Human King

Chapter 137: Continue

Chapter 137: Continue

Moris was nervous about what was happening right now.

As he already submitted to him, and he knows that it was recognized by the Blessings of the Battlefield, there is nothing Moris could do now.

If Dawn wanted him dead because Moris was rude enough to ask for his time right off the bat, Moris would be dead.

He won't be able to fight back, and waiting for his death would be the only thing he could do.

That was why his heart was beating so fast right now.

'I don't regret it!' Moris thought.

Of course, he knew that asking for Dawn's time would result in some bad stuff happening.

He knew that, and yet he still did it. That means that he has some other motives in asking.

After all, it's not like Moris was a dumb fuck goblin that one could find anywhere.

In fact, Moris was smart. He could even stand toe-to-toe with Karkas with his intelligence.

And it was because of that intelligence that Moris exactly did something risky.

'If he accepts, that means he is different! I don't regret it!'

If Dawn accepted Moris' plea of talking with him, that would mean that he was a thinking goblin.

That would mean that Dawn was benevolent and was a forgiving goblin.

And that was exactly what Moris wanted to find out.

He wanted to know if this goblin was a good one or not.

He wanted to know if this goblin was something that the goblins needed or not.

He wanted to know if this goblin would bring light to the dark.

And Moris wanted to know even at the risk of his life.

After all, if Dawn were just like Dusk, Moris would want to die.

He wouldn't serve any of them, and he would just die on the sidelines.

If Dawn accepts, then Moris would be happy, and all are fine and well.

However, if Dawn does not accept and decides to punish Moris, it would be fine as well.

After all, Moris won't have to serve Dawn if that was the case.

And it was then that Dawn finally spoke.

"I don't like new guys testing me, but fine."

"I'll talk to you."

Dawn said as he withdrew that Aura circulating in his hands right now.

It didn't take long for the bright light to disappear as Dawn willed it to be.

And when that was finished, Dawn walked towards the rock that he was sitting on before.

If they were going to talk, Dawn wanted to sit down while having one.

After all, it seems like this one would take much time. Well, it's not like Dawn really cared about stuff like that.

And when Dawn was able to sit on the rock once more, he spoke again with a gruff tone.

"So? What did you want to talk about?" Dawn said as he looked down on the goblin called Moris!

His demeanor was just dominating, and it was clear that he wasn't pleased with what was happening right now!

After all, his training time went down the hole. He was disturbed, but he just let it go because Moris was a member of the Five Great Clans.

And while that was all happening, Moris had his eyes wide open right now.

After all, he didn't expect that things would go this way. He didn't expect Dawn actually to let him talk.

He didn't expect that he would be granted permission from the king, and that was crazy!

At least, for Moris, it was crazy!

After all, it would mean that Dawn was different compared to the king that they have back on the Holy Land!

And if it were different, that means that there would be a different future!

A different king for a different future...Moris liked the sound of that.

However, his thoughts ended there as Dawn spoke once more.

"Are you not going to talk? I already gave you permission. Speak up." Dawn said.

After all, Moris was just not moving while he was elated and happy at this revelation.

And although that somehow pissed Dawn off, he just decided to let it go.

Dawn wanted to know information about the Five Great Clans, the 'king,' and the whole goblin as a race from this goblin.

Even if Moris somehow didn't know much, Dawn would let it go. After all, this would be the first time Dawn would have a subordinate who could answer his questions.

Dawn's view on Moris was actually a positive and something great.

It was then that Moris was finally able to muster up his courage to speak once more.

"Your highness, I wanted to talk about the Five Great Clans."

And when Dawn heard what Moris said, he immediately showed a reaction.

It was something that he wanted to hear for so long, after all.

And the fact that Moris was here now felt like things were finally falling to his lap.

"Oh? I thought that you wouldn't talk about that one. Go on, tell me what you want to say."

Dawn said as his fangs showed up naturally. If there were something that Dawn learned during the time he lived, goblins were fierce.

Goblins were fierce in that one would have to fight and compete with one's life to get them under you.

Although Dawn was the king, Dawn still had to fight for the goblins that he has right now.

That was why Dawn was interested in information about the Five Great Clans.

Would they surrender to him knowing that Dawn is the king? Or Would Dawn have to fight against them for him to rule as the one sole king of the goblins?

Dawn has many thoughts about this whole situation, but he didn't judge based on just what he knew.

"I would like to ask you much do you know about the goblins?" Moris said as he lowered his head even more.

He didn't dare stand up when he was talking to the king. What's more, he actually dared to take Dawn's time.

Well, he just didn't want to show disrespect now that Dawn has proven that he was different from Dusk.

"Hmm..." Dawn hummed as he put a hand on his chin.

Now that he was asked this question, Dawn thought about it.

Although it was such a simple question, Dawn realized it was something complex.

If Moris were talking about the literal body of the goblins, Dawn could say that he knows everything.

If Moris were talking about how a goblin's body works or mind, Dawn could say that he also knows everything.

However, if Moris meant something else, Dawn wasn't sure if he could say he knows everything.

That was why Dawn knew that it was quite a tricky question.

However, it's not like Dawn has to respond to it with a tricky answer.

Dawn was a simple goblin, and he would answer in a simple way.

"Goblins are goblins. There's no need to think about things other than that."

After all, that was exactly what Dawn thought of the goblins.

There's no need to complicate things.

And Moris believed in that as well as he spoke.

"Yes, you're correct. However, there are things that you, the king, must know."

Moris' head was literally touching the ground right now. At the rate he was bowing his head, he would probably be digging with his forehead sometime soon.

"I must tell you the birth of the king...the birth of Dusk at the Holy Land of the goblins."

Moris then bit his lips as he hesitated to speak once more. After all, Moris could feel the power looming above his head right now!

What Moris just said could be considered treason to the king, and that was why he was having a hard time to continue speaking.

However, contrary to his thoughts, Dawn was actually the one to encourage it.

Dawn was the one to say that Moris should continue!

And he did that by speaking with a low and cold tone! It seems that even his voice was backed by Aura as Moris could feel it ring in his ears.

"Continue." Dawn said as his eyes were showing the shade of red once more.

After all, having a different king other than him is something absurd!

Dawn is and should be the only goblin king existing! For Dawn, the fact that he has to share the field with someone else is just preposterous!

Dawn's pride wouldn't let him share it! Just the fact that this goblin was still existing was a thorn for Dawn!

It was hurting Dawn's pride, and it was something that could possibly bring a rift to the goblin race!

And that was why Dawn was angry! His black eyes became completely red right now as he continued speaking once more!

His Aura was looming in the air, and it even pressured Moris!

"If what you say is bullshit, you won't survive."

Dawn said as he raged once more!

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