How Much For Your Soul?

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Without a Spiritual God to protect them, Nie Li's group were quickly subdued. Shen Yue had planned to defend against the Nether Lord and thousands of Demi-Gods, this pitiful bunch only had ten and no God. If he didn't want to capture some of them, then it would have been over in seconds.

When Su Qiang gave the order to attack, Shen Yue had his men activate the secondary array they had set up. There was no reason to waste resources on legend ranked thugs. The five hundred invaders were suddenly enveloped in a net of lightning, eliciting pained cries and the smell of charred flesh.

As soon as it ended, the already transformed defenders surged forward while yelling for surrender or death. Two thousand soldiers integrated with their demon spirits against heavily injured and unprepared enemies was an overwhelming advantage.

If any of the Nether Realm force put up any resistance, they were put down with extreme prejudice. There would be no sympathy for any form of resistance, better to kill an enemy than let your guard down and be killed instead. Besides, Shen Yue only needed some of them alive for their memories, not all of them!

The only enemy that was guaranteed to live was Nie Li. Shen Yue had given orders for him to be captured alive, as he didn't want to disregard Alastor's edicts totally. But if the little shit was fried to death by the lightning array that would just be an unfortunate accident!

Too bad the turd burglar was protected by plot armour, he had managed to come out mostly unscathed. He was dumped in front of Su Qiang with a broken nose and light burns over his body. The six Demi-Gods and two hundred or so legend warriors that survived were in much worse condition. How a gold rank survived an array that practically charred legend ranks were unbelievable. Too bad he was an enemy, after all, there was only room for one egotistical dictator in this world!

"You are lucky that the men had orders to capture you alive brat. Otherwise, you would be dead like the rest of those that resisted instead of receiving just a broken nose.

Since your guilt is apparent to all gathered here, you and your wife will be exiled instead of executed. The Heavenly Marks Family has shown to be worthy of their Family name by making an effort to follow the law at every opportunity, we have decided to reward them by not making a spectacle of your death and marring their honour.

You will be sedated until we have dealt with the Nether Lord and his Dark Guild, then you will be banished to a subsidiary realm never to return under pain of death! Glory City does not need people that would sell them into slavery to another race!" After Su Qiang condemned Nie Li, he spat in his face, then gave the order for the guards to knock him out.

Shen Yue gave a sigh of relief, his two most annoying problems would remain sedated until he could pawn them off to one of the Spiritual Gods that were part of a sect in the Draconic Ruins. Su Qiang spitting on Nie Li had brought a smile to Shen Yue's face. The proud, three-hundred-year-old, self-righteous ballsack looked like he was going to explode from anger before he was sedated. Thinking about what to do with his bothersome opponents, he decided he might as well throw them to the Phaseless Sect ambassador since the sect has the crazy bastard Xiu Ming in it.

Xiu Ming practised a cultivation technique called Sky Annihilation Heart Chant. This led to him slaughtering the entire population of the Phaseless Sect to advance his cultivation, even his parents and clansmen weren't spared from the massacre. Shen Yue was sure that Nie Li would feel right at home with another psychopathic idiot that would do anything to attain his goal.

The most important thing though was that he could now out Nie Li and the slapper from Earth. With the heads of Glory City's nobles present and the two idiots in custody, now was the perfect time to do so. Bringing out the real Ye Ziyun would hopefully force Alastor to break the compulsion that stopped everyone doubting the slapper was an imposter.

Hopefully, it would also repair the rift between him and the Snow Wind Family. The Heavenly Marks Family could also be released from the beatdown they were receiving. With luck, setting the two Families up as City Lords in his future expansion of Tiny World will go a long way to repairing the rift created by the two retards being apart of their family.

Shen Yue told Su Qiang to take the nobles back to the City Lord's mansion and to gather Ye Zong and Ye Rou along the way. It was time to restore Ziyun's honour, and break the news that Nie Li was an 'imposter'. An hour later, when everyone present, Su Qiang called out for silence to the gathered nobles.

