How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 137: In Alvenheim (2)

The relationship between elves and demons is subtly complex, but it can be said that elves unilaterally dislike demons. Demons have made countless efforts to be recognized as human beings and have not discriminated against elves or any other race.

As a result, even though elves are wary of and disdain demons, demons themselves do not pay much attention to it. However, during the race war, demons did keep an eye on humans, so there was some contact between them.

If demons had not helped the human alliance, the elves’ self-destruction would have caused great damage to humans as well. There are research results suggesting that the reason humans were able to use magic easily was also due to the demons’ interference.

Thus, the relationship between elves and demons is subtle. Elves despise demons, who are descendants of devils, but demons simply overlook it. If Xenon’s Biography had not appeared and the perception of demons remained the same, and if Alvenheim had not pursued an open policy, the conflicts between the two would have been minimal. The reason they did not confront each other, despite being wary of each other’s existence, is due to the risk of mutual annihilation and the lack of justification.

However, as time passed and the world changed, the opportunity arose for the demons to move towards the light, and the elves reached out their hands, shedding their arrogance.

Although they have never clashed before, the conflict between these two polar opposites is a situation that could potentially occur someday.

“Noona, what’s going on?”

“Hmm? Oh.”

I approached Cecily, who was engaged in a confrontation with an elf, and called out to her. Cecily, who had been catching her breath, widened her red eyes at my appearance.

Gartz, who had been standing beside her all this time, politely nodded his head in greeting. I also returned the gesture by nodding my head in silence and refocused on Cecily.

Cecily, dressed in a pitch-black dress that complemented her hair color, exuded an aura befitting a princess. The material and delicate appearance of the dress gave the impression of being suitable for going out, but even ordinary clothing was elevated to an air of luxury when paired with her.

While I observed her attire, Cecily glanced at Marie and Rina next to me and then expressed her fatigue.

“It’s nothing major. I just have a slight headache due to the immigration procedures.”

“Immigration procedures…”

Upon hearing the mention of immigration procedures, I turned my head to look at the elf with whom she had been clashing. He had a handsome appearance befitting an elf, but there was a firm and sharp impression about him.

He was dressed plainly, but there was a symbol on his chest that seemed to indicate his rank. It seemed that he was one of the personnel assigned for the immigration procedures.

“Let me reiterate, please provide more concrete evidence. Even if you have a document, how will you prove its authenticity? Being a demon, you could easily forge such a trivial magical document.”

“Can’t you see the stamp of the queen’s approval? This seal is an enchanted insignia that cannot be replicated even with magic. It’s something I wouldn’t be able to accomplish no matter what.”

“Therefore, I request more solid proof. The queen’s seal alone is far from sufficient.”

I could gather a rough idea of the situation. It seems that the immigration officer is refusing entry by finding faults due to the suspicion that Cecily is a demon.

This alone would be a significant diplomatic offense, but considering the situation in Helium, it can be seen as an external pressure. As you know, Helium had to quietly endure harsh treatment from neighboring countries until the events related to Xenon’s Biography unfolded.

But that’s not the case anymore. Helium has started actively engaging with neighboring countries for several months, unveiling their hidden strengths all at once to firmly establish their presence.

The problem here is that it’s still in the early stages. Helium has had little diplomatic experience with other countries for centuries, and their perception is only gradually improving. It cannot be guaranteed what might happen if something goes wrong.

Therefore, if Cecily handles the situation even slightly incorrectly, she could face severe consequences. I’m not sure if the immigration officer has thought that far, but the situation remains difficult.

‘Can a princess, not even an ordinary noble, be treated like this?’

Perhaps because they may not know how powerful the demons, especially Helium, are, they act that way. Even during the racial war, the demons supported the human alliance from behind and did not engage in direct armed conflict with the elves.

The typical arrogance of the elves towards humans has been diluted through the racial war, but their perspective towards demons remains unchanged.

I alternated between observing the immigration officer and Cecily, then asked Cecily.

“Noona, can you show me that official document?”


“Just curious.”

It’s unlikely, but Arwen might have approved it strangely. There might be a possibility.

Cecily handed me the official document without any suspicion at my request. The official document was rolled up like a scroll, and the texture of the paper was noticeably different from ordinary ones.

After carefully unrolling the rolled-up paper, I found a neatly written official document. At the bottom, there was a stamp proving it was from Queen Arwen.

[I, Queen Arwen Elidia of Alvenheim, hereby approve the entry of Princess Cecily Drat Eisilia Vin of Helium and her escort knight, Gartz Balak.]

Although it was a brief content, the letters written with a special pen sparkled like stars. It seems to be deeply related to magic.

The date written on the stamp, as well as the context that seemed to be written with magic, clearly indicated Arwen’s approval. With this alone, there is no way Cecily would be denied entry.

With a puzzled expression, I asked the immigration officer, as I couldn’t understand it at all.

