How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 138: In Alvenheim (3)

Despite a storm passing by, Cecily managed to go through the immigration process somehow. Due to the official’s stubborn refusal, Me, Marie, and Rina had to start from the very beginning. However, Keir followed the proper procedures and even had an approval letter directly from Arwen. Even if the official behaved like an idiot and caused trouble, with just this document, it was as good as having a fast pass.

“I won’t publicize this matter, but I will file a complaint to the queen. Since there will be a national speech and we handled the situation well, I’ll endure it a bit.”

“It doesn’t matter. It’s our fault, so we have to accept it sternly. I guess it’s also a good opportunity to get rid of that guy.”.

“What will happen if you fire him?”

Cecily pointed to the back where Keir was writing several documents and asked the question. In the direction she pointed, the unconscious official was being carried away by other elves.

Although it was just a kick, it was strong enough to slam him against the wall, so it seems even the toughest elf couldn’t avoid fainting.

Keir looked at Cecily’s indicated direction and replied in a calm voice.

“Princess, I’m not sure if you are aware of our customs, but elves typically dedicate their entire lives to their professions. Unless their thoughts change or there are unavoidable circumstances, they do not step down from their positions. However, if they commit a grave mistake and are driven out, it becomes a significant issue in various ways. Not only are they unable to work in related occupations, but in the worst case, they may even receive the punishment of ear-cutting.”

“Ear-cutting punishment… It must be the most severe penalty for an elf. What about that person, then?”

“Since he insulted a princess from another country, at the very least, one of his ears will be cut off.”

As mentioned before, an elf’s ears are a body part that should never be damaged. Therefore, ear-cutting punishment is one of the dreadful penalties for an elf. An elf with severed ears will not be treated as an equal among other elves, but will likely face a lifetime of contempt and disdain. While the dark elves might not care much since they willingly cut their own ears, for the regular elves, it’s like advertising themselves as criminals.

The officer would no longer be able to proudly declare themselves as an elf for the rest of their lives. It was a price befitting their arrogance.

“I like that.”

“I’m glad you find it satisfactory.”

Cecily wore a satisfied expression because she also knew that, thanks to Keir’s tactful handling, only Arwen would suffer, and it wouldn’t bring disgrace upon the entire Alvenheim.

There was a brief disturbance, but she began listening to Keir’s instructions on what to be mindful of, one by one. What was even more surprising was that he showed ‘consideration’ for Cecily.

No matter if Cecily is the princess of Helium, it seems she is concerned about the difficult situations she may face as a demon.

“So, are you planning to stay for a few days after the speech?”

“After listening to the speech, I plan to return immediately. I guess I have no choice because of the Academy.”

“Oh, by the way, you mentioned that you enrolled in the Halo Academy, right?”

“You know it well.”

“With so many changes happening in the world, I feel left behind if I don’t read the newspaper. Anyway, since you said you will return after the speech, I will issue your permit. As a similar situation could occur again, please keep the Queen’s approval with you and here is my approval letter…”

Is he really the same elf as the overly strict immigration officer? Although the officer was excessive, it is generally common for elves to look down on demons.

Cecily glanced at Keir with a strange look, as if she had similar thoughts to mine.

“You are different from that officer, aren’t you? Your name is Keir, right?”

“Yes, I’m Keir Windhooper. Just an ordinary warrior from Alvenheim. And it’s a mistake to think that all elves are the same as that guy over there.”

“Have you also experienced the racial war?”


Though it was a brief exchange, it made Keir even more special. The officer over there, who also experienced the racial war, had a completely different mindset.

“First of all, sincerely welcome to Alvenheim, Princess Cecily. It may be late, but I hope you can witness the beauty of Alvenheim with your own eyes now.”

“Thank you for the warm welcome. And hey, guys? Balak and I will be waiting over there, so you can come slowly.”


“And Keir… What’s your position?”

“I was originally a supervisor, but I became an officer five minutes ago.”


Unable to hold back, I finally burst into laughter at his witty response. As I looked away, still chuckling, Cecily stared at Keir with a strange look in her eyes.

After a moment, she smiled faintly and spoke quietly.