"What's this about Lord Voldemort?" Asked Ye Zong with a bit of respect, suspicion and caution. After all, the last time he had seen the man was when he reminded him of his title and imprisoned his daughter.

"I've assembled you all here because of something that happened on the first day of the Holy Orchid Institute." Su Qiang began before he was interrupted.

"Yes, yes we all know my idiot daughter and that peasant disgraced themselves. No need to keep throwing it in my face! If this is why you brought me here, then I'm leaving!" Shouted out a furious and embarrassed Ye Zong.

"Actually, you are only half right. I am talking about that incident, but it was not your daughter performing that shameful deed." Before the confused crowd could interrupt, Su Qiang continued.

"You see, I have been teaching Shen Yue since he was a small child. That day he ran away from the Sacred Family, we met accidentally, and he became my student. So when he came to me with the soul of his little girlfriend, and a story of an imposter taking over her body, I was willing to help. Unfortunately, he could only save one of the two souls that were ejected from their bodies that day." Su Qiang turned to where Ye Ming was sitting and gave him a short bow.

"I can only apologise that my student could not save your son, but he barely managed to save Ye Ziyun's soul, and only had one container that could hold a soul." As he said this, Shen Yue walked into the room with Ye Ziyun holding their child.

"Mum, Dad, you really are stupid. I can't believe you believed that slut was me!" Said a pouting Ziyun.

A glazed look appeared on everyone's faces as Alastor must have undone the mind trick that was cast over the city. Thankfully Alastor did, or this conversation would have been quite complicated. Before a tearful Ye family reunion could take place, a confused Nie Hai asked for clarification.

"What do you mean that imposters took over their bodies? How was that even possible?"

"Halfway through class, there was a sudden mysterious pulse of soul force from Ziyun and Nie Li. When I scanned Ziyun, I saw her soul ejected from her body. Before it could dissipate, I bound it to a soul lantern. So as not to draw the attention of the invaders, I had to act as if nothing happened.

They had basic knowledge of us, and they tried to make excuses to distance themselves from me before leaving the class. When the class ended, I rushed to Lord Voldemort and told him everything." Said Shen Yue, playing his part that they had rehearsed beforehand.

"Just as I planned to capture and reinsert Ziyun's soul back into her body, I was forcibly contacted by a self-proclaimed 'Deity'. The things he told me and the fact that he could remotely snuff out peoples souls, led me to believe he could follow through on his threats if I interrupted his 'fun'.

He claimed that his two students were on a training exercise in this realm. We were allowed to fight and disgrace them, but we could not expose or kill them. He even cast a city-wide spell that made it seem that Ye Ziyun was just 'acting out'! Thankfully he seems to have undone it as his students have been captured."

Su Qiang looked around the room at the different faces on the Families gathered, he could see their faces change as their minds comprehended the information he had revealed to them. Nie Ming had tears running down his face as he came to terms that his son had already been dead for several months.

Chen Zhenlong was the first to process the news that they had been played by an all-powerful God. "If you knew that Nie Li and Ye Ziyun were intruders masquerading around in their bodies, why did you destroy their Families?"

"Because we could not let them use the resources of their Families. We had to isolate them so we could drive them into a corner and legitimately capture them. Do you honestly think that I didn't want just to beat them like a red-headed stepchild? I had to work within this Deity's rules. Otherwise, He would snuff me out like a candle!

Even now we can only banish them to a subsidiary realm so they can continue training! It seems that we have been quite ignorant about the outside world, there are higher levels of cultivation and many different Realms above ours!" Su Qiang then informed the nobles of Spiritual Gods, the Heavenly Fate realm and all the other information Shen Yue wanted them to know.

A few hours later, the Family heads of Glory City now knew their position in the universe, at the bottom! They had also been informed of the City Lord's new projects and conquests. Yu Yan and Zhu Long had been introduced, and their positions made clear. By the end of the briefing, they were thoroughly reminded they were mere frogs living in the bottom of the well.

Luckily, 'Lord Voldemort' was there to save them! But first, they had to take care of an adversary that had been plaguing Glory City for many years. The Dark Guild!

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