“Umm… No, it’s an official document directly issued by the Queen. Why can’t you believe it?”

“It’s not that I don’t believe it, but I need something more certain than this.”

“Isn’t this one thing enough?”

“No. The entry of a demon is unprecedented in the history of Alvenheim, so it’s an inevitable procedure.”

Have you ever seen someone so stubborn? I can somewhat understand how Middle Eastern people feel when they try to enter the United States.

Other races might be similar, but demons, who have the risk of transforming into devils, are always a cause for concern. However, it’s particularly severe in the case of elves.

Moreover, elves pride themselves on being chosen by the gods, while demons are descendants of the devil, so it’s natural to dislike them. It’s somewhat comparable to white people discriminating against black people based on race.

Anyway, such discrimination is unjustifiable. I questioned the examiner with a voice that expressed my complete lack of understanding.

“If this document is genuinely approved by the Queen, what are you going to do about it? Are you willing to take responsibility?”

“I’ve already requested confirmation from the higher-ups. If you just wait, there won’t be any issues with the entry. The Queen will personally verify it.”

“How long will it take?”

“That, I don’t know. Since it’s the first time for a demon’s entry, it might take a while. It will at least take two days.”

Wow… I’m amazed. He is refusing entry because he didn’t receive instructions from higher-ups. It seems excessively inflexible.

Elves are known for their strong stubbornness due to their distinctive pride, but I didn’t expect it to be this intense. No wonder they imprisoned Iker during the racial war.

Cecily gave the officer an exasperated look, as if it wasn’t frustrating enough.

“Can you take responsibility for this situation? It’s a serious breach diplomatically. Can’t you even imagine what will happen if this news reaches the Queen’s ears?”

“It doesn’t matter. I have witnessed 400 springs, and I have realized that a 1% chance is not a negligible figure. It is my duty to seal even the slightest gap.”

They say ignorant people become scary when they have beliefs, and this immigration officer clearly exemplified that. A typical stereotypical elf, showing it vividly.

Moreover, having lived for over 400 years, he must belong to a generation that experienced the racial war. It’s no wonder his gaze towards demons is far from favorable.

However, this is clearly a misguided measure. I asked the officer calmly, with a tone questioning their sincerity.

“Excuse me. You mentioned sealing even the slightest gap, but originally, if you seal even the slightest gap, you lose flexibility. If you keep doing that, someday it will explode when it can’t withstand the internal pressure.”

“This is not your concern. Go to another officer and go through the immigration procedure.”

“I think it’s something I should be concerned about. Just because of your misguided judgment, it will cause significant damage to the entire Alvenheim. Are you really okay with that?”

“What nonsense are you talking about? I simply…”

“Whether it’s certain or not, whether it’s approved or not, are you ignoring it? Are you disrespecting the Queen, or what? Are you a higher authority than the Queen? It’s an abuse of power, an abuse of power.”

As I displayed the document and meticulously examined each section, the expression on the officer’s face turned cold and rigid. The atmosphere also felt heavy and oppressive, but I refused to back down.

How can any man remain silent when my woman is subjected to such discrimination? If I can endure it, then I would be the lesser person.

“What if Princess… No, Her Highness decides to return and officially lodge a complaint? It would undoubtedly serve as a catalyst for Alvenheim and the entire Elven race to be humiliated. Even though Helium has only recently started diplomatic relations, this would be a disgrace to your nation. And you would become an elf who contributed decisively to the nation’s disgrace. Elves hold honor and dignity as dearly as their own lives, and you have undermined it all as an immigration officer.”

“… …”

“You mentioned wanting to seal the gap, right? That belief is admirable. It’s always good to be prepared for contingencies. However, the official letter shown to you by Princess Cecily is a kind of conviction that blocks even such contingencies. And yet you refuse entry? You simply dislike demons, there seems to be no other reason.”

Whether it was the blunt strike or not, it seemed to have an effect as the officer’s face turned reddish-purple. When someone else brings out the ugliness buried deep in their heart, it’s only natural for that person to get angry.

It doesn’t matter if I’m denied entry like this. I can ask Siris or Arwen to secretly smuggle me in. Smuggling is a big risk if caught, but as long as I safely reach the country, the chances of being caught are slim.

“… You’re saying something interesting. Do I appear to be refusing entry due to personal emotions?”

“Given the circumstances, it’s hard not to see it that way.”

“Ha! Well, as a human, I suppose you can say such things. Humans have always been a race of greed and foolishness. Unlike us, who are flawless, they cause many problems.”

The officer finally brought up discriminatory remarks after losing their temper. Although I have never experienced racial discrimination in my past life, I ended up facing it here.

However, it doesn’t bother me much. Perhaps it’s because the influence of my past life runs deep, making me more sensitive to ethnic discrimination rather than racial discrimination. I could just brush it off, thinking that since he’s an elf, it’s to be expected.