“Alright, officer. Please make sure this kind of thing doesn’t happen again. Understood?”

“Well, as an elf, it might be difficult to avoid that, so I think I’ll need to do it at least four times.”

“An amusing response. Balak, let’s go.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

“May your journey be short but enjoyable.”

Keir stood up from his seat, bending his waist in a respectful farewell. Despite the favorable first impression, each of his movements exuded the elegance unique to elves.

Sometimes light-hearted yet occasionally firm, and not overly rigid—a distinct personality. Such a character is uncommon even among non-elves, but being an elf makes it even more noticeable.

“Will the Young Lady also return home after the speech?”

“Yes. Oh, by any chance, are there any specialty products that I must buy if I visit Alvenheim?”

“Honestly, anything you buy will likely be a specialty product. I think Young Lady would look good in a dress woven with white silk. Since there’s only one day left until the speech, let me recommend some places…”

As it was Rina’s second visit, they smoothly moved on, and Marie kindly explained even the smallest details. Marie, who was setting foot in Alvenheim for the first time, listened attentively to his stories, feeling slightly excited.

Although I felt a little uncomfortable seeing my girlfriend interacting with another man, especially an elf, I could relax after hearing what Keir said that followed.

“My wife and daughters also have white hair like Lady. It will definitely suit her well.”

“Are you married? Ah, you mentioned that you experienced the Racial War. Excuse me, but may I ask how old you are?”

“I have witnessed 532 springs until now.”

He was an elf who had lived for over 500 years and was a married man. That elf named Keir was undoubtedly a rare species.

“Thank you. Thanks to you, I can save some time.”

“Don’t mention it. You even showed concern earlier, so I should do at least this much. Anyway, I sincerely welcome you to Alvenheim. You can board the teleporter over there to reach Yggdrasil.”

Marie received a welcome greeting from him and stood up from her seat. Then she moved to the area where Cecily and Rina had headed earlier.

Finally, I was left alone and started moving forward without Keir specifically calling me. Keir opened his mouth with his characteristic leisurely voice as I sat opposite him.

“You probably saw it earlier, but we’ll do a simple background check. What is your name?”

“My name is Isaac Ducker Michelle.”

“Isaac Ducker Michelle… the child of the Red Lion.”

“Do you know my father?”

I was surprised when Keir seemed to know about my father, who was no ordinary person. It seems he instantly recognized the combination of red hair and golden eyes.

“It’s not easy to find such a strong human. After the racial war, there was technological development, but there are few humans who can fight on par with Warrior Commanders, like Red Lion.”

“Has my father fought against a Warrior Commander?”

“Not exactly, but I heard news that he defeated a martial artist who could match a Warrior Commander in combat. There are no absolutes in battles, but it should be close. He is actually strong.”

Now that I think about it, I’ve heard that my father had a record of subduing martial artists who were scattered in the border areas during his active duty. Perhaps one of those martial artists had the skill to rival a Warrior Commander.

Although he had the assistance of the military, I’m not surprised anymore since he also had a record of subduing dragons. Combat and the military are distant stories for an ordinary person like me.

“Are you also a knight by any chance?”

“No, I’m a student aspiring to be an ordinary scholar.”

“That’s unexpected. Anyway, I sincerely welcome you to Alvenheim. Here’s your entry permit.”

“Thank you. By the way, Keir, are you a soldier as well? I heard that you participated in the racial war.”


“It may be an abrupt question, but how do you feel about humans, Keir?”

I suddenly became curious upon hearing stories about my father and Keir’s participation in the racial war. While Keir sees even demons as ordinary people, I wonder how he truly perceives humans.

The racial war resulted in a humiliating defeat for the elves, but it also instilled a sense of vigilance towards the human race. Just like the officer I encountered earlier, some elves are still unable to regain their senses, while others, like Keir, have broadened their perspectives.

When Keir heard my question, he blinked and smiled mischievously before turning the question back to me.

“Do you want a sugar-coated answer, or should I be honest”

“I would appreciate it if you could be honest.”

“I consider humans to be a fearsome race.”

