Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch252- Up!

Ch252- Up!

Hello you all! My new fanfiction, "Marvel: Familia System," is now out. You can find it on my profile or search by name. Please add it to your reading lists and give it a chance. I really enjoyed writing it and hope you'll like it as well. Thanks!

Rolling his eyes, Harry sighed and stepped forward, making his way towards the Hippogriff. These creatures were dangerous, not exactly what you'd expect for a first lesson with third-year students. However, Harry trusted Hagrid's knowledge of magical creatures and knew that if things went awry, he could handle it. As he approached the Hippogriff, he whispered softly in Hippogriff-tongue, his voice low enough that only the creature could hear, "Tell your friends to be more lenient, and let me know if anyone is troublesome. I will deal with them. Don't hurt anyone."

The Hippogriff's large, amber eyes locked onto Harry's, its head tilting slightly, gave a slight nod. Harry gave a respectful bow, but before he could fully bend forward, the Hippogriff lowered its head deeply, almost as if it was reluctant to accept Harry's gesture of submission. A small smile played on Harry's lips as he reached out to gently stroke the creature's feathers, feeling the warmth and softness beneath his fingers.

Behind him, Daphne and the others, emboldened by Harry's success, moved closer, their curiosity overcoming their initial fear. "Can we pet him too?" Daphne asked, her voice tinged with excitement. But Harry raised a hand, his tone firm yet gentle as he responded, "Complete the etiquette first."

Daphne and the rest nodded, quickly following Harry's lead by bowing before the Hippogriff. The creature, now much calmer and clearly impressed by Harry's ability to control his peers, allowed them to approach without any sign of aggression. The students took turns petting the Hippogriff, their faces lit up with awe and wonder.

As the students gathered around, one by one bowing and cautiously reaching out to pet the Hippogriff, Harry kept a watchful eye on them, ready to intervene if necessary. The atmosphere shifted from one of tension to one of quiet awe as the students gained confidence, and the Hippogriffs responded with calm acceptance.

Hagrid, watching from a distance, grinned proudly. "See? Nothin' to it!" he called out, pleased with how well the class was going. Grinning from ear to ear, asked the class, "So, who wants to ride one?" His voice boomed with excitement, but the students around Harry instinctively stepped back, unsure of the creature despite its recent calm demeanor.

Harry, unfazed by their reluctance, shrugged casually. "Well, I might as well." With a confident stride, he approached the nearest Hippogriff—the same one he had just befriended, Buckbeak.

The creature watched Harry with its sharp, intelligent eyes, its wings slightly twitching in anticipation. Harry reached up and patted its sleek, feathered neck, feeling the powerful muscles beneath. Then, without hesitation, he swung his leg over the creature's back, settling himself just behind its wings.

The Hippogriff remained perfectly still, waiting for Harry's command, as if they had a trust of a lifetime between them. Harry, feeling the rhythm of its breath beneath him, leaned forward and gave the creature a gentle pat on the head.

"Up," he instructed quietly.

With a powerful beat of its wings, the Hippogriff took to the sky, the sudden rush of wind lifting Harry’s hair as they soared upwards. The ground below fell away quickly, and within moments, they were high above the treetops, the landscape of Hogwarts sprawling out beneath them. The feeling of freedom was exhilarating, the cold air biting at Harry's face as they circled the castle grounds.

He guided the Hippogriff with subtle movements, allowing it to fly naturally while still maintaining control. The creature responded effortlessly, gliding smoothly through the air as if it was the most natural thing in the world. From his vantage point, Harry could see the shimmering surface of the Black Lake, the Forbidden Forest stretching into the horizon, and the distant mountains that framed the school.

The students below watched in awe, their fear momentarily forgotten as they marveled at the sight of Harry flying gracefully on the back of the majestic creature. Even Hagrid, who had seen many things in his time, looked up with a proud smile, clearly pleased with Harry’s ease around the Hippogriff.

After a few minutes of graceful flight, Harry gently nudged the creature to descend. The Hippogriff, sensing the command, slowly spiraled downwards, its wings catching the wind just right to allow for a smooth landing. The ground approached steadily, and with a final, controlled beat of its wings, the Hippogriff touched down gently on the soft grass, not far from where they had taken off.

