I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 158 A Dance

Elffire City, Pedrarruna Mansion.

The late Autumn night was cold, but inside the house, it was warm as two girls were in a trance as they listened to a song.

When the 30 seconds of the section of 'The Scientist' ended, Theo nodded as he found no errors in the track.

"Big brother, that was awesome!" Aurora exclaimed suddenly.

Theo jumped in his chair when he heard Aurora's voice.

Aurora and Ayia started giggling when they saw that.

Ayia had shining eyes as she looked at Theo.

He turned his head and saw two stunning girls looking at him while laughing.

He shook his head as he gave a wry smile.

Theo was so engrossed in the music that he didn't even notice the girls entering.

If he was attentive to his surroundings he would have noticed.

But Theo did not have to be alert in his house because he had his full trust in Sylph and the security system that she operated.

"Hey, girls!" Theo smiled as he looked at the two of them.

Aurora was in her school uniform, and she looked cute and beautiful with it.

Ayia was stunning as always, he loved her outfit. She looked so good in it.

"Sorry for not welcoming you, Ayia." He apologized.

"Don't worry about it. When I arrived, Aurora just arrived too. So, she let me in." Ayia replied with a smile.

"Yeah, I was just about to get in and she pulled her car behind me." Aurora giggled.

Theo stood up and walked to the girls.

He hugged his sister first and said, "What do you want for dinner?"

"Hmm, how about a noodle soup?" Aurora replied with a thoughtful face.

"Okay, I will do it." Theo smiled.

"Okay, now I have to take a shower and study. See you guys at dinner then!" Aurora exclaimed as she exited the recording room.

Theo and Ayia smiled at her as she went away.

When Aurora closed the door, they looked at each other and smiled.

"You look stunning!" Theo complimented her.

"Thank you! You're not bad yourself either!" She replied with blushed cheeks.

Theo walked to the girl and hugged her.

Ayia was already used to Theo's hugs so she immediately hugged him back.

When they let go of each other, Ayia saw his sweater and exclaimed, "A Kakashi Sweater? Where did you get it?"

Ayia was a huge fan of Naruto, and she asked Theo to send her the volumes as soon as they were released.

"Oh, we finished the Fuji Jump merchandise assembly factory last week. We will start selling sweaters like these next month." Theo replied with a smile.

"Really? I will buy tons of stuff when you guys open for sales then." Ayia said with shining eyes.

"Well, if you want I have a spare sweater like this one in the storage." Theo said as he remembered that Sayuri sent him multiple samples of the products they would sell.

"Of course I want!" Ayia exclaimed as she jumped around.

Her bubbly personality always got the best of her.

"Thank you!" She said with shining eyes.

"Sure, you're welcome." Theo laughed.

"So, what were you doing when we came in?" She asked as she looked around the recording room with curious eyes.

She knew that this a top-quality recording room used by artists, but she could not figure out what was Theo's purpose.

"Hmm, I will tell you, but you have to keep secret." Theo replied mysteriously.

"I will! I promise!" Ayia said as she tried to make a serious face.

Theo laughed when he saw that.

"Okay then. I am planning to launch a music album." Theo said with blushed cheeks.

He didn't know why he was blushing, but telling Ayia this made his cheek go red.

Ayia's eyes went wide when she heard that, even though she suspected something like that after hearing the section of the song when she arrived.

But hearing from Theo's mouth that he would indeed release a music album was too much of a shock for her.

She knew that Theo was a genius writer, cook, and pianist.

But she didn't even imagine that he not only was talented on the piano, but he was also talented with anything related to music from what she heard in the song.

"What? Oh my god! Why? Can I hear the songs? What will be..." Ayia started firing several questions at Theo with an excited face.

Theo was a little overwhelmed by the number of things she was asking.

He took hold of her shoulders and said with a smile, "Calm down. I will tell you everything."

Ayia giggled when she saw his exasperated face.

"Okay, tell me!" She said with shining eyes.

"Hmm, it all started with the desire to show other people the songs inside my head. Then I started enjoying the process of making music. So, I decided to launch my own album to share my songs with other people. I don't even care if it will be a success or not. I just want to share these songs with this world." He said with a brilliant smile.

Theo didn't want to lie to Ayia about the system, so he chose to just not say the exact reason. And what he said was the truth of what happened.

"Now I am in the middle of recording and editing the songs of the album. The first song is ready, and now I'm working on the second song."

"Let me play the first song ready for you." He said as he walked toward the computer.

Ayia followed him with stars in her eyes.

She loved hearing Theo saying that he just wanted to enjoy the moment, she could feel his joy as he worked on this project.

"The name of this song is 'Say You Won't Let Go'." Theo said as pressed the button to play the song.

The song started playing and Ayia listened with all her attention.

And her heart melted the more she heard.

'It is so romantic...' She thought with dreamy eyes.

Tears started coming out eyes as she listened to the song.

[...I wanna live with you

Even when we're ghosts

'Cause you were always there for me when I needed you most

I'm gonna love you 'til

My lungs give out

I promise 'til death we part like in our vows

So I wrote this song for you, now everybody knows

That it's just you and me 'til we're grey and old

Just say you won't let go

Just say you won't let go]

Ayia was not silly to think that Theo wrote this song for her, but hearing his voice singing this lyric touched her heart.

She would never forget this moment because at that moment this song became her new favorite song.

When the song ended Theo hugged the crying girl.

He also was a little emotional hearing this song with Ayia.

They just hugged each other silently as the song started playing again.

The two of them forgot everything else as they slowly danced to the romantic song playing.

They felt each other's heartbeats and the warmth of their bodies.

All the promises that the lyrics portrayed seeped deep into their hearts.

Even though they would still take things slow, they could feel their feelings becoming deeper.

And by the end of the song, they looked into each other's eyes.

Theo's silver eyes looked at the sunny golden eyes of Ayia.

He leaned in and put his lips on hers.

The two kissed for the second time while 'Say You Won't Let Go' played on the back.

A magical scene could be seen again in that house.

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