His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy


The brother and sister pair did not remain for too long. Hu Lei looked thoughtful after sending them out. She could not help thinking that there was something strange about the situation. However, she did not want to dig too deep.

"What are you thinking about?" Zhong Feng asked pulling her to himself.

"I was thinking that my new assistant looks too refined to be an assistant." She said with a strange smile in her eyes.

"Isn't that a good thing? If you do not like her, it is no problem finding another person."

Though he had spent some effort in finding Jiang Wen, there would be no problem in looking for another person.

"No, I like her. As for our working relationship, we will have to wait and see come Monday." She smiled.

Zhong Feng looked a little tense at the mention of the following week. He had been waiting for the right moment to let her know that he would not be around for a while. But he had not been able to get the words out. Hu Lei noticed his reaction and sighed lightly.

"You know I will notice that you are gone even if you keep avoiding the topic." Her words had a slight tone of rebuke.

"You knew?" Zhong Feng thought that he had concealed the matter quite well.

She laughed.

"I have my means." She said mysteriously. "How long will you be gone?"

Zhong Feng felt helpless about this matter. He wanted to keep accompanying her in Supreme City, but Zhong Industries was, after all, an international company. Most of the international interests could be handled by other people, but there are some matters that required his direct intervention.

As a result, he had to leave the country for a while to keep things running smoothly. However, business was not the only thing on his mind. He had another matter to handle during this period. His eyes darkened slightly at the thought before clearing.

"I will leave on Monday and probably be back in a couple of weeks." He responded vaguely.

Hu Lei nodded, but there was a flash of fear and loneliness in her heart. She had not been alone since that time. She had always had the comfort of his presence, chasing away the demons. Now, she would have to face the darkness and the cold alone.

"It is not a big deal." She said carelessly, waving a hand. "I will finally have time to get my apartment ready without you sticking to me."

Zhong Feng did not feel at peace when he thought about being so far from her. But he could do nothing else. He knew that she had always looked forward to doing mundane things in Supreme City. She needed to have the opportunity to do so without his constant hovering.

Moreover, he could not drag her along with him outside the country. What she needed most at the moment was stability and peace. So, even if he did not want to be apart from her, he would not even entertain the thought of taking her with him.

"If there is any problem during my absence, just call me directly." He said sternly.

Hu Lei laughed at his serious demeanour. If she knew anything about him, he would be stalking her movements remotely or by proxy. Of course, she would not expose him.

"I am not that easy to bully. Plus I have nothing to fear because I have the emperor backing me up, right?" She smiled slyly.

Zhong Feng did not know what manner of evil things she was thinking, but he did not care. As long as she could keep smiling, he would do anything. He hugged her tighter into his arms.

"Mmmh, you can even walk sideways if you want." He responded complacently.

The Murong Clan was one of the influential families in Supreme. Though they were not powerhouses, their family name could be mentioned in the same breath as the Bei Gong Clan. Unfortunately, like other clans, there were some internal wars.

After all, not many families had a smooth plan for succession like the Zhong family. Typically, everyone wanted to be the one controlling the family fortune, and there was no trick too low or method too dirty on the upward climb.

The Murong people were currently embroiled in this type of internal battle. Simply speaking, the fight for the rights of inheritance of the position of chairman of their company and potential family head was reaching its climax.

Elder Murong had declared that he was retiring. If nothing went wrong, the constant delay about this matter would be over. On several occasions, he had threatened to leave the corporate world, but he always had a foot and a hand in the company matters.

The most distressed person about this matter was Murong Cheng. Even though he had tried hard, he knew that he was at a disadvantage in the war. In fact, everyone knew that it was a foregone matter that his brother would take the crown.

His brother, Murong Hong, was older than him. Moreover, his son, Murong Ming, had showed his outstanding talent even though he was young.

Murong Cheng felt that he was not badly off. Though one of his daughters was just an actor, she was talented and had become a shining beacon in the city. Countless influential families were dying to ask for Murong Yue's hand in marriage.

His other daughter was not as beautiful as Yue, but her brains were superior. In fact, Murong Yan's brain was much better than her cousin Ming's. However, the Murong Clan had always been one that favoured boys over girls, so she had not had a chance to shine.

Fortunately, he had a trump card named Fai. He did not like this child because he did not know his origin for sure. Also, he had only known him for a short period. He knew that there was a high likelihood that he was the son of Lu Liang's previous husband.

However, there was no forbidden method when it came to struggling for power. Furthermore, the bastard child needed to provide payment for all the resources that had been put into him over the last few years.

If it was not for the sake of inheritance, he would have banished him. For now, he would feign ignorance. After all, he had never conducted a paternity test. If he had, he would lose his plausible deniability, and his opponent could take advantage of his actions.

"Husband, are you very worried about this matter?" A gentle voice asked.

Murong Cheng looked up and saw Lu Liang bringing him tea. He smiled. Even though he was dissatisfied with the matter of that child, he liked his wife. Perhaps it was not the love he had had for his first wife. But it was a solid partnership. Overall, he found her quite satisfying.

"I do not know what is going on in the old man's mind." He responded.

"Do not worry. I have a plan." She smiled.

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