How Much For Your Soul?

Chapter 41

Chapter 41

Shen Yue was smiling, he looked like Mr Burns as he says his famous line. 'Excellent' pretty much summed up how his plans were going, it was almost too easy to prod the two idiots in the direction he wanted.

Since the Earth slapper knew about the Nether realm, but not how to get there, it was easy to enslave her maid and pass information through her. Since he had gleaned the whereabouts of the entry to the Nether Realm through the minds of the Dark Guild captives, he just had a map rendered onto a scroll with the approximate location marked and slipped it to the maid to put with all the other reference books.

Ye Ziyun had been searching through the Snow Wind Family archives when she was not cultivating. Since her only option for advancement lay in leaving Glory City and the influence of 'Lord Voldemort', she had read every book with any reference to other civilisations or Gods.

When she had 'struck gold' with his forged scroll, the terrible twosome had immediately planned their expedition. The maid had forwarded any snippets of information she overheard, and the pair had been walking the road of no return ever since.

Any roadblock to their plans was quietly removed to ensure they would not think to back out or ask a sensible person for help. If anyone heard they wanted to enlist a non-human to overthrow the City Lord, they would have been slapped into oblivion!

With Nie Li 'stealing' pills to hasten their cultivation, it had only taken them a month to gain sufficient strength to make the journey. Since Shen Yue had let slip Ye Ziyun's condition, it also had the added benefit of keeping her in Glory City and under the watchful eye of her mother. He had been a bit worried about how he was going to get his baby back if they went to ground in another Realm.

Luckily, they had misjudged the importance of Nie Li breaching his contract, and the fact that Ye Ziyun was now considered part of his family. Even though they were not officially married, they were engaged, and she was supposedly pregnant with his child. In the eyes of the law, she was now also accountable along with the Heavenly Marks Family if Nie Li failed to uphold the contract he and his Family signed.

He guessed they thought that when he returned with a posse of Demi-Gods, it would fix any of the consequences of his abrupt disappearance. The winner was king, and the loser was the thief! It really was an 'all in' sort of plan. Did she really not think that a person who reincarnated before her, dominated Glory City, would not have any contingency strategies?

They made it way too easy for him to win the first confrontation. Granted, Shen Yue had a massive head start and an unfair advantage, but she also had an unfair advantage. She had whored herself out for extra points, where he had to blackmail Alastor with a technicality. Shen Yue was sick of women complaining about being objectified and then turning around and using their bodies to gain advantages. Pick one creed and stick to it!

Shen Yue was currently in the City Lord's mansion planning their defence for when Nie Li returned. He had mentally called back Yu Yan so they would have the moral high ground if a theological excuse to legitimise a hostile change in government was used. A 'righteous' human Spiritual God of Fire trumped a 'dark' Nether God of an unknown species.

Since they didn't want to risk any damage to the city or collateral damage, they set up the ambush at the City limits closest to the exit of the Nether Realm. They could not move too far away from the City, as they needed witnesses to Nie Li's betrayal of Glory City by invading with a foreign force! A team of one hundred Heavenly Fate experts were sent to monitor the Realm exit to give advanced warning and block off any retreat.

With the defence plans satisfied, it was time to move onto his schemes for the Earth trollop. With a legitimate reason to imprison her, Shen Yue planned to knock her out and advance her pregnancy in the Violet Jade Immortal Realm. When the baby was born, he could out her as an imposter and reintroduce the real Ye Ziyun!

Alastor would have no grounds to interrupt, as he would only be banishing her and Nie Li to a Subsidiary Realm of one of the Draconic Ruin Sect's Spiritual Gods. With them out of the way, there would be no hidden dangers to disrupt his plans. The only thing that worried him was that they would all be starting off at the same levels once they stepped through the portal to the Draconic Ruins.

The City Guards were dispatched to the Snow Wind Family to gather the harlot and the heads of Heavenly Marks Family. Su Qiang himself went to fetch Ye Ziyun as there could be no mistakes with her capture, damage to the baby or her escape would create a headache Shen Yue didn't need.

With fifty guards, the City Lord reached the new Snow Wind Families residence. Although not as luxurious as the City Lord's Manor, it was still a beautiful estate that any other Family would kill for. It had been used as a holiday mansion to escape the hustle and bustle of the city and the stress of public scrutiny.

