Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch253- Girls Only

Ch253- Girls Only

Hello you all! My new fanfiction, "Marvel: Familia System," is now out. You can find it on my profile or search by name. Please add it to your reading lists and give it a chance. I really enjoyed writing it and hope you'll like it as well. Thanks!

Hermione and Pansy approached him, their eagerness apparent in their expressions. Harry could see the curiosity in Hermione’s eyes, especially since he knew she wasn’t fond of heights. Pansy, on the other hand, wore a teasing grin.

"You promised me a ride a few hours ago, Harry," Pansy reminded him with a playful nudge.

Harry let out a light laugh. "I suppose I did," he acknowledged, but before he could continue, Hagrid's towering figure appeared, guiding a group of students toward them.

"I’m sure Professor Hagrid has other plans," Harry said, glancing at Hermione and Pansy. Both girls seemed a bit disappointed, their earlier excitement dimming. But to their surprise, Hagrid spoke up.

"Actually, I wasn’t planning on lettin' anyone ride the Hippogriffs, except for you, Harry. But after seein' how well you handled it, I reckon you could help some of the others too," Hagrid said, his voice booming with approval.

The students around them cheered, excited by the prospect of flying on the majestic creatures. Harry, however, was not having it.

"Alright," Harry agreed, holding back a sigh. "But only the girls."

The decision to allow only the girls to ride the Hippogriffs caused a ripple of laughter among Harry's friends. Pansy smirked, clearly pleased with the idea, while Hermione looked a mix of excitement and nervousness. Harry, knowing they might think he was joking, simply shrugged and proceeded with his plan. Without any fanfare, he first helped Hermione onto the Hippogriff, ensuring she was comfortably seated, and then guided Pansy to sit behind her.

The creature stood still, sensing the authority in Harry's movements. Once both girls were secure, Harry climbed up, taking his place between them. The Hippogriff, feeling the subtle pressure of Harry’s legs, responded with a slight shift of its wings, ready for takeoff.

Pansy, seated behind Harry, couldn't resist leaning in to murmur, “Only girls, huh, Potter?” Her tone was light, but the glint in her eyes suggested she enjoyed the unexpected turn of events.

Hermione, on the other hand, gripped the Hippogriff's feathers tightly, her knuckles turning white. "I’m not sure about this, Harry," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. Despite her hesitation, there was a spark of curiosity in her eyes as she glanced around, taking in the view.

Harry, sensing her unease, responded with a casual tone, "Just relax and let the Hippogriff do the work. You’ll be fine."

With that, he gave the creature a gentle nudge, and the Hippogriff launched into the air with a powerful sweep of its wings. The initial ascent was swift, causing Hermione to gasp and Pansy to laugh, but as the flight smoothed out, the exhilaration of soaring above Hogwarts took over.

The wind whipped around them, and for a moment, all three were lost in the sheer thrill of the experience.

Pansy, feeling the adrenaline of the flight, leaned closer to Harry, her breath warm against his ear. "I could get used to this," she said, her voice carrying a hint of mischief.

Harry smirked but kept his focus on guiding the Hippogriff, ensuring the ride remained smooth. "Just don't get too comfortable. We’re not staying up here forever."

Hermione, now more at ease, managed to loosen her grip, her earlier nerves fading as the beauty of the landscape captured her attention. "This is incredible," she admitted, her voice filled with genuine wonder.

After a few more graceful circles around the castle, Harry signaled the Hippogriff to descend. The creature obeyed, gliding downwards in a wide spiral, the ground slowly rising to meet them. As they neared the landing spot, Harry prepared to dismount first, ensuring the girls would have a safe and steady descent.

Once on the ground, Harry helped both Hermione and Pansy off the Hippogriff. Hermione's face was flushed, a mixture of excitement and relief, while Pansy looked like she was already planning her next ride.

Before they could dwell on the experience, Hagrid approached, his booming voice cutting through the lingering chatter. "Well done, Harry! Tha' was a sight, it was. Now, anyone else fancy a go?"

