HOTD: Tōshiro Nagi

Chapter 6: Separation

Chapter 6: Separation

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(A/N: Is that a Power Stone I'm sensing? You should leave it here for safekeeping. Don't worry, I'll take good care of it.)

Word Count: 2368

As the bus raced to the city, the students and their teacher found temporary respite in their seats, their adrenaline slowly subsiding. Occupying the front of the bus was Takashi's group, with Nagi positioned next to Shizuka, providing her assistance in navigating the treacherous roads. Though some decided to complain about this decision.

"As I've been saying, it's dangerous to drive like this!" a boy with blonde hair exclaimed, his frustration evident in his voice. "That was too close!" However, the rest of the group remained silent, their lack of response only adding to the tense atmosphere inside the bus. Shizuka, growing increasingly annoyed, felt her brow twitch and sharpen as the boy continued his outburst.

"Why do we have to be with you guys? You all decided on where to go without considering us. Wouldn't it have been better to find someplace to hide, like the dorms or the school?"

"Tsunoda's right," chimed in a scrawny boy. "We're only putting ourselves in more danger by driving like this. We should stop somewhere. There was a convenience store just a little ways back."

"Can't you drive any slower?! I almost"

Suddenly slamming on the brakes, Shizuka's abrupt stop caused Tsunoda to almost lose his balance, having been standing during his argument. Unfastening her seatbelt, Shizuka turned around, fixing a stern glare on the arguing boys. "That's enough! Lay off me! I've never driven one of these before, and I can't concentrate on you guys arguing back there!"

Nagi, sitting calmly beside Shizuka, maintained his blank gaze as Tsunoda directed his irritation toward him. Pointing his finger, Tsunoda lashed out, demanding, "What's with you? What the fuck are you looking at?"

"I'm observing the idiots who failed to provide a valid argument in this situation. If you genuinely felt that way, why did you choose to board the bus?" Nagi asked in exasperation before continuing.

"You could have opted to stay at the school, infested with zombies, and waited for help. In fact, you should be grateful that some of us showed consideration and kindness by waiting for you to join us. So, there is no reason for you to act in such a manner," he explained before gazing at the rest. "Of course, this goes for the rest of you as well."

Gritting his teeth in anger, a vein bulging on his forehead, Tsunoda glared fiercely at Nagi. "You little bitch!" he growled, his fist clenched and poised to strike.

However, before he could act upon his aggression, Rei swiftly intervened, swinging her makeshift spear and landing a powerful blow to his solar plexus. Tsunoda crumpled to the ground, coughing up saliva, his grip on his stomach tightened in agony.

The sight elicited winces from the onlookers as they listened to his pained coughs and witnessed him huddled over, clutching his stomach. The scrawny kid retreated into his seat, clearly intimidated by the turn of events.

Takashi's group appeared taken aback, while Saeko maintained her usual neutral expression. Nagi observed the scene with his customary blank face, though it would be dishonest to deny his surprise at Rei's decisive action.

To Nagi, there was no need to further escalate the irritating situation. He would have simply restrained Tsunoda and put him in his place. "Miya" he began to speak, but his voice was interrupted.

"You don't need to thank me. I'm just repaying the debt for saving me back at the school," Rei interjected, providing her reason for intervening. "Besides, he was becoming quite bothersome."

Nagi looked at her for a moment before speaking once more. "I wasn't going to thank you though." His response elicited snickers from the group as Rei herself grew annoyed and a blush adorned her face from embarrassment. "You really don't mince your words do you?" Shaking his head in agreement she sighed in resignation.

"What a sight!" a voice suddenly exclaimed, accompanied by the sound of clapping hands. The individual began walking toward the front of the bus. Rei, recognizing the voice, clenched her teeth and directed a glare at him.

Shifting his gaze away from Rei, Nagi observed the man who had approached. The man was dressed in a black pinstripe suit, complemented by black-framed glasses and brown dress shoes. His figure was thin and lanky, lacking any notable strength or speed.

