How Much For Your Soul?

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

With the ease that the tree in his soul realm was absorbing the pure energy, Shen Yue kept diving lower and lower. He was like a sunken ship, moving towards the depths of the Black Spring as he continued to absorb more of the power in the water. The deeper he went, the richer the energy of Law became.

Seeing Shen Yue's action, Yu Yan, who was floating on top of the Black Spring, changed her expression.

"Quickly get out, get out!" Yu Yan shouted towards the Black Spring. Although her soul can sense the situation within, she's unable to enter it or affect anything within.

Seeing that Yu Yan would not or could not interfere with him as he dived deeper, Shen Yue kept going lower. With the energy becoming purer and the pressure he was receiving becoming more intense, Shen Yue started to operate his cultivation technique. No matter how much Power of Law is being absorbed, it doesn't seem to be able to satisfy the sapling. Immediately the pressure disappeared, and he was quickly able to reach the bottom where a ray of dazzling light attracted his attention.

As he was getting closer, Shen Yue could feel a heat wave blowing towards him. Such powerful fire energy! When he reached the source of the light, he found a beauty with pale skin. Unfortunately, she was the size of an infant and curled into a ball of red energy.

Shen Yue had accessed the Tales of Demon and Gods novel in his library before entering the cave, refreshing his memory so as not to miss anything important. After sifting through the events of Nie Li during his first encounter of Yu Yan, he couldn't help but be amazed at Nie Li's twisted nature. And this was coming from a guy with a harem and a mass of women worshipping him!

Nie Li's first thoughts when seeing the 50cm sized beauty was pretty funny, it spoke volumes about his retarded self-righteous view of himself!

"Although the size is small, it couldn't help giving others a rush of adrenaline upon glancing at it. If an ordinary guy saw this scene, he probably wouldn't be able to control himself. It's a good thing that Nie Li is unperturbed by it."

Shen Yue couldn't help but think that this summed up Nie Li to a 'T'. He considered himself better than everyone, simply because he didn't want to fuck a baby-sized naked woman! Sure she was beautiful, but come on! How did that thought even enter his mind? Even Shen Yue, with his lewd plans for Yu Yan, didn't have any sexual fantasies about a tiny woman! He certainly didn't pat himself on the back for it!

He couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculousness of the three-hundred-year-old pedophile as he reached out to brand the mini goddess. With the mysterious tree absorbing the intense fire energy radiating from Yu Yan, his hand finally passed through the scarlet light ball that was the Divine Spark and made contact with her body.

[ Yu Yan, 89,716 years of age, Fire Spiritual Goddess, Entered Tiny World on a meteor from unknown World. Cultivation - Law of Fire.

"Flaws: No.1, Divine Spark only 34% gathered... No.2, her talent toward sensing the Power of Law is lacking... No.3, isolation for several tens of thousands of years has left her mind damaged with... No.4, Flames of Life ability locked... ]

It was just like Shen Yue thought when he had been reading the novel, Yu Yan was mentally ill, why else would she try to destroy the Tiny World's life-saving barrier? He was a bit worried by the library not knowing her world of origin, but she did have a past shrouded in mystery after all.

Putting these thoughts from his mind, he forcefully entered her soul realm and locked down her meagre defences before she could react. It was fortunate that her mentality and Divine Spark were considerably damaged. He would be overpowered and destroyed, if he tried this when Yu Yan was at full power.

Even though Spiritual Gods had changed their bodies to become one with their Law, they still had a soul realm and were capable of cultivating to higher realms. They were just limited in what they were able to do with their power. It was impossible to use any ability other than the Law they practised.

With the preparations that Shen Yue made before attacking, he was quickly able to imprint the subjugation seal on Yu Yan's soul. With her Divine Spark remaking her body and her defences lowered against a weak gold rank teenager, Yu Yan paid for her lack of concern towards Shen Yue.

Shen Yue had no problem with completely altering Yu Yan's personality as she was a ticking time bomb of devastation with her mind in its current state. Since she had already lived such a long and disappointing life, she might as well dedicate the rest of it to him!

Shen Yue then proceeded to make massive changes to her memory, transforming her need to save humanity into a need to support him as her saviour and the only hope of Tiny World! Any and all independent thought was crushed, with her personality changed to live as Shen Yue's sycophant. Hopefully, now she would not rush off making terrible decisions with consequences of epic proportions.

He also unlocked her childhood memories and took his time in smoothing out any of the negative results from the eons of living with six corpses. In the end, it was easier to wipe everything from as soon as they died and create an endless amount of gratefulness for releasing her from this self-made prison.


Yu Yan, who had her eyes closed to sense what was happening in the water, released a soft cry the instant he touched her. She suddenly opened her eyes and felt her soul trembling. For tens of thousands of years, she's been the respected goddess of the Human Clan. Yet, Shen Yue actually touched her sacred body, this is too presumptuous!

However, Shen Yue was only a kid, it was normal for him to be a little curious. The instant he touched her celestial body, she felt a mighty shock of energy circulate within her. This is the Power of Law! This is actually the Power of Law that she was so familiar with, and it seems to be very deep and powerful!

Yu Yan was shocked to her core, could it be that inside this child's body was a power of an even higher level? In this world, the only authority that is above the Spiritual Gods was probably the World Creator!

