How Much For Your Soul?

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

Shen Yue looked into the cell to see his annoying enemy, he had cleared the jail so he could deal with this problem alone. She wore the face of his wife but had the personality of a hypocrite from Earth. He wished he could just enslave or kill her, but God wanted a protagonist to his antagonist. Nie Li didn't count, as he could be killed off easily with foreknowledge.

He wondered what Nie Li and the slapper would do when he stopped Ying Yueru from taking on Nie Li's fate. Having a Deity Demon Beast chasing you through the Draconic Realm would make things challenging! Speaking of Deities, Shen Yue had forgotten that only people that he had a connection with could enter his private Realm.

But Alastor had prohibited him from doing precisely that. Since Alastor had made the rules and wanted to see an entertaining conflict between them, Shen Yue had reasoned that he could just pray for a solution!

"Oh mighty God Alastor, hear the plea of your faithful follower! This bitch can't be taken into the Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal so that I can retrieve my child. If you could solve this problem for me, then I can exile her and Nie Li to a Subsidiary Realm where they could train until the Draconic Realm opens up. Amen" Said Shen Yue, hopefully invoking the capricious Gods interest. He really didn't want to have to put up with her until the baby was born.

Suddenly a blue screen appeared in front of his eyes.

[ Congratulations! Your prayers have been heard and answered by your God, Alastor! Since the suffering of your opponent has grown stale and boring, He has decided to grant your request! Continue to serve your God well, he is most pleased with your progress so far! ]

With a flash of light, the fake Ye Ziyuns stomach started to grow until she looked ready to burst! Stepping out into the hallway where Su Qiang waited with some guards, he ordered them to quickly prepare the room they had arranged for Ye Ziyun's future childbirth. It was equipped with a birthing chair with restraints.

As soon as she was strapped in, Shen Yue left the room, but not before giving 'Lord Voldemort' some more taunts. Ye Ziyun was brought back to consciousness just as her water broke, not a situation that was ideal to be suddenly thrust into! Faced with a slow trickle of fluid escaping her nude body and contractions of pain attacking her, she could only incoherently scream around her ballgag at the people staring at her.

Su Qiang chose this time to hurl his scripted insults at her, just as she was comprehending the situation she now found herself in.

"You must be confused at how you are suddenly nine months pregnant and about to give birth. I really must thank you for that pendant, it has helped my plans immensely! Now, I know that women are way better than men at handling pain, so I decided to let you experience childbirth without any sedatives or pain killers, do your gender proud! Try not to shit yourself as your vagina tears that would be more mess to clean up later."

Her eye widened in fear at the mention of tearing vaginas and no drugs to counter the pain. Sadly, even with her black-gold strength, she could not break her restraints. Three hours of muffled screaming and cursing later, a newborn baby's cries were heard. It was a healthy baby boy with wisps of dark hair scattered over his head.

Ye Ziyun was a wreck, even with her superhuman strength the pain of childbirth could only be shortened to three hours of torture. With a face full of tears, she was panting as she lay back into the birthing chair spent of energy. She promised to herself that this would never happen again, no more kids!

Su Qiang made an appearance and was handed a cleaned heir to the Nemesis throne. He ordered everyone to leave as he had one last order of business. With a smile on his face, he turned to Ye Ziyun to deliver the last words she would hear in the Tiny World's main Realm.

"I must thank you for doing all the work for the real Ye Ziyun, that did not look like a fun experience. Yes, you heard correctly, the real Ziyun is alive and not at all happy with you hijacking her body! Now that her baby is born you have no further use, you will be kept in a coma until Nie Li is captured. Have fun explaining why the baby wasn't his or that you are not the real Ye Ziyun! See you in the Draconic Realm." Finishing his speech, he injected her with a sedative and left the room.

Shen Yue looked at the baby in Su Qiang's arms and couldn't help but smile at the cute little munchkin. Stroking its head, he marvelled that he was now a father. Still, Shen Yue held off holding the child until it was a bit older. The baby looked so fragile that he didn't want to accidentally hurt the little guy by holding him wrong or something.

The next day a disguised Ziyun arrived at the Nemesis mansion from his Abyss Realm as there was no reason she should not be with her child. A nurse had been found to feed the noisy little guy.

Shen Yue spent the next week surrounded by his wives and cooing over the baby. Whenever one of them got a bit too clucky and started to have thoughts of a baby of their own, he reminded them of how the imposter spent three hours screaming in pain. With their future uncertain in the Draconic Realm, there was no time to have a child.

Not very good at naming children, Shen Yue ended up calling his son Shen Taro. As Ziyun had no problem with it, it was decided. Since it would be dangerous to take a small child into the Draconic Ruins, Shen Yue had the brilliant idea of raising the munchkin in the Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal. By the time the portal opens, Shen Taro would be old enough to start training.

With a happy family and everything planned and ready, all they could do was wait for Nie Li to come back to Glory City at the head of an army. They didn't have long to wait. Three weeks later Shen Yue received a message from those guarding the Nether Realm entrance. Five hundred people had followed the red-headed tosser out of the cave and were heading towards Glory City at a leisurely pace.

Sending out the order to prepare the welcoming party, Shen Yue got dressed ready for battle. Since everything was planned in advance, there was little to do, he could only make sure the men were in position.

Shen Yue met Su Qiang at the city gate as they waited for the heads of the other Families to arrive. Two thousand city guards with one thousand of them Shen Yue's men in disguise already waited at the outskirts of the city where they would battle the invaders. They just needed witnesses.

By the time Nie Li arrived, everyone was in place and waiting for him. The smug little shit was even at the head of the army in plain view! Shen Yue scanned the five hundred men assembled trying to identify the Nether Lord.

"Lord Voldemort, your reign is over. Surrender peacefully and accept your punishment! Only the Snow Wind Family can be the Lord of the City, you have usurped their power illegally!" Nie Li didn't waste any time denouncing Su Qiang. Trying to give his little coup a legitimate excuse.

With Glory City's nobles in attendance and on Su Qiang's side, this reason was pretty questionable. They had even brought Nie Hai and Nie Ming along to denounce this retard once and for all.

"You idiot child, what have you done? All you had to do was keep your head down for six months and work! Now you have bankrupted two Families and condemned our Family to slavery! I should have killed you the first time you fucked up! I had hoped you had only been a bit rebellious, but now you have actually started a rebellion! From now on you are no longer part of the Heavenly Marks Family!" Shouted Nie Ming in anger, his whole face was red, and he was visibly trembling in rage.

Nie Li's mouth had dropped open in shock as he stared at his father in disbelief! To have his father disown him in front of the force he gathered, was a devastating blow. Not to mention the heads of the Noble Families staring at him with schadenfreude.

Su Qiang stepped forward before Nie Li could overcome his shock. "Nie Li, you have aligned yourself with the Dark Guild and lead a raid on Glory City. Surrender now, and you will be given a fair trial. That goes for the rest of you criminals! Where is the leader, the so-called Nether Lord?"

"What are you talking about? The Nether Lord is not part of the Dark Guild! He is not even here, he just lent me these men to depose you and reinstate Ye Zong!" Shouted Nie. He was seriously getting pissed off!

"You idiot child, do you not even know who you work for? These men are from the Nether Realm, where the Dark Guild is based, where the Nether Lord has absolute power! Are you trying to tell me that he does not, at the very least, condone their actions? Laughable! Since the Nether Lord is not even here, then that makes this easy. Attack!" Yelled Su Qiang.

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