His Dark Desire: Tales of a Yandere

Chapter 121

121 iv. Cake

“I still don’t understand why you wouldn’t listen to me,” he didn’t hide his frustration.

She is far too much, can’t she really see that her caring for a child who belongs to her rival would just complicate things more?

She insisted that they attend today’s family day, apparently a thing such as this is being held by the school every month. He might need to bring up the matter to the principal soon if the problem worsens.

“We already talked about this,” she pouted, her cute lips pursing so cutely he couldn’t even get mad at her.

“Talking? You never even listened to my point of view,” he followed her as she went from one display cabinet to the next, gawking at the different cakes available.

“Jiro is your son, it is only natural for you to spend time with him,” she pointed out as he considered the different designs and flavors.

“I’ll rather spend my whole time with you, you know that,” he said, unable to stop himself from frowning.

“Besides, the boy doesn’t seem to be fond of me at all,” he continued.

“Not fond of you? You only think that way because you were not spending your time with him. Rather than spending all your time working and coming to meet me, then you must also set aside time to be there for your son,” her eyes landed on a chocolate-flavored cake.


“Why? Are you bothered by my lack of time for him? You were the one who nearly ran away when he was born,” his voice was cold and calm, and it was all but a mere statement of facts.

So why is she hurt so much by his words? She clenched her teeth, it was because she knew how guilty she actually is.

Once upon a time, she did wish for the child to never have been born. She was threatened by his existence that she has pulled Dominus away from his own child.

“I was wrong,” she felt strong arms hug her from behind as her voice broke.

“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that, my queen. It is just that, I want you to know you are my number one priority. Even if it makes me an asshole of a father or a foolish alpha, I will still always prioritize only you. It is because I can’t live without you, queenie,” he whispered, making her heart beat faster

“You are not an asshole nor are you foolish, and I am telling you to stop trying to be one. I want you to care for your son too, he is your heir. I promise to never leave your side,” she whispered back, trapped in her own world with him, mindless of the people whose eyes were on them.

Everywhere they went, she was being judged, but much more when she is with him. She didn’t mind now, she has been used to it that she simply didn’t care.

“What do you want me to be?” he kissed her hair and glared at the people looking at them, making those people exit the pastry shop.

He hated making her uncomfortable. If it wasn’t a major crime to do so he would have eradicated the members of his pack who so much as stared at her face.

“A good father, and a responsible alpha,” she faced him and thankfully smiled.

“Your scowl scared the other customers away,” she protested.

“It doesn’t matter. We can close shop for all I care,” she pinched his arm.

“I don’t want to be bankrupt. I haven’t even repaid you the money you lent me for this shop,” she said as she felt a cloud of dissatisfaction fall over her.

“Who said anything about repaying? Did you not see whose bank account it was from?” he glared at her.

He has opened her a bank account of her own, with a net of almost a million dollars, he would have added more if she didn’t threaten to leave him for it. Of course, it was not at all an easy debate.

She sighed and hugged him, “I’m not comfortable with this. You promised to let me repay you the money as soon as I started earning some.”

He caressed her cheek, “You really don’t know how to listen.”

“Sounds like something I would tell you,” she teased him back.

She has opened a new bank account where she is saving the income from this pastry shop, she intends to repay him in full with interest. Not because of anything else but pride.

She was already looked down upon by the whole pack as his kept woman, already labeled as someone crude enough who wanted his fortune. While she was used to that, still she wanted to prove herself, to prove at least her love.

“Well then, which cake do you think Jiro will like?” she asked him as he rubbed his palm on her cheek, how he loved doing that.

“The one you liked most, of course,” was his immediate answer.

She shook her head and let out a disappointed sigh. She asked the baker to wrap the cake for her.

He went to the counter and insisted on paying for it, justifying it by saying business is business. She pinched his arm hard for that, an action he didn’t seem to mind.

His arm wrapped protectively over her shoulder as he pulled her close to him. He has always been a perfect gentleman. At least to her, he is.

