Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch246- Basi!

Ch246- Basi!

Harry glanced at his watch, a birthday gift from Aunt Petunia, and said, "It's getting late. Head back to your rooms before curfew. Make sure to check your maps."

As the students nodded and began to rise, Astoria looked puzzled. "Wait, what map?"

Harry realized she wasn't in on the secret yet. "Oh, right." He pulled out a black book and handed it to her. "Welcome to the Duelling Club."

Astoria looked at the book curiously, and Harry instructed her, "Channel your magic into the book."

Astoria did as he asked, and soon, the book was bound to her. Harry opened the last page and said, "Now, say, 'I swear I am always in the mood for praising Harry.' Then, throw in a random praise for me."

Astoria looked a bit hesitant but followed his instructions. "I swear I am always in the mood for praising Harry. You are incredibly cool."

The book glowed briefly, and then a detailed map appeared, showing the layout of Hogwarts with various secret passages.

Astoria noticed the others laughing and felt her face heat up. "You tricked me again!" she exclaimed, pointing accusingly at Harry.

Harry chuckled, raising his hands in mock surrender. "Sorry, it was just a bit of fun. You don't have to praise me every time, you can of course, but you don't have to. Just will the map to appear, and it will. But remember, it won't show up if there are people we don't trust around, so be careful."

Astoria nodded, her initial annoyance fading into a reluctant smile. She looked around the room, seeing her new friends nodding in agreement and support.

"Alright, everyone," Harry said, clapping his hands to get their attention. "Let's focus on making this year successful. We need to stay sharp and be ready for anything."

The twins glanced at Harry, their expressions a mix of mock indignation. "We were furious with you for snatching our map," Fred started, his tone teasing. "But this version is much better. At least now, we all can use it."

Harry chuckled, shaking his head. "You shouldn't have gotten ahead of yourselves and tried to prank me with it in the first place."

George nodded in agreement, wincing at the memory. "Lesson learned the hard way," he said.

Fred shivered dramatically. "I don't want to remember."

With laughter echoing in the room, the non-Slytherins began to rise, gathering their things. Hermione, Luna, and Ginny were the first to head for the door, each giving Harry a quick hug as they left.

"See you at breakfast, Harry," Hermione said with a warm smile.

Soon, only Daphne, Tracey, and Astoria remained. Astoria, looking slightly overwhelmed by the evening's events, clung to her sister.

"Come on, Astoria," Daphne said gently. "Let's get you settled in."

Tracey lingered, looking at Harry with a mixture of confusion and exasperation. "Ugh, what are we going to do with all those electives? My head hurts just thinking about them."

Harry chuckled, reaching out to pat her on the head. "You'll manage, Tracey. You're a big girl now."

She stuck her tongue out playfully before dashing after Daphne. Laughing to himself, Harry climbed up to his room, opened his Enchanted Briefcase, and stepped into the forest within. The moment he appeared, Ash, his Norwegian Ridgeback dragon, who had grown significantly since Hagrid first hatched her, came bounding over, knocking him over with her enthusiasm.

"Master!" she cried, hugging him tightly.

Harry grinned, struggling to get up. "I'm here, Ash. Stop licking me."

Nearby, the Thunderbird watched with a smug expression. "Back to school, Young Potter?"

Harry nodded, dusting himself off. "Yeah, back to the grind."

The bird tilted its head thoughtfully. "What's the trouble this year?"

Harry sighed, shaking his head. "You talk as if I cause trouble every year."

The Thunderbird remained silent, its piercing gaze fixed on him. Harry rolled his eyes. "Fine. This year, the school is surrounded by Dementors."

Ash hissed at the mention of Dementors, her eyes narrowing protectively. "Dementors are dangerous, Master. Be careful."

Harry nodded, feeling the weight of her concern. "I know, Ash. That's why I'm working on strengthening my Patronus Charm even more."

The Thunderbird fluttered its wings, creating a small gust of wind. "Do not let them touch you. Their aura is enough to drain the light from your soul."

Harry asked, "How do your kind repel Dementors?"

The Thunderbird's chuckle resonated like a mix of chirping and a distant thunderstorm, cold and dangerous. "They don't dare approach us."

Harry tilted his head in curiosity, "Lightning?"

The Thunderbird nodded. "Yes, just throw them a lightning in our language. It sends them scurrying away."

Ash, the Norwegian Ridgeback, added with a hiss, "Or a Dragon Roar. It gives them a headache."

Harry nodded thoughtfully, "So many ways to deal with them. Good to know."

Harry waved his hand, "Alright, see you later. Off to see the Basilisk." Ash waved her wing, while the Thunderbird took to the sky. Leaving the briefcase, Harry checked the System Map and headed towards the chamber.

As he entered the chamber, the massive statue of Salazar Slytherin loomed ahead, its stern face watching over the dark, eerie space. Harry moved closer, speaking Parseltongue to awaken the Basilisk. The great serpent stirred, its eyes shielded to protect Harry.

"Young Heir," the Basilisk hissed, its voice a low rumble that resonated through the chamber. "You are back?"

Harry rolled his eyes, "Basi, can you stop calling me Young Heir. It reminds me Voldemort is still alive. Just call me Heir. If things work out, I shall claim the heritage and become the sole owner anyway."

The Basilisk's eyes glowed faintly as it acknowledged his request. "As you wish, Heir. What brings you to the chamber today?"

Harry took a moment to compose his thoughts. The ancient, eerie atmosphere of the chamber, with its dim light and damp walls, had a way of focusing his mind. "I need to understand more about my heritage, the Slytherin vaults, and how to access them. There's a lot at stake, and I can't afford to be unprepared."

The Basilisk regarded him thoughtfully. "The Slytherin vault is protected by powerful enchantments, designed to keep them secure from all but the true heir. You must prove your worth, not just through blood but through cunning and power."

The Basilisk coiled around Harry, its massive body creating an eerie yet protective circle. "Gaining the heritage hidden in the chamber is only one part of accessing the vault in Gringotts," it hissed.

Harry nodded thoughtfully. "I see. And did they cause you any trouble while I was away?"

The Basilisk's eyes glinted as it responded, "No one disturbed my rest, Heir. Your memory modifications were effective. They searched tirelessly, yet the Chamber of Secrets eluded them."

Due to Harry's meticulous handling of the Chamber of Secrets, the Ministry, Aurors, and Dumbledore spent the entire summer scouring every corner of the castle in search of the Chamber, hoping to find Tom Riddle's diary or "Jacob's" cold body. In hindsight, Harry thought he could have managed it better. Perhaps sending letters with time stamps to throw off the timeline would have been more effective. Though their search yielded no results, Harry had learned from Susan that the Ministry was considering bringing in an Indian Parseltongue to assist in their search.

"Their determination knows no bounds," Harry mused. "But as long as they don't find you, we should be fine."

The Basilisk nodded, its massive head moving gracefully. "As long as you are the Heir, they will not succeed. But be wary; desperation breeds creativity."

Harry chuckled softly. "Thanks for the warning, Basi. I'll keep that in mind." He then pointed at the snake's back, "May I?" His quest was to discover the secrets of the Chamber of Secrets. As he thought of the word "quest," another system window appeared in front of him.


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