“…You should reconsider what you just said.”

The officer’s discriminatory remark didn’t sit well with me, and Cecily spoke in a low voice. Not only her, but Gartz’s expression hardened, and Marie and Rina didn’t seem any different. I have no idea what criteria were used to select an elf as n immigration officer, but he has clearly crossed the line. I haven’t done anything other than point out the facts, yet he dug their own grave.

I had a feeling that I would have to wait for a while to enter the country. I stared directly at the officer, who returned my gaze with a cold look. Perhaps due to my height, our eye levels were almost equal.

“Well… that might be true. Humans often commit numerous wrongs due to greed, selfishness, and foolishness.”

“Then why, knowing that…”

“That’s why humans have greater potential for progress than any other race. Humans may commit wrongs, but at least they recognize and try to correct them. People progress when they acknowledge and rectify their mistakes. But to be flawless…”

I smirked and delivered a sharp remark to the arrogant elf before my eyes.

“That’s a species with absolutely no potential for development, truly a race without dreams or hope. It’s just as someone said.”

“… …”

“If you truly want to become flawless, start by recognizing where you went wrong and work on fixing it. The moment you become consumed by arrogance and think you’re always right, all that remains is self-destruction. I believe you understand what I mean, having experienced the racial war.”

If even after saying all this, you still refuse to humble yourself, then I truly have to give you credit. Stubbornness truly can be strong.

I heard from Cyndi that Elves, as strong-willed as they are, often reluctantly concede when their pride is touched.

“Is that all you have to say?”


“Then just leave now. None of you are allowed to enter.”

But here, there was an elf who overcame stubbornness with pride. Although I didn’t know about anything else, the rigid person in front of me seemed truly hopeless.

Just as I was about to retreat, an unfamiliar voice came from another direction.

“Hahaha. I came just in case, and here you are, doing this.”


It wasn’t the elegant and noble tone unique to Elves, but rather a casual tone filled with levity. I turned my head towards the direction where the voice came from.

When I turned my head, there was an elf man approaching me with a bright, cheerful smile on his face. His graceful and light footsteps were somewhat unique. His hair was a bright emerald green color, reminiscent of grass, and he boasted an enchanting beauty befitting an elf. On the surface, he seemed like a person exuding positive energy, but…

“K-Keir, Keir-nim…!”

Judging by the officer’s reaction, something seemed off. As soon as the elf called Keir appeared, the officer’s expression filled with fear.

(TL note: His name translates the same as Kair from xenon’s saga, so I will be changing it to Keir for clarity unless it’s stated otherwise.)

Passing by me, Keir approached the officer and grabbed his shoulder. As he grabbed the shoulder, the officer’s complexion turned pale blue. Still wearing his cheerful smile, Keir spoke, his voice as soft as his footsteps.

“I requested it several times. The Princess of Helium will be visiting soon. So, I said that both she and her escort should be allowed entry.”

“H-However, the demons…”

“The descendants of devils? Time bombs that could explode at any moment? Is that really important right now? They’re honored guests who have come to witness our Queen’s speech. Guests. Understand?”

“I… I apologize.”

“Don’t apologize, explain yourself. The princess has the approval letter, and I even requested their entry. So why did you deny them entry? Just tell me once.”

Although his demeanor was gentle, it only made the atmosphere more terrifying. Even I, watching from the side, felt that way, so how must the officer feel?

The atmosphere continued as if something was about to happen, and the officer, whose complexion turned pale, swallowed hard before quietly speaking up.

“…I couldn’t help it.”

“Can you say that again?”

“It was an unavoidable situation, in order to prepare for the worst-case scenario.”

An immigration officer who upheld their beliefs until the end. I couldn’t decide whether to admire their determination or lament their stubbornness beyond imagination.

“I couldn’t help it…”

And upon hearing that response, Keir sighed and patted the officer’s shoulder. Then, with a faint smile, he spoke softly.

“Well, I guess I can’t help it either.”

After saying those words, Keir carefully removed the emblem attached to the officer’s chest.


He kicked the officer’s abdomen forcefully. The impact was so powerful that he was sent flying and crashed into the wall, unable to even utter a cry of pain.

If being slammed into the wall like that, I wonder just how strong the kick was. I can guarantee that if I were hit with that kick, I would either be instantly killed or seriously injured.

Even though the officer is an elf with a naturally sturdy body, he would still need to recuperate for a few days.

When everyone was left dumbfounded by the sudden turn of events, Keir, wearing a calm expression, pinned the officer’s badge to his own chest and looked at me.

Finally, he smiled kindly and asked me.

“Since the immigration officer is absent, I’ll take care of the process on their behalf. How far did we discuss?”

“We haven’t talked about anything yet.”

“Hahaha. Let’s leave that behind for now. I would like to see some proof of identity or an approval document. The princess there as well.”

Indeed, even among elves, there had to be eccentric individuals.

Translators note:


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