How To Be A Demon lord: The Former Hero's Journey As A Demon Lord!

Chapter 202 Why The Hell Should I Wear That!?

Floid hated traveling by carriage in this world. Ever since Floid came to this world two years ago, he has been using carriages as the sole form of transport to places where his portals couldn't reach or where he needed to arrive in an official manner. Floid didn't hate carriages, they were a very sensible form of transportation and Floid knew that his carriage would never 'break down' since they were drawn by undead horses that never get tired. But damn, it was fucking uncomfortable!

Every bump and every single movement made by the horses was obvious to Floid and even though he could bare it for the first few years after coming here, he decided that he would have to do something about this. It was becoming annoying to feel like a pinball inside a carriage.

Floid turned to Alucard that was sitting opposite him and spoke up calmly.

"Remind me in two weeks to start preparations for suspensions and shock absorbers for this carriage,"

Alucard blinked at the foreign term! Shock absorbers? What in the world are shock absorbers? Alucard has been in this world all his life and he was already used to riding in carriages like these so he was perfectly comfortable. He never even thought for a moment about changing the carriage or improving it since it was just the way he has always lived. He never knew that something like shock absorbers even existed because they didn't exist in this world. But if his lord wanted to be reminded about something then Alucard would remind him about it dutifully. Alucard gave Floid a nod of confirmation and Floid turned back to look outside the carriage.

Floid was still thinking about what happened with Alaya just a few days ago. He couldn't believe that he was going to become a father. There are many things that Floid expected to happen when he went to see Alaya, but this was definitely not one of them! Who would have thought that Alaya wanted to have a child that badly?

Floid wasn't a fool and he knew that Alaya did all of this on purpose. Floid knew that Alaya decided not to take any pregnancy pills and she allowed herself to become pregnant for him simply because she wanted his child - no, she wanted the demon lord's child. If Floid was in a bad mood when he learned about the pregnancy, then he would have simply had the child removed since he hated being lied to. But Floid didn't do that because he was curious about what his child would be like. This was like an experiment to Floid and he enjoyed watching experiments take shape.

The child would be a girl and she would become the next queen of the underwater kingdom, so Floid knew he did not have to involve himself in her life if he didn't want to, but he was still curious about what it felt like to be a father. His child would definitely want to know who her father is and it is only a matter of time before she is desperate enough to come and see me.

Will my child hate me the same way I hate my father?

Floid asked himself this question and he chuckled when he realized that he didn't have an answer for it. Floid wasn't the most emotional person in the world, so it would not be strange for him to become just like his father. But was that such a bad thing? Floid didn't really care for what his children thought about him and he was not going to bother changing himself for anything or anyone. But he would see this experiment out and find out what it feels like to have a child. Maybe I'll tell Quinn about the child. I know she loves children, so she would probably jump at the opportunity to see the child for herself once it is born. She would also be horrible at taking care of children, but at least, I know she will do better than me.

But that wasn't important right now, Floid would think about the child once it is born. But for now, Floid had to think about the invasion plans for Uta. Floid had received word from Ophis just two days ago about the plans that Priscilla had for Uta. It turns out that Ophis was far more useful than Floid thought she would be. Ophis was able to use the unfavorable situation she is in to trick Priscilla into revealing information about how much longer the barrier would last.

Ophis wrote to Floid that the barrier would be able to stay up for a maximum of two weeks before they would have to take it down and recharge it. Floid knew that if not for this information, he would have missed that window and he would not be able to mobilize his army quickly enough to start the invasion in that short time. But now that he knew, Floid was going to be ready long before then. Uta wouldn't know what hit it.

Out of all the heroes that Floid knew from the game, Priscilla is definitely going to be the most enjoyable to break. According to what Floid learned, Priscilla was the one that planned his murder and she was also the one that drowned him when he was still a hero. It was regrettable that Floid didn't even remember something like that happening, it would have been far more fun if he could recreate that scene and do the same thing to her. But that doesn't mean Floid won't try his damn best. Even if the person that Priscilla killed wasn't him exactly, that doesn't mean it wasn't still a person named Floid Demonheart that had this same body. Floid would destroy Priscilla for harming this body.

"Master, we have arrived at the castle,"

Dragonnel spoke up from beside Floid and Floid looked away from the window to nod at him. Floid could already feel the magic signatures of Rosavellt and Rizi standing outside the castle. He could also feel Pyra and Andromeda there along with a new magic signature that he knew to be his sister, Quinn.

As Floid got down, he took in the air and released a small sigh as he felt himself calming down. He was always calmer whenever he was at this castle. Maybe it is because he is a demon, or maybe because he is the demon lord, but Floid just felt at home here. He was never this calm when he was anywhere else.

Floid looked towards the front of the castle and he saw a long line of maids waiting for him. Then standing at the end of the line of maids, were the members of his household. They were all standing rigidly straight with their hands held together in front of them, but there was one person who seemed so out of place that it was fucking funny!

Quinn wouldn't stop messing with her gown.

Quinn was standing between Pyra and Andromeda and she was also wearing a maid's gown as she waited for her brother to arrive. When she was given this gown by Pyra earlier, she had a look of absolute shock and disgust when she saw it! They expected her to wear this!? She wasn't a damn maid that was serving her brother! She was his sister! Shouldn't there be some sort of respect given to her because she was the same blood as the demon lord!? She was even his familiar and they expect her to wear a maid's outfit! Never!

But Pyra would not listen to anything that Quinn said! Pyra was adamant that Quinn must wear the outfit and Pyra even started to strip Quinn naked in the training room to make her put on the dress! Quinn wasn't going to allow anyone to see her naked and she still had her pride, so she just told Pyra that she would do it and Pyra finally left her alone! Pyra might be a stoic person, but Quinn realized that Pyra can be really stubborn and strong-headed when it comes down to the demon lord! Throughout all of this, Andromeda was just standing at the side with a resigned look of frustration on her face.