"Who are you supposed to be?" Nagi asked bluntly. The man shook his head disapprovingly before responding, "Now, now, Tshiro-kun. You shouldn't forget your very own homeroom teacher, right? Though I shouldn't be too surprised; all you did was sleep and stare out the window."

"However, for those who don't know who I am, allow me to introduce myself," he said, bowing in a dramatic fashion before looking at Nagi. "My name is Shido Koichi, the homeroom teacher of Class 2D. Now that my introduction is out of the way, I need to address something."

"We need a leader," Shido announced as his demeanor shifted. "To keep fights and disagreements like this from breaking out I think we should try this little idea of mine."

Fixing her glasses, Saya looked at him and said, "And let me guess, you're going to run for the position." Leaning over her seat, Shido responded, "I'm a teacher, Takagi-san, and you are all students. I'm the only one qualified to do so. So, how about it, y'all? If you agree with little old me... would you please clap your hands?"

At his words, everyone sitting in the back applauded, endorsing his speech and electing him as their leader. After bowing to his supporters, he turned towards the group with his arms spread wide. "There. It's been decided. The majority seems to have made their choice quite clear, wouldn't you agree?"

"Eight voters against our seven, I would have to agree, Shido-sensei. However, that doesn't mean we have to unquestioningly follow your orders," Nagi retorted. Shido narrowed his eyes in response and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Throughout history, there have been a noticeable two ways of dealing with a manipulative tyrant," Nagi said as he stood up. "One is to overthrow the tyrant by building a faction to dismantle the group from within, or simply kill the leader."

His words sent a chill down the students' spines, as he casually mentioned killing someone, and his never-changing expression and monotone voice only added to the tension. Despite his fear, Shido asked, "And what is the other way?"

Walking towards Shizuka, he pressed a button and retrieved his bag before turning to face everyone. "Simply leaving," he stated plainly. His answer confused most of them, but Saeko and Saya seemed to understand. "Trying to overthrow your rule would be a hassle, and I prefer not to exert more effort than necessary. Besides, by leaving, I can at least be free."

As Nagi stepped out of the bus, Rei shot up from her seat and soon followed, with Takashi calling out to her. Landing on the ground, she looked back at Takashi and responded, "I agree with Nagi! There's no way in hell I am ever going to travel with that bastard!"

"It sounds like I won't be able to change their mind. They're a lost cause..." Shido said, feigning a troubled expression. Turning towards him in anger, Takagi replied, "How can you even say that?!"

In an attempt to persuade Rei, Takashi jumped out of the bus and grabbed hold of her, urging her to return. "Come back on the bus. We just need to stay until we reach the city! It's too dangerous to be on foot! And you, Nagi! Get back on the bus too. We'll figure something out once we're in the city."

"I refuse," Nagi replied calmly as he turned to leave. "You claim it's dangerous, but I believe it's safer to stay here."

Just as Nagi was about to leave, a blinding flash of light caught his attention. He turned his gaze towards the source and saw a bus, filled with people being devoured by ravenous zombies. The walls and windows of the bus were smeared with blood and flesh, and the driver himself was succumbing to the undead, his neck torn open.

The bus hurtled toward them, its trajectory set to collide with the tunnel ahead on the highway. Acting swiftly, Nagi grabbed Rei and Takashi, throwing them across the tunnel just in time. The bus crashed into the entrance, erupting in a fiery explosion.

Luckily, the school bus had escaped unscathed, bearing the brunt of the collision. Rising to his feet, Nagi surveyed the growing flames that now blocked their path to the bus. Observing Rei and Takashi, who had also regained their footing, he confirmed their well-being.

"Nagi! Are you alright?" Saeko and Saya called out anxiously.

"We're fine, stop shouting," Nagi replied stoically. "For now, we'll go our separate ways. Meet us at the Higashi police station within the next three days. It should be relatively easy to reach. If we're not there by then, assume we're dead."

"Alright!" they responded in unison as the school bus started to drive away. As the moans and growls of the approaching zombies filled the air, Nagi looked at Rei and Takashi and simply stated, "Let's go."

