Human King

Chapter 136: Moris

Chapter 136: Moris

Dawn then stood up as he was thinking to train his Aura now.

After all, he already knew the basic things that he has to know about the Aura.

He just needs to train it now, and he would be able to become stronger.

At least, that's what Dawn thought.

However, there was something that even Dawn didn't expect.

And that was...

"How do you train Aura?"

Dawn didn't know how he would train Aura, and that was something fatal.

After all, if he doesn't know how to train Aura, that would mean he has hit a wall.

And if he doesn't break through that wall, that would mean that he...cannot be stronger.

"Hmmm." Dawn hummed as he looked at the trees.

Dawn was unexpectedly lost at a strange turn, but well.

It's not like Dawn would be an all-knowing God where he could just say that it is.

This was just proof that Dawn, although he was special, was still a goblin.

"Aura." Dawn said as he produced Aura and let it flow to his hands.

If he doesn't have anything to work on, he would have to create one.

That was how Dawn thought of this situation as he was literally lost.

However, he didn't want to fall behind or something like that.

He needed to get stronger as fast as possible, and Dawn was just desperate for it.


The light that Aura emanates coursed through his body and ended on his hands.

It was beautiful and strong, but Dawn didn't care about that.

He quickly produced some more Aura and let it flow to the same hand that has Aura.

After all, if there were something that Dawn knows about Aura, that would be the Great Force.


The light that the Aura emanates became stronger, and it was pushing away the wind as well.

It was strong, but it surely wasn't the type of Great Force when Dawn killed the bone monster.

This Great Force that Dawn created had the feeling of...chill.

Easy, breezy, and chill. It was smooth.

"Hmm. So it depends on what I want as well." Dawn said as he confirmed his suspicion.

After all, if Aura were just like his body part, that would mean that he could control its toughness.

If Dawn could control his hand to make it as hard as possible, that should be possible with Aura as well.

And since Dawn has always made Aura to be hard, he tried it to be soft.

It went successfully, as Dawn could see the results of his work first hand.

"If there are different types of Aura, could I change Aura itself?" Dawn said as he thought about it.

Dawn was able to use different types of Aura; one is hard, and one is smooth.

However, what if Dawn changed Aura itself?

What would happen? Would it result in a stronger Aura? Or would it result in a completely different power?

Dawn didn't know, and that was why he was about to venture.

However, when he was about to try, something disturbed him.


The leaves being disturbed could be heard, and Dawn could hear footsteps as well.

It was clear that someone was about to come here, but Dawn didn't mind it.

He didn't take any positions, and he didn't ready himself. He just waited for this someone to come out.

After all, he already knew what it was just from the feeling that he was getting.

He already knew that it was a goblin.


A figure coming out of the trees and the bushes made noise.

The sun has hidden its appearance, butDawn could tell it was big.

However, when the goblin's skin was revealed, Dawn's eyes widened a little bit.

After all, it was...gray.

"Hmm. You're the one who Karkas mentioned?" Dawn spoke as his eyes took in the form of the goblin who just appeared.

It was Moris, who was watching the goblins from behind.

He didn't really leave as he was just waiting for Dawn to wake up. After all, even if he didn't have his loyalty for Dawn, Moris was still considerate of the king.

That was why when he saw that Dawn was awake, he immediately went to meet him.

However, things weren't so pretty as Dawn was forced to fight two battles right off the bat.

"That's right." Moris said as he looked at the king eye to eye.

This behavior was something unheard of in Dawn's village, but he didn't really mind it.

After all, Dawn knew that every goblin had a personality.

They weren't some crazy lunatics that would just go batshit crazy for him.

It is only when they accept Dawn as the king would they go crazy.

"So, why did you come here?" Dawn said.

"Did you come here knowing that I...wanted the Five Great Clans?"

Dawn then raised the output of the Aura that was in his hands!

The effect was immediate as it started lighting up the area, but that was not all that happened!

The trees nearby were getting uprooted, and some more push would make them fly!

And in Dawn's blackish eyes...there was the shade of red!

The shade of rage!!

However, that shade of red soon disappeared as Dawn calmed himself down.

After all, there was no need to battle it out if this goblin were willing to become his subordinate.

It was then that Moris finally broke his silence as he spoke.

"I came here..."

Moris then bent his knees and went down on the ground.

He kneeled, and he placed his knuckles against the ground.

And the meaning of this action was clear. Moris was going to go under Dawn's submission.

"I came here to pay my respects to Your Highness."

"Oh, King of Goblins."

And when Dawn heard what Moris said, his Aura dwindled, and his face muscles wriggled a bit as he raised his eyebrows.

After all, Dawn didn't expect this from the goblin who was part of the Five Great Clans.

Although he knew that Moris did heal him, there was only one reason why he wouldn't appear in front of Dawn right away.

And that reason was that Moris wasn't sure about Dawn.

Of course, Dawn knew that as well as he asked.

"So, did I pass your little observation?"

Dawn said as he puffed out his chest. Although he was trying to act tough right now, he didn't exactly know what he was talking about.

After all, ever since Dawn woke up, he couldn't feel a single thing.

He didn't feel that he was being watched, and he also didn't feel that there was a strong monster nearby.

And just the fact that he couldn't feel anything proves that Moris was strong.

He was stronger than the Warmen since Dawn could still feel them.

However, it was because Dawn couldn't feel him that Dawn was sure that Moris was watching him.

It was quite ironic.

However, one could still say that Dawn saying that stuff was still a gamble. Although Dawn was sure, it doesn't mean that it would happen.

The world doesn't revolve around Dawn.

It was then that Moris finally spoke while keeping his head bowed.

His voice as he spoke was...calm. It didn't have the usual passion goblins would have when talking to their king.

"I dare not call it an observation. I was just simply watching from the guidelines."

"Isn't that the same?" Dawn said.

However, Dawn didn't plan to nitpick on everything. And that was why he continued speaking.

"What would you want to do, then?"

Dawn asked as he wanted to hear it from Moris himself.

He wanted to hear it coming out from the goblin's mouth.

And those words were, of course, the complete submission.

After all, Dawn knew that saying things is definitely a big thing.

Why? It was because of the Blessings of the Battlefield who was watching the goblins!

"I submit, Your Highness."

And when Moris said those words, Dawn could see it.

[The Fake King of the Goblins have acquired a subordinate who is part of the Five Great Clans.]

[The title, Fake King of the Goblins, would be changed into Second King of the Goblins.]

[The title, Irregular, would be given to the Second King of the Goblins.]

And as soon as Dawn read that, he quickly tucked it into the back of his mind for later investigation.

After all, this was not the issue that he was facing right now. The issue was that Moris was officially one of his subordinates.

After all, the Blessings of the Battlefield has said so.

"So, why did you just come out now?"

And when Dawn asked that, Moris lowered his head even more so.

After all, he knew that what he was about to say was extremely rude.

"I would talk with you, Your Highness."

"May I please have a little bit of your time?"

Moris said as he even lowered his head. It looked like his head was about to touch the ground now.

After all, what he was asking for was the king's time. Asking for that is basically asking for death.

That was why Moris' heart was beating so fast right now.

'Will he accept it...'

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