How Much For Your Soul?

Chapter 22

Chapter 22

A week had quickly passed in Glory City, but what an exciting week! The 'Runaway Prince' had been thrown away by the 'Glory Goddess' in favour of the 'Beggar Baron'! The Prince had then saved Xiao Ning'er the 'Ice Queen' from a marriage with Shen Fei the 'Playboy' and then declared war on everyone involved!

All sorts of nicknames where being thrown around and the commoners were having the time of their life! They had never had so much to gossip about! But just as they thought nothing else could top this, the 'Masked Man' had finally revealed himself!

He had sent all his Celestial Brotherhood members out to proclaim his backing for Shen Yue, the Runaway Prince! In every public gathering place, a Brotherhood member could be heard shouting out Lord Voldemort's proclamation.

"People of Glory City! I, Lord Voldemort, know by many as the 'Masked Man', have had enough of the incompetence of the City Lord! Since I came to this great City, I have heard his name praised, but was never given a reason why.

He has done nothing to reduce the numbers of the surrounding demon beasts threatening the City, nor has he rewarded those that do! The Celestial Brotherhood found a Snow Wind Great Ape horde in the millions, south of the City. That beast horde could have destroyed Glory City with ease if we didn't hunt them ruthlessly!

The Dark Guild has not been hunted down or had any action taken against them. The City Lord does not even know where their base is! We had found evidence of their help in growing the Snow Wind Great Ape horde and quickly moved to destroy this Demon Lord's plan, whatever that had been. But has the so-called authorities done anything similar?

What does the City Lord do other than collect taxes? I see no money spent on the commoners, suffering under his rule! I see no patrols to cull the growing threats to the City! I only see him using his power to oppress the people and keep his whore daughter in an institute that only caters to the rich!

My Celestial Brotherhood, Immortal Elixir Guild, and the Heavenly Crafting Guild recruit mostly from the commoners for this reason. No one has given you a chance to prove yourself or to help you out of the shit situation he has engineered to keep you down!

I say no more to a worthless waste, that hides behind his legend rank daddy! A legend ranked expert that has done nothing to enhance our City! I declare it is time for a new City Lord! A leader that will help the people without caring about their Family's rank or status!

Shen Yue has also tried to help the citizens of Glory City, and how was he treated? Publically shamed by the actions of a so-called Noblewoman and discarded without a thought. His plight was the last straw that made me realise that the City Lord was unfit to rule. I will be backing his fight against the Snow Wind, Winged Dragon, and Heavenly Marks Families.

I, Lord Voldemort, am a legend ranked master. I call for your support in becoming a City Lord worthy of the position! Next month, there will be a vote for the station of City Lord, or there will be the spilt blood of a tyrant!"

After the Brotherhood members read these words, there had been total silence for a good minute. No one had ever mentioned any of the shortcomings of the government of Glory City before! They had just gone with the flow, content in their station of life.

But now there was a legend ranked expert calling for the betterment of commoners! Unafraid to shout at the injustice the poor had to shoulder to survive. Even if the current City Lord had not really done them wrong, this one could give them a chance to cultivate!

Suddenly, throughout the City, cheering for Lord Voldemort could be heard. It swept through Glory City even quicker than the gossip about Ye Ziyun! Lord Voldemort didn't need to appear in public for the commoners to chant his name, just his word was enough to drive them into a frenzy.

Who didn't know of the three powerful organisations in the City, even the poorest of the poor wanted a chance to join them. The Brotherhood had recruited solely from the impoverished section of the city, and the new squires were likewise chosen by members that had grown up there.

There was not a person that was not talking about the possible new City Lord. Even the current City Lord was talking about him, well more cursing than talking. Ye Ziyun had also taken a great interest in this Lord Voldemort.

She could not help but frown identity of the transmigrator. Was Shen Yue a patsy or was this now self-proclaimed Lord Voldemort? On one side you had an unknown legend ranked leader of three powerful organisations, and on the other, a rich, arrogant thirteen-year-old that could read books fast and remember a third of the knowledge.

Which was the one set up to draw her attention? She had met Shen Yue, and he only seemed like an arrogant rich kid that was hurt when she cut ties with him. His immediate response to declare war on everyone supported his canon personality.

No, she decided that only an 'immature loser virgin' could name himself Lord Voldemort and attempt to rule Glory City. The jerk she had argued with on the fan-fiction website would not have been able to share power and remain weak. The megalomaniac pretending to be a storybook villain had to be him. She had just been overthinking things, she would not be fooled any longer by his attempt to frame Shen Yue!

She really regretted yelling at Shen Yue, it had been the origin of a disastrous week! It had started off so well, with Nie Li worshipping her and giving her a technique straight away!

Although it was not the Heavenly God Technique, because she needed to have a neutral attribute, it was still overpowered. It gave her nine lives if she practised it to a satisfactory level, and she was advancing in her cultivation at a visible speed! She had already reached 3-star bronze rank!