Nodding in acknowledgment, Rei and Takashi followed closely behind Nagi as they ventured deeper into the foreboding darkness of the tunnel. Curiosity gnawed at Takashi, prompting him to inquire, "Why did you choose to leave the bus, Nagi? While I somewhat understand Rei's hate for Shido, I am curious about your reason."

Casting a fleeting glance in Takashi's direction, Nagi maintained his stoic demeanor as he continued to lead the way. "I seek liberation from constraints," he explained matter-of-factly.

"In this shattered world, I am free to pursue my desires without the burden of societal norms. Whether it be establishing a community of survivors, assembling a personal entourage, or even embracing a path of tyranny or terrorism, the collapse of infrastructure grants unprecedented freedom."

As they prepared to reprimand Nagi for his seemingly amoral inclination, he pressed on with his explanation. "However, it doesn't imply that I lack a moral code. Like most individuals, I do possess one, although I must admit that I assign minimal value to matters that hold significance for you all."

His statement caused them to abandon their attempt to sway him. 'Yet, in complete honesty, I maintain a neutral stance toward most things, guided by a morally gray compass,' Nagi contemplated silently within himself. Soon, they reached the other end of the tunnel, concluding their passage.

As they set foot on the pavement of the sidewalk, a looming shadow cast itself over them. Reacting swiftly, Nagi glanced upward, only to find himself confronted by a descending undead.

Struck by its weight, he tumbled to the ground, but instinctively seized its forehead, noticing that its mouth and face were concealed by a helmet. Employing a rolling motion, he expelled the zombie with a powerful kick, then swiftly rose to his feet, promptly subduing the undead beneath his foot.

"Are you okay, Nagi? Your nose is bleeding!" Rei exclaimed, concern evident in her voice, as she swiftly retrieved a handkerchief from her skirt pocket.

Receiving a subtle nod from Nagi, she gently pressed the cloth against his nose, halting the flow of blood, and proceeded to inspect him for any other injuries. "That thing appeared out of nowhere, and you hit the ground quite hard. Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm alright, Miyamoto. No need to worry. We must make our way to the police station," Nagi stated, surveying the surroundings. "There's a motorcycle over there in the grass. Walking to the city is not feasible, and that bike can only accommodate two people..."

Taking note of Takashi's distant and unwell appearance, Nagi inquired, "Are you alright, Takashi? You appear unwell." Startled by the mention of his name, Takashi snapped out of his daze and offered a wry smile, his gaze fixed on Rei. Ignoring the matter for now, Nagi firmly grasped his cleaver and swiftly dispatched the zombie by severing its neck.

"Very well, there seems to be only one solution," Nagi muttered as he observed the approaching horde of flaming zombies. "Rei, Takashi, the two of you will ride ahead on the motorcycle. I will catch up with you later."

"What are you talking about?!" Rei exclaimed, her voice filled with determination. "We won't know unless we try! Come on, if we put our minds to it, we can find a solution, right Takashi?" She turned to Takashi, hoping for his agreement. However, silence hung in the air, revealing that he too understood the impossibility of fitting three people on the motorcycle.

Facing the approaching horde of zombies, Nagi called out to Takashi, his voice indifferent. "Hey, Takashi. Just get out of here, will you? There's no need for you two to stay any longer than necessary. Besides, who's to say I won't reach there before you?" Nagi's remark dripped with cockiness.

Taking hold of Rei, Nagi dragged her toward the motorcycle and swiftly started it up. Just before they departed, Takashi turned back to Nagi and shouted, "You better not die!"

As the ravenous zombies closed in, Nagi swiftly dropped his bag and reached for the bow strapped across his chest. Drawing an arrow from the quiver on his back, he skillfully loaded it onto the bowstring. With his ever-so-stoic demeanor, he calmly stated, "Only a fool would include his own death as part of a plan."

Releasing the arrow, it soared through the air, finding its mark with deadly precision as it pierced the zombie's skull.

Author Words:

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