How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 136: In Alvenheim (1)

The day has arrived for them to enter Alvenheim, the country that is both the homeland of the elves and the first country created, chosen by the gods. Alvenheim boasts strict immigration procedures, as mentioned before, so we set off early in the morning.

Following that, together with Marie, Rina, and the other two, they traveled by carriage to the palace, which can be considered the symbol of the empire. Since Cecily mentioned that she would depart from Helium instead of the Minerva Empire, she wasn’t present.

And if you ask why we are going to the palace, it’s because the teleportation facility for moving between countries, rather than just regions, is located there. The teleportation device at the Requilis Mansion can only transport to locations within the Minerva Empire.

“Are we going to enter Alvenheim directly from here?”

“No, it’s not like that. We’ll arrive in Alvenheim, but we still have to provide detailed identification and state our purpose for entry there. Think of this place as an intermediate point.”

After a while, we arrived at the teleportation facility. It was installed on the outskirts because it was deemed unsafe to have it inside the palace. The security measures, including guards and the stern appearance of the building, were strict, possibly to prepare for any unforeseen accidents.

When I visited Helium, I didn’t have a chance to enjoy it as I used Cecily’s personal teleportation device. But now that I was facing it directly, it seemed fascinating.

The size of the building wasn’t as large as expected, and at first glance, it resembled a prison.

While observing the unfamiliar teleportation device, I discreetly glanced at Rina standing beside me. She was currently giving instructions to the escort knights who had accompanied us.

It seemed like they were discussing the immigration procedures.

“Isaac, this is your first time traveling to another country, isn’t it?”

Marie, who was standing beside me, asked as she looked at Rina. When I turned my head, I saw Marie’s face beaming with a smile.

‘Come to think of it, Marie doesn’t know.’

Due to the high-profile theft incident, I had briefly visited Helium in the past. However, that visit was kept secret between me, Cecily, and Arwen. Marie was unaware of such an event taking place.

So, she would naturally assume that this is my first time going to another country. I awkwardly smiled and scratched my head.

“Yeah, and I’m a bit nervous about Alvenheim. Marie, have you ever been there?”

“Well, actually, it’s my first time in Alvenheim too. I’ve been to places like the Ters Kingdom or the Belua Republic, but this is my first experience with a country mainly populated by a different species.”

“So, you have no idea about it at all?”

“Well, I heard that the immigration process is ridiculously strict. And my dad mentioned that there’s some racial discrimination.”

“Racial discrimination, huh…”

As I listened to her story, I pondered over it. In my previous life, there was racial discrimination based on skin color, but it seemed to be called racial discrimination here because the species here are different.

I also heard from Cindy that the older generation, in particular, frequently engages in discriminatory behavior. It’s not just them, even some improperly educated younger generations do it occasionally.

The more I think about it, the more I feel like they are the perfect embodiment of “arrogance.” They may not surpass humans in terms of extremes of light and shadow, but they can definitely be compared.

“What about Cecily? Cecily is a demon, right? It seems like it would be even worse for her than us.”

“I’m worried about that too. She managed to get the entry permit, but I’m not sure what will happen after that. Apparently, demons have never set foot in Alvenheim before.”

Marie expressed her concerns with a voice full of worry. In reality, regardless of which country it was, “official” entry for demons was nearly impossible. Most of them resorted to illegal entry, and Helium had enforced a semi-closed-door policy.

The situation improved significantly after Xenon’s Biography, but there were still tensions with Alvenheim. Even if they allowed entry on the surface, nobody knew what was happening internally.

Because of this, I worried that Cecily might face discriminatory treatment in Alvenheim. However, if that were to happen, it would escalate into a serious diplomatic issue. Obtaining permission to enter was equivalent to officially stating the intention to visit.

Not only Alvenheim but also the Minerva Empire had long spread rumors. They knew that both Rina and Marie, including myself, were going to visit Alvenheim to witness Arwen’s speech to the nation.

By the way, Rina and Marie were introduced as a princess and the next duchess respectively, while I was introduced as Marie’s fiancé. It was only natural for Marie to smile with joy upon hearing that.

“Still, don’t worry too much. If that happens, it will only tarnish Alvenheim’s reputation. Besides, we are planning to stay at a nearby inn.”

“Are we going to stay at the inn all the time? Don’t you want to go out and explore?”

“If you want to, it’s fine. But I’m not sure if that’s possible. After all, you and I will be sharing the same room.”

“… …”

As soon as I mentioned sharing the same room, Marie’s face turned red in an instant. Yet, she tightly held my hand, representing her desire implicitly.

I smiled and gave her a reassuring squeeze, as if I could understand her inner thoughts without saying a word. Marie let out her characteristic tickling laughter and looked delighted.

Although it was a joking remark, considering the infamous entry procedures of Alvenheim and our exhausted bodies, it seemed like we would need to rest at an inn for a day. Just in case, I had brought along books and notebooks.

“Now, let’s go. They said everything has already been arranged inside. We just need to stand on the magic circle.”

“When we move, we start the entry procedures there, right?”

