His Dark Desire: Tales of a Yandere

Chapter 122

122 iv. Fleeting

The child’s face lit up seeing her with him. It was a rather pleasant surprise even if he tried not to show it.

“Did you wait for us for long?” she asked the child as she ruffled his hair.

“Hey,” he pouted and pushed her away, earning a sharp glare from Dominus.

Knowing how protective he is, she immediately diverted the attention to the cake, asking the child if he wants some.

The child blushed as he asked them to sit down, she tried not to laugh as he behaved so maturely for a five-year-old. He really was way more advanced than other children his age, no wonder he finds his class boring.

She sliced the cake and gave the child his share first, Dominus glared at her. “What?” she asked when the child went to play.

“I wanted to be the first. When it comes to you, you should think of me first before anyone else,” he sulked.

She laughed and ruffled his hair. He did not protest and held her hand which was under the table. “Do you understand now?” he asked her.

“I do,” she nodded, smiling at him. She really appreciated him being here.


He canceled a lot of his meetings just to join her. Granted it was because of his possessiveness towards her, but she still felt like a big part of it was because he also wanted to spend his time with his child.

Dominus is a lot of things, but one thing is for sure, he is not heartless. He can claim to be one, but his heart once touched can never forget.

The look on his face when he stared at that child the moment he was born was still the most haunting memory in her mind because he has never looked at another that way before.

Jiro seemed to be more sociable with the other kids because of his father’s presence. As if the child wanted badly to impress him he even joined a mini-soccer match.

“Your son reminded me so much of you. When you were five, I’ll wait for you here,” she smiled fondly at him.

“What’s to like about those memories? Everyone called you noona, and you ruffled all their hair. Your eyes should be fixed only on me,” his voice was sharp as if castigating her.

She laughed and leaned closer to him, pinching his nose, “You are so hateful then every time I’ll ask you to call me noona and introduce me as your older sister. I still remember how much you hated me back then.”

“Baka, I never hated you. I just hated the fact that you were older than me and see me as a little brother. I never treated you like one, in my heart you have always been my future mate,” he pulled her closer and sniffed her hair.

“You always smell so wonderful,” he mused. “Roses and vanilla, that’s your scent. That’s how I’ll know it’s you even if someone were to take my eyes away.”

“As if anyone will dare to pick a fight with the alpha,” she teased him and pressed a kiss on his cheek.

“You are the only one brave enough to do so,” he pulled her closer to him.

“That’s because you allow me to behave as I pleased,” she said happily.

“I do, let you do as you pleased,” he beamed.

“Except stay even a step away from you. The gods know what you’ll do if I ever dared,” she teased him.

The light smile on his face disappeared, replaced by a scowl, “Don’t joke about this matter. I am even contemplating buying chains and chaining you by my side.”

She felt horrified, he said jokes like that are prohibited. But his joke is even worse.

She pinched his arm but his mood didn’t lighten. Thankfully the game match ended and Jiro came back.

She immediately took out a towel and wiped his sweat. Before she can even enjoy doing it for the child she felt big hands envelop hers, tugging the cloth away.

“I’ll do it,” he muttered, his voice was steely so she didn’t try to argue.

“Did you have fun?” she smiled at the boy Dominus was helping to get changed.

“Yup,” he said proudly as his father changed his shirt.

She smiled at the scene. This is how they should be. The perfect love between father and son.

“Let’s take a picture of you,” she suggested.

She whisked her phone away and set up the camera feature, but before she can protest he carried her and sat her on his lap, that was when the timer went off.

She blushed and tried to complain but Jiro just laughed. She tried to look angry, saying she doesn’t look cute in the photo because his dad just suddenly grabbed her like some barbarian.

Jiro and Dominus seemed to bond over teasing her more, saying she looked as pretty as always. Then the little rascals proceeded to kiss her cheeks.

“You guys are terrible,” she complained as she took her purse and began to walk away from the child and the seeming child at heart.

She blushed when she felt Dominus’s hand hold hers. Jiro ran up to them and held her other hand.

“You guys trying to kidnap me, or what?” she pouted.

“Only to keep you safe, auntie,” Jiro beamed.

