How To Be A Demon lord: The Former Hero's Journey As A Demon Lord!

Chapter 199 I Wish To Become It's Mother!

"My lord, I am with child."

Floid blinked in surprise. And then he blinked again. Floid isn't the sort of person to be shocked easily, but at this moment, he couldn't help it. What did you say?

"You are with child?"

Alaya nodded her head to Floid's question and she looked closely at him to see if there was any change in his expression! Alaya wanted to make sure that Floid was actually happy before she says anything else. The truth is that Alaya was extremely happy once she discovered that she was pregnant a few months ago. She was so happy and she wanted to tell Floid immediately! But she didn't know if Floid wanted to have a child yet and that made her scared about what the demon lord would do about the child.

Floid was actually very surprised. He didn't think something like this was possible. Haven't I been careful? Floid's maids and everyone that he has been with have all been careful to take magic pills from Rosavellt that would prevent them from getting pregnant until they wanted to. Floid never had to worry about them getting pregnant because he knew that Rosavellt was taking care of that!

But Alaya didn't live in his castle and she didn't have any way to get the pill from Rosavellt. Floid scoffed in amusement when he realized how careless he has been. To think that I will become a father because of an accident like this.

"M-My lord...?"

Alaya called on Floid hesitantly when she heard him laughing. She had no idea what was going on in his mind and she couldn't help feeling nervous about what he would say. Alaya wanted to keep this child. It was a great honor for any woman to bear the child of the demon lord and she considered herself lucky to even have this opportunity. But Alaya knew that there is nothing she can do if Floid decided to kill the child because he does not want her to bear his firstborn. She will still give birth to the child, but they will immediately discard it once it is born and leave it to die if Floid decided to refuse the child.

Floid put his hand up and told Alaya to stay quiet and she immediately shut up to allow Floid to think. Floid was wondering about what could happen now that Alaya was pregnant. Floid didn't see anything wrong with Alaya being the mother of his child, but he just didn't think that this was a good time to have a child. He was in the middle of too many battles and if anyone finds out that he has a child, that could add a new weakness for them to exploit! Floid hated having any sort of weakness, so he decided that he had to think about this as logically as possible.

Floid could already imagine how the underwater kingdom will be invaded and destroyed by an of his enemies just so that they can get his child. But even though that was a possibility, it is also possible to just hide the existence of the child from everyone. If one knows about the child, then I can just continue what I was doing as usual without having to worry about its safety. Floid might not be the most emotional person in the world, but he still cared about his child. He wasn't a monster like his father who only saw his children as tools. Even though Floid know he will not be there for most of his child's life, he will still try to protect them from this messed up world in a way.

Floid had a lot of people that he could trust, but he decided that he wouldn't tell anyone about the child. Not even the people in his household. He could tell Alucard and Rosavellt so that they can be in charge of checking up on the child, but that will be it. Floid then turned to look at Alaya again. Alaya had her head bowed and she was staring at the bed nervously as she waited for Floid to finally say something.

Floid put a hand on her head and Alayaflinched before looking up at him quickly. Floid asked her a simple question with intense seriousness.

"Do you wish to keep my child?"

Floid asked this question calmly but Alaya nodded so quickly that Floid knew she was going to have a headache! There were small tears at the corner of her eyes as she spoke to him.

"Please, grant me this honor, my lord! I promise to take care of your child like the princess she is! Please! I - I wish to be the mother of your firstborn, my lord,"

Floid rose a brow when he heard what Alaya said. How did she already know it would be a girl? Floid thought of this for a moment and he finally came to the conclusion that this was something genetic for all mermaids. He just remembered that he hasn't seen a single male mermaid in all his time down here! He didn't even see a single male mermaid when he was playing the Rivalle game! Doesn't that mean that they are incapable of producing males?

No wonder they would always kidnap and have sex with sailors before drowning the sailors. They need the help of humans to produce offspring. If they don't do that, then they will become extinct.

Floid nodded his head at this conclusion and then he looked back at Alaya. Alaya desperately wanted to keep this child. This child was proof of her connection to the demon lord and she didn't want to lose it. Floid could see the sincerity in her eye and he decided that he would allow her to keep the child. He didn't mind who the mother of his first child is. So long as it isn't someone stupid, Floid didn't care.

Floid smiled at Alaya and then he nodded his head to tell he that he accepted the child and the smile that Alaya gave Floid in return was the brightest one he has ever seen from her!


Rosavellt walked down the corridor of the demon lord's castle with a scowl on her face! There was an aura of anger surrounding her and this made anyone that saw her move out of the way immediately! None of the other maids in the castle wanted to be in Rosavellt's sight whenever she is angry! She is the one that trained them and they all remember how much of a slave driver she is! They didn't want to find out how much worse she will be when she is angry!

The reason why Rosavellt was so angry was Rizi. When Floid left the castle to go and see Alaya, he put Rosavellt in charge of making sure that Rizi leaves her workshop in order to go and eat regularly, but it became impossible to find Rizi once the demon lord left! Rosavellt was currently trying to find Rizi because it turns out that the dwarf had started to hide from Rosavellt!