“A fearsome race…”

It was an answer that felt unfamiliar, coming from an elf who is inherently more skilled than humans. However, I had to take into consideration that Keir had participated in the racial war. Instead of standing up from my seat, I firmly sat back.

Keir also seemed to be intrigued by me, as he maintained a gleeful expression and continued to smile.

“Why do you think that way? No matter how much humans progress, they can never catch up with the inherent abilities of elves.”

“That’s why it’s even scarier. Earlier, you mentioned something. Humans commit numerous wrongdoings due to greed, selfishness, and foolishness. But paradoxically, their potential for development is superior to any other race. In fact, after observing more than 500 springs, humans have shown an incredible capacity for progress. On the other hand, we have experienced only one significant change during that time.”

“Are you referring to the racial war?”

“Yes. And currently, there is a rapid change happening due to the issue of mixed-bloods. Depending on the speech the queen delivers, the situation will change. I hope she does well…”

Judging by his words and the clouded expression, it was genuine. Keir genuinely cared about Alvenheim.

Such a person made me doubt if he truly fit the arrogant elf image. Perhaps he was a mixed-blood like Arwen.

Seemingly having read my inner thoughts, Keir immediately spoke up.

“Oh, by the way, I’m not a mixed-blood. Even though I may seem like it, I’m 100% pureblood. You could say I’m a native.”

“…The term ‘native’ sounds strange.”

“Does it? As long as you understand, it doesn’t matter. Hahaha.”

“You often hear that you’re not very elf-like, right?”

“That’s actually what my wife found attractive about me and confessed first.”

His lightheartedness was refreshing, almost to the point of being cheerful. Even if humans didn’t know, it was certain that he would receive cold gazes from other elves.

Moreover, Keir is a warrior, specifically a soldier. Given the strict characteristics of the military, such a personality can only bring disadvantages in various ways.

“Well, during the racial war, this kind of personality was frustrating in many ways. I felt disillusioned when my superior, who treated me well, was held by the Council for absurd reasons.”

“… …”

The superior who was held, could it be General Ikher? It’s almost certain considering being held by the Council for absurd reasons.

As if reminiscing about the past, Keir glanced at the desk with a faint gaze and smirked. It was a reaction that implied a sense of indifference, as if it didn’t matter anymore.

“What good does it do to say it like this? It’s already in the past. I apologize for saying unnecessary things.”

“No, it’s rather me who should apologize for touching a sore spot. It would be disrespectful to speak to a war veteran like this in the first place.”

“It was nice to think about the old times after a long time. Is there any information you need?”

“Not particularly. I think I should be going now.”

“I wish you a pleasant journey. Oh, and please don’t misunderstand about making a pass at your fiancée. I definitely didn’t do that.”

“Uh, uh.”

Could it be that he saw my expression back then? I felt embarrassed for no reason and cleared my throat unnecessarily. However, I couldn’t help but blush in embarrassment.

Eventually, just like he did with others, Keir politely handed over the entry permit and bid farewell. I also gave a courteous farewell and walked in the direction our group was heading.

In human society, carriages are commonly used, but this is Alvenheim. Teleportation facilities were available to travel to different regions. Naturally, there are teleporters that lead to the capital and to Yggdrasil.

“A bit late, aren’t you?”

“Just had a little chat.”

“He was a really peculiar person, wasn’t he?”

I nodded in response to Marie’s question. Such a personality was extremely rare, even among non-elves. But because he was an elf, it stuck in my mind even more.

“Will you include that person later on? People would find an elf with such a personality interesting, wouldn’t they?”

“I already have Mary, though. But I should consider it. The material has come my way unexpectedly.”

“Would that person also read Xenon’s Biography? He would say, ‘Could it be me?’ when they see it, right?”

Cecily also seemed impressed by Keir and asked me various questions, most of which were about whether I would include him in Xenon’s Biography.

I didn’t completely dismiss the idea, so I gave a vague answer. This conversation wouldn’t leak outside since there was no one around, and Cecily had already installed soundproofing measures.

And so, while contemplating whether to include the character Keir in the Xenon’s Biography…



Gartz, who had been listening quietly, cleared his throat.

Translators note:


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