His words made Dominus laugh, somehow seeing himself in the child. Jiro reminded him of how he was as a child, forever protective over his noona.

“Well, no one can dare to harm me with two capable gentlemen at my side,” she said sweetly.

“That is true,” Dominus smiled, he has never been that happy all his life.

Maybe it was because the two people most precious to him are here by his side. He lead them to where the car was parked and opened the door for them both.

Jiro frowned, “Don’t open the door for me next time, dad. I’m not a lady.”

She laughed hearing that, turning to the boy who was yet to board the backseat, and she placed a kiss on his forehead. “I will make sure your dad won’t do the same mistake, next time.”

Dominus frowned, she laughed seeing his facial expression. “Why are you frowning? Do you dislike what I said?”

“No, I dislike that the little gentleman got a kiss but I was totally ignored,” he pointed out.

She chuckled and tiptoed, pressing a kiss into his cheek, “Satisfied?”

Dominus shook his head, “No, but that will do for now.”

Jiro climbed into the backseat, leaving the two of them outside the car, “More once we are home?” Dominus whispered.

“More, later,” she assured him, blushing over what he meant.

When they boarded the car, Jiro was busy with his laptop. She smiled and looked in the rearview mirror, “Coding?”

He didn’t even look up at her as he continuously typed on his keyboard and clicked the mouse, “Yes, I’m trying to change her design.”

“What do you mean?” she asked as interest sparked in her.

“I think she should be even paler, and a bit more skinnier,” he still did not look up.

“Why is that?” Dominus started the engine and focused his eyes on the road.

“Because she doesn’t look as beautiful as the live model,” he rationalized.

Hearing him say it, she felt a warmth spread to her heart. She wished she can be there more for the child.

She wished for more moments like this between the three of them. But when he learns of her identity, she was sure he will begin to hate her.

Maybe Jiro can never forgive her then, and he will be justified in doing so. For she is the one who broke his family apart.

She looked out the window as Dominus held her hand with one hand, lifting it to his lips. “If you keep making that face, I’ll park the car first. Don’t you know, it hurts my heart, noona.”

She smiled at him and removed her hand from his touch, to her amazement he took her hand back and squeezed it, “I’ll drive this way.”

She kept silent and didn’t start a fight, looking outside the window as the afternoon finally came to an end. She wondered how the sudden mood can change so easily like how time suddenly sneaks up on them.

“Auntie, why do you look so sad?” Jiro noticed as he closed his laptop for a minute.

“No, not at all. I’m very happy we have this moment together. Can you promise to keep this a secret, especially from your mom? We don’t go along that well,” she tried to explain as much as she could.

The child nodded, “She never really talked much to me except to pull me over and tell me I got my dad’s eyes. My mom is basically a psycho crazy when it comes to dad. As for myself, she never really cared.”

She went silent and forced herself to smile. She couldn’t help but think about Cinderella, Dominus’s wife.

It weighs heavy on her since she starts to entertain the idea that his wife might be in love with him. What if he gives in when she tempts him? She won’t be able to forgive him then.

Dominus squeezed her hand hard, “If you keep making that expression then Jiro and I will just worry more, noona.”

She looked out the window and started to distract herself from the scenery. But her mind is still so far away from the present.

Guilt, jealousy, and insecurity rack her mind. Cinderella is younger and more beautiful, and he has a child with her.

Even as a concubine, she has failed him. She has proven herself barren throughout these years so it could only be a matter of time before he got tired of her.

She had no one to tie him to herself. No consideration other than his own free will. So how can she not think of these things?

She looked back to him when he took hold of her hand again and pressed it to his lips, “Stop overthinking, noona. I love you so much. So don’t overthink about anything.”

“That’s right, auntie. We both love you so much, so better smile and feel happy,” Jiro chimed in, oblivious to the way Dominus spoke to her.

She wondered when the child will figure out that his dad’s affections for her is more than familial. She is terrified to find out.

“Can we get a ramen before dropping you off?” she smiled at them, diverting her mind to food.

“Yes, of course,” the two gentlemen in her life said at the same time, making her laugh.

For now, she will forget about the worries and not waste a precious day. For it is said that happiness is fleeting.


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