How Much For Your Soul?

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

Shen Yue had a lot to accomplish in his Abyss Realm. Not only did he have to add all his soldiers to his slave seal, but he also had to organise the population to be ready for expansion into the Divine Continent. He also had to cultivate, as he did not want to be reliant on his guards for his safety.

Ziyun had not stopped smiling since she had regained her body. She had been enthusiastic in showing her thanks, leaving him also continually smiling! Now that she had her body back, Shen Yue had to create a cultivation technique for her.

Since she had already entered the Heavenly Fate rank, she would be unable to gain the full benefits that would have come with practising as a mortal. There would be no problems reaching the pinnacle of cultivation, the effects of the technique would just not be as potent. However, there was a benefit from the massive strengthening of her soul, her Fate Soul was at least twice as powerful as a regular cultivator's Soul.

This was most likely due to her being unable to break through yet still continuing to cultivate. A powerful soul would lay a strong foundation for her future, bringing many advantages at higher realms! Ziyun was quick to start training again. Now she had her body back, she needed the power to keep it!

The days passed with Shen Yue continually branding his men in the Violet Jade Immortal Realm and then making plans for his new settlers when they exited the realm. The project was to establish new cities in the demon beast's territory, regaining land to sustain his future re-population goals. Now that he had the strength, he was not afraid of demon beast hordes. That said, he would still be covert in his operation, he didn't need Zhu Long attacking before he was ready.

After three weeks, nearly a year in the Violet Jade Immortal Realm, he was ready for the new City Lord selection. Although he had only reached the peak of black-gold rank because of his other duties, his maids and men had made tremendous gains in strength. Once someone reached the Heavenly Fate Realm, they were ordered to help others do the same. Any that were truly stuck were ordered to come to him so he could adjust their mental state as he had done for Ziyun.

During his time in the Abyss Realm, he received constant updates on Glory City's news. There was not much in the way of exciting events, only the City Lord was making any moves, the rest were content to watch the show. Nie Li and Ye Ziyun also kept their heads down, concentrating on raising their strength. Ye Ziyun had 'found' some records describing the Nether Realm and its lord. With no other option, she had convinced Nie Li to seek help from the Nether Lord.

Their pitiful attempts to secretly exchange plans were all seen through by the Heavenly Fate experts keeping an eye on their every move. It seemed that they were waiting to see the results of the City Lord election before making their move. Nie Li had managed to smuggle pills for himself and the slapper, by making twice as many pills with the same ingredients.

Shen Yue just upped the pill quota so that most of them fell into his hands, letting Nie Li gain one or two pills instead of hundreds. He did not want to completely cut off their resources, as he wanted them to fulfil their goals. Bringing the Nether Lord into the Tiny World to pressure Lord Voldemort would be all the justification Shen Yue needed to banish them from Glory City as traitors.

Even their Families would be forced to agree that bringing a foreign force of non-humans to control the City, was grounds for banishment. Shen Yue could also use this as an excuse to recognise the Nether Lord as the leader of the Dark Guild, after all, they operated out of one of his cities. To claim ignorance would be a poor excuse in the eyes of the victims.

When Nie Li and the skank were banished, it would also allow Ziyun to return unhindered. The 'Deity' would have to concede the win, exposing the Earthen hypocrite as an imposter. Nie Li would be tarred with the same brush, making it impossible to gain any allies from the Tiny World. With the Thunder God's Meteorite Sword and Yu Yan under Shen Yue's control, Nie Li will hopefully not have the means to destroy the barrier protecting the Tiny World from invasion.

Shen Yue looked out over the four different camps, each with their own soldiers, builders and farmers. With roughly twenty-five thousand men and women in each group, they would be the seeds of four new cities expanding the boundary of his empire. With Su Qiang leading Glory City and his thousand of Heavenly Fate experts, he had nothing to fear any more from the demons or subsidiary realms of Tiny World. Especially when he had the bait to lure the two strongest Spiritual Gods into a trap.

Leaving instructions for the exploratory teams to be ready to move at his command, Shen Yue and his wives returned to Glory City. Ziyun stayed behind with the promise that soon she would regain her old life and reunite with her parents.

Shen Yue headed to the Celestial Brotherhood Headquarters to show support for 'Lord 'Voldemort' in his campaign for City Lord. His wives had also dispersed to lead their families to show support. With their new Heavenly Fate strength, it would not take much effort to make the dissidents comply.

This time when Shen Yue approached the gates, the guards let him in with no problems. Shen Yue was shown directly to Su Qiang's compound where he was preparing his speech.

"Young Master, you have finally arrived! I need help with this speech, I have no idea what to say!" Su Qiang said with a trace of helplessness. He was not used to public speaking.

"I thought you might, that's why I have already prepared one for you. Make sure to memorise all the details, they might question you on how our changes will benefit the City. You don't need to worry about public speaking, don't you already give orders to your men? Just speak as if they are you subordinates receiving orders and you will be fine. A City Lord needs to show his dominance!" Said Shen Yue to allay his fears.

