How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 139: In Alvenheim (4)

If we were to choose the most beautiful city in the world, regardless of what anyone says, it would be “Yggdrasil,” the capital of Alvenheim and the pride of the elves.

With various descriptions such as a land flowing with milk and honey, the cradle of the first civilization, the city of gods, and the benchmark of the world, Yggdrasil is a source of pride and dignity for the elves.

Three thousand years ago, during the war with the devils, the gods personally handed over the seed of the “World Tree,” which has been nurtured and protected until now, growing into a gigantic tree and becoming a symbol.

As it is a tree that grew from a seed bestowed directly by the gods, it possesses various abilities. First and foremost is its power to purify evil mana. Despite the chaos that engulfed the world during the devil war, Alvenheim remained unharmed thanks to this purifying ability.

Merely coming into contact with the mana caused the devils’ bones and flesh to wither away, and even the elves were able to borrow this mana and successfully eliminate them.

The second ability is healing. If the World Tree’s magic power represents a kind of divine power, the dew of the World Tree possesses tremendous healing properties. It is one of the important ingredients of the “Elixir,” which is said to even revive someone on the verge of death, and its rarity makes it invaluable, with only the administrators knowing when and where it will fall.

Lastly, it lies within the World Tree itself. The World Tree is considered the most sacred gift by the elves and is also used as a temple. However, it is not an ordinary temple, in human terms, one must be at the level of a Pope or a Cardinal to enter.

Even the queen cannot enter freely, which demonstrates the reverence it commands. Although humans also have the Holy Kingdom Xavier, they are making great efforts to set foot in the World Tree.

Like this, the World Tree is not only a symbol of the elves but also their pride and a precious treasure to the humans. Moreover, it serves as their last line of defense as elves can draw strength from it in times of crisis.

“That’s a real tree, right?”

“That’s right.”

“Are you ignoring the perspective?”

After going through the immigration inspection, we arrived at Yggdrasil. I couldn’t help but be amazed, like Marie, who was standing beside me with her mouth wide open. The view before us was beyond words, even the expression “breathtaking” falls short of describing its beauty.

Various buildings lined the wide road, which was pretty, but compared to the colossal tree standing at the end of the narrowing path, it was far from sufficient. The city and nature were separated yet harmonized, creating a scene that resembled a painting.

No, even a painting couldn’t capture this spectacle. The World Tree seamlessly blended with the city, showcasing the beauty of nature without a hint of awkwardness.

The sight of civilization and the vastness of nature merging into one surpassed freshness for me.

“You must have noticed, but the tree over there is the World Tree. It grew from the seed the elves received from the gods 3,000 years ago. The fact that the elves were chosen by the gods is not without reason.”

While I was admiring the scenic view of the city, Rina explained the history of the World Tree to me. I already had knowledge of it due to my familiarity with history, but hearing the explanation while seeing it firsthand made it feel new.

I was amazed by the majesty of the World Tree, which had steadfastly stood in its place for 3,000 years. It made me realize once again the existence of this world’s gods. Unless it was a god, it would be impossible to create a seed like the World Tree’s.

For a while, I admired the World Tree and then lowered my gaze. Beneath the towering branches, a beautiful city unfolded, comparable to the splendor of the World Tree.

If the World Tree is a gift from the gods, Yggdrasil is the first civilization built upon the land. It lives up to its reputation.

If the capital of the Halo Academy resembles medieval Europe, the streets of Alvenheim exude an ancient Greek atmosphere. It strangely fits, considering that ancient Greece had a significant influence on European civilization.

The most noteworthy aspect here is the citizens of the city. It’s natural that there are many elves in the elven nation, but it’s still fascinating. It feels like seeing white or black people, which are rarely seen on the streets in Korea, when you go to Europe. Moreover, they displayed vibrant and varied colors, regardless of gender, as expected of elves, making the eyes joyful.

While observing the citizens, I turned my gaze aside. Amidst the constant bustling around the streets, my eyes caught a glimpse of Marie.


When Marie noticed me staring intently, she turned her head and met my gaze. Her eyes were filled with curiosity, blinking.