Ye Ziyun was sure this was the only reason her new mother had stopped slapping her every time she saw her. After that idiot had declared himself running for the City Lord position, even her father had started giving her a cold look.

That night, Ye Zong had gathered her and Ye Rou for a private chat. Her act of publically fornicating with Nie Li turned out to be a plot by that arsehole! He had known she would run off with Nie Li and had drugged them so she would trash her reputation!

As punishment, she was grounded and had to be escorted every time she left her courtyard! Luckily she had already given Nie Li five million demon spirit coins, all the money she could get her hands on before her funds were frozen. He was going to use that to enact his Purple Haze Grass plan.

This had cooled her mother's blame for her slightly, but she had still ranted about how Shen Yue had been wronged! Ye Rou had already been planning her wedding and was devastated when she had 'changed her mind'.

If it wasn't for God's blanket acceptance of her as the 'real' Ye Ziyun, she was sure she would have been outed then and there! Lord Voldemort, god she hated calling him that, had been active for six years. He must have used his points to start early!

She really regretted not asking more questions or looking through the options more! She had treated this as a bit of a game, not taking it too seriously. After all, she would be able to return to earth after this 'game' finished. God had even implied she could 'work' some more to raise her final evaluation!

She would have to be cautious of Lord Vol... No, she would call him 'Clown' from now on. She would have to be careful of the Clown, as he has a high cultivation rank and a strong backing. She was sure she was safe, as God had made it impossible for the Clown to kill her. She assumed this also covered him ordering her death.

She just had to stay in the City Lord's manor and wait for Nie Li to dispose of him! After all, God only said they were not allowed to kill each other, Nie Li acting on his own had nothing to do with her! What an idiot, directly opposing the main character!

Nie Li was supposed to meet her tomorrow and update her on his alchemy plans. She was only permitted to see him once a week with an inforced escort, it made it hard to coordinate their schemes. But she was confident that the Clown's Alchemy Guild was about to be destroyed with Nie Li's new pills!


After the mess on the first day of school, Nie Li had been watched closely. Since Nie Li was not of a Noble Family, he was prohibited from leaving the school grounds, stifling his plans to raise money for his cultivation. Since Ye Ziyun remembered some of their last life, he had decided to quit school to allow him to further their plans. She was the only reason he was there in the first place.

Seeing the hate in Shen Yue's eyes as he stole his women brought him great joy! The Sacred Family had abandoned Glory City in its hour of need, and he intended to deliver them retribution. He did not care that he had started another Family, as he was sure it was some plot by the Masked Man.

This was proven correct the next day when the scoundrel had declared himself the next City Lord! Lord Voldemort, was a name he had never heard before, and it worried him who it could be. If he and Ziyun could remember their past life, could it be this person also did? Was he the leader of the Dark Guild that people whispered about? The Demon Lord?

These thoughts kept him occupied as he waited for his trial to begin. Since the Alchemy Association had been disbanded and the only Alchemy Guild in the City run by the enemy, Nie Li decided to use his now school free days to make his own pills to sell to the highest bidder!

Renting a small house and outfitting it with essential pill concocting equipment, Nie Li then proceeded to buy up all the available Purple Haze Grass. It was then stored in his brand new Interspatial ring. He remembered the cheap grass being a tenth of the price, but it couldn't be helped. This new guild had a monopoly of anything alchemy related, and the prices reflected this.

When he had gathered everything he needed, Nie Li spent the next five days making pills that would destroy any of the ones the people of the Divine Continent could make! With a thousand cultivation pills bottled, and ready for sale, he had gone to the closest auction house.

Nie Li had arrogantly proclaimed his pills superior to anything on the market, even though he had not checked if this was true. When he went to scout the opposition, he had quickly been thrown out on the street none too gently. Nie Li had not seen the list of pills available in the Immortal Elixir Guild, but this excuse would not hold up as an acceptable defence.

Assuming long-lost pills would remain forgotten, he had presented them to the auction house, revealing their name and effects. When he had been asked where he acquired the pills, he fobbed it off on a mysterious master alchemist. Nie Li was then told to take a seat while they tested the efficacy of these pills, he had no idea of what was about to befall him.

A runner was quickly dispatched to the Immortal Elixir Guild with news of a boy and his mysterious master trying to sell their products. The auction house did not have enough fame or guts to go against them, they had seen what they were capable of!

Yang Xin had been prepared for anyone trying to sell their pills as Shen Yue had already informed her of his suspicions when she registered them at the Saint Judgement Hall. She had left strict instructions, that any news of fraud was to be relayed to her immediately.

The auction house's runner was shown straight to her office and retold what had transpired. Yang Xin had then gathered five black-gold guards and gone straight to the auction house to catch the thief in the act.

To say Nie Li was surprised when the buxom beauty and her guards walked in was an understatement. He had been expecting a grovelling old man ready to make a deal, not a group of clearly hostile experts!

"Who are you and why are you selling our pills!"

Hearing this, Nie Li knew he was in trouble.

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