin table watched in awe, whispering amongst themselves about the rare sight. Even the older students who had seen Fawkes before couldn't help but be captivated by his presence.

Draco, sitting a few seats down, leaned over with a smirk. "Bringing a Phoenix to the feast, Harry? What's next, a dragon?"

Harry grinned mischievously. "If you want to see one, I've got it right here in my pants."

Pansy, sipping her drink, choked and started laughing. "Harry! That's filthy!"

Harry raised his hands, feigning innocence. "What? Your mind's in the gutter, Pansy. I meant it literally." He patted his pocket where his Enchanted Briefcase, containing Ash, his pet dragon, was safely tucked away.

The younger students, puzzled by the exchange, looked at each other in confusion. Meanwhile, Pansy regained her composure, her grin widening. "You're impossible, Harry."

Harry shrugged with a smirk. "I do my best."

As the feast continued, the excitement of the new term filled the air. The first years marveled at the magical ceiling and the delicious food, while the older students caught up with friends and discussed their summer adventures.

As the Great Hall buzzed with post-feast chatter, Professor Dumbledore entered, followed by Dolores Umbridge. Her entrance was marked by an air of arrogance that was hard to miss. Dumbledore stepped onto the stage, his usual twinkle absent from his tired eyes. "Good evening, everyone," he began, his voice a mix of weariness and warmth. "I hope you all enjoyed the feast. Before we conclude, I have a few important announcements."

The hall fell silent, all eyes fixed on the Headmaster. "Firstly, I would like to introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Dolores Umbridge." He gestured towards Umbridge, who stepped forward with a smug smile plastered on her face. "It is a pleasure to join Hogwarts," she said in a saccharine tone that made Harry's skin crawl. "I look forward to a year of diligent learning and adherence to rules."

The students, recognizing her amphibian-like appearance, shivered at the thought of what the year would bring. Her reputation preceded her, and it wasn’t a comforting one.

The hall remained tense as Dumbledore continued, his eyes twinkling behind his half-moon spectacles. "Additionally, I must inform you that Professor Silvanus Kettleburn, our long-standing Care of Magical Creatures teacher, has retired to enjoy a quieter life, much to the relief of the remaining limbs he has left," Dumbledore said with a small smile.

A wave of murmurs rippled through the Great Hall. Kettleburn, known for his eccentricity and dangerous affection for magical creatures, had always kept students on edge during his lessons.

"However," Dumbledore raised a hand to quiet the whispers, "I am pleased to announce that Rubeus Hagrid will be assuming the post of Care of Magical Creatures professor on a permanent basis."

Neville and Hermione exchanged excited glances, their spirits lifting instantly. A few students from Gryffindor broke into applause, and even the Ravenclaws nodded approvingly, though some of the Harry and others were clapping over Slytherin table. Hagrid, seated at the far end of the staff table, blushed furiously as he tried to shrink into his seat, though his enormous frame made that impossible. He gave an awkward wave to the students, causing a few goblets to clatter as he knocked into the table.

Dumbledore continued, his expression growing more serious. "Due to the recent escape from Azkaban, the Ministry has decided to send Dementors to guard Hogwarts and ensure the safety of our students. While these creatures are not allowed within the school grounds, it is imperative that you all exercise caution."

He paused, letting the gravity of his words sink in. "Professor Umbridge is here not only to teach but also to act as the Ministry's representative. She will be liaising with the Dementors and ensuring their presence does not disrupt our lives more than necessary."

The hall was filled with murmurs and worried whispers. The news of Dementors patrolling Hogwarts was unsettling, and Harry could see the unease on his friends' faces.

Dumbledore's gaze softened as he concluded. "I wish you all a successful and safe year. Remember, we are strongest when we stand together. Good night." With that, he dismissed the students, who began to make their way to their respective common rooms.


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