How Much For Your Soul?

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

"Shit!" Yelled a 30-something-year-old man as he slammed his door shut and walked to the road through his front yard.

"That bitch shits me to tears!" as he walked up the street to the corner store, he couldn't help but rant. He had just been in a flame war with some random keyboard warrior over a fanfiction he had been reading, it was the definition of pathetic!

"If you were transported to a world where the strong made the rules, of course, you would have a harem! Even the City Lord had two wives! The story was full of douche bags that did whatever they wanted, and if they didn't get it, they destroyed it! Might as well be King douche bag and live out all your desires! Even some countries on Earth practised polygamy! Why would you try to keep to Earths standards and be a little pansy bitch as you follow behind Nie Li?"

Talking to himself as he crossed the road this dude was all kinds of petty, to be angry over some girl's posts on fanfiction was a bit sad.

Unfortunately, the man failed to look both ways as he crossed the road and was only made aware of his mistake as he heard the almost mocking sound of a truck horn beeping.


With a flash of light, the random 30 odd-year-old dude appeared in the room with a fireplace and two comfy looking armchairs, one of which was filled with a white-haired old man that could only be described as regal. His first impression was quickly shattered as the old man opened his mouth.

"Yo! How do you feel? Truck-kun really did a number on you, lolz he even beeped just to see the look on your face!" The not so regal man then proceeded to laugh quite hard.

"Shit! What happened? Where am I? Who are you? People don't say lolz!" The newly arrived man was freaking out, and quite naturally, his mouth spat out his immediate thoughts.

"Relax guy, I'm God, and you have been summoned to undertake a great mission of utmost urgency, only you can do it! Have a seat." Said God, stroking this unknown guy's ego and gesturing at the remaining chair.

"Really? Am I really the only one who can do this?" Stammered out the random dude with a mix of hope and pride, while sitting down.

"Lolz, no I had Truck-kun kill you because I'm bored and needed the entertainment!" God laughed at the guy, as his mouth fell open and his eyes bulged in disbelief! Before he could say anything, God continued on.

"I have been reading the literary works of you mortals and must say, I have been surprised with the worlds you create. Quite the imagination even the fanfiction writers amuse me as they insert themselves into their stories to escape from reality. Truly fascinating! But that doesn't compare to the multitude of plebs commenting on them and then getting into arguments over it! And then it hit me, why don't I give these plebs a chance to prove their arguments."

God stopped speaking and stared at said plebe, giving him a chance to comprehend this subpar plot that only trash writers would use.

After a while, the random plebe's mind rebooted, and he started processing what God had said. "Sure, God killed him for the lolz (shit now I'm saying it!), but it has also been one of his biggest fantasies, to be inserted into one of his favourite stories with a cheat system... Wait, do I get a cheat?" He thought to himself, quickly voicing out his worries with frantic haste.

"If I'm to do this, do I get cheat powers? Do I get to choose the world? I want Harry Potter!" he blurted out.

"Naturally you get cheat powers, if I sent you keyboard warriors into this world, then you would die too quickly, and that would be as entertaining as watching daytime TV. No, I have already made the universe, it was the one you were arguing about!" God answered, taking him from excitement at getting powers to crushing his hopes and dreams as ruthlessly as Truck-kun did his body.

The universe in question was Tales of Gods and Demons, a world ruled by the strong. The humans were on the verge of being annihilated by Demon Beasts, but that's not all. There is the Sage-Emperor, he has insane abilities and can divine who will be a threat to him. He doesn't even need to act himself, as there is a team of Diety Demon Beasts to follow his orders. Unquestionably, a shit place to be thrown into.

The MC, Nie Li, was killed by the Sage-Emperor. He was reborn as his 13-year-old self, thanks to an overpowered book called The Temporal Demon Spirit Book. The same book the Sage-Emperor gets his powers from, as he has three of its pages.

"Curse Mad Snail, making it difficult for me! On the plus side, I know the story and will get cheat powers. Since I'm already dead, I might as well give it a try. Luckily I have no real family left to worry about, otherwise, I would be a whole lot more pissed off about the situation. Is God just allowed to kill people? Surely there have to be rules about this sort of thing, right?" Thought the guy that only now existed to amuse God.