“Yes. It won’t be as strict as its reputation suggests, so don’t worry. We are nobles, after all. Our identities are already guaranteed.”

“Got it. But, Rina, have you been to Alvenheim before?”

“I went once with my brother. I even met the queen back then.”


Visiting Alvenheim was one thing, but hearing about her meeting Arwen was new information. How did Rina end up meeting Arwen?

Seeing the questions on my face, Rina smiled and casually replied.

“I had the opportunity to visit the Alvenheim’s Academy just once. It was inside a gigantic tree called the World Tree. It was truly fascinating. I met the queen during that time.”

“How was it compared to Halo Academy?”

“It’s much better there. I guess it’s because the academy was built by the elves themselves. Even a simple spell costs a lot in our budget.”

When will humans be able to use magic freely, like elves or demons, maybe not just as effortlessly as breathing, but accessible to anyone with enough effort?

If not, it wouldn’t be bad to harness the power of science. Honestly, seeing the existence of air conditioners and refrigerators, it seems like machines are more than likely to be created.

With such futile thoughts in my mind, I stepped into the teleportation facility. Passing by the security guards guarding the entrance, I entered the building, and I felt the air grow heavy.


Immediately upon surveying the interior, I let out a sigh filled with various meanings. There were intricate magic circles on the floor, and around them were mages wearing robes. Rather than teleportation, it felt more like summoning demons.

Moreover, the murmurs of the mages in a foreign language echoed subtly, creating an eerie atmosphere.

“All preparations are complete, Your Highness. You may stand on the magic circle.”

A hoarse voice interjected while I observed the preparation process. It seemed to be the person in charge of managing the teleportation facility. I nodded in response and walked towards the magic circle. As I moved, Marie moved with me, still holding my hand. Soon, as everyone heading to Alvenheim climbed onto the magic circle, the former person in charge opened his mouth.

“Teleportation will be activated in 10 seconds. 10… 9… 8… 7… 6… 1.”

Wait a moment. Why did it suddenly jump from 6 seconds to 1? Before I could react or say anything, the person in charge activated the magic circle with his distinctive hoarse voice.

“Departing to Alvenheim.”


At that moment, a bright light, blinding enough to make my eyes ache, burst out from the magic circle. I tightly closed my eyes and waited silently until the light disappeared.

As a precaution, I squeezed Marie’s hand with a firm grip, and I could feel her silently reassuring me by gently exerting strength.

Thanks to that brief moment of relief, the light emanating from the magic circle gradually diminished. Feeling that it was safe to open my eyes, I quietly opened them.

Could it be that the bright light erupted in an instant? In my field of vision, black spots swirled and obstructed my sight. Nevertheless, it wasn’t to the point where I couldn’t see anything at all, so I could still distinguish things.

The wizards who had surrounded the magic circle just moments ago had disappeared without a trace, and in front of me a man stood confidently. When I looked closely at his face, he had a beautiful appearance and, along with it, ears much longer than those of a human.

The man was none other than an elf. As I stared at him with a dumbfounded expression, he flashed an elegant smile and spoke kindly.

“Welcome to Alvenheim, everyone. You can proceed with the immigration process over there.”

“Um… Hello?”

“Yes. Hello. Red-haired gentleman.”

In a moment of surprise, I greeted him, and the elf man responded smoothly with a gentle demeanor. Feeling foolish for doing it for no reason, my face flushed with embarrassment.

Meanwhile, Rina, following proper etiquette, greeted the elf and spoke up.

“Hello. I am Rina Urmi Christine, the First Princess of the Minerva Empire. Have you heard about our arrival?”

“Of course. You can follow that path for the detailed immigration procedures.”

“Thank you. Let’s go, everyone.”


I looked around as I followed behind Rina. Unlike the teleportation facility I saw earlier, this place was filled with dense trees. The unique scent of the forest tantalized my senses, and everything around me was green. Moreover, I only saw one elf guarding this place.

As I passed the elf man who seemed to be in charge, our eyes met. I couldn’t tell what he was thinking, but he gave us an elegant smile while looking at us.

‘Are they just letting us go this easily?’

The immigration process in Alvenheim is known to be notoriously strict. So, I had mentally prepared myself for something tougher, and it felt somewhat anticlimactic to be sent off so easily.

Or maybe if we continue down this path, some kind of checkpoint similar to a customs office will appear. I had a creeping suspicion and asked Rina. There were escort knights beside us, but we didn’t need to pay much attention to them, so I used informal language.

“Are we going straight into Alvenheim now?”

“No, that’s not it. If we walk a little further ahead, there should be an institution set up for the immigration process. We’ll go through the actual immigration process there.”

“What about the person we just saw?”

“He’s a wizard who manages the teleportation facility. Unlike humans, elves can use teleportation with just one wizard.”

“Can he manage it alone?”

“He’s probably an expert in that area since he has to transport multiple people. And he’ll be on guard in unseen places. The forest is like a sanctuary for elves.”