He opened the car door and went inside, locking her seat belt and pressing a tender kiss on her forehead. She smiled at his action and uttered thanks.

“Thank you, my queen,” he faced her and kissed her cheek, unable to stop himself.

His guilt has been eating through him for so long. He didn’t want to make the child suffer but the thought of her running away again once he showed emotions for the child scared him.

He can be the most hated man in the world, and even his own son can despise him. But to lose her for doing the right thing is simply intolerable.

She smiled at him and ruffled his hair, “Please don’t worry about me in the future. Love your son the way you always wanted to. My selfishness knew no bounds, I should be sorry.”

He pressed a tender kiss on her hair and sniffed her scent, “No, don’t be sorry for anything. Even if you become the most selfish woman on earth, I will still love you just the same way.”

“I do not wish to be selfish anymore,” she shook her head.

“Then what do you wish to be?” he asked, his golden eyes staring intently into hers.

“Nothing else but your queen,” she whispered.

He crashed his mouth with hers after hearing her answer. It pleased him so, it is what he always wanted to hear.

If attending family day activities is all it takes for her to say those words to him then he will be sure to never miss even a day of it.

“We better go,” she pushed him away when she felt the erection on his pants when it momentarily brushed with her skirt.

“Aye,” his breathing was deep as he pulled away, forcing himself to smile.

“Will you give me a reward, later?” his eyes lit up as he asked her.

She nodded her head and said, “Of course my knight. For as long as you behave.”

He started the engine and tried to focus on the road ahead. It really was so easy when she is so sweet like this.

He felt like he has been handed the most delicate dessert when she said it earlier. An acknowledgment from her as his queen.

“Not even a taste?” he urged her.

She blushed and mumbled, “Park it somewhere first.”

He has never stepped on the accelerator that hard except during that time. He felt like his whole body is on fire.

He stopped the car in a section of the park that was usually abandoned. She blushed and handed him the cake box.

He grunted and exited the car, securing the box on the second-row seat. He slammed the door shut and carried her on his lap once he returmed to the driver’s seat.

She blushed and circled her hands on his neck. “Why are you so hungry?”

He chuckled and whispered, “Don’t worry, I’ll just have a taste.”

“I trust there are no objections?” She blushed more as his skillful hands caressed her legs, sliding them up and down underneath her skirt.

She couldn’t help but let out a sigh as he parted her legs open. Soon she was straddling him as he kissed her deeply.

“Fuck,” he grunted as he unbuckled his belt and took off their clothes.

“Is that all that’s in your vocabulary in times like this,” she teased him.

He slammed the whole of his cock inside her as she arched her back, letting out a lascivious moan.

“You have a better response, I think. While all my vocabulary is limited to that at this time. Look at the wonderful language coming out of your mouth, sweetheart,” he teased her back.

“So fast...,” she mumbled, arching her back in pleasure as her toes curled.

His movements were rougher and faster than usual. “Wait a bit,” she clung tighter to his shoulders as their bodies melted together.

“We are in a hurry, honey. We might as well not be late for the event,” he grunted as their bodies collided, her soft body rocking tenderly against his.

“Fuck, you are so fucking tight, honey,” he praised her, feeling the way she tightened around his cock as he thrust faster and deeper into her.

When she started clawing on his back he released his seeds into her as he whispered, “That was such a nice taste. I can’t wait for more.”

She giggled and hugged him tighter, “That was... fun,” she admitted.

“Let’s do it more often then. You know I will oblige you if it is what you wanted,” he whispered tenderly in her ear.

She blushed and kissed his cheek, “It was too risky to be doing this outside in broad daylight.”

“Where’s the risk in that?” he asked innocently as she ran her fingers through his hair.

“The risk is in getting found out,” she left a peck on his lips and bit it.

“You know I don’t mind a scandal,” he whispered and claimed her lips.

Soon the car was moving again in a rather slow and steady rhythm as they tried for yet another taste.

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