He quietly brainstormed a few questions to clarify his position as God's plaything, hopefully wheedling out some benefits. The regal old man known as God was watching his facial expressions change with a smirk, he was highly amused.

"So... Did you just read my thoughts or do I need to voice them?"

"I could read your thoughts, but then I wouldn't be surprised by the stupid things you will say." Answered God with a shit-eating grin.

"Ok, so I have some questions if that's alright?"

"Sure, that's half the fun. All I say is the truth but if you don't ask the right question you don't get the right answer!" Replied God, thinking that this was probably the best idea he has had for ages. This idea was turning out to be a good investment!

"Cool beans, so first off, am I the only one "summoned" to the ToDaG world?"


"Can you tell me who they are and who they will be?"

"I could, but that would ruin the fun." Laughed God.

"Fun? Shit, it's defiantly that bitch from the fan-fiction comments. Miss, "I can't believe how immature everyone is", but who will she be? It must be Ye Ziyun, there is no way she would share Nie Li, and he only cares about her. But does she even romantically like Nie Li? Dude is ginger but comes with cheat powers and plot armour. Yeah, she will defiantly be aiming for him. Bitch, just wait! I will show you 'immature' and 'probably never touched a woman'!" Raged petty dude internally. After he calmed down, he continued with his questions.

"What powers can I get?"

Without even answering, God waved his hand. A blue screen appeared before him with a list of powers. At the top, was the number 10,000 and he had two options to choose from, Powers and Detrimental.

Choosing Powers, a list of stereotypical abilities and items appeared, the only problem being the cost, the good ones were more than 10,000 points. Only the Systems were from other sources, the rest of the options had to do with the Demon and God world.

1. Appearance

2. Talent

3. Character / Family

4. Equipment

5. Demon Spirits

6. Cultivation Techniques

7. Systems

Checking the Detrimental tab made him curse internally. Things like being unattractive, ugly and fugly only gave 500, 1000 and 2000 respectively. But who wants to be fugly?

1. Appearance

2. Talent

3. Character / Family

4. Vices / Traits

5. Age of Reincarnation

There was a lot of terrible things that could be sacrificed for points, but he had to remind himself that this was his new life he was deciding, not a game character! The third and fifth tabs immediately got his attention, and after checking them out, two things became clear. God wanted them to be the same age as Nie Li, and God had made a mistake. The Age of Reincarnation tab only listed one age, baby, for a modest 2,500 points. This would give him thirteen years to prepare for the day Nie Li receives his plot armour and dominates Glory city.

The characters and families to pick from in the Detrimental tab only had the Sacred Family, a commoner, and orphan listed. Orphan gave 750 points and commoner 250 points. The real points came from the Sacred Family, as a regular member gave 2,000 points and Shen Yue gave 5,000 points! This was a bit much, right? Sure, the family gets wiped out but it should be easy enough to distance himself from the family, plus he would have 13 years to do it.

With 17,500 points he went back to the Powers tab and chose the systems list. A list of bullshit systems was listed, some going for 50,000 points. If he hadn't known it before, he certainly did now, God was a massive troll. A levelling system went for 13,000, with the cheapest system being a dungeon system at 9,500 points. It would be a great system, but the Sage-Emperor would demolish it in seconds.

The system he was after was the Library of Heaven's Path at 16,000 big ones. Worth it for what it does and the benefits it will bring early on. To be able to store all books touched and then compile them into a perfect technique or skill will be just what the doctor ordered. Now for a devour skill or a mind-reading skill.

Checking through the skills and talents tab gave him two options, but none feasible with the points he had left to spend. They were Devour 10,000, Telepathy 6000, not too helpful. With little choice, he turned to God and prayed!

"Um, is there any way to mix or change skills? I want the Library of Heaven's Path, but I want it to be able to scan defeated enemies for knowledge." He queried.

"Looking at the two detrimental perks you have chosen, you have 17,500 points to spend. Possible, but there would have to be restrictions. First, the Library of Heaven's Path has a chance of condensing a golden page if you earn the gratitude of students as a result of impartation of knowledge, this will no longer happen. You will only be able to scan the enemy if they are unconscious and will only be able to learn books they have read; no memories are received; each scan will take an hour." Said God, answering his prayers.

