His Cute Wife is a Little Crazy


Furukawa Shun looked at the couple in front of him and felt that the image was too wonderful. His entire person felt refreshed and energised. How could he not? His personal hero and friend had showed up to one of his events. He had tried inviting him numerous times, but the man would always coldly turn him away.

Moreover, this hero had come with a beauty. As a loyal follower of Zhong Feng, Shun was always angry when people spoke ill of his 'big brother'. He had heard all kinds of rumours about Zhong Feng. Some people claimed that he had a cold heart, incapable of having human feelings. Others said that he had that kind of problem. Otherwise, why would he turn away beauties?

Furukawa Shun had used his small online accounts to fight for the sake of his hero. He also defended Zhong Feng with fierceness when his friends spoke poorly about him.

Unfortunately, this had led to them believing that Shun had a special unspeakable love for Zhong Feng. (^_^) Shun felt indignant about this implication. How could they not understand the meaning of brotherhood? This was the bond of knights who had braved battles together.

The more he looked at the couple, the more he felt that it was pleasing to his eyes. The cold handsome face and the little adorable face looked like they belonged together. More importantly, no one could defame his hero again.

"Of course, it can only be you, Miss Hu." He responded with his usual enthusiasm.

Hu Lei nodded in approval and looked at the energetic man with interest. The first time she had met him, she had thought that he looked like a K-pop idol. His face had matured a bit, but he still had the same youthful vibe.

Suddenly, her eyes were covered, cutting off the assessment.

"Don't look at him." A sullen person spoke in a low voice.

Hu Lei removed the hand from her face and looked at Zhong Feng, completely speechless. How childish was he? She had only looked at the man for a few moments. Still, his jealous face felt a little cute. She lifted her hands and rubbed his cheeks.

Shun turned into stone when he saw the pair being so loving. When the short Hu Lei fondly rubbed the towering Zhong Feng's face, the man showed softness and even leaned into the touch. Hero, what happened to you? There had to be some bewitching spell in play.

Shun cleared his throat loudly to disrupt this PDA. He could not take more of this scene. He might just crumble into dust. Zhong Feng looked at him coldly.

"He-he, the event is about to begin. We should get moving." He explained before indicating for them to follow him into the Information Centre.

"What is this event?" Hu Lei asked as they walked.

Shun looked at her and smiled with pride.

"You can think of it as a survival game meets a scavenger hunt. The entire game is modelled after the secret realms in fantasy cultivation books. Essentially, Secret Realm is a theme park." He explained with excitement.

When they entered the Information Centre, Hu Lei found that the interior design was reminiscent of eastern fantasy stories. Even the people working in the operation were dressed in interesting traditional robes. Hu Lei could not help looking around in amazement.

"On the right side, we have the meeting hall and the entrance to the secret dimension. Most of the other players are already in the hall." Shun indicated to a sign that read 'Meeting Hall'.

"What's on the left side?" Hu Lei asked.

"There is a restaurant, a performance theatre and a 3D archery range. When players get kicked out of the game, they can have a little fun before the session ends."

As Shun was talking, a beautiful lady in a black robe came towards the group and handed him two sealed garment bags with red clothes. He nodded and took them before waving for her to leave. He handed one clear bag to Hu Lei and the other to Zhong Feng.

"Every player must wear a robe. The robes are customised to match your height, and you can simply wear them over your regular clothes. They are also fitted with sensors to monitor player damage. The robe will detect and monitor the damage sustained. If the apparent damage is fatal, you will be kicked out." He explained.

"So, where are the weapons?" Hu Lei already felt excited.

"The weapons will be provided in the meeting hall before the door is opened. It is essential for us to prevent tampering for the sake of fairness."

Hu Lei nodded in understanding. So far, she liked everything she had heard. Her adorable face lifted to look up at the man who had been silent the entire time. She smiled happily at him, showing her appreciation.

He rubbed her head affectionately as he always did. Hu Lei glared at him. If he continued, she really would become shorter. He lifted an eyebrow and Hu Lei remembered the conversation they had in the vehicle. In the end, she could only submit to being petted on her little head.

"If you have anything to leave behind, you will be provided with a secure locker." Shun felt that he would be blinded by non-verbal PDA if he continued standing there.

How could they abuse a poor single guy like himself?

"There's no need. We are light travellers. We will just put on the robes as we walk to the meeting hall." Hu Lei did not want to waste time.

Shun looked at the little woman in dismay. Didn't she want the privacy of the locker room? This was the first time she had heard such an absurd approach. If Hu Lei had heard his thoughts, she would have waved her hand at him with nonchalance. If she was just going to throw on a robe over her regular clothes, why did she need privacy?

"Don't you want to use a mirror?" He asked subtly.

"Will you make me a better robe immediately if I don't like this one?" Hu Lei countered with another question, already opening the garment bag.

"Well, that might be difficult." He had already been hard-pressed to have these two robes made in such a short period. Usually, people booked his Secret Realm events in advance to ensure adequate preparation.

"Then, it makes no difference." She pulled the robe over her t-shirt and jeans.

Zhong Feng also followed her lead and donned his robe directly. His movements were smooth and efficient, as if he had worn these types of robes his entire life. He smoothly tied the sash, completing his look. The two people beside him and everyone else in the centre looked at him with worship.

After a long dazed moment, Shun shook his head forcefully to dispel the celestial image in his head. He could not bear it if the words spoken by his friends came true. Zhong Feng was his brother. Still, that look was just too enticing. He truly looked like an immortal.

"Hubby, you are too handsome. What shall I do if someone tries to steal you?" Hu Lei clutched her red cheeks and turned her head happily from side to side.

Zhong Feng smiled at the words. Immediately, the entire room seemed to come to a stand-still. The man was undeniably handsome, but his cold face was a little scary. However, when he truly smiled, even brightest stars would hide their faces.

"You can directly kill them." He responded carelessly.

With these words, he helped Hu Lei put her robe in order, causing the people watching to sigh in disappointment. It seemed that the immortal already had someone. Huh… she must have saved the universe in her last life.

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