How To Be A Demon lord: The Former Hero's Journey As A Demon Lord!

Chapter 200 The Orb

Rizi sighed to the side and then she nodded once. No matter how much she didn't like leaving her work for anything, Rizi knew that she made a mistake this time so she decided to just give in!

Once Rizi nodded, the bloodlust died down immediately and Rosavellt returned back to her stoic self. Rosavellt sighed and turned around to give the workshop a quick glance. Every dwarf here seemed to be doing something important and Rosavellt could see many inventions being arranged at different sides of the room. One side of the room contained weapons and firearms. Another side had a lot of equipment for the farm and a third part was filled with things that Rosavellt couldn't recognize at all!

Everyone in here worked very well with everyone else and they were like a well-oiled machine with how easily they moved from one place to another. Rosavellt looked down and stared at Rizi for a second. Rosavellt has never really thought about this before, but now that she was here she couldn't help but notice how well Rizi was running the workshop. Everything here was either designed by Rizi or the demon lord but Rizi was the one in charge of telling everyone what to do. How in the world did this disorganized girl create such a perfect system down here? I always forget how smart she is whenever she acts as childish as this.

Rizi was pouting with her hands folded when she suddenly heard Rosavellt's voice.

"Show me,"

Rizi looked up at Rosavellt curiously. She didn't understand what the hell Rosavellt was saying. Show you what?

Rosavellt used her hand to motion around the workshop as she explained what she meant.

"What have you been working on for so long? There is something that you and our lord designed that has been keeping you down here all this time, isn't there? Show it to me,"

Rizi's eyes lit up all of a sudden and Rosavellt couldn't stop the small smile that appeared on her face. Rizi was really just like a child sometimes! There was nothing that could take away the excitement that Rizi would feel whenever she is dealing with her inventions!

Rizi immediately shouted out an order to the dwarves in the workshop and Rizi moved forward towards the center. Rosavellt remembered that this is where the large ship that Rizi built used to stay, there used to be a large moat with a lot of water in this place. But since they no longer needed to build ships because they already have so many of them, the area was cleared out and now it was just a large building area.

Rizi gave an order out to a dwarf at the side to dim the lights and then she shouted at another one to open the trap door. Rosavellt rose a brow as she heard this. Why do they need a trap door for the invention? Why didn't they just keep it out here with all the others? Rosavellt was not the most technologically inclined person at all. She didn't know anything about machines and the most complex machine she could handle were the ones they used to work in the castle! She was more than content with simply stabbing things in a fight and watching them die so he never saw the need t learn much about technology.

But once the trap door opened, even Rosavellt could tell that there was something really important down there. A blend of technology and magic that goes beyond anything she has ever seen! The way the other dwarves in the workshop were moving away from the trap door and trying their best not to touch it told Rosavellt that Rizi and the demon lord must've created something really dangerous!

Pulse! Pulse! Pulse!

Something finally rose from the trap door and Rosaellt saw what Rizi and the demon lord made. It was a large orb that had white energy floating around inside it. Rosavellt noticed that the orb was pulsing with white light in the same way that a human heart would beat. Every time the orb pulsed, Rosavellt felt the hairs on her neck stand on end and she had to rub her neck a little to get the uncomfortable feeling out of her mind. What the hell is that thing? Is it even safe for it to be in this lab!? I'm an SSS-class and it is affecting me like this without me going near it!?

"What is that? It feels like it's alive,"

Rosavellt asked this question while trying to take a step closer to the orb, but she was immediately stopped by Rizi as Rizi held Rosavellt's gown and shook her head. Rizi mysteriously smiled at Rosavellt as she answered.

"I don't think you want to go near it yet. It is not yet stable enough for me to reduce the power output more than this so it will affect you too much if you go too close. The demon lord and I didn't see this sort of outcome when we started the experiment, but it is not a bad thing that it came out like this. Can't you feel something different about your Mana?"

Rizi asked this while grinning up at Rosavellt and Rosavellt brought a hand up and squeezed it into a fist while scowling. Rizi was right! Rosavellt could feel her Mana fluctuating and behaving strangely. Usually, Rosavellt could control her mana in any way she wanted! She never even has to think about how she wanted her mana to behave! It would just follow her instructions! But now, Rosavellt couldn't even circulate her Mana without forcing it! It's almost like her Mana refuses to obey her instructions!

Rizi nodded when Rosavellt said this to her. This is exactly what Rizi expected to happen. Rosavellt was lucky she didn't go any closer else the effects would have been even worse.

