How Much For Your Soul?

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

Since the cave was littered with traps, Shen Yue ordered his men to stay and guard the entrance. It would be a lot safer without his men accidentally setting off an inscription and bringing the mountain down on them.

This group of guards only consisted of Shen Tzu and nine other Heavenly Fate experts. Shen Yue had not brought any of his wives with him on this hunting trip. He feared that they would be injured or worse, killed when he confronts the mightiest creature in the Tiny World.

Without any distractions, Shen Yue would be able to move through the traps unhindered, only disarming them if he had too. But first, he used his cultivation method to display his power level as a 2-star gold rank. He wanted to lull Yu Yan into a false sense of security so he could approach her body without raising her suspicion.

After some time of dodging offensive inscriptions, he reached a corner of the cave where there was something that was emitting a dazzling light. He came to a spacious cavern, filled with large purple crystals emitting a faint purple glow.

Confirming that the area had no more traps or dangers, Shen Yue inspected the crystals with his library. Unfortunately, they had no other purpose other than absorbing Qi and converting it to light. He had hoped they were treasures that could be mined for his Empire's benefit.

With disappointment clearly showing on his face, Shen Yue returned his attention back to the cavern. In the middle, was an enormous black coloured spring, with water bubbling out from the top. Surprisingly, the lake wasn't overflowing, and Shen Yue had no idea where the excess water was disappearing to.

Checking for traps as he went, Shen Yue was happy when he could only find a mysterious inscription array supporting a huge barrier surrounding the Black Spring. He cautiously advanced and soon found the six corpses mentioned in the novel.

The bodies had completely rotted away, leaving only bleached bones covered with armour. Around the remains, were also various kinds of weapons encased in layers of dust. After looking at the inscription patterns on these items, Shen Yue recognised that they were all Legend rank items. Even though the weapons and armour had degraded with time, they could easily be touched up by his Smith and given to his personal guards.

He wasted no time in looting everything, not forgetting to grab their storage rings. After checking the interspatial rings, he found that they were all high grade, with a space of a few hundred meters in circumference. Unfortunately, even with the incredibly reduced time inside the ring, most of the items had perished. Thousands of years had passed since these experts had sealed themselves in this cave.

Shen Yue didn't bother to equip his new Wind Spirit Armour as he would soon be diving into the murky depths of the black lake to cultivate. There would be plenty of time after he had enslaved Yu Yan and understood the basics of how to obtain the one hundred and eight laws of the Tiny World. He was just waiting for her to show herself.

With nothing else of worth left in the cavern, he walked over to the Black Spring to inspect the barrier. Through it, Shen Yue could sense some kind of majestic energy being gathered inside. This must be the power of law that Yu Yan needed to reform her divine spark. The barrier was also maintaining the energy inside, limiting the amount being dispersed. This was probably to hide its presence from the demon beasts tracking the Spiritual Goddess.

Just as Shen Yue was about to break the inscription barrier, an image of a gorgeous woman with an unmatched appearance emerged from the spring. She looked to be approximately twenty-five years old and wearing a black muslin dress that hugged her perfect figure like a second skin. Unlike Nie Li, Shen Yue definitely had lewd ideas about this sexy Goddess. However, he had to clear his mind of such thoughts, as Spiritual Gods supposedly had a mind-reading ability.

"I have waited for several tens of thousands of years. I never thought that there would finally be people arriving here. Young man, what's your name?" her voice was very faint and was irregularly changing.

"I am Shen Yue, may I ask who you are and why you are sealed in this cave?" Keeping his mind clear and showing a respectful image, Shen Yue played the role of a helpful adventurer. He wanted her to lower her guard, making it easy to mark her soul with his slave inscription.

"My name is Yu Yan, the Fire Spiritual God and I am trapped here until I can recover from my injuries." She lightly said.

Shen Yue put on a mask of shock as he asked, "What are Spiritual Gods?"

Yu Yan's image looked at Shen Yue, showing a gentle smile on her face as she said, "We're the Spiritual Gods of this world, in control of all kinds of Laws in the heavens and earth. I am in control of fire, it's just that my physical body has been dissipated. My Divine Spark has been destroyed, becoming extremely tiny clusters of dust that has scattered to every corner of this world. However, Spiritual Gods are indestructible. After a few tens of thousands of years, my Divine Spark will gradually regather and reform my physical body."

Shen Yue played his part of an ignorant person and masked his face with doubt.

Seeing his uncertainties, Yu Yan continued to explain. "Spiritual Gods are the gods of this world. Every main world can only have thirty-six Spiritual Gods, with the subsidiary realms only having one each. They wield one law from the Heavens and Earth. All Spiritual Gods represent the world's laws.

