How Much For Your Soul?

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Someone else that was having trouble sleeping was Xiao Yunfeng, and the five elders gathered in the Family's great hall. Xiao Yi was still recovering, but he made his position clear, Shen Yue must die!

Of course, they would never try to act on Xiao Yi's orders to kill Shen Yue, their Family was already crippled in power. Tonight's business was to determine the future of their Family.

Xiao Yunfeng had received his daughter's letter. He had been livid at Xiao Yi's behaviour, not only did he shame Xiao Ning'er by implying she was cheating on Shen Fei, he even threatened and disrespected the Nemesis Family! To the patriarch's face! In his own home! It was lucky he was not killed.

Then just as he was urging the Family to punish the Xiao Yi and apologise to Shen Yue, news had come of the scandal and war declaration towards the Snow Wind and Heavenly Marks Families. His Family was also mentioned, but they had already got that message when the group of their members came back crippled!

Ning'er had painted a clear message for her father, get the Family to apologise or abandon it at all cost! He had known Ning'er had hated the fact the Family had bargained her off to the Sacred Family and ever since she was told, she had withdrawn and become cold.

Being her father, this had hurt him deeply, but there was nothing he could do. Now that he was told he could restart the family under Shen Yue and regain most of the property they had lost rekindled his hope for him and his daughter. Ning'er also mentioned that Shen Yue had a strong backer and even ten Sacred Families would not phase him.

This was all he needed to hear, and even with the City Lord as an enemy, he would trust his daughter's judgement. This meeting was to see where the elders sat on the situation and whether or not he would leave the Family.

Just as they were about to begin the meeting, Xiao Yi was wheeled in the door by Shen Fei. Some of the elders immediately adopted frowns, it was clear to see that Xiao Yi was in the Sacred Family's pocket with this move.

"Xiao Yi, this is a Family meeting. Why is an outsider here?" Xiao Yunfeng made his position clear.

"What outsider? This is your soon to be son in law!" The scheming elder replied.

"I was going to bring this up tonight in the meeting, but seeing as you are in a rush to sell our Family, I will let you know now. Whatever is decided tonight one thing will be clear. Ning'er will not be marring this piece of trash!" Xiao Yunfeng said with disdain, he had been watching this brat closely after the engagement and was horrified with the thought of his daughter being sacrificed to him.

"Impossible! How dare you insult young master Shen! It is clear you are unfit to rule this Family!" This was what Xiao Yi wanted.

This was the main reason why he invited Shen Fei to the Family meeting tonight. With the blatant intimidation using the Sacred Family through Shen Fei, the unsettled patriarch would make mistakes. Xiao Yi would then capitalise on them and fight for control of the Family. It was a pity he could barely move, or he would be celebrating with how well the plan was going.

"Oh, you still want a marriage between our Family and the Sacred Family? Then marry him yourself! You already seem close enough to share a bed!" Xiao Yunfeng was empowered by his knowledge of Shen Yue's strength. It was as if a mountain had been lifted from his shoulders and he was even enjoying himself!

Xiao Yi, on the other hand, was baffled by the patriarch uncouth behaviour. Looking around at the elders and seeing them in similar states of bewilderment, he made his play for the throne.

"I think your time as the patriarch of the Winged Dragon Family has come to an end, I call for a vote of no confidence!"

Within ten minutes Xiao Yunfeng was outed, with only one of his cousins voting against. It was clear to see that ever since the Sacred Family pressured them into selling their property, that Xiao Yi had been whispering in their ears. What a coincidence he should have Shen Fei behind him when he took over as the new patriarch.

"The Family has spoken, Xiao Ning'er shall be given to Shen Fei as a concubine, and we will be joining the City Lord in his fight against Shen Yue." Xiao Yi was quick to promise Shen Fei Xiao Ning'er, he really had an unhealthy obsession with her.

"I'm afraid you don't have the right to give my daughter away to this sick little shit, as she is no longer of the Winged Dragon Family. And after what I have seen here today, neither am I. I will be taking my family, and any who want to join, and rebuilding it under the Nemesis Family. Enjoy living under the elder responsible for our Family's downfall, you think it a coincidence he is here with the Sacred Family heir?" Xiao Yunfeng walked out without even bothering to argue further.

The family he had dedicated most of his life to had become unrecognisable. A once proud Noble Family now at the call of the Sacred Family after they were the ones that crippled them. He was sure Xiao Yi had something to do with it, it was to smooth a takeover for it to be anything other than an inside job.

Before he could make it too far, the elder that had voted for him, Xiao Fu, caught up and asked to join in the emigration from the Family. Of course, he was welcomed and told to gather anyone of like mind, they would be departing first thing in the morning.


Shen Yue woke and was still feeling lethargic. He only had a few things to organise as he waited for his plans to start bearing fruit. His chief objective for the next week would be completing his cultivation technique, and he would not be making any significant moves until then.

He was enjoying a relaxing breakfast with Ning'er, Mei and a plethora of beautiful housemaids. It was going a long way to healing his mental fatigue from eight days of minimal sleep and tedious work.

Sadly it was interrupted by a maid, informing him that Xiao Yunfeng and thirty others were at the front gate. He told her to bring him here and settle the others while he talked to Ning'er's dad.

"Greetings Patriarch Shen, I have come to accept the vassal position. I am sorry to come so early, but we could not stand to be near those Sacred Family dogs any longer!" Said Xiao Yunfeng, kneeling in front of Shen Yue.

Shen Yue was still at the table eating breakfast and was caught off guard by Xiao Yunfeng enthusiasm to become his vassal. Giving Ning'er a raised eyebrow and seeing her turn red and look away, told him that this was organised by her. He did offer her father a place in his Family, so he supposed this was ok.

"Rise Xiao Yunfeng, you don't need to kneel, you are Ning'er's father after all. There is no problem with you becoming a vassal, but all your Family will need to be given a loyalty mark. This will turn a seal stone red if the target has thoughts of betrayal, but to compensate this, every member will receive a tailor-made cultivation manual that will elevate you to legend rank within two years." Said Shen Yue, standing up and moving to his new father in law to show some respect.

Xiao Yunfeng was blown away by these words, he didn't miss the look Shen Yue gave Ning'er, it seemed his daughter had expedited the start of his new Family. Legend rank was an unattainable dream, yet here this child was offering it to him as if it was nothing. The people gathered around the breakfast table didn't even bat an eye.

"Just experiencing betrayal myself, I know how you feel. I can't speak for everyone, but I have no problems with it." Xiao Yunfeng had already left the Winged Dragon Family, there was no going back. So a loyalty mark didn't bother him too much, especially when promised to be raised to a legend ranked expert!

In the end, only one person left before they were marked. According to Xiao Fu, he was most likely a spy as he had come to him at the last minute begging to join the new Family. Shen Yue then made a new technique for his new vassal Family, the Soaring Dragon Family.

Giving Ning'er authority to set them up in a courtyard until they had found one of their own, he then left her to settle them in before discussing business.

An hour later a cheerful Xiao Yunfeng was going over his 'new' property. He couldn't help but laugh at Xiao Yi, he had sold the Family to the Sacred Family and was left with only twenty percent of their original property. Yet Xiao Yunfeng had started a new Family and already had nearly three times the property of his old Family, he really had a good daughter!

Shen Yue was also informed of his brothers move to take what was his, Ning'er. Shen Fei didn't know it yet, but he had just cut the life of the Sacred Family short by a year.

They had always been doomed since Shen Hong had beaten him, but now they had just moved to the top of his shit list. He had been content to distract the Earth slapper with them, yet it seemed they wanted to die early.

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