Unable to resist her cuteness, I smiled warmly and gently petted her head. Marie, with her hair as lovely and adorable as any elf, was not inferior in any way.

“If Marie had long ears, I’d believe she’s an elf.”


“Of course.”


Marie hugged me tightly in response to my heartfelt compliment, burying her face against my chest. The elven onlookers observed our affectionate display with strange glances, but we soon had to continue on our way.

However, not all of the elves were like that. Most of them showed not only signs of discontent but also puzzling reactions, aside from walking and muttering. It wasn’t because of me and Marie, but rather because of the presence of Cecily and Gartz standing beside us. As expected, the reason was that they were demons.

Unlike the elves who generally wore bright-colored garments, Cecily and Garth stood out even more with their attire consisting entirely of black shades. Adding to that, an air of nobility and dignity emanated subtly from them. Some elves even showed displeasure openly without trying to conceal it. These elves were most likely from the older generation.

Given their appearance, they displayed an aura of superiority that made others think twice before approaching them, like judges evaluating a case. It was evident that things would not have gone well if they were ordinary demons. Those elves would have easily predicted the outcome.

And Cecily, who was receiving countless cold glances…


Contrary to her mature appearance, she let out an adorable, cute sneeze. She even sniffled her nose. Her face was slightly flushed as well.

Ever since she arrived at Yggdrasil, her condition had been getting stranger, and she began to show symptoms. It was not just her, even the Gartz wes experiencing similar situations.

He seemed to be enduring somehow with a stoic expression, but cold sweat was dripping profusely. He also frequently sneezed, and the two of them seem to be the only ones whose condition has worsened. Worried, I called out cautiously,

“Noona, are you okay? Gartz’s condition seems the same, and you’ve been sneezing since earlier…”

“Yeah, I know. It’s definitely not a cold… Could it be because of the mana of the World Tree? Ugh.”

Cecily sniffled and shifted her gaze towards the World Tree towering above the city. While others were fine, only the two of them, being demons, experienced such abnormalities. The World Tree actually emitted mana that purified evil in real-time, so it could have a considerable impact. The symptoms were similar to allergies.

Perhaps the sacred energy emitted by the World Tree, which is the opposite of demons, is causing this phenomenon. Thankfully, the symptoms only manifested as allergies, and nothing more serious.

However, if they continue to be exposed to it like pollen allergies, there is a high possibility of more problems arising. Cecily seemed to realize this and spoke with a slightly worried voice.

“I guess we should give up on exploring the streets and head straight to the inn.”

“That would be for the best. After all, we were planning to go to the inn anyway.”

“Then let’s depart quickly. I’ll take the lead. Cecily, did you make a reservation at the inn I told you about?”

“Yeah. I did… Achoo! Ugh.”

I thought the sneezing was cute earlier as well. Even though it distanced Cecily from her usual image, it made her even more charming.


…Gartz was unique. Even though he covered his mouth with a mask, he sneezed while holding it back with his fist.

Anyway, we moved to the reserved inn without looking around. While heading to the inn, numerous gazes were directed towards Cecily and Gartz, but we were in a hurry and didn’t pay attention.

Unlike during the immigration inspection, there were not only Gartz but also several imperial guards around us. Even if they were elves, they had the right to dispose of any threats immediately.

It means they shouldn’t provoke us without being someone who has lost their mind. Thanks to that, we were able to move comfortably, unlike just a moment ago.


Cecily’s image aside, thanks to the measures taken, the flush on her face seemed to have subsided, but it seemed unavoidable that her nose was itching.

“Are you managing?”

“I’m getting used to it now. I have the mana defense system activated. It’s a bit bothersome… Achoo! Can’t help it.”

“I’ve been thinking about it since earlier, but your sneezing is really cute.”

“Is that a compliment?”

It’s a bit ambiguous to call it a compliment. It’s cute, but sneezing itself isn’t.

Cecily smirked when I kept my mouth shut and stayed still, then she quietly approached me. She crossed our arms and subtly leaned her head against mine.

With her fragrance that stimulated my sense of smell and the soft sensation transmitted through my arms, my mind was almost overwhelmed, but I managed to suppress it. It’s not just the two of us, there are also the bodyguards that Rina brought, and I’m not sure if it’s okay like this.