Since ancient times, the thirty-six Spiritual Gods in our world and the seventy-two Spiritual Gods from the subsidiary realms, have been split between the different species. One fourth is represented by humanity, two-fourths by demon beasts and the remaining one fourth by other races. They are the powerful rulers of this world.

To gain command over the laws the different races engaged in endless slaughter. In the end, many Gods were extinguished. Some were like me, having their Divine Sparks destroyed and their physical bodies ceasing to exist."

It seems like Yu Yan was slightly affected by the eons of solitude, as she kept on spewing out endless amounts of information. Unfortunately, Shen Yue had to bear with it as he had to play the ignorant villager until he could brand her. Who knew what kind of tricks she could play if he revealed his insidious intentions!

"Tens of thousands of years ago, the Demon Beast Clan tried to kill all the Spiritual Gods of our Human Clan to gain control of our laws, creating a war that encompassed all of our world and most of the subsidiary realms. Although we combined our strength and utterly defeated the Demon Beast Clan, we suffered casualties and were nearly exhausted.

My scattered Divine Spark can sense that a Spiritual God has arisen in the Demon Beast Clan and is trying to destroy the heritage of my Human Clan. Pity that my Divine Spark has only accumulated a third its original size. If more Spiritual Gods continue to be born to demon beasts, then the humans will be exterminated.

The remains of my Divine Spark can only be slowly gathered as I wait here in the Black Spring. Once I leave, a group of pinnacle level Legend rank demon beasts guarding the Black Spring will do all they can to stop me and destroy my physical body."

Before Yu Yan could continue with her information dump, Shen Yue cut her off and got straight to the point.

"Is there a way to create more Human Spiritual Gods?" He asked.

Even though Yu Yan was surprised at Shen Yue's interruption, she was pleased with his question. If he was incapable of sensing the laws, then he could at least bring some more people to try and rebuild the Human Spiritual Gods.

"Good, I also want to pass on the power of laws to you as we cannot let our human race go extinct. As to how much you can comprehend and what level you reach, that will have to depend on yourself!" Yu Yan said with a satisfied nod of her head. This eager child was what she had spent ages waiting for! Calming her mood, Yu Yan slowly continued.

"Among the twenty-seven Spiritual Gods in our Human Clan, there are six that have thoroughly fallen. The remaining had their Divine Sparks scattered with the rest having an unknown status. The stronger the law, the harder it is to cultivate, with everyone only being able to practise one law.

Among the six dead Spiritual Gods, the strongest are Light, Darkness and Primal Chaos. Among them, I have personally witnessed the fall of the Primal Chaos Spiritual God. However, the Primal Chaos Spiritual God is the most unusual existence, who knows if he had any methods to survive. The remaining three are the elemental laws of Earth, Lightning and Gold.

However, sensing the laws is extremely difficult. You might need to seclude yourself here for over twenty years before you can even gain a hint."

Shen Yue was confident that he would also be able to cheat as Nie Li did, so he paid no attention to Yu Yan's opinions of the difficulty in cultivating the Laws of the World. He was already tired of listening to Yu Yan spout shit that he already knew, he just wanted her to give him the method to sense the laws already!

"What should I do first?" He asked before she could stress further the difficulty she faced in becoming a Spiritual God.

"The first step is to strengthen your physical body. This Black Spring contains a portion of the power from my Divine Spark. I will open the barrier, so you can enter and soak yourself in it, which will refine your physical body. If you sensed the power of the law when your physical body isn't strong enough, the power would destroy you." She said, showing a sad smile.

This child's cultivation was only at the gold rank, it would take time for his body to become strong enough to contain the powerful energy of laws.

Finally, with Yu Yan's permission, Shen Yue could access the Black Spring where her body was recovering. Removing his clothes without any shame, he slowly entered the dark waters. There was some kind of powerful energy within the Black Spring that made the sapling in his soul realm tremble in excitement.

Although it had been nourished with massive amounts of Qi during his cultivation, this kind of energy was purer than soul force. Such pure energy quickly made him feel as though his skin was being refined by a gentle warmness. Shen Yue operated his soul realm and began slowly absorbing this energy so as not to alarm the Fire Spiritual Goddess.

He didn't miss the blushing cheeks of the beauty as she watched over his progress. He was quite happy with how his body was growing, as the perks he had chosen made him an Adonis. It was a pity that getting a ten-thousand-year-old virgin, that had spent most of that time alone, to blush at his naked body was not really much of an achievement.

Absorbing the energy in the lake did little for his cultivation, but the sapling in his soul realm was soaking it up in glee. After acclimatising to the power within the water, Shen Yue prepared to go deeper.

It was time to lay eyes on the real body of this Goddess!

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