How Much For Your Soul?

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

Shen Yue decided to create the pure soul technique for his Ziyun first. He could only imagine the pain and turmoil she was going through losing her physical body and then seeing her reputation destroyed. His first wife was putting up a brave front, but he knew she was on the edge of a breakdown.

With that in mind, he spent the rest of the night upgrading all soul techniques and cultivation manuals suitable that he had acquired. With his library's time difference of 100:1, it was a notably exhausted Shen Yue that met up with his girls at breakfast. Fortunately, that would tie in with the act he would have to put on at school.

Not seeing Ziyun, he sent one of the many sexy maids that seemed to decorate his mansions, to find her. Halfway through his breakfast he couldn't help but smile when she arrived, the soul puppet really was a fearsome creation.

Even though Ziyun was only bronze rank in soul force, with the physical capabilities of the puppet, she would be able to fight evenly with a black-gold expert.

"Ziyun, I know that you are having a tough time with what has happened, so I spent all night to create this for you." Said Shen Yue, passing the technique over to a maid and ordering her to assist Ziyun's bird form to read it.

"With this technique, your soul will be able to accumulate qi and thereby strengthening it to similar levels as a normal cultivator. You will be unable to contract a demon beast or use special techniques, but if you can form a Fate Soul, your body will be able to reform!" Shen Yue informed her with a proud smile, he had put a lot of effort into this for his Waifu.

With an excited shout, she tied to embraced Shen Yue, forgetting her form was now a killing machine. Luckily Su Mei was on hand to restrain her so no harm could come of it. After a happy but awkward thank you, she rushed off with the maid assigned to her to start training. It had only taken Shen Yue ten minutes to change her soul anchor inscription to allow her to accumulate qi.

"Thank you, Shen Yue, sister Ziyun was very depressed. I'm not sure what she would have done if you had not helped her." Said Ning'er. Ziyun and her had become as close as sisters since the day he 'cured' her.

"My girls get nothing but my best efforts! I'm afraid that I will need your help today Ning'er. We need to show the City that you have joined my Family and that the betrayal of 'Ye Ziyun' has wounded me deeply. I will be using this heartbreak as an excuse to be absent from the Institute."

"Of course! We will make those imposters suffer!" A firey eyed Ning'er replied.

Shen Yue had better things to do than sit in a classroom being bored to death, even if he did get to stare at his hot aunt. He had only ticked off two items on the skills list, he needed to get back and finish them. The need to start cultivating had become almost tangible, comparable to a crack addict in need of a fix.

He put on a sad, desolate look as he made his way to the boarding school, only nobles had the privilege to go home. The looks the people of Glory City were giving him were mostly of pity, mixed with schadenfreude. Ye Ziyun was everyone's fantasy girl, and many people were jealous of Shen Yue for obtaining her. On the plus side, it made it incredibly easy to transform those feelings into hate toward Nie Li for defiling her.

Even though the scandal had happened late at night, the story had spread like wildfire, consuming the entire city in gossip. In comparison, his war with the Winged Dragon Family was seen as trivial. That suited Shen Yue fine as it was often toeing the line with the laws in a place like Glory City, the last known bastion of humanity. Anything that injured the City's power was policed heavily.

When he entered the classroom, Shen Yue was shocked to see Ye Ziyun and Nie Li sitting together in the front row. Quickly stamping down his initial reaction of cursing them, he kept quiet, waiting to see the punishment and stance of the school. He didn't want to be caught off guard without all the information.

When it was time for the class to start, Shen Xiu came in followed by the vice principal, Ye Sheng. Everyone immediately stopped talking.

"Last night an incident occurred in the training ground that our Holy Orchid Institute does not condone. All further mixed group training trips will be accompanied by a teacher." Said Ye Sheng, turning to leave.

"Was there no punishment?" Called out Shen Yue in disbelief, in this culture, such shameful behaviour would be punished heavily.

"Technically, there was no rule against this kind of behaviour, there is now." Said Ye Sheng matter of factly, he was a member of the Snow Wind Family and was displeased with Ye Ziyun's behaviour, it caused nothing but shame.

"In that case, I will be withdrawing from this school. Until yesterday I had thought Ye Ziyun loved me and that we were to be married after we finished studying to become demon spiritualists." Shen Yue said standing up, he always found it added to the face slapping when he could make grand physical gestures.

"This morning on my way to school I was asked if I rented the slut out to anyone with enough money! When I asked what they were talking about they informed me of this impure whore's actions! To be publically fornicating with a man she just met is the pinnacle of shame, and you just say that it wasn't in the rules? I noticed your surname is also Ye, is this the reason she is not expelled or do get some of the money?"

Shen Yue was having fun, employing his acting skills to the max, he was yelling and ranting, even drawing attention from other classes. Nie Li tried to protect the shreds of honour Ye Ziyun still had left, and jumped in before Ye Sheng could angrily refute his claims.

"We love each other, it shouldn't matter what two people in love do. Yesterday we were affected by something and just couldn't control ourselves, we have already confessed to the City Lord and are now betrothed! Who are you to enter into our business?" Replied Nie Li with his smug little smile. The little shit was trying to provoke him, no doubt to humiliate him with some plot. Too bad that's what Shen Yue wanted.

