How Much For Your Soul?

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

Shen Yue suddenly jolted awake. Disorientated, he looked around at his surroundings. Well, he tried to; he could barely move.

"Shit, now I know why I received so many points for starting as a baby, this is going to suck!" Grumbled She Yue to himself, as that was who he was now; the unknown, scruffy 33-year-old plebe had ceased to be. Before he could do more than wiggle, a blue screen popped up in front of his face.

[ Congratulations! You have agreed to be reincarnated into the Tales of Demons and Gods world, created by Alastor your new God! As per the agreement you made when renouncing your previous faith and/or allegiance, you have been given the following perks and detriments.

-Bishonen A young man whose beauty (and sexual appeal) transcends the boundary of gender or sexual orientation.

-The "D" For those that lack skill, this size and shape are guaranteed to meet your partner's needs.

-Abs of Steel Your abdominal muscles are chiselled by gods.

-Indigo Soul Realm The best soul realm class that determines training potential.

-Interspatial Ring (500sqm) Soul-Bound ring able to change shape and camouflage.

(To receive, pray to God.)

-Neutral Soul Attribute Attribute-less soul realm.

-Library of Heaven's Path This system compiles a book on an ongoing process by observing them such as an activated formation, pill forging process or a cultivator as long as they execute a battle technique. It can also be used on artifacts, books, and non-living objects through direct touch. The compiled book would contain information about the cultivator's background, abilities, and flaws in his cultivation. Similarly, the book would include information concerning the ongoing process or the artifact.

This ability can be activated regardless of the presence of seals on the book or item.

The Library can also consolidate all similar texts into a single flawless and comprehensive tome, incorporating only the best parts. The reading speed in the Library is enhanced by more than a hundredfold as compared to the outside world.

*Added feature - Able to scan a target if they are unconscious. Each scan will take an hour, but will only be able to learn books they have read. No memories can be copied. Gained the ability to assimilate the content of all books collected in the Library instantly when advancing a higher realm in cultivation. Tales of Demons and Gods light novel and manhua added to the library.

-Pillage The Ability to sever soul-bound items from the owner. The process takes one hour.

-Shen Yue A member of the Sacred family, he was a fellow student in the fighter apprentice class with Nie Li. His aunt Shen Xiu was the teacher for the course, selected to watch over him and his betrothed, Ye Ziyun.

-Reincarnation Age (baby) Inserted into the timeline as a baby.

*Added feature Due to amusing your God, Alastor, you will not start as a 3-month-old fetus.

You are not permitted to kill the opposition, disclose information about future events or information concerning your mission to amuse your new God! All attempts will be physically impossible thanks to the restrictions placed on you when you agreed to serve your God, Alastor. Continue to amuse Him for better endgame reward. ]

"Holly shit balls! I nearly had to spend six months as a fetus! That would have incited all kinds of mental problems. Thankfully I didn't piss him off, it will be bad enough being a baby let alone a fetus. Looks like there was more involved with making that deal, but as the only God to actually offer me something, I guess I don't mind working for him. I did get a pretty sweet deal. Hmm, all the perks seem to be in order, but God damn it, I should have changed my character! Not a total loss, the Sacred Family is in a position to collect books from a lot of sources. Since I can't do squat until I can walk, I will just have to spend my time plotting and revising the storyline. I won't require my ring until I gain more freedom so I will summon it when I need it." Were his thoughts as he drifted off to sleep.

Six years later and Shen Yue was finished trying to not attract too much attention to himself. His main goal was to draw as little attention to himself as possible. Although that will change once his soul real was tested at eight. He didn't want to attract his father's attention, but he was going crazy!

During these frustrating years, Shen Yue had recognised he had overlooked a few things when planning his future.

-Language It was only thanks to his library that he could read, write and speak the language.

-Being a baby sucked the balls Lying in your own shit and piss was only tolerable when you were drunk and not able to notice it. As a baby unable to move it was a constant cycle of tit sucking and shitting his nappy.

-Toddlers have no rights No one cares if you want to go to the library, alchemy room or learn inscriptions. You are too young and thus treated like the child you are. After the first beating from Shen Hong, his loving dad, Shen Yue understood not to push the boundaries. A man willing to destroy the last known human City because he was not the City Lord, was not a man you want to fuck with.

