I am the Entertainment Tycoon

Chapter 165 Disowned And Banned

"Sorry." Ayia muttered with a guilty face.

She understood why the family acted so vigilantly.

She was distracted for a while.

"So, why are you searching about managing musical careers?" Shizuka asked after she saw that Ayia understood the warning.

Ayia's eyes lit up with Shizuka's question.

"I can't tell you!" Ayia exclaimed as she turned her head sideways.

"But I tell you if you keep as a secret!" She said as she looked at Shizuka with playful eyes.

Shizuka shook her head seeing her sister being silly again.

"Sure, I promise." Shizuka replied with a calm voice.

"Not enough. It has to be a thumb promise!" Ayia exclaimed.

Shizuka's eyes widened a little when she heard that.

A thumb promise was unbreakable between the siblings.

After all, as Ayia used to say 'Th pinky is too weak, only the thumb can have an unbreakable promise'.

Shizuka couldn't even tell the rest of the family.

"Okay, then. I promise." Shizuka stated as she intertwined her thumb with Ayia's thumb.

Ayia took Shizuka's thumb with her thumb in excitement.

"Now can you tell me?" Shizuka asked impatiently.

"Sure! Theo is planning to launch a music album. And he was searching for a manager to take care of his musical career, so I volunteered myself for the job." Ayia declared with a victorious face.

"What? How is that even possible?" Shizuka asked in surprise.

She knew that Theo had multiple talents, but she never thought that Theo would think about launching a music album out of the blue.

"Is he even good?" Shizuka asked with a doubting voice.

"Oh, he is better than 'good'. Come here, I will play one of his songs." Ayia replied as she sat on her seat again to play one of the songs that Theo sent her.

Shizuka moved over to see if it was indeed true, or it was the madly in love brain of Ayia spitting bullshit.

After all, people in love are capable to find beauty in the ugliest and most awful things.

Ayia pressed the play button and 'The Scientist' started playing in the office.

Ayia was silent and observed Shizuka's eyes starting to shine as the song played.

Ayia knew that Shizuka loved music, as the black-haired girl used to listen to music while doing her daily tasks.

"That's so good!" Shizuka exclaimed when the song ended.

"Right? I was as surprised as you when I first heard him singing." Ayia giggled with an excited face.

"Yeah, I bet your eyes were shaped as hearts at that moment." Shizuka teased with a playful smile.

"Maybe..." Ayia muttered with a blushing face.

"Now I know one of the reasons why you want to be his manager. He is too talented! I bet that with this song his album will be a huge success." Shizuka pondered with a thoughtful face.

"You think only this song is good? Listen to this one then." Ayia added as she pressed the button to play 'Say You Won't Let Go'.

Shizuka was once again taken by surprise by hearing another great song.

She wondered where he took so much good stuff from.

"See? He's so talented. I have to be his manager. And it wouldn't hurt spending more time with him while doing that..." Ayia whispered the last part.

Shizuka giggled when she saw that.

"How did the date go last night then?" Shizuka asked when she remembered that the night before Ayia went to Theo's house.

"Oh, it was amazing! First when I got there..." Ayia then started to tell in detail about the night at Theo's house.

She did not keep any secrets from Shizuka, so she didn't have a problem telling her even the embarrassing parts when she kissed Theo.

Shizuka listened to everything with an amused smile, she loved seeing that her sister was happy.

The two girls gossiped with excited voices until Ayia received a text from Theo.

Ayia opened it and saw it was the script that Theo said that he would send her.

"What did he send you?" Shizuka asked as she leaned in to see the message.

"Oh, it is one of the things that Theo asked me as his manager. I have to hire a crew to shoot the music videos for the songs. He sent me the script of the videos for me to show the potential crew." Ayia explained as she texted back Theo.

"Oh, is he too busy for that?" Shizuka asked.

"Yeah, he is producing all by himself. Can you believe that?" Ayia shared with starry eyes.

"What? Doesn't artists have a team of people helping them?" Shizuka asked in confusion.

"I thought the same. but Theo said he wanted to do everything without any help. And on top of producing the music album, his animation studio will open for business next month, so he will be busy with that too." Ayia replied with a loving face.

She loved the fact that her crush was so passionate about his projects.

"I indeed heard that a studio was opening in the city. He is the owner?" Shizuka asked with a thoughtful face.

"Yeah, he told me that all the profit of his companies for the next months will be used to pay for the opening of this studio." Ayia replied as she remembered talking with Theo about it.

"A bold move." Shizuka stated.

"Well, I'm not worried about him. After all, he is great at everything he does." Ayia stated with a silly smile.

"That's the love talking." Shizuka mocked with an annoyed face.

"Maybe, but you have to admit that he is talented." Ayia laughed.

"Come on! Let's read the script that he sent me!" Ayia exclaimed as she opened the folder and started reading.

Shizuka shook his head and gave a wry smile as she started reading too.

And the more they read, the more the text touched their hearts.

When they finished reading, both had tears in their eyes.

Even the cold-hearted Shizuka.

"Why am I crying?" Shizuka asked out loud in confusion.

"Obviously, it touched your little heart!" Ayia exclaimed as she jumped on Shizuka.

The girls giggled after that.

"This music video will also be a huge success." Shizuka declared with a sigh.

How can someone be so talented?

Even the super genius Ayia could not compare with him.

"Yeah, I will have to contact our cousin." Ayia said hesitantly.

"You cannot be talking about who I am thinking about!" Shizuka exclaimed in surprise.

Their cousin, Arthur Lionheart, was a forbidden name in the Lionheart Family.

Ayia's mom's family were away more strict compared to the Yamada Family.

Because Ayia had the Yamada last name, she could enjoy the freedom to do whatever she wanted after she graduated from college.

But with the Lionheart Family was a different story, all the members had to do what the family ordered them to do.

Ayia's mom was married to another family, so she could enjoy freedom.

Ayia's cousin was a different story, he was the firstborn of the family leader's brother.

He could not marry into another family.

But Arthur had a dream, he wanted to be a director!

And when he finished high school, he mustered courage and asked his father if he could get into an Arts School.

Arthur was met with a vehement denial.

,m He was outraged that his own family didn't want him to realize his dreams.

So, he applied for an Arts School without his family knowing.

And when he was accepted he went to the college without warning the family.

When the Lionheart Family got to know what he did, they disowned and banned him from entering the family buildings.

They confiscated all the credit cards that he had, and Arthur had to live by himself.

It was difficult for him, as he never had to work to get the money to survive.

But he did not give up.

His luck was that had the scholarship to pay his college fees.

4 years later, he graduated from Arts School, but he did not manage to release a notable work.

He still had to work at odd jobs to pay the bills, sometime Ayia's mom sent him money secretly.

The family has forbidden anyone from helping him.

But she did not care, she would not let him starve.

And she knew that his mother helped him secretly too.

"Do you think he will accept?" Shizuka asked.

"Well, he needs a job to make him more confident about his skill as a director. And this is the perfect job." Ayia pondered with a thoughtful face.

"Okay, but let's use a disposable phone. Or uncle George will call our father." Shizuka said with a firm voice.

She knew that the Lionheart Family monitored Arthur's whereabouts all the time to prevent anyone from helping him, but she had the means to avoid their eyes.

After all, she was an expert hacker!

The girls then went to Shizuka's operation base, where her supercomputer was at.

Would they be able to get in touch with Arthur?

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