How Much For Your Soul?

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

Shen Yue and twenty of his men were wearing masks as they infiltrated the Holy Orchid Institute. Under the cloak of darkness, they had bypassed the main school buildings, heading for the restricted area. The Heavenly Sacred Border entrance was unguarded, nobody would ever dream of entering without permission. They would be expelled from the most prestigious school in Glory City if found out.

Of course, Shen Yue cared little for the glorified daycare as he ordered his men to open the large door securing the secret Subsidiary Realm. As Shen Yue and his men entered the hidden realm, the encompassing light warped, as a myriad of images flashed across their eyes. It was as if they were passing through endless time and space.

When they arrived in the new realm seconds later, they gazed at the surroundings that were filled with grass and flowers, the scene was beautiful. Before they could move too far from the door, a voice sounded out from nowhere.

"Who dares enter the Heavenly Sacred Border without permission!"

"We do, why else would we be here? Are you retarded?" Shen Yue did not bother showing Ye Yan, a spirit of one of the five legend rank founders of Glory City, any face.

Even though Ye Yan was one of the founders, he had spent a thousand years trapped in this realm doing nothing. In all this time, only three people had passed his tests. Shen Yue thought it was time for such a worthless spirit to pass on.

"How dare you! I am the great Ye Yan, founder of Glory City it would not have survived without my guidance! I have been watching over this Realm for hundreds of years, you will not corrupt this utopia for geniuses!"

"Wow, you are impressive to remain and help Glory City. Oh wait, you are merely a parasite that has done nothing but somewhat guide three people in their cultivation. You are an embarrassment that should wait for this realm to crumble as I take away the Thunder God's Meteorite Sword."

Shen Yue did not bother listening to the ghost after that, walking towards where he felt an intense murderous aura coming from. When his men had heard Ye Yan's words, they were amazed to hear from the ancestor of Glory City, but after Shen Yue disrespected him, they couldn't help but have their opinions change.

Shen Yue was only thirteen years old and basically controlled Glory City and the Abyss Realm, Ye Yan had retreated with four other legend rank experts to create a City in hiding. Since then he had done nothing to aid it, only hiding away here to judge young potential cultivators. The difference was too big! Not to mention they were all legend and Heavenly Fate experts themselves. They also ignored the angry shouts of the impudent ghost.

Shen Yue led them towards the aura at a fast pace. As they walked further into the Heavenly Sacred Border, they were assaulted by illusions of thousands of demon beasts attacking from all sides. With his men dispelling the illusions whenever they attacked it was a quick trip to the sword of legend.

The Heavenly Sacred Border was being supported by the Thunder God's Meteorite Sword, which acted as the core of the Subsidiary Realm. Seeing as the murderous aura was overpowering, Shen Yue took this time to acquaint himself with it. Shen Yue had never encountered battle or a murderous aura before, as he had only trained with his guards.

Tempering himself under the heavy pressure, he had his men stand guard, ready to help him should he need it. Being from Earth, Shen Yue had not encountered anything like it and was nearly overpowered by the terrifying bloodthirsty aura. With the help of his men, he slowly acclimated himself with it, sensing the ruthlessness and utilising his own Emperor's Aura to resist it. This had the effect of strengthening his aura, giving it a more domineering and ruthless edge to it.

After two hours he was satisfied with his ability to fully resist the Swords murderous intent by himself and also the growth of his own aura. He ordered his men forward, demon spirit crystals ready to absorb the incoming spirits. While Shen Yue was enjoying a rush of soul force as he sat down and cultivated, his men were bombarded by an even fiercer terrifying murderous aura, it was like a tidal wave that swept over them.

An exploding sound came from the Thunder God's Meteorite Sword as it emitted a terrifying thunderous sound. Tens of millions of demon beast's spirits turned into lightning flashes, bombarding towards the group of twenty experts. The men exerted their soul force to capture demon spirits like fish in a net, forcing them into Demon Spirit Stones and storing them in their rings.

Hours later the realm was quiet as the sword had run out of demon spirits to attack the group with. Shen Yue stood up and smiled at his men's efforts. They had done exceedingly well in gathering demon spirits instead of just absorbing them like Nie Li. After consuming the demon spirits, Nie Li changed the demon spirit powers in the Thunder God's Meteorite Sword to his own and controlled these demon spirit powers to suppress the Sword.

Shen Yue just drained the Sword completely, he did not want to waste such valuable spirits. Who knew what type of ancient spirits the Sword had consumed to create it Sword Soul. Even after no more spirits were released, he had one of his Heavenly Fate experts probe it just in case. Just as his man reached out to touch it, a powerful blast of lightning zapped out and struck him in the chest!