After putting on the dress, Quinn had to admit that it was actually not so bad. No really, it wasn't bad at all! It was very comfortable and even though there was a lot of fabric used in making the dress, it didn't feel like it was stopping her from moving however she wanted! She could probably fight just as well in this outfit as she did with trousers and a shirt! No wonder these maids can move so well even though they are always wearing their maid's dress! This has to be magic! It's far too comfortable!

Quinn was then ushered out of the room and she was told to stand in the same line as the other household members. Quinn didn't know how much of an honor it was that the other household members would accept her as one of them so easily. The other maids from the demon castle were already murmuring about the bias and favoritism for Quinn. Most of them didn't know that Quinn was the demons lord's sister, so they thought it was just a random maid that was allowed to stay with the other household members. But since the other maids cannot do anything about it, they can only murmur while making sure that the household members never hear about it. Quinn meanwhile, didn't even care! She was still annoyed that she was wearing a maid's outfit and she didn't want to know if this was an honor or not. She would give Floid a piece of her mind once she sees him! This was too embarrassing!

But once Quinn stood in line, it suddenly dawned on her that she was waiting with the other maids to welcome her brother and a strange nervousness overtook her. She knew she didn't have a choice in this matter, but she didn't like the fact that her brother would start seeing her like one of his other maids. The kiss from the last time they met was still fresh in her mind and she wondered if Floid had any intention of going further than that with her. No, definitely not. He might be a strange little bastard, but even Floid knew there were limits to what siblings can do to each other. I know the sort of thing he does to his maids, and I'm sure he would never go over that line.

Quinn watched the carriage stop in front of the castle and then she saw her brother come down. His stark white hair fluttered in the wind and clashed with his black outfit brilliantly and Quinn cursed when the first thought that entered her mind was that he was just as handsome as ever. Floid turned towards her and Quinn grit her teeth and looked away immediately. She didn't want his attention on her at all!

Floid started to walk towards the castle and the maids all bowed as he passed them. When the members of the household bowed, Quinn forced herself to remain standing. She still had her pride as a Demonheart and bowing just wasn't in her genes. Or at least, she tried to remain standing until she saw Floid stop right in front of her.

Floid's eyes bored into her own with an intensity that almost made her knees buckle and she couldn't stop herself from bowing her head while stuttering out a small 'welcome'. It was like all the fight in her disappeared once she saw Floid. Why was it always like this?

Floid grinned as he looked her up and down. He didn't hate this look on her. The maid's outfit and her white hair reminded him of when they were back on earth and she would wear a black suit to go to business school. It made her look very official. His eyes moved towards her hands and his grin widened when he saw the bandages that were wrapped around both her palms. It seems she has been training with the holy sword. That's good. I'll need a holy sword user in the future and she will have to do it. Let's just hope she doesn't die before then.

"I suppose you have been busy, sister. You've grown since the last time we met."

Quinn gripped her hands into fists. Don't say anything! Don't say anything! Don't say anything! This mantra just kept on repeating inside her head over and over again! She could feel the stares from both Andromeda and Pyra beside her and she knew that they would not be happy if she spoke up in anger!

Quinn was a Demonheart, and just like every Demonheart, she had a famous temper that was hard to control. She hated being looked down on and she despised losing. And unlike Floid's temper which was cold and calculating, Quinn's temper was volatile and sudden like an explosion! She would go off the edge at a moment's notice and lash out at anything that annoys her!

So when she felt Floid hand touch her chin, she immediately looked up to glare at him in anger!

"Don't you fucking touch me!"

Quinn suddenly said this before she would control herself! She was fucking tired of his bullshit! If he didn't want to be around her so much then why does he bother tormenting her like this with his presence!? If he simply wants a new toy to play with, then he should go look somewhere else!

But it turns out that this was a mistake because, at the next moment, she felt lips on her own! Quinn's eyes widened and she tightened her hands against her gown as her brother kissed her again.

Quinn froze and then she gasped when she felt Floid's tongue ghost over her mouth. She pulled back immediately and Floid only gave her a grin before he simply turned and walked away with that same cocky smirk that he always had. Quinn put her hand to her mouth and she struggled to bring her heart rate back under control! What the hell did Floid think he was doing!?

Quinn looked to the left and right, expecting to see the shock on Pyra's and Andromeda's faces, but she was surprised when they didn't even show any indication that they saw what happened! They looked like they didn't just see the demon lord kiss his sister! Was this something normal over here that they don't even bother caring about it!? Or is it because it is the demon lord that did it that they weren't saying anything? Quinn cursed as she decided she would confront Floid about this behavior the next time they met! It was too much! What was he trying to do now!? Was it some sort of power play to prove that he is above her, or is he genuinely attracted to her? Quinn really didn't know which one of the two possibilities would be better.

As Floid entered the castle, he immediately made his way toward his office with Rosavellt and Alucard at his sides. Dragonnel was excused earlier to go and rest, and even though Floid also excused Alucard, the vampire told Floid that he wanted to be at his side still, so Floid just allowed him to stay. Alucard had always been like this, so Floid didn't care if Alucard followed him forever.

Inside the office, Floid scowled as he saw his table. The table was organized and clean, but there were so many documents on it that Floid didn't know where his table started and where the documents ended! What the hell!? I thought Rosavellt was handling all the general-purpose tasks when I wasn't around. I told her to only leave the documents that seems important for me to handle. Don't tell me that this many documents arrived in only one week.

Floid never thought that running a kingdom of demons would have this much paperwork involved!

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