Before Yu Yan could muse further on the issue, her soul realm was forcefully breached! This caused her immense pain, and she could not even muster any defences before they were locked down. Just as she was about to gather all of her strength for one final chance at resisting the attack, she slipped into unconsciousness.


With Yu Yan programmed into a dutiful wife, Shen Yue focused on the problem of her Divine Spark. He would need a greater understanding of the Power of Law before he could design an inscription array to speed up the process of regathering the dispersed sparks.

He searched through her mind with ease, finding her methods of cultivating Law and the moment she merged herself with it to become a Spiritual Goddess. Holding out his hand, Shen Yue concentrated on the process of sensing the Fire Law, just as Yu Yan practised. Suddenly, a blazing fire with a mysterious inscription pattern formed on his palm. The flame could even burn underwater, not affected by it at all.

"So this is the essence of laws, it is even easier than Nie Li described!" Shen Yue was astonished.

These flowing inscription patterns proved that the essence of laws isn't natural energy, but created by some supreme existence. It filled the world with mysterious inscription patterns that formed the Laws just like the air.

No wonder Spiritual Gods were able to regather their Divine Sparks after being broken. Yu Yan is the Law of Fire in both Heaven and Earth, the Law of Fire is her! Once enough is gathered up, Yu Yan's Divine Spark will be fully restored!

Shen Yue suddenly realised that he could cultivate the Law of Fire and pass it through the link in their soul realms! He did not even need to set up any arrays to attract the pieces of Spark across the world, he would just create a new one!

Since being underwater was not the best place to cultivate fire energy, Shen Yue grabbed Yu Yan and returned to the shore of the lake. It seemed odd to him that she would not have chosen a volcanic place of fire to cultivate instead. Even if she was chased to the Black Spring, why did a Fire Goddess have a water cave as a refuge?

As they were still inside the barrier set up around the spring, Shen Yue did not worry about attracting the demon beasts supposedly watching over her. The vine/sapling inside his soul realm made sensing and absorbing the Power of Law incredibly easy. Even though it was the tree that was devouring the energy, the fire attribute bubble that was attached to the tree, was giving off a powerful aura of fire Law energy.

The rate that he was absorbing the pure Power of Law was astonishing once he entirely devoted his cultivation technique to the task. As none of the energy was used to increase his physique or soul force, his progress in gaining control over the Law was already at eleven percent in just two hours!

Taking a break, he left Yu Yan laying on the bank of the lake and exited the barrier. With her mind picked clean of useful information, it was easy to gain control enough to operate it. Shen Yue retraced his steps back to the cave entrance and updated his guards on the situation. He planned to spend a month here comprehending the Power of Laws. If anyone needed him, all they had to do was shout down the tunnel or communicate through his wives or top officers.

With his guards now understanding the situation, they quickly sent a man off to set up a rotation and inform the army that they had a month to train and hunt demon spirits in the Infinite Forrest. With no other worries, Shen Yue went back to the lake to improve his power over fire.

Unfortunately, he could not absorb the Law of Fire when he entered the Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal. He could still use the power and regain lost energy, but he could not absorb it into his overall comprehension. This was because only in the Tiny World, or a subsidiary realm, could he cultivate a particular Power of Law.

With this shortcut meeting a quick end, he instead used the opportunity to either increase the grade of demon beast spirits or train with Blaze, his lovable fire turkey. It took him a week to reach sixty percent in the Law of Fire, and Shen Yue thought this was enough to get Yu Yan back on her feet. The higher the percentage, the harder it was to cultivate. Although, his progress was astounding compared to the thousands of years it took the Spiritual Gods!

It was time to wake up his new miniature wife and have her grow to an acceptable size! Yu Yan opened her eyes and immediately professed her undying love and affection towards him, it was a bit awkward having his knee grasped by a naked midget.

After clothing herself while blushing, an hour later and she was up to speed about the situation and Shen Yue's future plans. During this time, he was continually monitoring her subconscious for any problems, but everything appeared to be ok. They were now ready to increase her cultivation.

Using the conduit that existed between their soul realms through the slave seal, Shen Yue pumped the power of Fire Law into Yu Yan. The effect was immediately noticeable, as her body started to glow red and her height was increasing slowly. An hour later and Yu Yan's Divine Spark was at sixty-three percent completion.

With Shen Yue imparting his knowledge on the mysterious inscription within the Law of Fire, Yu Yan could quickly retrain the Law of Fire and thus heal her Spark. Shen Yue's Fire Law had fallen to eight percent, and he was ready to train it back up. After all, with the overpowered tree in his soul realm, he could train all of the Laws up to just a step under Spiritual God!

The Temporal Destiny Seed of Creation had grown into the tree of cheats, making him incomparable in terms of cultivating. He could absorb all forms of Laws and energy, restrict demon beast spirits and even affect reality when it grew strong enough! The only downside was it took him longer to cultivate. But this was not a problem with his trusty training realm.

With Yu Yan growing back to her original height of 160cm, it was hard to keep his lustful thoughts at bay. After all the hard work of restoring her power and moulding her mind into a doting wife instead of a power-crazed psycho, it was time to be rewarded!

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