Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch245- Don’t Refer to It as ‘She’

Ch245- Don’t Refer to It as ‘She’

Harry led his friends towards the Slytherin dungeons, flanked by Daphne and Tracey, while the prefects took charge of the first years, guiding them towards the common room. Astoria clung to Harry's arm, her wide eyes taking in the surroundings. The entrance to the Slytherin common room opened smoothly, revealing the familiar dark yet elegant decor. As everyone gathered inside, the room's atmosphere shifted, and the floor beneath Harry began to rise, forming a grand stone throne with a serpent coiling protectively around it.

"Welcome, welcome to Slytherin," Harry announced, his voice calm and confident. The first years stared at him, a mixture of awe and disbelief on their faces. Even Astoria, who had been so nervous before, seemed momentarily stunned. 

Not wanting to leave them in suspense, Harry allowed the badge to materialize on his chest, the emblem of the Serpent of the Crown glowing softly. He began to explain, his voice calm and reassuring. "This badge represents the Serpent of the Crown, a title given to the leader within Slytherin House. As the Serpent of the Crown, it is my responsibility to guide and protect all of you. However, none of you can speak of this title outside of this room. The magic binding us ensures secrecy, that is why you had never heard it before."

Harry then shifted his focus, explaining the core values of Slytherin. "In this house, we respect each other. We stand united outside these walls, showcasing our cunning and ambition, not empty pride and hatred. We aim for greatness, and we do so with dignity and respect."

As he finished, the door opened and Professor Snape entered, his presence commanding immediate attention. "As the Serpent has explained," Snape began, his voice low and authoritative, "you are to uphold our traditions, stand together, and never disgrace our house." With a curt nod towards Harry, Snape exited the room, leaving a sense of solemnity in his wake.

Harry looked around at the assembled students, the older ones clearly impressed while the first years seemed to be processing everything. "Let's make this year one to remember," Harry concluded, standing up from his throne. The serpent hissed softly, as if in agreement, before disappearing as the throne sank back into the floor.

Astoria, rush to hold onto Harry's arm, looked up at him with wide eyes. "That was amazing, Harry," she whispered.

He smiled down at her. "You'll get used to it. Now, let's find you a spot in the dormitory."

As the students dispersed, Harry guided Astoria and the other first years towards their dormitories, ensuring they felt welcomed and understood the expectations. The older students, meanwhile, exchanged whispers of excitement and curiosity, eager to see what the new school year would bring under Harry's leadership once again.

As the new students settled into their dormitories, Harry returned with Astoria by his side. The common room buzzed with excitement, and Harry sent a quick message to his friends from other houses, inviting them over. By the time he made his way back, the room was filled with familiar faces: Susan, Hannah, Luna, Ginny, Neville, Hermione, Fred and George, Cho, Cedric, Parvati, Padma, Lavender and Ron. They mingled with the Slytherins—Daphne, Tracey, Pansy, Zabini, Nott, and Malfoy. Crabbe and Goyle were, as usual, mesmerized by the enchanted window displaying the depths of the Great Lake.

Draco, lounging on a nearby couch, looked up and snorted as he saw Harry enter with his entourage. "We now even accept them into our home?" he remarked with a mixture of amusement and skepticism.

Harry's grin was mischievous, though a flash of seriousness passed through his eyes. "My home, Draco. If you like, you can visit them too."

Draco smirked but didn't push further, acknowledging Harry's claim with a slight nod. The atmosphere in the room was one of camaraderie and curiosity, the boundaries between houses blurring as the students chatted.

Fred leaned in, curiosity sparkling in his eyes. "What's the occasion, Harry? Here to brag about your impressive Patronus?"

Harry scratched his chin thoughtfully. "That, and some bad news."

George shivered theatrically. "Uh-oh. When Harry says it's bad news, it really is."

Fred nodded solemnly. "So, when are you planning to kick the bucket?"

Harry smiled wryly. "Definitely after you two."

The twins shrank back, their expressions becoming more serious as the others hushed them, eager to hear more. "What's going on, Harry?" Daphne asked, concern evident in her voice.

Harry sighed deeply, "This year, we have a new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Dolores Umbridge. Many of you already know 'it', so I won’t elaborate."

Fred and George laughed, while others rolled their eyes. "I doubt we’ll learn anything this year," Fred said.

"Umbridge?" Hermione's confusion was evident. "Who is she?"

Before Harry could answer, Daphne cut in, "She's a high-ranking Ministry official, known for her strict and often biased policies."

"Strict is putting it mildly," Harry added, shaking his head. "'It' has been sent here by the Ministry, supposedly to 'maintain order' and keep an eye on Dementors."

Tracey sighed, "This sounds like trouble."

"That's an understatement," Zabini muttered, his expression dark.

Draco, usually calm and composed, clenched his jaw. "So, what are we going to do about her?"

Harry sighed as Luna got up to massage his neck, "Thank you, Luna." He turned to the blonde who smiled back.

"You're welcome, Harry," she replied softly.

Harry then addressed the group, "We already have the dueling club, and by now, it is better than the Defense Against the Dark Arts classes. Last year, I held back out of respect for Professor Lupin. This year, we can let it cover DADA classes, though I doubt it will be smooth sailing. Umbridge hates my guts for a reason."

Tracey rolled her eyes. "For a reason, he says. You constantly undermine her."

Harry cut her off sharply, "It."

Tracey looked confused. "What?"

Harry smiled, "Don't refer to that frog as 'she'."

The group shared a quiet laugh, though the tension about the upcoming year was palpable. Daphne, sensing the need to lighten the mood, said, "Well, at least we have our club. We can make sure we're prepared for anything she—sorry it throws at us."

Draco leaned forward, a mischievous glint in his eye. "How about we start with planning our first meeting? We need to set the tone right from the beginning."

Harry nodded. "Sure. We'll need to focus on practical defense spells and maybe even some offensive ones. Umbridge isn't going to teach us anything useful."

Luna, still gently massaging Harry's shoulders, added, "And perhaps we should also focus on some stealth and evasion techniques. With the Dementors around, it might come in handy."

Zabini, always practical, agreed. "Yes, we need to be ready for anything. Let's divide the sessions: defensive spells, offensive spells, and stealth tactics."

Harry nodded, then reached out to pat Luna's hand. "Thanks, Luna. That really helped." Luna smiled brightly and went back to her seat, while Astoria looked at her with slight displeasure. 

Harry added, "I can also teach you all the Patronus Charm. It's not a spell third years typically learn—especially Ginny, Luna, and Astoria—but you can still give it a try." 

The mentioned girls deflated, and Astoria pouted. "Why can't I learn it?" 

Harry chuckled as he patted her head, "Your magic isn’t strong enough yet. Ours is just barely enough."

Astoria crossed her arms, looking a bit miffed. "That's not fair. I want to learn too."

Daphne leaned in with a comforting smile. "Don't worry, Astoria. You'll get there. It just takes time and practice."

Harry nodded, his eyes serious. "The Patronus Charm is advanced magic. It requires a lot of power and focus. But we'll make sure you're ready when the time comes." Astoria pouted but nodded, understanding that she needed to grow stronger.


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