How Much For Your Soul?

Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Shen Yue arrived at the Divine Family, and it seemed they were expecting his visit. Chen Zhenlong and all the elders were in attendance when he was shown into the great hall.

"Welcome Shen Yue, it has been too long." Said Chen Zhenlong.

"Uncle Zhenlong, it has indeed been too long. I had wished to come when I had broken through to bronze rank, to have a spar with brother Chen Linjian. But unfortunately, I have been humiliated and wish to know where my allies stand." Shen Yue got straight to the point.

He was pretty sure that Chen Zhenlong would be neutral at best and side with Ye Zong at worst. But he had a good opinion of the Divine Family and wished to give them a chance. As long as they stayed neutral, he would leave them alone.

"Yes, this came as a terrible shock, no one could have seen this coming. What is it you want to do?" Chen Zhenlong asked. He was not surprised the kid wanted revenge, they had all seen the fallout Shen Hong had received from angering the little devil. The whole city had laughed at the Sacred Family patriarch for throwing away a genius, Shen Fei's disappointing actions as a playboy, only made them laugh harder.

"That snake in the grass from the Heavenly Marks Family has already defiled the slut, so I want nothing to do with her. He can have the capricious whore. But the City Lord has blessed this marriage and spat on his honour and word, so I intend to dethrone Ye Zong. What I want from you, is to stop supplying pills to the Snow Wind Family, or at the very least charge them and their allies double the price." Shen Yue told them his plans.

If Shen Yue was using the supposed might of only the Nemesis Family, then the Divine Family will probably not support him. But Shen Yue planned to throw the cat among the pigeons. It was time to release the masked man. Seeing the looks of disbelief on the elders' faces he knew it would be the only way to succeed.

"Of course if it was only my Nemesis Family opposing the City Lord, I will certainly be crushed. But last night, I received a very unusual visitor. He happened to be masked and lead a group of strong brothers, have you perhaps heard of him? He seemed to think that a man that can not even honour his word is not a man to manage a City! What do you think?"

Now the Divine Family elders were wearing looks of shock! The masked man was finally making a move! For five years he could have crushed the entire City by himself, but had done nothing but secure the borders. What did this mean?

Chen Zhenlong sighed, his brother Ye Zong had really made a mess of things. What was he thinking making an enemy out of this little scamp? Although Shen Yue didn't say it, Chen Zhenlong knew that if he sided with the Snow Wind Family, then past friendship or not, he would be destroyed alongside Ye Zong. Looking at the constipated faces of the elders, they were thinking the same thing.

"Ye Zong has been my friend for a long time, so at most I can only raise the price. From now on the Snow Wind Family and its allies will be charged double. But I will not attack them, they are still Glory City citizens." With a heavy heart, Chen Zhenlong gave in and raised the price, drawing a line in the sand where he stood on this matter.

"That is true uncle Zhenlong, I will not be the one to draw first blood, but I will retaliate if he is stupid enough to attack me. Thank you for helping me in this matter, I will come again with gifts. The masked man said that the Immortal Elixir Guild had some new pills coming out and would gift me some." Shen Yue was happy, although he knew that Chen Zhenlong was brothers with Ye Zong, he was still reasonable enough to impose sanctions on the Family.

His next stop was, of course, the Celestial Brotherhood headquarters. It was time to publically meet his 'benefactor', the mysterious masked man. He really needed a stage name for Su Qiang.

As Shen Yue approached the compounds gates, he was stopped by a couple of overbearing guards. Su Mei was giggling behind her hand as he made a bit of a public spectacle. He could have managed it smoothly, but he wanted it to appear as if he had no relation with the mighty Brotherhood.

The crowd that had gathered to laugh at another arrogant young master were surprised when he was finally allowed entrance after arguing with the guards for twenty minutes.

As he was escorted to Su Qiang's office, he looked around at the progress the Brotherhood had made. The group now numbered close to a thousand members, with half of them at black-gold level. They also passed the 'Hall of Villians' that now held nineteen heads. Greed and humanity seemed to be synonymous.

When the guard closed the door on his way out, Shen Yue held up his finger signalling for quiet and took an inscription scroll out of his ring. After activating it, he spoke.

"Uncle Qiang, long time no see! It is safe to speak now, no sound should escape this room for an hour." Shen Yue informed him.

"Hahaha, young master, when I heard you were stuck at the gate, I couldn't help but laugh!" Chuckled the masked man.

"Tch, you are as bad as your daughter, she just giggled, no help at all! We have come today to let you know what has been happening, there have been some significant changes." He said pretending to be annoyed, Mei was giggling in the background again.

"I have heard rumours of the issue with young miss Ziyun and this Nie Li. I am sad to say, I judged her to be a good fit for young master." Su Qiang voiced his disappointment at hearing about Ye Ziyun's personality change.

"Yes, that is the main issue I need to talk about." Shen Yue then proceeded to fill Su Qiang in on the details of the 'Deity'.

"So you want me to become the City Lord? I thought Ye Zong wasn't to blame for the new Yi Ziyun's behaviour?" A perplexed Su Qiang asked.

"Eventually. To start with, we will economically destroy them and take away the resources of the imposters. In the end, Ye Zong is also a victim of this Deity's game, but we need to look after our own affairs first. When it is all over, we can just simply apologise and give him some land and resources so he can rebuild his Family anew."

"I need you to publically claim ownership of the two guilds and support my war against the three Families and their allies. You will also have to draw the heat from the imposters, here is a script to follow if you confront them, just laugh at them if you have no idea what they are saying." Shen Yue just threw poor Su Qiang under the bus, making him do all the dirty work while he reaped the benefits.

"Hahaha no problems young master, I was getting bored hunting demon beasts anyway!" Replied a jovial Su Qiang, he really was a great right-hand man.

"Excellent! I will be sending Ziyun over to give you a hand once she has gotten used to her new form. Oh and we need to give you a stage name, how about Voldemort, it means Flight of Death in an old language." Said Shen Yue trying to keep a straight face, convinced he was damaging his soul by not laughing. Ye Ziyun would think Su Qiang was an idiot but hopefully, target him as the reincarnator.

"Flight of Death! I like it, ok I will use Lord Voldemort as my name. Don't worry about Ziyun, I will make her my 'voice' so no one will disrespect her."

After some catching up and berating Su Mei for not looking after the young master enough, Shen Yue was on his way to the Immortal Elixir Guild to meet the Guild Leader.

During his sleepless night, Shen Yue had not forgotten to write out a list of all the new pills that Nie Li could introduce. From the Purple Haze Grass formulas to the forgotten recipes from before the Age of Darkness. Nie Li would give most of these to the Alchemy Association for free in the canon, Shen Yue, on the other hand, was going to dominate the market.

It had taken him a couple of hours to write them all out by hand. The Spirit Pacifying Pill, Detoxifying Spirit Pill, Flame Type Cold Resistance Pill, Demon Spirit Strengthening Pill, Demon Soul's Essence Elixir, Nine Transformation Pill, were the main ones that Nie Li introduced.

But Shen Yue was taking no chances, any pill that could be made from herbs on the Tiny World were going to be copyrighted.

"Let's see how he tries to make money now! If he tries to make them, I will sue him for all he is worth!" He laughed evilly. Su Mei was giving him a weird look as if lamenting her young master has finally lost his mind. No one appreciated the patented maniacal laugh in this world, it really was a pity.

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