He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 306: Borrowing-I

Chapter 306: Borrowing-I

"But I am sure you wasn't behind him earlier." Then Liu Yan Hui steps halted and she reflexively stopped her steps too.

"I have told you before didn't I Miss Xiao Yun, I will answer all your question in my conditions and one of those conditions are not to ask of who I am or what I am about to do." Xiao Yun stiffen at his words feeling a threat laying underneath his words.

Liu Yan Hui continued, "However don't worry I gave you conditions without punishment. Though it is a different case if I give you a punishment. I'm saying this for your own good not because I prefer to disclose my identity. I have enough bad people following me ready to hunt down anyone who knows too much about me and you would be better off not knowing anything. Unless you are saying that you are capable of being hunted."

Xiao Yun tensed at his words and instead of replying she found him waiting for his answer and shook her head.

One side of his lips pulled up, he then pulled a key when they stopped at a room. The corridor outside the place was empty from crowd and there was no one to be seen as though there had been some barrier placed in the place that would fend off people from entering the corridor. After unlocking the door he reached out his hand for Xiao Yun to see, "Please enter."

Xiao Yun entered his room and looked around the place which was dark with scarce of light. Even though it was the century of electricity Liu Yan Hui still use candles all around his room on each corner as though he preferred less light. Across the room, the place was covered with nothing but heaves of books. Not too far from the place we're some books that look very old in age and writings that was used in past centuries.

"I prefer light candles you see it makes me feel calmer." he said and blew all the candles after switching on the light of the room. Walking toward his desk he extended his hand to the empty couch for Xiao Yun, saying, "Please take a seat and make yourself comfortable."

"Thank you," he whispered and sat down on the couch he offered.

"What you came for Miss Yu?" Liu Yan Hui asked despite saying he had been waiting for her to arrive before. "If it is questions I can answer now." he gave her a head start as he collect the candlestick that had almost melted to nothing.

"Have you find out of the gem's power and it's origins, Mr. Liu?" she asked first.

"I haven't find about the origin yet but I knew it's power and as we suspected the gem's power is to preserve memories and trigger others to remember their memories." He then walked toward the bookshelf on his left looking up and down while rubbing his chin seeming as if he was searching for a book now.

"Then is the power dangerous?" This was her far most important questions. If her conclusion was right and she had trust the right person, the memory Andy had sent must have a deeper meaning into it. When Wang Li Lei spoke about clues she suddenly realize he may haven't gave a clue before perhaps he did but it was too subtle for them to notice.

In the letter he had said he was in a hurry and was unable to give the gem on his own, At first it may sound like an excuse but if she trust him it was as he said he was in a hurry. That would mean there was a time limit. Though she still didn't understand what this time limit was for.

Liu Yan Hui pulled a grin where she can't see his expression as he was standing with his back in front her. "No it isn't." then he slid his hand over the cover of a book and pulled it with one finger to pull the book from its place. Walking toward her he then gave her the book on the table across her. "From what I have studied of the gem there isn't any side effect and although it had used forbidden magic there isn't any trace that the person activated the power for evil. Seeing gem's age it was made centuries ago and was activated just right around this year."

"As expected." Xiao Yun muttered. "Do you know whether the gem have time limits? The sender once said he was in a hurry I can't explain why but I feel there is a time limit for the gem."

"You're right Ms. Yu there is a time limit and I expected it to be around next month. Though the story is different."

Xiao Yun subtly cocked her head to the side, "What difference?"

"I have told you it used a forbidden magic didn't I. Unless and until the person who activated this gem die the power will deactivate."

"Die?!" Xiao Yun rose to stand by her feet. "But you said the power would deactivate next month." Does that mean Andy was in a trouble and his life is in danger? She can't stand down now and felt she should go and do something but she didn't know what she should do.

"Calm down." said Liu Yan Hui before the girl panic at his place which he wasn't looking forward to. "The power seemed to have been weaken since the beginning it may seem that the person did activated the gem's power but he failed and only succeed in activating half of its real power that's why it had a time limit."

He then pushed the book he took toward her briefly saying, "As I was searching about the taboo magics and forbidden magics by chance I discover this book it should help you more with knowing the gem's power. I thought of looking more into its origin but for now that there is time limit it is better for you to use the gem's power for clues."

Xiao Yun took the book reading the tittle written on the book which said, 'How to make dolls.' She blinked twice thinking she had read wrong too look up and hear him chuckling, "You're not wrong it is the book that teach you how to make dolls."

She can't find a clue to where his humors lied at looking at his very amused expression she can only shook her head faintly.

Is he crazy? Perhaps because he had turn inhumane that he is crazy or all inhumane being are crazy?

Just then she flinched when she heard him replying smoothly, "I am not but you know there is a right on your words most inhumane being are crazy all except me that is." he said confidently, "Do you have any more question Ms. Yu? I'm sure you came here not only for this."

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