HOTD: Tōshiro Nagi

Chapter 5: Escape

Chapter 5: Escape

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(A/N: Is that a Power Stone I'm sensing? You should leave it here for safekeeping. Don't worry, I'll take good care of it.)

Word Count: 2713

The air filled with the sound of rustling as the group hastily gathered their belongings, preparing for the daunting task of escaping the confines of the school. Nagi, maintaining his characteristic stoicness, calmly observed the flurry of activity around him as he too retrieved his own essentials.

Nagi swiftly gathered his essentials and equipped himself with his quiver of arrows, securing it around his torso. He fastened his bow within easy reach and slipped his knife into his pants buckle hole, keeping it concealed yet accessible. With his cleaver firmly in hand, he observed the others in the room as they finished their preparations.

"Are you guys ready?" Nagi asked, getting a nod in response to his question. He continued, "The quickest way to get to the parking lot out of here is through the front entrance. If you don't have any questions, let's get moving on."

Eliminating the nearby zombies that had been lured by the blaring noise of the televisions, they pressed on, moving swiftly along the corridor towards the exit. Finally, they arrived at the staircase, which would lead them down to the main hall.


Upon hearing a sudden shriek piercing through the halls, the group swiftly rushed towards the source of the sound. As they approached, they saw a group of students fighting off a small horde of undead creatures.

Choosing to remain an observer, Nagi watched the scene before him, while the rest sprang into action to save them. With the horde swiftly dispatched, a visible sense of relief washed over the group of students, and they began to relax. However, Saeko quickly interjected, interrupting their gratitude. "Don't speak so loudly," she cautioned. "Were any of you bitten?"

In a panic, they shook their heads vigorously, denying any contact with the infected. Nagi's gaze narrowed slightly at their panicked reactions, but he remained silent, simply observing. It was Rei who, in her naivety, offered an invitation, saying, "They all look fine. We're planning to escape the school. Would any of you like to join us?"

"Yes!" they all exclaimed, their faces filled with newfound hope as they saw a chance to escape the school. Observing their reactions, Nagi couldn't help but deduce three important facts. First, there were still students hiding somewhere within the school.

Second, the group he was currently with was exceptional. Their collective skills and abilities covered a wide range of situations, and they displayed a level of composure uncommon among their peers.

And finally, Nagi's own group was, in his assessment, somewhat naive and overly trusting. If they continued on that path, they would inevitably be taken advantage of. However, there were a few exceptions, namely Saeko, Kohta, and Saya.

Leading the way, Nagi descended the stairs, with Saya trailing closely behind. As they reached the lower level, they cautiously peered over the wall, surveying the lobby below. The number of zombies congregating there was far greater than on the upper floors, their presence multiplied threefold.

And that didn't even account for the ones lurking outside on the streets. It was evident that those who had recklessly rushed down at the start had met their demise in this very area. Bringing the info back to the group they plotted their next move.

"They can't see, so you'll be practically invisible," Saya explained. Takashi, seizing the opportunity, chimed in, "Well then, Takagi, why don't you go out there and demonstrate it?" His suggestion made her flinch, clearly apprehensive about the idea.

"Ah," Nagi interjected, a momentary sound escaping his lips. "I forgot to mention something."

"What's wrong?" Saeko asked, her gaze shifting towards Nagi, prompting the others to do the same. Ignoring the stares, he continued, "I forgot to mention the weaknesses of the zombies."

Of course, his words left most of them in shock, their minds racing with the thought, "There's a weakness for the zombies?" However, Saya appeared pleased to have someone backing up her claims. Folding her arms, she nodded approvingly at Nagi.

"Well, I suppose I'll begin listing them," Nagi spoke up. "Firstly, Saya is correct in saying that since they are 'dead,' their senses are also dead. I assumed most of you were already aware of this, but apparently, I was mistaken."

His unintentional jab elicited grumbles of dissatisfaction from his group, but they chose to overlook it, considering they were already familiar with his blunt demeanor. However, there was one person who seemed unwilling to let his pride be trampled upon.

"And how did you acquire this information? You make it sound as if it's common knowledge," the person challenged. Nagi calmly looked at him and responded in his monotone voice, "I learned by observing them and conducting experiments."

"Just as scientists study animal behavior and traits, I applied the same methodology to the undead. Moreover, considering that their lifeless bodies have risen, why would their senses remain intact? Their brains no longer function, and it seems like yours doesn't either."