-Shen Fei was a little bitch Although he never actually messed with Shen Yue, he was a spoilt little shit craving daddy's affection. Not that he could really blame the poor bugger as he was born into a psychopathic family; but he wanted nothing to do with Shen Yue. He was four years older than Shen Yue and was on track to being the loser portrayed in the book. He had planned to use him to get his books, but that didn't work out at all.

-Hired help Shen Yue thought he could get minions early on, but it turns out that they take orders from the father, not the child. Fear of Shen Hong was far greater than the pitiful pleading of a cute little shit factory.

-A library is a sacred place Being from Earth where the majority of information was free and easily accessible, Shen Yue had forgotten that here, knowledge was power and heavily restricted. All scrolls and books were handwritten and treated with the utmost care, to let a child in there, even one of the heirs was unthinkable.

-Mother, where art thou? "Was I born from a test tube?" Since waking in his crib, Shen Yue has yet to meet her. Shen Hong was his father with grey hair, Shen Xiu and Fei were his aunt and brother with red hair, and Shen Yue had blue/black hair. Did he share a mother with Shen Fei? No one would tell him who or where his mother was. Shen Yue could not work it out, it was a complete mystery.

-Shen Hong Supreme leader of the Sacred Family. Other than laying down the law, Shen Yue rarely saw him. Shen Family were definitely not the Brady Bunch. Shen Hong instructed the maids and the butler assigned to Shen Yue to make sure he was raised as a proper little noble but was given no access to the places he wanted to go. Honestly, Shen Hong scared the crap out of him, so he was sure not to act up.

Throughout these trying years the only source of help was his crazy, but stupidly cute, aunt Shen Xiu. She was seven years older than Shen Yue and babied him like crazy, always pinching his cheeks. He had a sneaking suspicion that his appearance perks had come through for the win. It was through her that he got any books other than children books, but they still wouldn't help him on his path to domination. It was still Shen Hong first, cute nephew second. It was maddening, was Shen Hong purposely fucking with him?

The only place he learned anything of substance was the training ground. When he was four, he begged his aunt to let him watch the guards train. Shen Yue would then casually let his cheat library add all the skills displayed before him, showing what not to do by the flaws listed. Although it wasn't much, it was still a win for him.

After four years of being bored to death, he understood a little of his new Gods pain. In his past life, he despised exercise, but there was nothing else to do that was considered appropriate for a child. Shen Yue ended up doing light exercise to get a head start on building up his body. With help from his perks, it was easy to tone his young body.

After all this time, it was hard for him not to train his soul force. The common cultivation methods he got from the guards, could have been used but it would harm his foundation to practise multiple techniques.

He was literally bored to tears and wanted nothing more than to boost his power. But he had to wait for the ultimate cultivation technique, Nie Li's personal technique.

The reason being that if one succeeds in practising it, they would be able to learn skills from all the attributes. They would also be able to contract seven different demon spirits, one for all attributes. All other methods can only have one demon spirit. A quick rise in power now was not a good tradeoff for a solid foundation in an ultimate technique later.

Today was his sixth birthday, and he had finally begged his way into the family library. He was told by his father that if he so much creases a page, he would be banned for life. As he stepped into the place he had been denied since birth, he couldn't help but be awed by the atmosphere.

Although not as big as one from Earth, the rows of ancient books and scrolls gave one the feeling wisdom and power. It was an uncanny feeling, giving him goosebumps.

Getting down to business, he could care less for acting under the radar. He would have to show a bit of talent to be able to gain access to more sources of books. He would need to create a strong power base to be able to contend with Nie Li's plot armour.

Under the watchful eye of the elder in charge of the library, he started from one end of the library and made his way to the other, scanning every book or scroll available. It was only 8 hours later that he was dragged out for dinner and sent to bed, God he hated being a child. Still, today had been glorious, he had managed to scan a tenth of the library and couldn't wait to get back to it. According to the elder, there was a little over ten thousand books and scrolls.

Nine days later and he only had the restricted library left to scan, and that was not likely to happen. All the cultivation techniques, pill recipes and inscription books in the public section of the family library were devoured. His next destination was the alchemy courtyard of the Sacred Family.

Most pills were made by the Alchemy Association, a location where the alchemists of Glory City gather to compare the results of their research. If the subject is found to be credible, it will be compiled into a book, which is then distributed to every known alchemist. It was the undisputable alchemy nerve centre.

Most of the ancient knowledge of alchemy has been lost so this is necessary to try to advance the craft. Of course, the influential Families would not disclose all their secrets and would have a private alchemy courtyard.

