How To Be A Demon lord: The Former Hero's Journey As A Demon Lord!

Chapter 203 How To Prepare For A War.

Inside the office, Floid scowled as he saw his table. The table was organized and clean, but there were so many documents on it that Floid didn't know where his table started and where the documents ended! What the hell!? I thought Rosavellt was handling all the general-purpose tasks when I wasn't around.

I told her to only leave the documents that seems important for me to handle. Don't tell me that this many documents arrived in only one week.

Floid walked towards his desk and took a seat before picking up his first document to read and speaking up. He didn't have time to complain, so he just decided to get down to work.

"Give me a rundown of the previous week, Rosavellt,"

Rosavellt was standing behind Floid on his left side and she nodded as she immediately started to talk about what happened over the last week. Rosavellt left nothing out. From the training that Pyra and Andromeda have been having with Quinn right down to the slight issues, Rosavellt has been having with getting Rizi to eat.

Floid laughed when he heard about Rizi and Rosavellt frowned as she told the demon lord that what Rizi was doing was not healthy at all. She was overworking herself without eating and that could affect her ability to work for the demon lord. If this goes on, then Rizi might not be able to finish the work that the demon lord gave to her.

Floid knew that Rizi would be fine. She could always miss her meals because she had a secret stash of food in her lab that she would eat from whenever she was hungry while working. She never told Rosavellt about this because Rosavellt would take it away if she found it. But Rizi told Floid about the stash of food when they were working together on the new weapon and Floid decided he would keep it a secret. It was fun watching Rosavellt try to coerce Rizi out of the lab now and then, and it would help Rizi work better if she was able to eat whenever she wanted.

Rosavellt continued telling Floid about what happened over the last week and Floid looked back down at the file he was holding. Floid already knew about the message that Ophis sent to them about the Uta border opening in two weeks, it was one of the reasons he came back so quickly. Rosavellt told Floid that there was more in the letter from Ophis about how she wished for a reward for her hard work and Floid ignored it and told her to continue. Floid didn't think that Ophi deserved a gift at all! It was insulting that Ophis expected to be rewarded for something as simple as hiding undercover. If anyone deserves a reward, then it would be the members of my household.

Rosavellt also told Floid about the training for the troops and how it was coming along. Since they would be fighting at night this time, the troops are being trained in stealth and how to use their superior vision against humans. Most demons had extremely good night visions and that would give them an edge over the humans when the fighting begins.

The only demons with worse vision than the humans were the giants and the imps. But the giants didn't need to see well to fight well, they only need to be pointed in the right direction and they would destroy everything in front of them with reckless abandon. And the imps are all weak so there would be no point having them in the army even if they could see well.

Floid was now on the tenth document and he nodded and told Rosavellt she had done well once she finished giving her report. Rosavellt beamed at the praise and Floid smiled when she muttered a soft 'thank you, master'.

Floid opened his game tab at the side of his eye and looked at the mission he had not yet completed as well as the new one that arrived just yesterday.

[Latest Main Quest]

[Kill The Lord of Dragons Asgorath]

[The Lord of Dragons, Asgorath, will soon wake up from the seal placed on him by the former demon lord. Kill him together with his Dragon Slayer]


[The Host will gain the new Title [Virtue of Humility: Representing Pride]]

[Virtue of Humility - ??]

Floid knew that this mission was going to be one of his most difficult missions yet. The dragon Asgaroth was called the king of dragons and it is obvious that the dragon will be very strong! If Dragonnel was a normal Dragon and he is already this strong, then just how strong with the king be? Floid knew he would have to prepare a lot before going to face this dragon.

But Floid didn't care about that right now! He would deal with it when he got to that bridge.

Instead, Floid focused on the new quest he could see on his tab.

[Bonus Quest]

[Capture the kingdom of Uta and eradicate every person in the kingdom]


[The general location of Asgorath will be revealed to the host, along with a timer showing the time left before Asgorath is released]

Floid was shocked when he saw this mission a few days ago. Floid always thought that he would have to go to Volcanica and start looking around blindly if he wanted to find Asgorath. Floid failed the mission that would have revealed Asgorath's location to him and Floid didn't think that the system would give him another mission where he could find the location of Givalich. Does this mean the system really wants me to face off against the dragon? Floid didn't understand everything about this system yet, but sometimes, he had a feeling that the system was trying its hardest to send him into the most dangerous situations every time.

I wonder if the former demon lord also had a system like this that gave him missions. Floid thought about this for a moment before he shrugged. He didn't really care about that right now and he decided that he would think about it later. Even though he still didn't trust the system, it hasn't led him astray yet, so he would follow its missions for the time being. Right now, he was focused on Uta and Asgorath. Although the system only gave him the general location of Asgorath, it is better than searching the whole of Volcanica like a fool.