Located just outside the City boundaries, it was barely large enough to house the Family. With its opulent gardens and stately courtyards, it was still sufficient to ensure their status as one of the most influential Families in Glory City.

Su Qiang and his men approached the compound quickly to give no chance for Ye Ziyun to escape. With a few men covering all escape routes, the City Lord reached the main gate and demanded them to hand over the criminal Ye Ziyun.

This world had rather broad rules that included the entire family in a minority's actions when breaking the law. Although the City wanted to keep its fighting strength up, it would not hesitate to cull anything that harmed the welfare of the City.

This could be seen in the original storyline with the extermination of the Sacred Family. Sure, there were many 'bad eggs' in the Family, but no mention was made of any innocent people that were oppressed by Shen Hong, or the guards hired to protect the compound. Surely the entire Family was not willing to betray Glory City.

Moments later, Ye Zong, Ye Rou and a few guards approached the main gate to assess the situation.

"What is the meaning of this Voldemort? Ziyun has not left our sight, so it is impossible for her to have committed any crimes!" Said Ye Zong angrily. He felt that his Family was being hounded until they collapsed. Where the hell was Ye Mo?

"That is City Lord or Lord Voldemort, Zong! Your daughter's husband has violated his contract with the Immortal Elixir Guild and disappeared, as part of his family, Ye Ziyun is to remanded into custody to await sentencing." Replied the annoyed City Lord. Even after becoming a noble himself, he still hated their arrogant manner.

"Impossible! There is no way that someone would damn his family into slavery over a six-month contract of service! Besides, Ziyun is not married to the brat!" Counted Ye Zong.

"That is where you are wrong, he dared to commit the crimes and incriminate his Family in the first place, what makes you think he wouldn't throw them away to join the Dark Guild? You know very well that as an engaged, expectant mother, she is deemed under the law to be his wife. She will be taken into custody to await trial on Nie Li's capture. Any that interfere will be breaking the law and killed for attacking a City Guard!" Said Su Qiang smugly, as a previous character at the bottom of the social ladder, he loved to watch nobles suffer.

Clenching his teeth in frustration, Ye Zong quickly tried to think of any way to overrule her status as Nie Li's wife. This would be a simple matter to pardon if he was still the City Lord. Unfortunately, Lord Voldemort was within his rights to lawfully arrest his idiot daughter. At his side, Ye Rou was also frustrated at the situation.

She had planned the perfect wedding with Shen Yue as the groom, then along came this red-headed retard to not only ruin her daughter's reputation but drag the entire Family down! Maybe she could ask little Yue for leniency for old times sake, she knew that he had enough influence with the City Lord to help.

Without any further problems, Ye Ziyun was escorted out to the front gate. She had confidence that she would soon be released, and this masked moron on an ego trip would take her place in prison! Even if he reached the legend rank, there was no way he could fight against a Spiritual God and a plethora of Demi-Gods!

"So this is the famous tramp that turned down little brother Shen Yue for a farmer. We have not been properly introduced, but since you are the 'used goods' of a petty criminal, there is really no reason for us to be!" Su Qiang said as he laughed in her face.

The Snow Wind Family's reactions were priceless as they silently received the disrespect bestowed upon them. Before Ye Zong could say anything, two guards grabbed Ye Ziyun, and the group headed back to the City. When they were halfway back, the slapper could no longer hold her tongue.

"Enjoy your life as the City Lord while you can, when Nie Li returns, you will be shown the same courtesy you have shown me!" She spat out with contempt.

"You really think I have not made contingency plans against Spiritual Gods? The entire Tiny World will be mine to rule over, while you will just be a whore for Alastor and Nie Li! I suggest you close your mouth, but keep your legs open, as you will need all the bargaining power you can find when you are charged with treason for attacking Glory City with a foreign army!"

Before the astounded Earth hussy could respond, she was knocked unconscious when Su Qiang gave the signal the guards holding her. After vocalising the script that Shen Yue had prepared, this imposter would be kept in a coma. She would be carried into the young Master's personal realm so they could claim the Nemesis Family heir earlier!

It was a shame that the Deity prohibited her death otherwise Su Qiang would simply kill this pretender after she gave birth. Not only would they be able to reinstate the real Ye Ziyuin, but it would cut out any future problems! Curse this Alastor Deity for choosing this world to send these two pieces of garbage.

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