His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy

Chapter 125 - COME HERE

When the news involving the upcoming release of The Queen of the Apocalypse was released, there was hardly any mention of Hu Lei. Actually, most people in Supreme City did not even notice that there was anyone else involved apart from the real celebrities.

However, the trailer was, without a doubt, a huge hit.

There were numerous apocalyptic movies from both the international and local markets. But they were often low budget films with poor quality graphics, ordinary actors and a bad storyline. So, most people would just shrug carelessly when they saw this type of movie.

The Queen of the Apocalypse promised something different. It was obvious that much had been invested in the film. In addition, the story looked interesting.

Most people were particularly interested in Bei Gong Hai's role. Unlike his normal roles where he was cast as the heroic male lead or the beautiful supporting character, the doctor character induced goose pimples and lit a fire of anticipation.

The female lead also had a valiant figure. This type of character was popular because it left a positive impression on both male and female fans. The momentum for the trailer built up quickly, with the video receiving over a million views before noon the next morning.

Unfortunately, a certain little author did not know about this matter. She did not follow entertainment news and she wasn't familiar with social media. More importantly, she had already moved on from the entire thing.

She had more important things to worry about.

At the moment, she was looking at her neck and chest with a deep frown. She sighed. Her skin looked like it had been ravaged by a vampire. Moreover, the marks were so prominent against her pale skin. She felt angry, but at the same time, there was something more that made her caress the marks gently.

The bedroom door opened, revealing the culprit. Her yellow orbs blazed as she put her hands akimbo. Perhaps she would have looked intimidating if her opponent did not tower over her.

"You… look at what you did to me." She said threateningly.

He looked at her and could not help smiling.

"What about what you did to me?" He asked.

She became flushed.

"I did not do anything." She denied immediately.

He lowered his head and pointed at a row of teeth marks between his neck and shoulder. The thin-skinned Hu Lei immediately wanted to crawl back into bed or find a hole to bury herself in. However, she decided not to back down.

"That cannot compare to the countless vampire bites on me." She huffed.

He leaned even closer.

"Then I will allow you to also ravage me for the sake of equality." He whispered in her ear.

Before Hu Lei could understand the situation, she found herself tossed on the bed with the unrepentant man above her. She used her small fists to beat his chests lightly. After all, she did not want to hurt me. In truth, she just felt embarrassed.

Some minutes later, the overbearing man finally stood up and looked at the supple girl who looked defenceless and open. Her lips were parted and red, and her chest was moving up and down as she panted for breath. He wanted to consume her. Unfortunately, he could not do anything else at the moment.

"Let's go downstairs. We have guests." He declared.

Hu Lei's soul immediately came back to her body. She wondered if she should beat the man up for real. How could he think about those kinds of things with people waiting? She stood up and looked at him with fierce eyes, but then she realised that glaring had lost its power. She sighed helplessly.

"Do you have anything that I can use to cover my neck?" She asked.

She needed to conceal the marks, or she would not know where to hide. Though she was gutsy, she felt shy when such matters were involved.

"Come here." He motioned to her.

He took a brush and neatly arranged her hair to cover the neck. She looked at her reflection and nodded. It was not a reliable solution, but it would do.

Hu Lei looked at the guests with a critical eye as she approached with Zhong Feng behind her. She did not know what she had expected to see, but the image before her was definitely not it.

One of the guests was a man with a hard and tough face and a serious air. If she could hazard a guess, she would say he was military. Judging from his posture, his general air and hard eyes, he must have been a soldier for some time.

The other was a girl who looked quite young. She had good facial features, but her demeanour was made severe by the bun on her head. More importantly, she was wearing a black suit. Though it seemed to fit her perfectly, the core design was obviously from men's clothes.

While she was observing them, they were also looking at her. The man was shocked, and his surprise showed in his eyes before it was quickly concealed. On the other hand, the girl looked interested with a shadow of a smile.

"I am sorry for keeping you waiting." Hu Lei apologised with a smile.

"It was no problem." The girl replied.

The man remained silent.

"Hu Lei, this is Miss Jiang Wen will be your assistant. This is her brother, Jiang Ting." Zhong Feng introduced in his normal cold and distant manner.

Zhong Feng, at heart, was an introverted person. Only Hu Lei could cause him to open up and be warm. However, when faced with other people, he would treat his words like droplets of gold. As a result, he would always appear cold and detached.

Hu Lei smiled, seeing this icy side of him before turning to the guests once again.

"It is nice to meet you, Jiang Wen. It seems that I will be troubling you."

The girl stood up gracefully and bowed lightly with her right hand over her chest.

"It is my pleasure. Please call me, Beatrice." She said earnestly.

Hu lei nodded and looked at the brother. His lips were twitching, and he was obviously holding himself back from something with great difficulty.

She looked at Beatrice once again.

It seemed that there were fun times ahead.

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