"You are right. With young masters planning, there is no way we could lose to Ye Zong!" Su Qiang said excitedly, he had full confidence in his master's plans.

Three hours later, the two City Lord candidates had convened on a platform in the most spacious training area the City Lord's mansion had. It seemed like the entire City was packed into the grounds to hear the speeches. The Family leaders had gathered behind the candidates to show support. Ye Zong's area was looking decidedly vacant, with only the Snow Wind and Heavenly Marks Family in attendance.

Nie Hai looked like he didn't want to be there if the vicious looks he was directing at Nie Li were any indication. Nie Li had forced his hand with his public acts of support or scandals. Nie Li and Ye Ziyun were off to the side whispering, it was hard for them to meet with Nie Li's enforced labour as a pill slave. He had ended up making tens of thousands of pills for the guild, even the hundred or so he had stolen couldn't make a dent in what they had coerced out of him.

With all the influential Families supporting Lord Voldemort, the commoners reinforced their decision to vote in a new City Lord. The Saint Judgment Hall had been called in to officiate the proceedings, with the Chief officer having been asked to preside over the election. The old, grey-bearded man, in pristine robes denoting his office, walked onto the stage.

"We are gathered here to elect a City Lord that will lead us into an era of prosperity! With Lord Voldemort's claim that the current City Lord, Ye Zong, is not fulfilling his duties, we are here to listen to each candidates reason for being granted the position of the overlord of Glory City!" The fragile looking official yelled, surprisingly loud for his age.

Before he could continue, a loud chant of 'Voldemort' started up in the crowd. This was definitely not caused by Shen Yue's men planted in the crowd, he would never do something like swaying the voters before the election ever began!

Ye Zong looked at the people he professed to serve and witnessed that they deemed him inadequate to uphold the role of City Lord. Seeing the sea of people chanting for his opposition was a blow to his ego. There was no way he could win this, his opponent had prepared his campaign thoroughly. If Ye Mo was here to help, things might have been different. But he had never been in the limelight, preferring to go on trips or focus on cultivation.

"I renounce my title as City Lord and remove myself from this election. I hope that Lord Voldemort will uphold his promises to lead Glory City into a future of prosperity." Ye Zong's voice spread over the assembled mass of people. He would sooner yield with dignity than being humiliated in a one-sided election. Even the Chief officer seemed bias towards Voldemort!

Before the crowd could register the change in the situation, a high pitched voice screeched out in objection.

"You can't do that! We don't even know who Voldemort is, let alone his credibility to govern our City! He has the Sacred Family sponsoring him, a Family that has ties to the Dark Guild and passes off inscriptions as their own to gain fame and fortune! Yelled Ye Ziyun in a bid to discredit her enemy.

Suddenly the crowd was excited, they had all heard of this girl's scandalous exploits and were eager to witness one for themselves!

"You dare slander my Sacred Family? I am the patriarch of the Family, and I can guarantee that we are enemies with the dark guild! We have even helped Lord Voldemort to kill all known members within the City! Shen Hong and some of our elders sacrificed their lives in the clash against Dark Guild traitors, and you dare accuse us of colluding with them?

The inscription techniques our Family founding ancestor claimed, were indeed modified from past inscriptions, but we have already brought this to the Saint Judgement Hall to rectify and pay penalties. Since the Chief officer of the Hall is here, I would like him to clarify this and also lodge a formal case of slander with no evidence against our Family!" Shen Xiu lashed out at Ye Ziyun with extreme prejudice.

Before the Chief Officer could even react, Ye Rou slapped Ye Ziyun so hard she fell to the ground in a wail of agony!

"I apologise for this child's lack of manners. Clearly, she has not learnt her lesson from previous corrections to her attitude. The Sacred Family is a distinguished Family, please forgive the silly remarks of an idiot child." Said Ye Rou, imploring Shen Xiu to retract the lawsuit, they could not endure any more fines!

Seeing Shen Yue give her a nod to drop it, Shen Xiu relented, accepting Ye Rou's apology. With Ye Ziyun being dragged away by her mother and Nie Li forcefully restrained and also led away by Nie Hai, Lord Voldemort gave his victory speech.

"People of Glory City, I thank you for your trust and promise to ensure it was well placed! The demon beasts have driven humans to near extinction, forcing us to hide in the St. Ancestral Mountain Range in fear. The Dark Guild has also plagued us by kidnapping and killing us for profit in our time of need.

I say enough! We will drive back the demon beasts to regain our land, feasting on them to fill our hungry stomachs! The Dark Guild will be hunted to extermination, and any found to be harbouring them will face the same punishment!

This is our time to fight, to demand our world back from mere savage beasts! No more hiding, with the strength of my brothers and your help, we will reclaim our pride as humans!" Shouted Su Qiang with conviction.

The crowd screamed their support, once again chanting Voldemort. Shen Yue couldn't keep the smile off his face as he saw his plans coming to fruition.

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