"This works by draining Mana from everything around it. It doesn't matter what it is, so long as there is Mana, it will drain it. Right now, it's only disturbing your Mana control because you're this far away and the power output isn't that large. I think it should only be at about 25% effectiveness right now, and since you are really strong, you aren't really feeling the effects. But if we increased the effectiveness, then that is when you will feel the drain of your Mana."

Rosavellt furrowed her brow even deeper. What in the world did the demon lord create this time? An orb that drains Mana? How does someone even make something like that!? And if this is only at 25%, then what would happen when it is at 100%?

The orb seemed very similar to what a magic core would look like and the way it drained Mana reminded Rosavellt of how the demon lord's Mana core could drain Mana from the atmosphere to provide him with more power. Rosavellt has never heard about something like this before and she has lived in this world for more than seven hundred years!

Rizi could already see the disbelief and shock in the expression that Rosavellt was showing her and Rizi understood exactly what Rosavellt was thinking. Rizi wasn't surprised by the disbelief, because if Rizi wasn't part of the production, she was sure she wouldn't believe this as well.

What Floid created here was basically an artificial Mana core that acted in the same way that a dragon core would behave! It wasn't easy at all to finish this core, especially since it was very dangerous to even be near it when they started making it. The core was very unstable at the beginning, so Rizi and Floid had to isolate themselves and work on the core together until they managed to stabilize it and they found a way to reduce its effects so it wouldn't kill everything around it indiscriminately.

It was only after Floid and Rizi figured out how to prevent the core from absorbing too much Mana every time that Floid left Rizi to complete the rest of it on her own since everything from then on was much easier. Rizi was happy about the amount of trust that the demon lord had in her ability, but even Rizi couldn't stop the small shiver she would feel whenever she came too close to the orb. It always made her hairs stand on end because it felt alive. Floid was always fine whenever he was close to it because he had an almost infinite amount of mana, but Rizi was not comfortable at all!

Rosavellt asked Rizi what they used to make it and Rizi answered that the orb itself was gotten from one of the giants that worked in the underground caves. Floid needed a sturdy orb that wouldn't break under a lot of pressure and the mana core of Giants is one of the sturdiest out there! The mana core of a giant doesn't have many purposes except for keeping them alive! Giants don't have much mana and the mana inside their core is there only to allow them to live! But even with their low Mana capacity, the magic core they have is still very sturdy and it won't break even when you pass an enormous amount of mana through it! That is why giants can handle mana stones so easily and that is also why they are immune to most magic spells.

Floid split the magic core of the giant open and fused it with Mana stones that were good at absorbing magic. The purpose of a Magic core is to absorb energy from the environment to allow someone to live! When you mix that ability with a large amount of Mana stones that can store the energy, then you have a magic tool that hungrily absorbs mana from anywhere and everywhere! The actual method they used to do it was a lot more technical than that, but Rizi simplified it this much so that Rosavellt could understand it easily.

Rosavellt nodded her head at the explanation. So the demon lord killed some of the worker giants down in the mines? Well, that is good. I was already worried that they were eating too much food every day. At least this way they won't deplete our resources as much as before.

Pulse! Pulse!

Rosavellt felt goosebumps travel across her entire skin again when the orb pulsed and she immediately told Rizi to take the orb back inside. She just wasn't comfortable with that thing. Rizi shouted out an order and a dwarf on the other side of the lab pulled a lever and allowed the orb to enter underground again! Most of the dwarves in the workshop were standing very far from the orb! Rosavellt and Rizi were both SSS-class so they could withstand the power of the orb for a long time, but the other dwarves weren't even S-class! They were just workers with very little power! If they tried to go near the orb then their entire body would shrivel up as their Mana was sucked from them!

Rizi looked up at Rosavellt with a grin and spoke. Rosavellt could immediately notice how proud Rizi was of this accomplishment. It really didn't matter how dangerous the invention was to Rizi, she was always proud of her accomplishments.

"Pretty nice, isn't it? I still have to do some last-minute tune-ups before we can take it with us to war, but it should be ready before the week is over!"

Rosavellt looked down at her fellow maid with a smile and pat Rizi on the head. Rizi huffed and waved Rosavellt's hand away! Rosavellt was always treating her like a child!

Rosavellt spoke up calmly before she started to walk out of the lab.

"Yes, it is very nice. You and the demon lord did a splendid job. But try to make yourself presentable as quickly as possible. The demon lord will soon be back from his trip, and you surely don't want to welcome him in this attire, do you? Come out to the dining room when you are done here and I'll tell them to serve you some food,"

Rizi shouted out her thanks as Rosavellt started walking out and Rosavellt just waved back at her. Rizi could tell that Rosavellt didn't want to be inside the workshop for longer than she had to because of the orb.

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