His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy

Chapter 161 - IT’S YOU?

Hu Lei was incredibly excited as Zhong Feng drove to an unknown destination. She had been looking forward to having fun in Supreme City for a long time. Unfortunately, there was never a good opportunity due to various issues. But now, her little dream was coming true.

"Where are we going?" She asked with twinkling eyes.

Zhong Feng glanced at her helplessly. She had asked this question multiple times already.

"Do you understand the meaning of the word 'surprise'?" He asked with slight amusement.

"What is a surprise? Can I eat it?" She asked cheekily.

Her restlessness and excitement was palpable. She was like a little child, shifting in her seat. It was understandable because of the numerous limitations in her earlier life. Even though she was about to turn twenty-six, she was completely ignorant about a lot of things.

"Be good. You have to wait for the surprise. We are almost there." Zhong Feng raised his hand and patted her head.

Hu Lei's cheeks puffed up in frustration before she turned completely docile.

"Can you at least give me a clue? You know, according to research, people enjoy things more if they have a spoiler of the ending." She spoke in a gentle voice with a pout on her face.

Zhong Feng looked at the pouting lips and felt that familiar urge to just hold her and kiss her breath away. Unfortunately, he was driving. He hoped that she would not be making that type of expression in public, or he might have to put some people in the place.

"Put that ridiculous face away." He said in a flat tone.

Hu Lei pouted even more. This guy did not know what was good for him. She was obviously adorable when she pouted. How could he insult her classic seductive move? Seeing that he was not responding anymore, she sighed in a dramatic manner repeatedly.

If she could not seduce, she could annoy. She hid a small smile by looking outside the window. After a while, Zhong Feng finally caved. He could not stand seeing the dejected drooping of her shoulders and head.

"We are going to Secret Realm." He exposed the surprise.

"We are going to a secret realm?" She repeated in an incredulous tone.

"You could say that." Zhong Feng smiled a little to himself.

"It sounds fun. What will we do there?" She asked, even though she thought that he was just tricking her so that she would not bother him.

Zhong Feng smiled.

"What do people do in secret realms?"

"Mmmh… look for treasure?"

Zhong Feng rubbed head in approval.

"Do you know that I am becoming shorter because you keep patting my head?" Her little teeth were bared at him.

"I can pat some other place if you want." A magnetic voice responded.

Immediately, Hu Lei was reminded of her very recent black history. She could already imagine him patting a certain part of her body. She felt a wave of embarrassment engulf her. How could he be so lecherous during the day?

"You… what are you thinking?" She stammered.

"I meant your hand." He responded evenly, but she could see that certain dark light in his eyes that betrayed his true thoughts.

"Zhong Feng, you are completely shameless!" She rebuked loudly.

Zhong Feng stopped the vehicle suddenly and turned to her with a wicked light. He leaned towards her, causing her to back away from his overwhelming presence. Unlike his usual suited-up self, his casual appearance had an unrestrained wildness. It made her feel like he could swallow her up without warning.

"We are here." He whispered when his lips were just an inch from hers.

With that, he drew back. Hu Lei clenched her teeth in anger. This man… lighting fires that he did not intend to quench. Humph… see how this lady will deal with you. She looked outside and discovered that Zhong Feng had stopped before a humongous gate. At the top of this gate, there was a dramatic sign that read 'Secret Realm'.

After a moment, the lower part of the gate opened, allowing their car to drive into the property. Once the vehicle passed through, they found an entirely different environment inside. It was almost as if the property was really a secret realm in a cultivation novel.

Everything was lush and green, and the area even seemed significantly cooler than the eternal environment. When Hu Lei looked outside, she could see some species of trees and plants which were not indigenous. Moreover, the grounds looked wild and untamed while retaining their beauty.

Seeing the awed look on Hu Lei's face, Zhong Feng's lips stretched. She would be even more surprised because this was only the general area of the park. Even though he had never participated in the Secret Realm events, he had explored it.

Zhong Feng parked the vehicle on the parking lot outside a building with an impressive board with the words 'Information Centre'. Already, there were numerous vehicles in the lot. It was obvious that their owners were not small individuals. There were numerous high-class sports cars along with some long limousines and powerful trucks.

This powerful man who had a relatively simple car did not give these vehicles a second look. He simply opened his door and walked around to let out Hu Lei. He held her small soft hand in his own large one with satisfaction. When she stepped out of the vehicle, he could not resist pulling her close to his chest.

"You really came! I thought you were kidding." A loud person seemed to appear out of nowhere with an excited face.

They turned to face the bright, almost shining, countenance. Zhong Feng had a look of discontentment on his face because he had been planning on eating a little tofu before going into the building. Now, with this outsider, he could not do anything.

Hu Lei looked up and saw this excited person who seemed to have the energy of two terriers on a coffee diet. Normally, she would not think much about meeting this type of strange creature. However, this time, she could not help smiling.

"It's you?" the high-energy voice was loud and piercing.

Hu Lei did not understand the implication, but she could not simply let someone speak with that much shock about her.

"Why can't it be me?" She responded with an imperial air.

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