"Who am I? Who the fuck are you? I had not even heard of your shitty little Family until yesterday, but you can rest assured, my Nemesis Family now know you for the honorless snakes you are. I have known Ye Ziyun since we were six years old when I cured her mother! Since then we have played together and were happy, it is almost like you have used a soul technique on her to change her personality so much!" It was worth a shot to see if he really couldn't out the bitch as an imposter.

Ye Sheng was quick to refute this with a response he expected. "Nonsense, she just changed her mind!"

"What a 'good' change her mind, is this how harlots justify their actions now? If this is how much the Snow Wind Family's word amounts too, then my Nemesis Family has misjudged it badly! From this day forward know that these three Families, the Snow Wind, the Winged Dragon, and the Heavenly Marks Families are blacklisted, anyone that does business with them will become my enemy!"

Finished, Shen Yue was exhausted after that tirade and had used up what little energy he had left from a sleepless night. Of course, he didn't forget to spit on the ground in front of Ye Ziyun and sneer out 'slut' in disgust as he walked out.

Pushing his way through a dumbfounded crowd that had come to watch the show, he once again met Su Mei and two other maids at the school gate. He had told her he wouldn't be in school for long. With maids in trailing behind, he headed towards the Divine Family.

Shen Yue had altered his original plans for Glory City. He had planned for it to be separate from his empire and have it act like a trade partner or City-State. After Shen Yue subdued the rest of the world, it would become a vacation spot, used to reminisce. It only had sentimental value, he had enjoyed growing up here.

Now he was just going to conquer it. The Snow Wind Family really was doing a piss poor job of ruling. It was on the path to ruin until Nie Li, and his plot armour came along. He would give it to Su Qiang to rule, he had done a stellar job as Shen Yue's right-hand man.

Back in the classroom, Ye Sheng was frowning. When he was talking with Ye Zong this morning, they had been planning how to lessen the backlash from this incident. Both of them had forgotten the spurned ex-fiance! Ye Sheng left the classroom in a rush, Ye Zong would need to know about this!


Ye Ziyun was confused, totally embarrassed but also confused. Was Shen Yue the other reincarnator? He seemed genuinely upset when she had cut ties with him, and if he had read the novel, then he knew that it was suicide to go against Nie Li.

Remembering Nie Li she couldn't help but blush, not about the sex, although he really pounded her, she was still very sore even after all the elixirs. No, she was flustered about the thirty or so people that saw her covered in Nie Li's spunk!

She still had no idea what happened, one minute she was training, the next she was banging Nie Li as if her life depended on it! When the teachers came she couldn't care less that they were watching, she just needed to have Nie Li inside her! After waking up in a bed surrounded by angry people that she had found out the full story.

She and Nie Li had 'cooked the rice', and her parents were furious! Ye Ziyun was very surprised to find out that her mother was still alive and had received a slap when she demanded to know who she was to berate her!

Thankfully, she found out later from a blue screen, the world had been tweaked so she would not be outed as a fake. God didn't even compensate her, saying she was an idiot and had a good laugh!

When everyone left, after conveying how disappointed they were, Ye Ziyun had questioned her maid for information on the notable events of the last thirteen years. Without thinking it weird, the maid supplied her with the reason God was laughing at her.

Shen Yue had been the one to save her mother when he rebelled against his Family. He was practically a hero to the commoners and had even built his mansion there! She had thrown away the most eligible groom for a poor farmer. The weird look the class had given her made a bit more sense now, she thought they were just shocked at her outburst.

But they didn't know that Nie Li was the MC of the story. Soon he would be rich and recognised as the strongest in the city! But this different Shen Yue worried her, even if he currently had no cultivation, the maid was adamant this was correct, he could still be her opponent.

There were also suspicious companies that had not been in the canon, appearing suddenly five years ago. Everyone was sure this masked man was the owner of all of them, but there was no actual proof. But he had been seen multiple times and was definitely a full grown or middle aged.

She was really regretting not asking God more questions. As soon as she found out she would be reincarnated back on earth after this 'game', she had only asked when she would start in the timeline. God had let it slip after she had earned some extra points, that the immature harem deviant, would also be playing. She had laughed when God had assured her he couldn't 'earn' points as she did. Sisters are doin' it for themselves!

Now she wondered who he could be, Shen Yue seemed the obvious choice, but Nie Li assured her he was just a patsy. The arrogant child had most likely been used as a misdirect and his actions today had supported this belief. Who declares war against so many Families at the same time?

Whoever it was, they were going to regret it! They had stolen her soul-bound cheat items! She had an ultimate weapon in the form of Nie Li, and he would destroy anyone she wanted, all Ye Ziyun had to do was point her finger.

When she met up with him this morning, she had 'explained' how she remembered some of her past life, where they were a couple. He had been thrilled, and any doubts he had evaporated. He was now totally devoted to her.

She would use 'her' father to gain details on this masked man, while Nie Li would start his money making scheme using the Purple Haze Grass. It didn't matter if it was the masked man or Shen Yue, both would fall before Nie Li.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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