Harry helped several other girls onto the Hippogriff, guiding them with the same ease and mastery he had shown before. The creatures responded to his commands without hesitation, allowing each girl to experience the thrill of flight. Their excited laughter filled the air, adding to the lighthearted atmosphere.

As the last of the girls dismounted, a few of the boys approached, eager to take their turn. Dean Thomas, stepped forward and asked, “Can we have a go too, Harry?” Harry, however, shook his head firmly. “Sorry, lads, but I’m not about to hold any of you tightly while we’re up in the air,” he said with a slight smirk. The girls giggled at his remark, and the boys, though disappointed, couldn’t help but laugh as well.

Hagrid, who had been watching the entire scene, realized that Harry was serious. With a wide grin, he decided to end the lesson on a high note. “Alright, that’s enough fer today!” he called out, clapping his large hands together. “Head on back to the castle, an’ we’ll pick this up next time.”

The students began to disperse, their conversations buzzing with excitement about the day’s events. Neville, who had been hanging back, approached Harry with a determined look. Harry knew this look on his friend's face, he made his mind up. “Harry, I want to try riding one alone,” he said, his voice calm despite the nervousness in his eyes.

Harry glanced at Hagrid, who shook his head slightly. “Not today, Neville,” Hagrid said kindly. “It’s a bit risky fer yer first go. But I promise, next class, you can give it a try.”

Neville nodded, accepting the decision without complaint. He knew that Hagrid was only looking out for his safety, and he was content to wait until he was better prepared.

After class, Harry and his friends made their way to the Great Hall together. Hermione, Neville, Padma, and Lavender, rather than returning to Gryffindor, took their seats at the Slytherin table, flanking Harry on both sides. The mix of house colors at the Slytherin table drew a few curious glances from first years, but no one dared question it—Harry's influence over the years had made such inter-house mingling more common, especially at his table.

Not long after, Susan, Hannah, Ginny, Luna, Cho, and Parvati arrived, joining the growing group. The conversation quickly turned to the day's classes, with the usual banter and light-hearted teasing filling the air. Pansy, who had taken her seat close to Harry, couldn’t resist boasting about their Care of Magical Creatures class.

“So, you lot missed out,” she said, grinning broadly. “Harry took us flying on a Hippogriff. Held on to us the entire time, didn’t you, Harry?” Her voice was teasing, but there was a glint in her eye that made it clear she was enjoying the reactions of the others.

Hannah and Susan exchanged a glance, their expressions darkening with envy. They hadn’t had their Care of Magical Creatures class yet, and the fact that it wasn’t scheduled with the Slytherins—or more importantly, with Harry—only added to their frustration. “Lucky you,” Susan muttered, her eyes narrowing slightly.

"Of course, Hufflepuff gets stuck with the boring lessons," Hannah muttered under her breath, stabbing her potatoes with unnecessary force.

Susan nodded in agreement, her eyes narrowing at Pansy. "And here I thought you couldn’t get any smugger," she shot back, though there was a playful undertone to her words.

Ginny and Luna, who were a year younger, sighed almost in unison. "Too bad we’re not in your year, Harry," Ginny said, her voice tinged with disappointment.

Luna nodded, her gaze wandering as if lost in thought. "I would’ve loved to ride a Hippogriff with you Harry. They’re such majestic creatures."

Even Astoria, who was sitting quietly nearby, couldn't help but let out a small sigh of displeasure. "I’ll have to wait another two years for that," she murmured to herself, clearly disappointed.

Harry noticed the flicker of envy and disappointment among his friends as they talked about the Hippogriff ride. A small, knowing smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “Don’t worry about it,” he said, his tone casual but with a hint of mischief. “I’m sure I can persuade Hagrid to arrange a private session for you girls.” He reached out and playfully ruffled Astoria’s hair, causing her to yelp in surprise.

“For real?” she asked, her eyes wide with excitement.

Harry nodded, the smile still on his lips. “Of course,” he replied smoothly.


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