“Just stay still. It’s because it’s cold.”

“Ah… Okay.”

What can I do about it? I looked at Cecily, who leaned against me and closed her eyes, with a trembling expression.

It would be nice if it passed like this, but my jealous girlfriends would never stay still. I took my gaze off Cecily and looked in the other direction. Lo and behold.

Marie alternated her sharp glances between Cecily and me, and our eyes met directly. Then she puffed up one cheek and turned her head with a huff!

I guess I’ll have to gently appease her at the inn. Cecily’s health isn’t good right now, so let’s pay a little attention to her.

How much longer did it take?

“This is the inn we reserved. How is it? Isn’t it beautiful?”

“Oh… It looks pretty.”

“Even among elves, they’re different.”

We arrived at the aristocratic-exclusive inn that Rina had reserved in advance. As Marie and Cecily commented, the exterior of the inn was not extravagant, but it exuded a beauty that emanated from simplicity.

Overall, the wall was predominantly white, but there were scattered vines that gave it a natural feel. At first glance, it looked like a ruin, but also appeared to be a building touched by people’s hands.

Now, what about the interior? I followed Rina as she entered first. Cecily and Marie followed suit, both with their arms crossed with mine.

“Welcome. Welcome to the Sanctuary of Stars.”

A pleasant female voice greeted us as soon as we stepped inside. I turned my head to see an elegantly dressed elven woman welcoming us.

Her dress, like the colors of the building, was also white. Her wavy blonde hair and bright smile instantly warmed my heart. It seemed that she was an employee or the innkeeper of this place.

Rina nodded in response to the elf woman’s hospitality and got straight to the point.

“I made a reservation under the name Rina Urmi Christine.”

“Ah! Guests from the Minerva Empire, I see. Understood. You reserved a single room and a double room, correct?”

The single room was for Rina alone, and the double room was for me and Marie. After all, Marie and I were engaged.

Marie seemed pleased with the fact that she would be sleeping and waking up in the same room as me, as she clung to my arm. By the way, Cecily uncrossed our arms as soon as we entered the inn.

“Yes. Where will the guards be staying?”

“We have arranged separate accommodations for them. The guests can go up to the third floor, and the guards can go up to the second floor.”

“Thank you.”


The gaze of the elven woman shifted and settled on Cecily. At the same time, an unknown current settled within the inn.

Could it be that she would also make discriminatory remarks like the immigration officer? Of course, not only me but everyone’s gaze was fixed on the elven woman and Cecily.

After a momentary silence, the elven woman’s heavily closed lips opened.

“Princess Helium, right? Cecily Drat Eisilia Vin.”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“Welcome sincerely to the Sanctuary of the Stars and Yggdrasil. As a princess, you can go up to the third floor.”

Surprisingly, the feared incident did not occur. Perhaps it was natural, considering that not all elves would send discriminatory glances towards demons, and it was just that the previous officer was an idiot.

Moreover, from the elven perspective, if Cecily were to be rejected, then even a noble among nobles could put their existence in jeopardy. I’m not sure what her true feelings are, but I can at least say she is wise.

“Thank yo… Achoo!”

“Right. We will remove the purification magic from the room where the princess and her escort knight will stay. As a demon, you must be sensitive to the mana of the World Tree.”

In addition to this, they even showed consideration. It seems they have an open-minded mindset like Keir.

Afterward, we moved to our respective rooms to unpack, and Marie and I stayed in a double room. Well, it was a spacious room that was more than enough even if it was called a double room, it was so cozy!

“Wow~ It’s really soft and fluffy! Isaac, try lying down.”

“I’ll do it in a little while.”

As soon as I arrived in the bedroom, unlike Marie, who immediately flopped down on the bed, I started unpacking slowly. In fact, there wasn’t much luggage, just a few books, so it didn’t take long.

Next, I checked the time. It was exactly 5:20. It would soon be time for dinner. Since there was a speech tomorrow, it seemed best to stay at the inn instead of going out today.

“By the way, even the clock in this noble accommodation is so fancy.”

I was thinking that as I looked at the clock.

