I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 164 The More Money, The More Risks

Elffire City, Yamada Mansion.

Ayia was at her office searching for the basic knowledge that a manager of an artist's career should have.

Even though she was a genius who graduated from Rainbow Sakura University, she didn't have any experience related to the music industry.

And one of the first things she learned in college was to always be attentive to all functions that the job position should have.

She was waiting for Theo to send the script so that she could contact the crew that she thought would be perfect for the job.

Ayia was so focused on what she was doing that she did not notice a black-haired woman entering the office.

The woman seemed to be proficient in the art of concealment because Ayia did not even notice that someone was behind her.

The woman stopped behind Ayia and looked at the computer screen.

"The Functions of the Musical Career Manager." Shizuka read out loud with a calm voice.

"AAAAAARGH" Ayia screamed frightened of hearing a voice behind her.

Ayia jumped from her seat and assumed a fighting position, but when she saw it was her sister she heaved a sigh of relief.

Ayia was annoyed as she looked at Shizuka's amused smile.

"Good reaction, Ayia-chan. But it seems that you forgot to always be attentive to your surroundings." Shizuka teased with an amused smile.

"Shizu-chan! Don't scare me! And I'm inside the mansion. Who will harm me inside the house." Ayia grumbled with an annoyed face.

"It seems that you have forgotten one of the first lessons that all Yamadas receive in our childhood. What's the lesson, Ayia-chan?" Shizuka asked with a serious voice.

"The more money, the more the risks." Ayia replied with a whisper as her head bowed.

This phrase may seem exaggerated, but it was a lesson that all ancient families in the Sakura Abode Country learned the hard way 60 years ago.

To understand what happened at that time, we have to talk about the two founding clans of the Sakura Abode Country.

After the peace treaty between the Pendragon Clan and the Yamato Clan was signed centuries ago, the recently born Country prospered and reached extreme heights.

But the price to pay for this prosperity was the extinction of the main lineages of the clans.

The only survivors were the side families of each clan.

The survivors of the Pendragon Clan were the Lionheart Family and the Ambrosius Family.

The survivors of the Yamato Clan were the Yasuko Family, the Sayako Family, and the Yamada Family.

That's right!

Ayia's family had a direct connection with two of the founding clans of the country!

After all, her dad was a Yamada and her mother was a Lionheart.

Theoretically, she could be considered the princess of the Sakura Abode Country.

But because the country adopted a democratic regime, she was not a princess.

Back to the story, two families from the Pendragon Clan and three from the Yamato Clan.

The five families took turns governing the country throughout the centuries, and they acquired a huge amount of fortune and power.

But at the beginning of the last century, when the world showed signs of a world war.

The five families got together and decided unanimously to withdraw from their position of power.

The country entered an era of democracy.

And little by little the people started to forget that five families reigned supreme in the country for centuries.

The five families decided to remain low-key, but that did not mean they stopped their business.

The five families took their huge accumulated money from the last centuries and invested in new enterprises.

And unsurprisingly, the five families got even richer after the world war ended.

Because the Sakura Abode Country did not participate in the world war, the country started to invest in the countries affected by the war.

After all, they could earn tons of money doing that.

The five families used their huge amount of money and invested in all sorts of things.

But there was one country that was not happy seeing the Sakura Abode Country taking this huge pie alone.

The Bald Eagle Country!

The country was born after the third survivor family from the Pendragon Clan left the country after disagreeing with the peace treaty.

The Walton Family survived throughout the centuries, and their dislike toward the five families from the Sakura Abode Country never faded away.

But they could not provoke the Sakura Abode Country, because they knew that this huge island country was the most technologically advanced in the world.

After all, most of the guns, cars, planes, and bombs used in the world war were bought from the Sakura Abode Country.

And everyone knew that what they sold was the most basic products, all the other countries estimated that the country had much more advanced products.

That's why no country dared to provoke the Sakura Abode Country during the world war.

But that did not mean that the Walton Family would tolerate the five families taking all the pie.

And now we arrive at 60 years ago.

The Sayako Family managed to invest in one of the countries that were affected by the war, this country had huge petroleum reserves.

And everyone in the Sakura Abode Country knew the huge importance of this black liquid, after all, it was this country that discovered its several uses of it.

The family was ecstatic when the deal was completed.

They lived a comfortable life and were not afraid of anything, after all, they came from the founding clans.

Who would mess with them in their country?

And it was that thought that doomed them all.

60 years ago, on a windy night, the whole family was massacred.

No one escaped alive.

The Lionheart, Ambrosius, Yasuko, and Yamada families were beyond furious when they got the news.

An investigation was quickly made, and all evidence pointed out that the assassins were foreign.

The now four families immediately thought of one family.

A family that hated them to the core.

The Walton Family!

The four families didn't have any doubt that this family was the culprit.

The elected president of the country at that time was also furious.

He knew the importance of these families to the country, he knew how they governed the country to reach the height they were at.

It was then that with the cooperation of the government, a witch hunt swept the whole Sakura Abode Country.

They were after any spy that may have gotten into the country.

And they found tons of spies, it was then that the Sakura Abode Country implemented severe conditions for entering the country.

And in the end, they did find the assassins, the Sakura Abode Country brought these assassins and all evidence to the International Court.

There they announced to the world that they would implement several sanctions on the Bald Eagle Country, and any country that did not agree with them would suffer sanctions too.

All the countries were more afraid of the Sakura Abode Country, so all countries also implemented sanctions on the Bald Eagle Country.

The sanctions were so severe that the economy of the Bald Eagle Country crashed just one day after the sanctions were implemented. 

p The country lost so much money, that its economy regressed for 30 years.

The president of the Bald Eagle Country did not have any other choice than to arrest the whole Walton Family and sentence all of them to death.

It was only after the evidence that the family was dead that the Sakura Abode Country withdrew the sanctions.

But the world never forget about how the Sakura Abode Country defeated another country with just sanctions.

The world would always wonder who the Walton Family assassinated because the Sakura Abode Country did not divulge that one of the founding families was destroyed.

That would crush the spirit of the nation.

But the four families would never forget how one of them was destroyed because they thought they were untouchable.

When the citizens of the Sakura Abode Country studied the history of their country, they would study the centuries when the five families reigned supreme. But the history books did not tell anything about where the families went after they stepped down from their throne. Most people figured that the families got dissolved and died out.

The country's citizens would not know that their founding families were still alive to protect these families.

After all, the memory of losing one of them was still fresh for the rest four families.

And that's why all members receive self-defense training from a young age, and the first lesson would always be:

"The more money, the more risks."

Shizuka didn't have to explain why Ayia had to be alert, she knew that her sister knew why.

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