Harry Potter with Technology System

Ch254- Subdue

Ch254- Subdue

Hello you all! My new fanfiction, "Marvel: Familia System," is now out. You can find it on my profile or search by name. Please add it to your reading lists and give it a chance. I really enjoyed writing it and hope you'll like it as well. Thanks!

The mood lightened immediately, and Susan, Hannah, Ginny, and Luna exchanged bright smiles, their earlier disappointment forgotten. Each of them looked at Harry with anticipation, clearly thrilled at the prospect of their own private lesson.

Harry, content with the change in the atmosphere, was about to tease the girls when he noticed Neville poking at his food, his usual enthusiasm absent. Without drawing too much attention, Harry handed him a juicy chicken thigh. "Here, try this, Neville. It's good," he said, his tone casual but realized something was going on with Neville lately.

Neville looked up, a small smile of gratitude on his face as he accepted the food. He started to eat, but Harry could see the underlying issue wasn’t just about the meal. He made a mental note to speak with Neville later, in a more private setting, where they could talk without the crowd around them.

The rest of dinner passed with the usual banter among Harry and his friends. After the meal, Harry discreetly checked the system map, tracking Neville’s movements until he saw him alone in one of the towers. It was the perfect moment to approach him.

Harry found Neville sitting in silence, gazing out of the window at the darkening sky. Without a word, Harry sat down beside him, giving Neville the space to speak when he was ready. The silence between them was comfortable, with the faint sounds of the castle in the background.

After a few moments, Neville broke the silence, his voice tinged with frustration. “I wanted to ride the Hippogriff, you know. To prove...something.” He paused, his hands clenching slightly on his knees. “But I didn’t even get the chance. Hagrid said maybe next time, but...I feel like I failed before I even tried.”

Harry listened, understanding that Neville’s disappointment wasn’t just about missing the ride. “You didn’t fail, Neville. Hagrid knows what you’re capable of, but he wouldn’t let you try something like that unless he has to offer others the same chance.”

Neville sighed, shaking his head slightly. “It’s not just that, Harry. I know I’m not the bravest, or the most skilled. But ever since...since I heard about the Azkaban breakout, I’ve felt...useless. Bellatrix is out there, and all I can think about is how she...what she did to my parents. I want to find her, to hurt her, but...what can I do? I’m not like you. You caught Peter Pettigrew, you avenged your parents, but I...I can’t even ride a Hippogriff.”

Harry watched as Neville’s face grew paler, the weight of his emotions clear in his words. This wasn’t just frustration; it was a deep sense of helplessness and anger, emotions that Harry understood all too well.

"You're wrong about one thing, Neville," Harry began, his voice even and direct. "You're not useless. The fact that you want to face someone like Bellatrix after what she did shows how strong you really are."

Neville looked at Harry, a mixture of surprise and uncertainty in his eyes. "But you avenged your parents. What have I done compared to that?"

Harry shook his head slightly, maintaining eye contact. "I didn’t avenge anyone, Neville. Voldemort’s still out there. I couldn’t stop him, and right now, I’m not strong enough to face him either." 

Neville looked up, searching Harry’s face. “Are you afraid too, Harry?”

He paused, choosing his words carefully. "Yes, I’m afraid too. Terrified, actually. Voldemort isn’t just some dark wizard—he’s a maniac, a real monster."

Neville’s expression softened as he nodded, understanding dawning on his face. "So, it’s not just me then. You feel it too."

"Of course," Harry replied, his tone matter-of-fact. "Fear is natural, especially when facing something as twisted as Voldemort or Bellatrix. But what matters is how you deal with that fear."

Neville hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "Will you help me, Harry? I really want to find Bellatrix and the others. I want to throw them back into Azkaban where they belong."

Harry didn’t respond immediately. He felt the weight of Neville’s request and the darkness that came with it. Memories of Pettigrew and the recent escapees flooded his mind. Last year, he needed Pettigrew alive to save Sirius, but now, the situation was different. If he caught them again, would he be able to hold back? Or would the need for justice—or something darker—take over?

But involving Neville in this... It wasn’t a decision to take lightly. This path was dark, filled with dangers, and Harry wasn’t sure if dragging Neville into it was the right choice.

Harry turned away, staring out at the darkening sky. “You’re asking to walk a path that will change you, Neville,” he finally said. “This isn’t just about revenge. Once you start down this road, it’s not easy to come back.”

Neville’s voice was firm, though a touch of vulnerability crept in. “I know, Harry. But I can’t just sit by and do nothing. They need to pay for what they’ve done—to my parents, to all those they’ve hurt.”

Harry remained silent for a moment longer, weighing his options. He knew the darkness that could come from seeking vengeance, the toll it took on a person. He’d seen it before, in others, and even in himself. But he also knew that Neville had a right to his own choices, his own battles.

Finally, Harry turned back to face Neville. “I’ll help you,” he said, his voice calm. Neville's face lit up with a smile, but Harry quickly raised a hand to halt any celebration. “This won’t be easy. They’re not simple to find, and they’ve eluded the Ministry and others for years during war, now, they should be even smarter. They’re experienced and dangerous.”

Neville nodded, the seriousness of the situation sinking in, but the glimmer of hope remained in his eyes. As they continued talking, Harry became aware of a change in the atmosphere. A cold, creeping sensation began to spread through the air, one that he recognized all too well. Neville noticed it too, his face paling as he realized what was happening.

A single Dementor floated towards them, drawn by the potent emotions Neville was unintentionally projecting. Harry’s expression hardened as the creature glided closer, its oppressive presence washing over them.

“Get lost,” Harry snapped at the Dementor, his voice icy. But the creature, ignoring Harry’s command, focused on Neville, who was now visibly trembling. The situation was escalating quickly.

Without wasting a second, Harry drew his wand, his movements precise and deliberate. “Expecto Patronum,” he intoned, the words carrying power. A silver doe burst forth from his wand, charging at the Dementor with a fierce determination.

As the Patronus drove the Dementor back, Harry started to think of a few ideas. He wasn’t content with merely driving the creature away. He had a darker, more decisive plan in mind—one that involved permanently dealing with the Dementor. But he knew he couldn’t do it with Neville there.

“Neville,” Harry said sharply, his eyes never leaving the Dementor. “Go find Professor Snape. Now.”

Neville hesitated, clearly reluctant to leave Harry alone with the Dementor, but he obeyed, running off towards the castle as fast as his legs would carry him.

Once Neville was out of sight, Harry focused entirely on the Dementor. He could sense the creature’s fear of the Patronus, but that wasn’t enough. He wanted to test if the Patronus could do more than repel—if it could destroy.

With a flick of Harry's wand, two more Patronuses appeared, joining the silver doe that had already materialized. The first was a majestic stag, its antlers gleaming as it stood tall beside the doe. The second was a sleek snake, coiling gracefully in the air. These three Patronuses formed a triangle around the Dementor, which began to hiss and cry out, its form shrinking under the pressure. The doe and stag had appeared seemingly out of nowhere when Harry first attempted to suppress Voldemort's soul within him. The snake, however, was different. It was the shape of Voldemort’s astral soul. Now, it was under Harry's control.


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