"Pfffft!" Saya couldn't contain her snicker, hastily covering her mouth. All eyes turned toward her, and she averted her gaze, wiping away her tears and regaining composure. "My apologies," she said, her voice slightly trembling. "It's just... Did you really have to embarrass him like that?"

Shrugging indifferently, Nagi maintained his stoic demeanor. "If he is unable to accept blunt truths, then he will only meet a pitiful death," he stated matter-of-factly. His remark sent a chill down their spines, leaving them feeling uneasy.

While they couldn't deny the truth in his words, it did little to ease the already tense situation. Nagi's perpetual stoicism and cold, monotone voice only heightened their sense of fear and apprehension. It wasn't long before Rei voiced her concern, questioning, "Isn't that... a bit cold hearted?"

Surprisingly, it was Saya who aligned herself with Nagi's perspective. "As heartless as it may sound, it's the truth. Those who can't come to terms with their reality and adapt will simply meet their demise in this new world. However, Nagi, perhaps you could choose your words more carefully."

"What a drag," Nagi remarked with a sigh, disregarding Saya's irritated expression. "Anyway, as long as you remain silent and move stealthily through the horde, you should be able to stay out of harm's way. Just remember not to panic, or they'll seize the opportunity to grab hold of you."

"Prove your theory, Nagi. Moving quietly with such a large group is impossible. Back at the school during the initial attack, I couldn't discern any patterns in their movements. We can't simply dash out through the entrance," Saeko stated. "Someone has to confirm this for us"

Observing the hesitant expressions and Takashi deep in thought, Nagi stood up from his crouched position and walked away without any further notice. He desired to conclude this matter swiftly, as the sooner he could board the bus and rest, the better.

Navigating through the sea of zombies with composure, Nagi retrieved a shoe from the ground and tossed it to the opposite side of the lobby. The noise instantly captured the attention of the undead, who swiftly turned their heads and gravitated towards the source, eagerly pursuing their potential prey. Seizing the opportunity, Nagi opened the door and silently signaled to the others.

As the rest of the group descended the stairs, leaving only a few stragglers behind, Saeko approached Nagi from behind and whispered in his ear, "That was pretty hot, Nagi."

Not knowing what to say during such a situation, Nagi just stayed quiet and focused on the task at hand. It wasn't the first time he had been hit on, but wasn't this too fast? Or was it just a compliment? Nagi didn't have a good grasp of the enigma called Saeko Busujima as of yet.

As Nagi's group and a few other students neared the doors, the hesitant ones who had fallen behind mustered some courage to catch up. However, their attempts were in vain, as one of them accidentally struck the metal railing, creating a deafening noise that echoed through the surroundings.

The sudden commotion drew the relentless pursuit of every undead creature in the vicinity, their instinctual drive propelling them towards the source of the disturbance. As if the situation wasn't dire enough, Takashi, overwhelmed by fear and alarm, let out a piercing shout, "RUNNNNN!"

Letting out an exasperated groan, Nagi swiftly closed the doors, separating the chaos outside from their group. "Why did you yell? If you had kept quiet, we would have likely only needed to worry about the nearby ones," Saya shouted in frustration. In the midst of the tense moment, an arrow whistled past Saya, finding its mark in a creeping zombie behind her.

"Focus, Takagi," Nagi calmly spoke, his bow relaxing in his grasp. "While I understand your concern, the noise would undoubtedly have attracted their attention towards us. It changes nothing. Right now, I want you and Nurse Marikawa to start up the bus and load the supplies. The keys are in the food bag. We'll provide cover."

Acknowledging Nagi's directive, Saya swiftly took hold of the bag he handed her and turned to leave. "Come on, fatty," she called out to Kohta. "You'll be joining Nurse Marikawa and me." She cast a brief glance back at Nagi before adding, "And be careful."

Nodding, Nagi turned back to face the group, issuing clear instructions. "Everyone, form pairs. Moving alone or in a large group will only make us more vulnerable. Discard anything unnecessary, such as towels or necklacesanything the undead can grab onto. Though slow, we should be able to reach the bus safely as long as we watch each other's backs."

"Let's go," Nagi stated simply as the group hurried towards the bus. He was aware that not everyone would survive, and he felt no attachment to them whatsoever. They hadn't even bothered to introduce themselves, and their performance during their time in the school had been mediocre at best. As cold as it may sound, they offered no significant value worth fighting for.

Strapping his bow back around his torso, Nagi firmly gripped his cleaver, its razor-sharp edge glinting under the dim light. Running side by side with Saeko, their coordination and synchronization were incredible.