"What about the golden page being used to assimilate the content of all of the books collected in the Library instantaneously? This is one of the major benefits!"

God was quick to shut him down. "Not enough points."

"Shit, then what about some extra points for killing me?"

"What do you mean? I gave you 10,000 points." God said suddenly losing his smile.

"There must be some rule about directly interfering with Earth, right? Otherwise, you would have fixed the shit parts and killed the people hating on you." He reasoned.

"As a god, I can destroy anything I create!" Replied God, leaning forward in his chair intimidatingly.

"So, you created Earth or me?"

".... No."

"Benefits!" Shouted the happy plebe, finally being the one wearing the shit eating grin.

"Tch." God clicked his tongue as he spat out his next words. "What do you want?"

Like a kid in a candy store, the dude's eyes lit up. Knowing he couldn't piss the God now in charge of his fate off too much, he would have to keep his demands reasonable.

"What did the bitch pick?"

Looking slightly miffed God responded with a wave of his hand.

Ye Ziyun 2000

The Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal Pendant / System 10,000

Interspatial Ring (500sqm) 500

Bishoujo 1500

Boobs 250

Dat Ass! 250

"There seems to be an error, here God. The total is 14,500 points."

God turned his head not meeting his eye, "She was very persuasive."

"Your joking, she got points for putting out?" Asked the male plebe in disbelief.

"Tch, you should know that people are not born equal. She was a hot 22-year-old, while you're a scruffy 33-year-old man! Besides, I did say you had to ask the right questions, and she asked how she could earn some points!" God laughed with his shit eating grin back in place.

"What questions did the hypocrite ask?" Not appreciating the gender bias, scruffy dude needed to know what he was up against.

"If she was able to go back to Earth; how to earn points; when she will appear in the timeline and what happens if she dies in ToDaG world."

"And the answers?"

"Yes, as a reward for entertaining me; you know the second answer; she will take over Ye Ziyun's body the same time as Nie Li 'awakens'; depends on how much you entertain me. If you do a good job, a new life of your choice back on Earth with memories intact. If you bore me, you will be born in Africa and not in a good part!" Replied god in an offhand manner.

Feeling a bit relieved for his future, he vowed to at least moderately entertain his new God. With newfound determination, he picked out his choices on the panel, making sure to buff his appearance.

Bishonen 1500

The "D" 250

Abs of Steel 250

Indigo Soul Realm 1500

Interspatial Ring (500sqm) 500

Neutral Soul Attribute 300

"I also want the ability to assimilate the content of all of the books collected in the Library of Heaven's Path instantaneously, with the Tales of Demons and Gods light novel and manhua added to the library. The ability to pillage soul-bound items from defeated enemies. And lastly, for you to not destroy me, or whichever world I'm in, once you have gotten bored of entertaining yourself at my expense. Basically, not sabotage me intentionally." The slightly annoyed summoned dude requested, trying to reign in demands so as not to anger the being that can destroy worlds.

"Hmm doable, but again with a few restrictions. You will only assimilate the content of all of the books collected once every realm upgraded, i.e. bronze, silver, gold. Really, you want the book in your library? You already know the plot elements and won't be able to find any flaws in it, well I suppose it's fine. Pillaging soul-bound items will be easy but will require the target to be unconscious, taking an hour for the process to succeed. Don't worry I won't sabotage you, you're proving to be a good choice for entertainment!"

"So you are happy with your choices and ready to accept the deal?" Said God, holding out his hand, back to his jovial self.

"Yep, deal!" replied the poor schmuck who thought he bested a god, shaking God's offered hand.

With a flash of light, the man was off to start his new life.

"Not bad, he managed to gain a few extra benefits but didn't take it too far. He didn't force the fact that technically I'm not allowed to pillage the communal mortals, at most, it would only be a light punishment, but still embarrassing to be called before the high gods. Although the idiot forgot he was still locked in to reincarnated as Shen Yue as a baby. Since he was reasonable, I won't make him spend 6 months as a fetus!" Laughed the god as he clicked his fingers causing screens to appear, displaying his newly created world.

"Let the fun begin!"

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