And the condition that the system gave for its second mission was something else that made Floid hum curiously. Kill everyone in Uta? Floid could feel a sadistic smile appearing on his lips. Floid didn't plan to kill everyone before. He was a rational person who knew that humans would make for a good labor force that he can utilize on his farms. But that was before there was such a good reward for the deaths of mere humans. If killing a few million humans would give him this benefit, why would he refuse? Floid already has a lot of servants that can work on his farms. Just for the sake of this reward, he and his army would cut down every single human in that entire kingdom, and deep inside, Fkoid knew he would enjoy every moment of it.


The days leading up to the invasion were very stressful for the demon army. Everyone was on high alert as they started to prepare for the battle. Rosavellt was in charge of making sure the army was well-trained and she didn't spare any effort in beating them into shape! The army would be fighting at night and Rosavellt knew that they would lose a lot of soldiers if they didn't prepare properly! The soldiers from the demon army were only used to fighting during the day but the human army is already used to fighting both during the day and at night! That means we are at a slight disadvantage. If they want to win, then the soldiers will have to get better at fighting at night. Or at least, they should be better than the humans.

To accomplish this, Rosavellt ran a lot of mock battles where she divided the army into teams and made them fight each other during the night. She made sure they didn't use deadly force during the mock battle because she didn't want them to die before they got to fight for the demon lord. Demons were very vicious creatures so Rosavellt had to threaten them all with death if they went too far in the battle. If any of them wish to die, then they should just wait for the war so their death would be useful to the demon lord. But for now, they are needed alive.

Many of the demons were too stupid to understand what it meant to not use deadly force, but after Rosavellt killed the first three demons that killed other demons in the mock battle, the rest of them understood that she was not playing around.

This way, Rosavellt was able to train the army for combat very quickly.

Rizi, meanwhile was busy trying her best to finish the air shop that she has been working on. Thankfully, they won't need too many airships to carry all the demons.

Uta was located over a large desert and there was also an ocean separating the edge of the desert from the land where Uta would begin. It would have been better if Uta was located closer because then Rizi wouldn't have to go through all of this stress to build a new means of transport and they could have simply used the ships that they built before. But of course, things can never be that easy. It is almost like the humans in Uta were so scared of the demons that they built their town as far away from us as possible! Even Aquinas wasn't this far away.

Rizi was building a ship so that they would just travel the entire distance at once. That way, they will preserve the energy of their forces, and the soldiers won't be too tired when they finally get to Uta. It would be bad if the army lost just because they were too tired.

Andromeda and Pyra both wanted to be a part of the war efforts. They hoped that the demon lord would call on them and tell them to help out in one way or the other, but Floid never called them! Floid left them in charge of training Quinn and both of them knew that this was still a part of their punishment! Pyra was not happy about this at all! She was one of the strongest maids in the castle and her stupidity has made her an outcast in the one place where she is meant to be useful to her lord! Fighting was her only purpose in the castle! And if she was not fighting, then there isn't anything else she can do! She is bad at housework and she couldn't cook to save her life!

Pyra wanted to go and beg the demon lord herself, but she knew that showing such a pitiful display to the lord would end with even more punishment! The demon lord hates any show of weakness!

If you are so weak that you cannot accept this small amount of punishment, then you don't even deserve to be a part of my household.

Pyra was certain that the demon lord would say something like this if she goes to plead with him! In fact, won't the demon lord simply kill me for something so stupid? Pyra released a small sigh as she walked away from the center of the room and dropped her mace to the side with a clang!

Pyra and Andromeda were both in a training room inside the castle and they were currently training Quinn on how to use the holy sword. Pyra was reluctant to admit it, but the sword made by those humans was actually very impressive. The first time Pyra touched the sword, her entire palm turned red and burned with deep searing pain. she was able to withstand the pain for some time, but she still had to use a healing spell on her hand afterward.

Quinn had been training with the sword for about a week now and if not for the fact that she had a connection with the sword, Pyra was sure that Quinn would have died ten times over by now from the pain.

The contract that Quinn had with the sword negated some of the pain that the sword was causing and it allowed her to hold on to the sword for longer than she should be able to. But Pyra could tell that even though the pain was far less than it should be, it was still a lot for someone of Quinn's level to withstand.

Right now, Quinn was lying in the middle of the room with her arms spread wide beside her. She was breathing very heavily and there was smoke rising from her bleeding palms. The holy sword was stabbed into the floor in front of her and if you look closely, you will see some bits of burnt skin attached to the hilt of the sword.

Quinn has been training with the sword for the whole day and the longest time she could hold the sword without letting go was still only thirty minutes. But the pain was already too much to bear! She didn't know how much more of this she could take before she dies from the pain. Just what the hell does Floid want from her!?

Does he really want to kill me by making me learn how to use this!?

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