I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 159 Manager Hired

Inside a dimly lit room of a mansion on top of a hill, a song evoked a myriad of emotions in the ones listening to it.

A song could be felt more than just listening, when someone connected to the lyrics being sung, a magical scene would happen.

This song would be capable to reach deep down into ourselves and bring emotions that we may even fail to remember about them.

A young man could remember the childhood sweetheart that he lost contact with.

A middle-aged woman could remember her ex-husband.

An old man could remember his deceased wife.

The magical power of music also was capable of branding new emotions in that deep corner too.

And inside that room, emotions seeped into the hearts of the couple who was dancing.

Her heart rested on his chest as her arms hugged him tightly.

His head was nested on her fragrant violet hair.

They could feel each other's accelerated heartbeats as they moved slowly to the beat of the ballad.

They didn't say anything because they didn't have to.

Both of them felt each other's emotions through their heartbeats.

When the final chords of the song sounded throughout the room, he looked at her eyes and she looked at his eyes.

Their starry eyes exuded affection.

They leaned in and their lips met a second time that night.

A while later, they let go of each other while giggling.

They didn't need to say anything after what they did.

Both were adults who were mature enough to discern the other's feelings.

They would take things slow.

"So, did you like the song?" Theo chuckled with a flushed face.

"Oh my god! Yes! A thousand times, yes!" Ayia replied with an excited face.

"You are so good at it! This is my new favorite song!" Ayia couldn't stop complimenting Theo's work.

"When are you going to release your album? I want to listen repeatedly to it!" Ayia asked with an eager face.

"I will tell you everything as we cook dinner, come on!" Theo smiled and pulled her hand toward the kitchen.

He wanted to cook dinner for them and Aurora.

A flush crept up Ayia's face as she felt Theo's hands holding hers.

Even though they just kissed, she was still shy about holding hands.

A while later, Theo and Ayia started cooking together as he explained the details of his album.

"I was planning to release my album in one month, but if I don't find a manager to take care of my musical career, I will have to delay the release." He exposed the details as he cut some vegetables.

"Really? Why?" Ayia asked as she kneaded the dough of the noodles.

"Well, a simple explanation is because I'm a little overwhelmed by the number of things I have to do this month."

"For you to understand. I am recording and producing all songs of the album alone. You can imagine just by that the amount of work involved." Theo shared his difficulties.

Ayia was shocked when she heard that, it was common sense that artists had a team of people to help them to produce a music album.

But Theo was doing everything alone!

"Another thing is that I want to make at least two music videos about songs on the album. And I have to write the scripts and supervise the production of the videos. And that's because I don't even know where I can get a crew to shoot these videos."

"I also have to contact Track's management team to release my album on their platform."

"And you think that's everything? Not by a long shot! My Animation Studio will open next month and we have a tight schedule that will demand extensive working hours from me."

"And I even have to cook 5 nights per week in the restaurant." Theo groaned thinking how he would be able to do these things.

Ayia was overloaded just by hearing his explanation.

She could not even phantom the amount of work demanded to finish all these things.

"And how a manager will help you with these things?" She asked as placed the dough to rest by the side.

"Hmm, the manager can help me with the music videos and contact Track's management team. Just by doing that my schedule will be much easier. But I have no idea where to find a good manager. After all, I cannot hire someone I trust, but where will I find a good and trustworthy manager in so little time?" Theo asked with an exasperated face.

It was then a click sounded inside Ayia's mind.

Her eyes started shining as she had a brilliant idea.

"What if I get to be your manager?" She asked with an excited face.

"You?" Theo responded in surprise.

"Yeah! I majored in business management at Rainbow Sakura University, so I have the knowledge to manage your career. And you trust me. I am perfect for the job!" Ayia stated with a confident voice.

Theo was taken aback when he heard that.

First that she graduated from Sakura Rainbow University.

That was the most prestigious college in the whole world!

It was located in Sakura City, and only the best of the best could get in there.

And the second that she offered herself for the job.

He knew that she came from a prestigious family, so he feared that this might take a wrong note with her family.

"Are you sure? Your family won't be mad about it?" Theo asked hesitantly.

"They cannot say anything about the way I live my life after I graduated with max grades after just two years in college." Ayia snorted in an annoyed voice.

Theo saw her annoyed face, so he decided to not touch this subject again.

"Well, I would love to have you as my manager then!" Theo exclaimed with a brilliant smile.

"May we have a happy cooperation." Theo mimicked a professional voice.

"May we have a happy cooperation!" Ayia also tried to say the same thing without laughing.

A moment later, the two of them started laughing.

Theo felt that a heavyweight was lifted from his back.

He started to believe that he could finish his work this month.

"So, what's the next step?" Ayia asked later as they continued cooking dinner.

"Hmm, I think we need to search for a crew to shoot the music videos. The shootings may take some days and there is still the diting of the footage. We need to start looking for them if we want to release the music videos together with the album." Theo pondered as his hands skillfully made the sauce for the noodle soup.

"I know someone. But I don't know if he will accept doing a music video. However, even he doesn't accept. I can contact other people to do the job. I will also need the script for these music videos." Ayia responded with a thoughtful face.

"I will write it and send it to you as soon as possible then." Theo stated with a confident voice.

After getting help, he was pumped to work on his album.

The two of them talked about other details as they cooked dinner.

The scene of two people talking with smiles on their faces was seen in that kitchen.

It seemed as though they were used to cooking homemade dishes as if they cooked together in that kitchen for years.

A while later, a delicious noodle soup was placed on the dinner table.

Aurora arrived as Sylph said that dinner was ready.

"It smells delicious!" She exclaimed as she entered the room.

"Right?" Ayia giggled as she pulled the silver-haired girl to the table.

Theo smiled as he saw them.

It was a good night.

It was a perfect dinner with the people he cared about.

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