Luckily the man was wearing a lightning resistant armour, but he was still blasted off his feet and flew ten metres away. If he had not been prepared, Shen Yue would have lost one of his new experts. After the man shakily stood up and gave the group a pained smile, he gave warning to the next in line to probe the Sword. He had used all of his soul force to defend against that strike and was still nearly killed!

The next man was also struck by lightning, but the effects were half of what the first poor bastard received. After four more men probed it without touching it, the Sword had virtually no fight left in it. Shen Yue approached the sword with trepidation, he had a healthy respect for this sword. This sword was not from this universe and was on the same level as the Temporal Demon Spirit Book. Even the Myriad Ancestor Sword was not its match in its prime!

Shen Yue grit his teeth, preparing his soul force to resist an attack. He had already borrowed a guards lightning resistive armour in preparation. As soon as his hand grasped the hilt, a deafening 'om' sound came from the Thunder God's Meteorite Sword. The sound was a shapeless ripple, that spread throughout the surrounding area, shaking trees as it passed. The Sword tried to resist, but its power had been exhausted in the hours of struggling against his men.

It was a dishonest way to subdue the Sword, but Shen Yue only cared for results. He would need to conquer the Sword when he merged it with the Myriad Ancestor Sword fragments anyway, so he might as well just store it away until then. Without the Sword to act as the core, the Heavenly Sacred Border would collapse in time. It was time to leave.

"I can't believe you subdued the Sword! If I had known that it could be suppressed like that, I would have done it years ago!" Cried out an astounded ghost.

"That's why you are trash! Lucky you don't need to breathe as you would just waste it for those that need it!" Shen Yue replied scathingly.

"Brat, have you not heard of respecting your elders? You have not been raised properly!" Said Ye Yan angrily.

"Would you respect an old beggar on the side of the street, covered in shit and piss after wasting his life on meaningless pursuits?" Shen Yue fired back.

"Of course not, one must strive to improve himself and those around us!" The ghost answered righteously.

"I see no difference between you and that tramp on the side of the road. Other than founding Glory City you have done nothing but linger in this realm doing nothing. Unfortunately, I can't have you telling anyone what happened here today." Shen Yue said with a menacing gleam in his eye.

"No! Wait, I allow me to serve you! You must have a way to preserve my soul, I want to see the changes that will happen under your reign! Please!" Ye Yan shamelessly begged. With the power this youth's men exhibited, there was a good chance he had a way for him to survive!

Shen Yue looked at the ghost with suspicion. He thought of Ye Ziyun about to regain her body and thought it was a shame he never got to see the flying death machine in action. Maybe he could brand this idiots soul and leave him to serve under Su Qiang like he wanted Ziyun to do.

"Ok, but I will need to apply an inscription seal on you to keep you from dispersing in a few days." He lied with a straight face.

After rewriting Ye Yan's personality into that of a loyal protector, he gathered his men and returned to his compound in Glory City. He was aware that the various experts would be on the lookout when the Sword released the untraceable shockwave. It had somehow made it to Glory City, maybe the realm had already lost its protection, and that was the side effect. Either way, it was a cautious Shen Yue that snuck back home in the early morning light.

Su Mei met him at the gates of his mansion, everyone had already left for the Abyss Realm so as not to draw attention after the Sword alerted every expert in the City. After a quick check over of the arrangements for his men that would stay behind, they also departed for the Nemesis Abyss Realm.

As soon as Shen Yue made it to his main base in the Abyss realm, he was assaulted by a metal bird.

"Shen Yue! You promised to help me have a breakthrough!" An eager Ziyun implored.

"Ok settle down. We will enter the realm soon, and I will adjust your mental state. You will have no problems so don't worry." He reassured her.

Ziyun already had an abundant amount of Soul Force needed to condense a Fate Soul. His library had confirmed that it was only a mental problem of not being able to harmonise with Heavenly Energy by sensing the Heavenly Dao. An hour later and Shen Yue and Ziyun entered the Violet Jade Immortal Realm alone so as not to show off her naked body.

With Shen Yue guiding her, Ziyun made the leap to the next realm. With soul-searing pain, Ziyun was ejected from the puppet as her Fate Soul pulsed, sucking in all the ambient Heavenly Energy it could in the vicinity. With a flash of light, a Ziyun's thirteen-year-old body slowly started to form.

Because Ziyun had been born with the perks the Earth slapper chose already activated, her soul had taken on that form since birth. It was a mint condition gorgeous teen with long purple hair, that formed naked in front of Shen Yue.

He finally had his Ziyun back to love!

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