Suddenly, Marie, who had been lying on the bed, had taken over my back. It was fine that she had taken over my back, but the subsequent action was the problem.

Marie’s hands that rested on my chest were slowly and sneakily moving down, like a snake.

At first, I flinched and was taken aback, but soon I could only sigh. Even though it’s like that, it hasn’t been more than five minutes since we arrived.

I firmly grabbed Marie’s hand and scolded her.

“No. At least eat after dinner…”

“I’m hungry in a different sense.”

“… …”

This horny white fox-like creature.


“Phew. It feels like I can finally relax.”

The single room right next to the two-person room where Isaac and Marie are staying.

Rina, a beautiful blonde lady, took off her stuffy dress and changed into casual clothes. Though they were just ordinary clothes, more comfortable than the dress, there was still a noticeable difference.

She then sat on the plush bed and looked around the room. The scenery of Alvenheim’s Inn, which can be considered the beginning of culture, caught her eye.

It appeared modest yet strangely magnificent, with flower beds arranged here and there. Moreover, the air felt purifying, as if it cleansed one’s mind.

According to the innkeeper, it was said that the mana of the World Tree purifies the dull energy, so it’s natural to feel at ease. It might be the opposite for the demons Cecily and Gartz, but since it was resolved, there should be no problem.

“Isaac and Marie should be over there, right?”

Rina shifted her gaze and looked at the wall. Isaac and Marie would be sleeping together on the other side of that wall.

Perhaps tonight…

“… …”

As Rina’s vivid imagination surfaced, her face momentarily flushed, and she swallowed hard. Even though soundproofing was mentioned, it was only her own speculation and not certain.

Of course, being a noble-exclusive inn, they must have taken care of all the precautions. But just in case, she brought something with her.

She took out an item that she had hidden carefully. It was a short cylindrical container with holes on both ends, like a straw.

At first glance, it may seem like an ordinary item with nothing special, but surprisingly, it was an item imbued with magical abilities.

‘I heard that if you place it against a wall and listen closely, it can eavesdrop, and if you look through it, it allows you to see through things.’

It was an item borrowed from Leort after much persuasion, so its effects were certain. The question was whether it would work in this inn, suspected to have thorough security measures.

Nevertheless, it was better to try than not. Rina swallowed her saliva and turned her head towards the wall where the couple was staying.

She knew it was a crime, but… it was impossible to suppress Rina’s curiosity, fueled by her growing sexual desire. Whenever she saw Isaac, that thought kept crossing her mind, and she felt like she was going crazy.

So, to satisfy her curiosity and to verify if it was true or not, she brought this item with her, as an excuse to test it.

‘I-I’m just testing it. It’s a test.’

Rina was unaware, but her face was as red as a tomato. Her heart pounded as if it was about to burst, and her breathing became rapid.

Afterward, Rina alternated between looking at the item and the wall, swallowing her saliva once again as she held the item up to her eyes. Her first intention was to test its ability to see through things.

Anyway, she was too preoccupied with unpacking and settling in with Isaac and Marie, so there couldn’t possibly be anything beyond the wall…


What did I just see? Rina quickly removed the item from her eyes.

Although it had a semi-transparent appearance, it was definitely visible. People she was familiar with were on the bed.

And on that bed…

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Her heart pounded as her mouth went dry and her chest felt like it would burst. With trembling legs, she slowly walked towards the wall.

Finally reaching the wall, she cautiously pressed her ear against it. As expected, the soundproofing was thorough, and she couldn’t hear anything.

What if she used an item? Rina placed an item against the wall and pressed her ear against it.


She could hear it. Clearer than before.

She focused even more and strained her ears. Then, the desired sounds started to flow into her ears and resounded in her mind.

Yes, this sound is unmistakably…


Rina let out a breath she had been holding. At the same time, she pressed her ear tighter and moved her empty hand downward.

How much time has passed since then?

“Huh? Where did Rina go?”

“She was just tired and took a rest. We’re having dinner in the room, right?”

“Is that so?”

Rina didn’t show herself to the group that day.

Translators note:

Ain’t no way Rina just got a voyeurism fetish…


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