With a swift motion, Saeko swiped her bokken in an uppercut, launching the undead creature into the air before it crashed down lifeless under the sheer force. Meanwhile, Nagi spun behind her, swiftly striking down a nearby zombie with a precise blow to the head.

They nodded to each other, silently acknowledging their coordination as they covered each other's blind spots, ensuring that no zombies could gain the upper hand. As the two continued their graceful dance amidst the horde, Nagi's predictions proved to be accurate.

The random students, lacking in fighting skills and coordination, met their inevitable demise. Their feeble attempts at combat and overwhelming fear rendered them utterly ineffective against the relentless onslaught of zombies. As they made their way through the relentless horde, Saya and the rest of the group finally reached the safety of the bus.

"Come on, Nurse Marikawa, we need you to start the bus. Once the others arrive, we're leaving immediately," Saya urged. Turning to Kohta, she requested, "Hirano, could you provide cover for Nagi and the group? While I have no doubt in their capabilities, the sooner we can depart, the better."

Saluting, Kohta responded with a "Yes, ma'am," before complying with Saya's request. He readied his nail gun, taking aim at a zombie approaching Nagi, and pulled the trigger. The nail shot through the air with deadly precision, piercing the undead creature's skull, causing it to slump lifelessly to the ground.

It didn't take long before the group broke through the horde, eventually approaching the bus. As the others made their way into the bus, Nagi and Saeko stayed outside, guarding the entrance, as the remaining students approached, running into the bus. Shizuka turned it on as the final student walked in, eliciting Nagi and Saeko to finish up out there and soon follow.

Taking a seat at the back of the bus, Nagi set down his weapons and spat out the remains of his lollipop stick. Reaching for another one, he unwrapped it and placed the sweet in his mouth, savoring the fleeting taste. However, his curiosity was piqued when he noticed that the bus hadn't yet begun to move. Wondering about the delay, he made his way to the front to inquire.

"Why haven't we started yet?" Nagi asked, his voice tinged with confusion. It didn't take long for him to find the answer. A group of students, led by a teacher, were rushing towards the bus in a panicked frenzy. Reacting swiftly, Rei sprang from her seat and ran towards Takashi.

"We're not going to save him!" Rei adamantly stated, her voice filled with conviction. Turning towards her, Takashi confronted her in confusion. "What the hell are you talking about, Rei?"

"We shouldn't save him! That kind of person is better off dead!" As their argument escalated, they failed to notice the approaching students, their cheers growing louder as they drew nearer. Meanwhile, Nagi observed them, his attention focused on the teacher whom Rei was so determined to leave behind.

The teacher's actions portrayed the archetype of a hero, fulfilling his duty to protect the lives of the students entrusted to him. It was a role he had assumed when he became a teacher.

As the students rushed past Shido, he signaled them and urged them to keep running, while the teacher lagged behind due to his cumbersome attire. However, Nagi wasn't easily swayed by such displays. He knew that people could wear masks, hiding their true selves. It was a common trait, the art of deception mastered by many.

And as Nagi expected, a student stumbled nearby, reaching out to the teacher, seeking help. But instead of extending a helping hand as one would expect, the teacher looked upon the boy with contempt and kicked him in the face, shattering his glasses in the process.

'So this is why Rei was so adamant about him,' Nagi thought to himself. 'She's aware of this side of him and wants to avoid him. Perhaps they share a history that remains hidden from me. Dealing with someone like him will be troublesome. Should I simply leave?'

Lost in his contemplation, Nagi's attention was drawn back to the bus as it filled with students celebrating their survival. The doors finally closed, sealing them off from the outside world, and the vehicle sped off towards the front gates.

The roar of the engine echoed through the school grounds as the tires spun, leaving streaks of rubber on the cold, unforgiving concrete. The bus surged forward, a juggernaut plowing through the ranks of the undead with merciless intent. With each impact, the horde was torn asunder, their bodies disintegrating under the weight and force of the massive vehicle.

Limbs and appendages were sent hurtling through the air, severed by the relentless onslaught. Fingers, hands, and arms scattered like macabre confetti, painting a gruesome tableau against the dusk sky. The sickening crunch of bones being crushed under the wheels mingled with the agonized moans of the dying, creating a symphony of horror that filled the air.

Approaching the front gates of the school, Shizuka's grip on the steering wheel tightened, her resolve evident. "They aren't human anymore," she muttered to herself, a grim realization settling in.

Without hesitation, she pressed on the gas, propelling the bus forward with force. The vehicle crashed into the gate, sending zombies and debris flying in all directions. As they sped off into the city, leaving chaos in their wake.

Author Words:

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