He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 307: Borrowing-II

Chapter 307: Borrowing-II

"I have a request Mr. Liu can you help me to find a person?" Due to her nervousness her racing heart stiffened her back like a piece of stell rod. She stared at Liu Yan Hui's face making straight face to the man who gave her a look of amusement.

Liu Yan Hui took a good time pondering in her choice to ask, "Who?"

"The sender of the gem." she replied to have Liu Yan Hui look confused at her words.

"Why do you think I can help you search with the person you want me to search Miss Yu?" If it was his power he hadn't showed the girl in front of him anything hot even half of the quarter power he had but he knew the look she had on her eyes. Confidence.

"I know you could." she then lowered her tone, "Please." she pleaded.

A tick tock mechanical sound of the clock sitting above the spot where Liu Yan Hui sat on filled the room after her request. Time moved where Liu Yan Hui looked at her dauntingly keeping his thought to himself. There was reluctance she could tell from his eyes but she knew he was faking it. Though the man may seemed expressive, in fact from what Xiao Yun could see he had a dull and cold emotion. Different from Wang Li Lei who despite his appearance was warm, the man was cold to his bones.

"I could try," he said and Xiao Yun was about to lift to a smile when he said, "But I need something's to be able to locate him."

"What things do you need? If it things that I could obtain, I will provide you with."

"If it is something you can obtain that would mean I would also be able to obtain him." he said fluently picking the cup of tea he had prepared for himself for Xiao Yun to swallow down his bitter sarcasm. "But there is one thing only you can attain. I need things that reminds him, by that I mean things that he had attachment with." the man added.

"Attachment with?" She tilted her head wondering what he meant by that.

"Yes, if you don't have that I will need either his blood, saliva, or strand of hair." that had Xiao Yun to furrow her brows. With Andy is now gone there is no way possible she could bring either of it.

Though before she reply, Liu Yan Hui then added, "Or perhaps clothes and accessories, either of that it should be easier to find these."

But the furrowed brows over Xiao Yun's face still didn't disappear instead this time it tightened. Since Andy had become a model his lifestyle changed. He didn't buy his own house nor apartment due to his photograph schedule that always brought him in and out of the country. Even if there was a time he had to live in China he would either stay at Wang Li Lei's house or her family house. And when he stayed at other's place he wouldn't leave his clothing and she doubt she would find anything now if she begin to search for his things.

The man had always lived the way he did that Xiao Yun never pegged him to be suspicious. In the first place, Xiao Yun had never doubted him at all.

"I don't think I have any of that." she muttered aloud.

Liu Yan Hui rose his brows thinking that it was odd and asked, "What about his family's house? There should be his daily clothes there."

"His family live abroad." she said but just then, Xiao Yun then recalled something after his words. There was one place that Andy lived at and perhaps still visit often as he came by to China. It wasn't his family house but there is one house!

Seeing her alighted expression, Liu Yan Hui then shifted his eyes, "Look like you have find a clue." he said.

"Yes, thank you again Mr. Liu, I will come back again." Xiao Yun stood up and took her bag before she leave, she didn't forget to take the book and the gem he had given on the desk and bowed again to leave the room.

Liu Yan Hui continued to sit down to take a sip of the tea subtly and where the door was closed, a young man with a brownish golden hair appeared right across the door. He then turned his face toward Liu Yan Hui and saw his leisure expression to give a sigh, "Are you sure you have to do that?"

Liu Yan Hui put down the teacup to the desk with a clink and spoke without looking to his face. "By that what do you mean?"

The young man sighed trying to keep the sigh low enough so the man wouldn't hear though he knew he would caught it nevertheless. "You don't have to put that kind of act, master you have find out the origin and the power since the first time you have seen the gem then why do you hold it with you?"

Sometimes there are times where you have to show less of your power and it is not anything like you think I did need to observe the gem for a moment."

Liu Yan Hui then chuckled, when he opened his palm was a completely similar blue colored gem as the one Xiao Yun had brought back from him. Seeing the blue gem, the young man narrowed his eyes in surprise, "Why is it still with you? Didn't you said you will return the gem back to her?"

"Don't fret." Liu Yan Hui said weighing the gem on his hand, "I gave her back the real gem this one is an imitation." he then narrowed his eyes to say, "We have found the lead for our own matter thanks to the lady."

The young man looked surprised and taken aback at first, "Does it have anything to do with the gem?"

"Fortunately or not it did." Liu Yan Hui answered ambiguously. When he turned his palm that held the gem around, he opened his palm again for the blue gem to disappeared in a thin air that made him to smile further. He took his coat to stand up and open the door where the young man had moved from the spot he stood before and walked behind him.

"However, what about the book?" the young man mentioned the book Liu Yan Hui had given to Xiao Yun, "Master you said that you still hadn't decipher most of the codes in the book do you really sure you should have given the book to her? It isn't like she could read it." he trailed his objection not understanding what Liu Yan Hui was thinking at.

"I've find out what I need and I don't have any use of the book anymore." He said deadpanned. "But why are you here? I'm sure I have left you with a different job."

"Well about that," he noticed the young man felt troubled and exhaled a breath. "I was kicked out."

Liu Yan Hui chuckled in mirth to his words. As they had arrived to the main hall of the theater, he waved his hand ordering with his grin still playing on his lips. "Go back to your work unless you want me to stew you tonight."

"But..." The young man found Liu Yan Hui's delighted expression and could only swallow down his protest. "I will be going." the young man's head slumped as he bowed and disappeared in a thin air from the place where there wasn't anyone watching them.

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