What the hell s wrong with that girl!? Does she think she is still a child that will be running away from me like this!?

Rizi was actually still a child in dwarf years, so Rosavellt knew that this is exactly how she is supposed to act. But Rosavellt refuses to accept this! Rizi needs to learn to grow up! She is a member of the demon lord's household, so how can she be behaving in this way!?


The door to the underground workshop where the dwarves work was suddenly slammed open by Rosavellt and almost all the dwarves stopped what they were doing to look towards the door! The dwarves were very solitary creatures that enjoyed working on their own, so they took this place underground as their home where they lived alone and worked on new inventions for the demon lord, so right now they felt like someone was invading their home!

Usually, the dwarves would become hostile towards anyone that tried to barge into the underground workshop like this, but once the dwarves saw who it was they immediately looked away respectfully! Rosavellt surveyed the entire room with narrowed red eyes that screamed anger! There was a scowl of irritation and annoyance on her face and anyone that met her eyes would immediately loom away uncomfortably!

What the hell is the head maid doing here again!? Is it because of Madam Rizi!?

These were the thoughts that were going through the mind of every dwarf! They all watched as Rosavellt marched into the room and she stopped right in the center and looked around to try and find Rizi. Rosavellt already searched all the other places where Riz could be and since Rizi wasn't anywhere else, she has to be here. There are three underground workshops in the castle and Rizi is in charge of all three of them, but this is where Rizi spends most of her time working.

When Rosavellt didn't see Rizi she immediately turned towards the closest dwarf there!

"You - !'


The dwarf that Rosavellt spoke to was a small girl that didn't look any older than Rizi! The girl was carrying some wooden logs and she dropped the logs and exclaimed in shock once Rosavellt spoke to her! The female dwarf immediately started to look up and down in discomfort! She wasn't used to talking to people outside her family and she didn't know if she should pick up the logs or not!

Dwarves hold their work in the highest regard and it is only right that they treat their materials with respect, but the female dwarf didn't know if it would be disrespectful to pick up the logs right now since the head maid was standing right there! In the end, she decided to just answer Rosavellt and forget about the logs!

"Y-Yes, ma'am!!"

Rosavellt noticed the confusion that the dwarf went through in that short time, but she decided to ignore it, Rosavellt was already used to the dwarves and how they always treat their craft with high respect, so she understood.

Rosavellt asked the female dwarf where Rizi was and the female dwarf scrunched her face in confusion as she looked behind her toward where Rizi's workstation was. The female dwarf just saw Rizi there a moment ago, but now Rizi was gone!

"Uh... I - I don't know where she went to ma'am. Do you want me to look for her?"

Rosavellt narrowed her eyes in the direction where the female dwarf was looking just a moment ago. So that is where Rizi was working? Rosavellt told the female dwarf not to bother with the search before Rosavellt started to move towards Rizi's workstation. Once she reached the workstation, she stopped and stared down at something under the table with a glare.

"What do you think you're doing right now, Rizi?"



Rizi cursed loudly as her head slammed against the bottom of the table when she heard Rosavellt's voice and she rubbed her head in pain. She looked out from under the table and she couldn't stop a small terrified whine from escaping her mouth when she saw how angry Rosa was! This is exactly why she hid! Rosavellt is already bad enough when she isn't mad! Won't Rosavellt just kill me now?

"R-Rosa. What a surprise -"

"Come out from under there this instant. I refuse to speak to you in such a disgraceful manner. Do you even know who you are Rizi? Do you think that being a member of the demon lord's household is some sort of joke that you can ignore whenever you wish?"

Rizi dragged herself from under the table and Rosavellt watched on with a scowl as Rizi dusted herself off and put her hands inside her side pockets. Rizi was wearing a one-piece work suit that covered her from shoulder to toe and there were six pockets along the one piece, three on each side. Rizi huffed in annoyance as she scratched the back of her head while looking away. She knew this would happen.

"Do we have to do this every time? I thought that I already told you that I would eat whenever I wanted to. It's not that big a deal,"


Rizi suddenly stiffened in shock as she felt some bloodlust coming off Rosavellt and she quickly took a step back! What the hell!? Don't tell me she's angry because of what I said!

Rosavellt was actually very angry right now and she was trying her best to hold herself back! Rizi didn't understand how much work Rosavellt put into running this household! As the head maid, Rosavellt was in charge of handling all the other maids as well as overseeing every member of the castle and making sure they are doing what they are meant to be doing at the exact time that they are meant to be doing it! Rosavellt has always felt like she has to prove herself to the demon lord ever since her people betrayed the demon lord and she knows that the best way to regain the demon lord's trust is by running his household properly! But how can she run this household properly when Rizi won't even keep to the schedule?

Rosavellt spoke up with a blank look.

"This will be the last time that you will miss our meal. The demon lord instructed me to make sure that you eat all your meals at the right time and I will not fail my lord because of your incompetence. Am I understood?"

Rizi sighed to the side and then she nodded once. No matter how much she didn't like leaving her work, Rizi knew that she made a mistake this time so she decided to just give in!

Once she saw Rizi nod, Rosavellt calmed down and sighed.

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