It seems like they were serving as border patrol in an unseen location. I became fascinated as I learned new facts one after another. Upon seeing my expression, Rina smirked and told me about the plans ahead. Specifically, she explained how to smoothly pass through the immigration process.

“If you use the teleportation facility, you’re usually considered VIP and the immigration process becomes much smoother. So, as long as you don’t give strange answers, you should be able to pass without any issues.”

“For example?”

“When they ask about the purpose of your visit, you shouldn’t simply say it’s for travel. You need to provide detailed information about where you’re traveling, which inn you plan to stay at, and when you’ll be departing. We’re considered VIPs, so it’s easier for us. As you know, elves are particularly strict when it comes to other races.”

“Why are elves so strict?”

It wasn’t my question but Marie’s. She was filled with curiosity in her blue eyes.

However, Rina either didn’t know much about that aspect or purposely avoided the topic and passed it on to me.

“Well, I’m not quite sure either. Maybe Isaac knows?”

“Do you know, Isaac?”

“Well, it’s just a guess… It’s probably because of the racial war.”

“The racial war?”

Marie had an expression that seemed to ask for a detailed explanation. The same was true for Rina, who was beside her. It seemed like they both genuinely didn’t know.

As I looked at the curious gazes of the two women, I slowly organized my thoughts and began explaining one by one. It was easy for me to talk about the story, since I had heard about it from Cindy.

“As you both know, humans and elves fought a racial war 300 years ago. It was a war that caused significant damage not only to humans but also to elves. However, for elves, 300 years is like 30 years for humans. On the other hand, for humans, it’s been more than three centuries. Humans have recorded the war in their history, but elves still remember it. That’s why the immigration process might be strict. The aftermath of the war is still ongoing for elves.”

“Is it to prevent possible terrorism, perhaps?”

“In a way, yes. However, keep in mind that elves have only recently started adopting an open policy. Naturally, they have to be cautious. A single drop of water can cloud the whole pond, as they say.”

“I see…”

After listening to my explanation, Marie exclaimed in agreement. It wasn’t just her, but Rina had a similar expression on her face as well.

Shortly after, Marie let out a mischievous laugh and clung tightly to my arm. Then, she repeatedly kissed my face and murmured in a voice filled with happiness.

“To think that such a smart and handsome person is my boyfriend… I feel like the luckiest woman.”

“Marie, isn’t Rina watching?”

“Then let her look. How is it? Jealous?”

Marie joked and crossed her arms, teasing Rina. It was a scene that could never have happened if they hadn’t recently reconciled, or rather, it wouldn’t have happened at all.

Rina smirked at Marie’s innocence and couldn’t hold back her words, as if she couldn’t help herself.

“I envy you. I wish I had a guy like Isaac. Handsome, smart, and…”

Rina paused for a moment, gradually lowering her gaze. Eventually, her eyes stopped in the middle and she tightly sealed her lips. At the same time, a faint blush appeared on her face.

Not knowing what she was thinking, I tilted my head curiously. Just as I was doing so, Rina subtly shifted her gaze and coughed lightly.

“Ehem, it’s nothing. Just jealous.”

“Are you thinking about it again?”

Just as Rina was about to respond, Marie abruptly interrupted. The question seemed to hit the mark as Rina became visibly flustered and started stumbling over her words.

“Oh, no! Absolutely not! I’m not a pervert…!”

“For someone who’s not, your face is awfully red. Are you, by any chance…”

“Sh, shut up! Isaac will misunderstand!”

Why is my name suddenly being mentioned? As I wondered, Rina emerged with a face that had turned as red as Marie’s.

For a brief moment, eyes of a similar shade to Marie’s were fixed on my face, repeatedly shifting up and down.



Rina swallowed nervously, unsure whether it was due to the pressure or her own tension. Considering her usually composed personality, it was an unexpected reaction.


Meanwhile, Marie, perhaps thinking she had caught something interesting, uncrossed her arms and approached Rina stealthily. Her subtle nasal sound and expression indicated that her mischievousness was at play.

Following that, Marie approached Rina and whispered softly into her ear.


Though I couldn’t understand what Marie said, with a brief remark, Rina’s body jolted visibly. Her snow-white skin turned completely red, and her trembling lips caught my attention.

What could Marie have said? While I was curious, Marie chuckled softly, uncrossing her arms and clinging to me.

“What did you say?”

“Oh, it’s nothing. Just playing a little prank.”


Considering it was just a prank, the reaction was quite intense. Rina had buried her face in both hands and couldn’t even lift her head.


“… …”

Regardless of whether Rina responded or not, Marie stuck close to me, giggling. Afterwards, we were able to set foot on the distant checkpoint.

“No, it’s not allowed. Even if you have permission, unless it’s directly approved by the Queen or the Council, demons are not allowed to step foot in Alvenheim.”

“How many times do I have to say it? I received direct permission from the Queen, and I have the documents right here. Do you seriously not believe an official decree issued by the Queen?”

“Why would our Queen permit demon entry for any reason? Show me proper evidence.”


Amidst the heated argument over entry procedures, we came face to face with Cecily.

Translators note:

3/5 Two more chapters coming later today

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