Harry slid off its back, giving the creature one last pat of appreciation before stepping away. The Hippogriff, satisfied, stretched its wings once more before folding them neatly against its body, its sharp eyes scanning the gathered students.

As Harry dismounted the Hippogriff, the others gathered around him, their faces a mix of admiration and curiosity. Hermione, Neville, Lavender, and Parvati were the first to approach, their expressions a blend of excitement and trepidation.

"Harry, that was amazing!" Hermione said, her eyes wide with amazement. "I read that Hippogriffs are very proud creatures, but it seemed like it knew you for years."

Neville nodded in agreement, though he was flushed with excitement. "Yeah mate, I was sure it was going to bite your head off when you got close."

Lavender and Parvati exchanged nervous glances, still uneasy about the creatures but clearly impressed by Harry's confidence. Daphne, Tracey, and Pansy soon joined them, followed closely by Draco, Theodore, and Blaise.

Daphne gave Harry a light punch on the arm, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "That was incredible, Harry. It looked like so much fun."

Harry grinned, catching her by the waist with a smooth motion before lifting her onto the Hippogriff's back. Daphne yelped in surprise but quickly realized the creature remained calm under her. "I want a turn too!" Tracey demanded, pouting playfully.

With a chuckle, Harry grabbed Tracey's waist and placed her behind Daphne on the Hippogriff. He then swung himself up to sit between them. "Think you can carry all three of us?" he asked the creature, which responded with a sharp nod before taking off with a powerful beat of its wings.

The wind whipped around them as they soared above the Hogwarts grounds, the scenery unfolding below like a vivid tapestry. Harry guided the Hippogriff with practiced ease, making sure Daphne and Tracey were securely in place as they marveled at the view. Beneath them, the rest of the group watched in awe, their earlier fear now replaced with admiration and a hint of envy.

Daphne's voice carried over the wind as she shouted, "You know how to have fun, Harry. This is incredible!" Her tone was filled with genuine exhilaration as she leaned back slightly, letting the wind whip through her hair. Whether it was out of fear of falling or a subtle excuse to hold onto Harry, she pulled his arms around her waist, her fingers gripping them tightly.

Tracey, sitting right behind Harry, wrapped her arms around Harry's waist for support placed her head gently against his back, her usual teasing replaced by an uncharacteristic awe. "You always find the most absurd yet fun things to do, Harry," she said, her voice softer than usual. 

Harry smirked, feeling the warmth of his friends pressed against him, but his eyes remained focused ahead, guiding the Hippogriff with subtle movements. "Now you know how I feel on broom," he replied with a teasing smile.

As they circled the castle, the sprawling landscape of Hogwarts and the surrounding areas unfolded beneath them like a living map. The thrill of the flight, combined with the breathtaking view, left them all in quiet wonder for a moment.

Daphne, unable to contain her excitement, leaned back slightly, trusting Harry to keep her steady. "I never thought I'd be doing something like this at school," she admitted, her voice softer now. "It's... freeing."

Chucking, Harry lightly patted the creature's head, his hand brushing against Daphne's waist as he did so. "Time to head back down," he said, his tone light.

Tracey let out a groan of protest. "No! Just a bit longer, Harry," she pleaded, though there was a playful whine in her voice.

Harry, smirking at her stubbornness, replied, "Hagrid's got to finish his lesson, Tracey. Besides, the sky isn't going anywhere." He felt her bite his arm, but it was more of a playful nip than anything serious. Even her protest was half-hearted.

"Fine," she muttered, though her reluctance was clear.

The Hippogriff seemed to sense the shift in mood and began to descend smoothly, its powerful wings carrying them down with practiced ease. As they neared the ground, Harry kept his grip firm on the creature, making sure Daphne and Tracey were secure.

They landed gently, and Harry quickly slid off the Hippogriff, helping the girls down as well. Daphne, with her usual grace, was already smoothing her robes, while Tracey shot Harry a mock glare, though there was a hint of a smile tugging at her lips.

"That was amazing, Harry," Daphne said, her voice soft but filled with genuine admiration.

Harry waved his hand dismissively. "As long as you had fun," he said with a small smile. 


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