He already had his aunt bargain a place to watch the next time the elder made some pills for the Family. She really was great, he would definitely be adding her to his inner circle. Letting her die with the Family would be a waste.

Three hours later and it was safe to say that he will be putting the Alchemy Association out of business. The elder assured him that he was a master of the craft and would not lose out if he competed with an association member.

The library had pretty much shat all over his skills and technique, listing multiple flaws and recommending alternative herbs that when cross-referenced with the books on herbs he had scanned into the library, were cheaper and more accessible. Things were finally starting to look up!

But his plans couldn't start until he had learned inscriptions. It was all well and good being having an army, Family or organisation behind you, but if you could not completely trust that they wouldn't stab you in the back, they were more trouble than the benefits they bring.

There will always be someone, not content serving under you and looking for a chance to take your place. It had happened countless times all through the ages on Earth. In some cases, entire nations would crumble through the act of betrayal by those trusted.

He wouldn't even think about a harem until he had the inscription he wanted, after all, 'heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor hell a fury like a woman scorned'. Nie Li might be protected by plot armour and able to keep the love of women with powers the level of natural disasters, but Shen Yue only had his appearance perks, his romance skills were pretty terrible. The inscription he wanted was used by Shen Hong for his Dark Guild minions, Soul Shackles.

The only problem was Shen Yue couldn't just waltz up to him and ask for it, or could he? Shen Yue was pretty sure he wouldn't be killed, but would Shen Hong use Soul Shackles on him? That was a terrifying thought. Shen Yue would have to talk to him eventually, even if it is just for permission to leave the family compound.

The next day after a big breakfast to bolster his courage, Shen Yue made his way to the Sacred Family patriarch's courtyard. After getting the guard to ask for an audience, he sat down to wait. Twenty minutes later the guard sent him in, God his dad was a dick. With a healthy amount of trepidation, he knocked on his father's door and entered when told.

"Greetings lord father." Shen Yue saluted, thankful his butler had drilled him in etiquette training.

"Shen Yue, why have you come?" The seemingly old evil-looking man asked. He sat in what could only be described as a throne, narrowed beady eyes staring at him as if trying to answer his own question. Or kill him, Shen Yue was never too sure with this psycho. Shen Hong had long grey hair pulled up into a man bun, with a long grey beard and moustache. With his high collared robe, he looked every inch the typical Chinese cultivator.

"I have come for permission to visit the Alchemy Institute and the Holy Orchid Institute. I wish to visit their repository of knowledge and broaden my horizons." Said Shen Yue trying to sound intelligent. Hopefully, he didn't look or sound how he felt, about to piss his pants. This was going to be delicate, how much of his ability should he reveal?

"Oh, you have finished with the Family library? I was told you merely flicked through the books without even reading a single one!" Shen Hong said with a calm tone of voice, somehow still able to express his disfavour.

"Lord father, although it seems that way, I have in fact read them, only remembering the relevant parts and discarding the rest. This way my mind will not be crowded with useless information. Feel free to name a book father, I will tell you if I remembered anything interesting from it." Spouted Shen Yue, laying it on thick. He had to remember to try and act like an intelligent six-year-old and fail to answer some questions, too much talent will bring too much restriction.

By the look Shen Hong was giving him, it was clear he didn't believe him. After his father naming ten random books and Shen Yue throwing out a few lines for four of them, Shen Hong's look had changed to a calculating one. After what seemed an hour of his father's soul-piercing gaze, Shen Hong gave his approval.

"It will take a few days to arrange and a quite a few demon spirit coins, but I see no problem with it. From now on you will have two gold ranked bodyguards with you at all times. You will have to train this ability of yours, only remembering a few lines from each book is a waste of talent."

Said Shen Hong with the closest thing to a smile Shen Yue had ever seen. It scared the shit out of him wondering what he was planning. But since he had revealed himself, he might as well go all out.

"Father, can I enter the restricted section to read the books?"

The calculating look was back. "Why?" Shen Hong queried.

"Why not? I want to read all the books I can get! Is there a reason I can't read them?" Said Shen Yue with as much childish innocence as he could muster. When in doubt, play the child card!

"Hmm you are too young to enter that area, if you prove yourself in the next couple of years, then I may consider it." Shen Hong eventually said in a mild voice. He clearly had no intention of letting Shen Yue in there until he was a lot older, he was just dangling an incentive in front of a child to make him work harder. Playing the part of the said innocent child, he could only follow the script.

"Yes, lord father, I will do my best!"

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